Answer-Past Paper Qs-Topic 5 and Topic 6
Answer-Past Paper Qs-Topic 5 and Topic 6
Answer-Past Paper Qs-Topic 5 and Topic 6
1. (a)
(i) bauxite [1]
(ii) to reduce the melting point
OR to dissolve aluminium oxide at lower temperature
OR to improve electrical conductivity [1]
(iii) Aluminium ions gain electrons/ 3e- to form aluminium metal [1]
OR Al + 3 e- Al
Reduction [1]
(c) At high temperature, the oxygen produced (at the anode) [1]
will oxidise the carbon anode [1]
to form carbon dioxide gas / carbon monoxide gas [1]
(d) Aluminium is extracted by electrolysis [1]
Electrical energy costs high [1]
(e) making drink cans / window frames /food packaging resistant to corrosion [1]
Aircraft body low density [1]
OR any other uses and correct properties
Total 11