Part A
Part A
Part A
Part A 11
Part B 5
Part C 22
To Capture 38
Dr: Land 700,000 1 1 Accuracy of the journal
Cr: Deferred Tax 151,200 1 1 Consequential Deferred Tax
Cr: Equity at acquisition 548,800
At acquisition adjustmenrt of land
Carrying amount of land:
Cost: 3 500 000
Reval: 627 200/78.4 = 800 000 Grossing up of RS
CA: 3 500 000 + 800 000 = 4 300 000 2C 2 Calculating amount
FV adjustment: 5 000 000 - 4 300 000
Dr: Share Capital (SCE) 100,000 1 1 Eliminating given Equity agianst Investment
Dr: Retained Earnings (SCE) 23,700,000
Dr: Revaluation Surplus (SCE) 627,200
Dr: Equity at Acquisition (SCE) 548,800
Dr: Goodwill (SFP) 1,524,000
Cr: Investment in House & House (SFP) 18,500,000
Cr: Non-Controlling Interest (SCE) 8,000,000 1 1 Recognising NCI
Elimination of equity at acqusition against investment and recognition of GW and NCI
Share of Associates Profits
Profit for the year 690,129 1 1 Given
Depreciation (1 350 000/10) 135,000 1 1 /10
Unrealised profit (400 000 x 30/100)) (120,000) 1 1 x30/100
Realisation of profit (650 000 x 30/100) 195,000 1 1 x30/100
3 653 300 x 35% 315,045 1 1 x35%
Revenue: 43,600,000
Intragroup sales: Checkm8te (5,000,000.00) 1 1 Accuracy
Dr: Land (SFP) 350,000 1 Split between OCI & SPL
Cr: Revaluation (SPL) 100,000 1 SPL Amoint
Cr: Revaluation (OCI) 250,000 1 OCI Amount
Land 1,250,000
Investment Property 450,000
Building 1,680,000
Right of Use Asset (1 500 000/10 x 8) 1,200,000 1 /10 x 8
Lease Liability (1,241,910)
3,338,090 1 Carrying amount of CGU(inlcuding lease liability
Recoverable Amount 2,800,000
Impairment 538,090 1 Calc the impairment
First Allocation of impairment Carrying Amount Allocation Carrying Amount Over allocation
Land 1,250,000 162,860.17 1,087,139.83 1 Prorata allocation
Building 1,680,000 218,884.07 1,461,115.93 138,884.07 1 Limitation of impairment
Right of Use Asset (1 500 000/10 x 8) 1,200,000 156,345.76 1,043,654.24 1 Prorata allocation
4,130,000.00 538,090.00 3,591,910.00
Profit before Tax 2,100,000 1 Given
Dr: Land 700,000 1 1
Cr: Deferred Tax 151,200 1 1
Cr: Equity at acquisition 548,800
Carrying amount of land:
Cost: 3 500 000
Reval: 627 200/78.4 = 800 000
CA: 3 500 000 + 800 000 = 4 300 000 2 2
FV adjustment: 5 000 000 - 4 300 000
Communication: Narrations 1 1
Maximum Marks [14] 14.00 14.00
Revenue: 43,600,000
Intragroup sales: Checkm8te (5,000,000.00) 1 1