Mark Scheme For January 2013: Economics
Mark Scheme For January 2013: Economics
Mark Scheme For January 2013: Economics
Advanced GCE
Unit F585: The Global Economy
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© OCR 2013
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
Annotation Meaning
Benefit of doubt
Effective evaluation
No Development
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Too vague
Development of point
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
The following guidelines on the quality of written communication are embedded into the Levels of Response mark scheme used for question 3:
Level 4: Complex ideas have been expressed clearly and fluently using a style of writing which is appropriate to the complex subject matter.
Sentences and paragraphs, consistently relevant, have been well structured, using appropriate technical terminology. There may be few, if any,
errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Level 3: Relatively straightforward ideas have been expressed with some clarity and fluency. Arguments are generally relevant, though may stray
from the point of the question. There will be some errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar, but these are unlikely to be intrusive or obscure
Level 2: Some simple ideas have been expressed in an appropriate context. There are likely to be some errors of spelling, punctuation and
grammar of which some may be noticeable and intrusive.
Level 1: Some simple ideas have been expressed. There will be some errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
Question Answer Marks Guidance
1 (a) (i) Exchange rate (max 1 mark) 2 Award one mark for explicit definition of an
The price / value of one currency against another (1) exchange rate
Award one mark for description of fixed rate
Fixed rate:(max 1 mark)
where the exchange rate is set by the government / central Use for each mark awarded
bank (1)
where the exchange rate is pegged to another currency (1) Allow “stays equal”
where the exchange rate is maintained by intervention in
FOREX markets (1)
an exchange rate not determined by the market (1)
an exchange rate which is not allowed to fluctuate (1)
(ii) The exchange rate which equalises the price of a basket of identical 2 Up to two marks for an accurate and precise
traded goods and services in two different countries (2) definition or one mark for an idea of true value of a
currency, plus one mark for the idea of what a
An attempt to measure the true value of a currency (1) in terms of currency will buy
the goods and services it will buy / in terms of a basket of goods
and services (1) Use for each mark awarded
Do not allow
PPP as a measure of GDP (but one mark
can be awarded for an understanding of
adjustments related to differences in the cost
of living)
real value/ exchange rate.
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
Level 1 (1 mark)
For knowledge and understanding of the nature
of an external shock for an economy and / or a
monetary union
Annotate using in the LHS margin
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
One mark for an explicit distinction between the two: Do not accept money owed by “the country
budget deficits add to the nation’s debt and represent the increase in as a whole including private sector”
national debt (1).
Budget deficits are usually smaller than national debt. Award only 1 mark for “difference”
National debt is the accumulation of all previous budget deficits between G & T
Budget deficit is annual. National debt is over a number of years.
Budget deficit must make reference to the
government not the economy
(b) Without fiscal rules an economy may face problems such as: 6
persistent budget deficits which are structural in nature rather than Use for each mark awarded
unsustainable economic growth and high inflation caused by Do not credit “fiscal rules give stability
excessive use of fiscal stimulus measures; because it gives goals for a government to
rising levels of national debt; follow.”
lack of fiscal credibility and consequent impact on ability to borrow,
interest rates, investment, long term economic growth, etc.
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
Level 1 (1 marks)
For knowledge and understanding
of influences on Argentina’s
economic growth since 2003
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
Level 4 Band 2
Developed discussion might include: Level 4 Band 2 Level 4 Band 2 (15–17 marks)
increases in the savings rate to finance Marks in this level should only For a developed discussion which
private sector investment be awarded where candidates recognises that there may other
- but limited by lack of financial explain how other methods may ways of promoting development
infrastructure promote development e.g.
promoting structural change through Annotate using in the LHS
simple recognition that ODA is
export promotion / import substituting
an alternative remains in L4 margin
Overseas Development Assistance Band 1
(ODA) to fund capital investment,
improve infrastructure or health and
- but limited by poor governance
- but often ‘tied’
- but may come with conditions
which damage development
(criticism of Washington
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
F585 Mark Scheme January 2013
OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations)
1 Hills Road
© OCR 2013