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MSME-PSUB-GV-0010-2024 --- /MSME. dated the )-
Dheerendra Nath Pradhan
Deputy Secretary to Government
The Managing Director,
OSIC Ltd., Industrial Estate,
Madhupatna, Cuttack,

Sub: Representation dated 02.09.2024 of Shri Aswini Kumar Sahu, Prop. M/s Pioneer

In enclosing herewith a copy of representation dated 02.09.2024 of Shri Aswini
Kumar Sahu, Prop. M/s Pioneer Engineering with the orders of the Principal Secretary,
MSME Deptt. thereon, which is self-explanatory on the subject cited supra, I am
11 directed to request you to please verify and expedite the payment as per rules under
intimation to this Department.
Yours faithfully,

Deputy Secre o rnment

Memo No. S'8 /MSME, Bhubaneswar dated -0 7 -291 9

Copy forwarded to M/s Pioneer Engineering, C/1/4, W.R.C.P Colony,
Bhubaneswar, e-Mail- <[email protected]> for information.

Deputy Secretary -?o--C13Tvtil

n nent


Name of the Petitioner: Shri Aswini Kumar Sahu , Prop. Pioneer
Engineering ( Electrical Contractor H.T)
Address : Malpara, Balangir
Ph No. : 9861274997
Email : [email protected]
Purpose : Regarding non-payment of bills by OSIC already
paid by Collector Balangir to OSIC.
Date of Petition : 02.09.2024


Endorsed to



NB: Compliance to the case should be made under intimation to Special Secretry


Govt. licence no 1422 (HT)

Letter No. PE/405/24-25 Date: 31/08/2024

The Principal Secretary,
Micro, Small Et Medium Enterprises Department,
Kharavel Bhawan, Gopabandhu Marg,
Keshari Nagar, Bhubaneswar
Sub: Grievance for non-payment of bills amount to Rs.8,78,772/- already paid to OSIC by the principal
(The Collector, Balangir) under BSVY Scheme of since last 25 days even after our repeated request and
follow up in regular basics in OSIC Office, Cuttack and after competition of the work in all respect and
instruction from the principal to make the payment to the concerned associate contractor .

Ref: 1) Letter for release of fund under BSVY Scheme of collector, Balangir vide DPMU Letter no 688
2) Letter from GOVT OF ODISHA MS Et ME DEPARTMENT Letter no.2419 Dt.19-04 2004 regarding similar
matter of our earlier payment in earlier days in OSIC.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above cited subject, we would like to bring to your notice that the bill
amounting to Rs.8,78,772/- has already been released by The Collector Balangir to OSIC vide DPMU Letter
no 688 Dt-05-08-2024. for release of the same amount to the associate member of OSIC on back to back
basics as per work order of OSIC. Even after about 25 days of our regular follow up and visit to OSIC office
on regular basics the same amount has not yet been paid to us by OSIC. Then electrification of the said
works has already been completed in all respect, handed over to TPWODL and lines are already been
charged. The completed site at Balangir district has already been visited by OSIC officials. But surprisingly
we are sorry to say that the payment of Rs,8,78,772/- has not yet been paid to us till date even after
receiving the entire amount by OSIC and necessary instruction given by collector Balangir to OSIC for
release of the same to associate member of OSIC. All the paper required by OSIC has been duly submitted
in OSIC for necessary payment. Also there is an another order of Rs.48,43,017 under RLTAP Scheme vide
letter no 743 of DPMU, Bolangir for release of fund.
Now we request you to be kind enough to do the needful and help us for the release of fund by
OSIC to save us from the financial crunch to meet the necessary labour of about 40 nos of worker who are
sitting outside our office since the last 25 days for their labour payment for the occasion of biggest
festival of WESTERN ODISHA NUAKHAI and threatening us to go to the labour court if payments are not
release to them and also to save us from the invocation of our BG of 1 Crore submitted to our Banker,
IDBI Bank vide letter no NSIC/RKL/RMA(BG)-208/2024-25/272 Dt.21/08/2024 of NSIC(Attached) to save us
from financial business crunch.
Thanking you,

Autho Signatpfy
Head office:- At : Malpada, PO/Dist. : Balangir (Odisha) Branch office :- C/1/4,W.R.C.P Colony, Bhubaneswar
Cell :- 9668777705 /7077924997 E-mail :- aswinisahul [email protected]


Govt. licence no 1422 (HT)

,, ... . .. . ..... . ... 615SIBMESISIMEIK

Letter No. PE/405/24-25 Date: 31/08/2024

The Principal Secretary,
Micro, Small It Medium Enterprises Department,
Kharavel Bhawan, Gopabandhu Marg,
Keshari Nagar, Bhubaneswar
Sub: Grievance for non-payment of bills amount to Rs.8,78,772/- already paid to OSIC by the principal
(The Collector, Balangir) under BSVY Scheme of since last 25 days even after our repeated request and
follow up in regular basics in OSIC Office, Cuttack and after competition of the work in all respect and
instruction from the principal to make the payment to the concerned associate contractor .

Ref: 1) Letter for release of fund under BSVY Scheme of collector, Balangir vide DPMU Letter no 688
2) Letter from GOVT OF ODISHA MS Et ME DEPARTMENT Letter no.2419 Dt.19-04 2004 regarding similar
matter of our earlier payment in earlier days in OSIC.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above cited subject, we would like to bring to your notice that the bill
amounting to Rs.8,78,772/- has already been released by The Collector Balangir to OSIC vide DPMU Letter
no 688 Dt-05-08-2024. for release of the same amount to the associate member of OSIC on back to back
basics as per work order of OSIC. Even after about 25 days of our regular follow up and visit to OSIC office
on regular basics the same amount has not yet been paid to us by OSIC. Then electrification of the said
works has already been completed in all respect, handed over to TPWODL and lines are already been
charged. The completed site at Balangir district has already been visited by OSIC officials. But surprisingly
we are sorry to say that the payment of Rs,8,78,772/- has not yet been paid to us till date even after
receiving the entire amount by OSIC and necessary instruction given by collector Balangir to OSIC for
release of the same to associate member of OSIC. All the paper required by OSIC has been duly submitted
in OSIC for necessary payment. Also there is an another order of Rs.48,43,017 under RLTAP Scheme vide
letter no 743 of DPMU, Bolangir for release of fund.
Now we request you to be kind enough to do the needful and help us for the release of fund by
OSIC to save us from the financial crunch to meet the necessary labour of about 40 nos of worker who are
sitting outside our office since the last 25 days for their labour payment for the occasion of biggest
festival of WESTERN ODISHA NUAKHAI and threatening us to go to the labour court if payments are not
release to them and also to save us from the invocation of our BG of 1 Crore submitted to our Banker,
IDBI Bank vide letter no NSIC/RKL/RMA(BG)-208/ 2024-25/272 Dt.21/08/2024 of NSIC(Attached) to save us
from financial business crunch.
Thanking y


Head office:- At : Malpada, PO/Dist. : Balangir (Odisha) Branch office :- C/1 /4,W.R.C.P Colony, Bhubaneswar
Cell :- 9668777705 /7077924997 E-mail :- [email protected]
By E-Mai! (Post
c-ivia ii: [email protected]
Phone No.U6352232551
No i I BSVY Date. 0:i -05 .2.D21)

The CDO-cum-Executive Officer,
Zilla Parishad, Balangir

Sub: Release of funds under BSVY scheme for the year 2014-15.

With reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to enclose

herewith five no. of Bills amounting to Rs.8,78,772/-(Rupees Eight Lakh Seventy Eight
Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Two) only in original duly passed by the Collector,
Balangir along with abstract for payment under BSVY scheme for the year 2014-15.
I would therefore request you to ..r..?1,;zrz_the .,et amount i.e a
SUM of
Rs.3,73,772i- in favour of Managing Director, OSIC Ltd. Cuttack

Enc.!: 05 Nos. of Bills & Abstract

Yours faithfully,
duly signed by Collector, Balangir is

Joint jrec;or
Planning & Statistics,
Memo No. b Date (i4.-3-t ate= f
Copy along with copy of the bills and abstract forwarded to M
, OSI.C, Ltd.
Cuttack for favour of information and necessary action with reference t
his in
No.1555 Dt. 15.05.2024 and No.3183 dated 21.06 202923.

Joint Di-iecLor
PI nning & Statistics,
MU, Balangir
Memo No. k GI Date 05-01S- -2,02--ti
Copy to EE, TPWODL, BED, Balangir for favour of information
necessary action. 71)d
Joint Dire to
Panning & tatrstics,
PMU, Balangir
[email protected]

sc:a16.I IRGII C3 aCI460,061 QQ105Q

(6019G>1 ,C1611)

co caosm /cl&i Or -

The CDO-cum-Executive Officer,

Zilla Parishad Office, Balangir

Sub: Regarding Release of bill for the project "Construction of 33/11 KV

primary S/S 2X 3.15 MVA at Gudvella of Bolangir district under RLTAP
Scheme, 2015-16".

With reference to subject cited above, I am directed to enclose herewith the copy
of 1 no. of bill duly passed for payment by Collector Balangir to the tune of Rs.48,43,017/-
(Rupees Forty Eight Lakh Forty Three Thousand and Seventeen) only as per the approved
estimate which may be released in favour of MD OSIC Ltd., Madhupatna, Cuttack out of RLTAP
fund against the aforesaid project under RLTAP scheme.
You are therefore, requested to release a sum of Rs.48,43,017/- (Rupees Forty
Eight Lakh Forty Three Thousand and Seventeen) only at an early date in favour of MD OSIC
Ltd., Cuttack out of RLTAP fund lying at your level as per the abstract indicated below:-
SI. Village Block OSIC Date Contract Price Total Taxable
No. Invoice No. as per the work Value
Gudvella Gudvella 075 07.05.2024 6,88,81,536.00 23,92,727.12

Total 6,88,81,536.00 23,92,727.12

SCSI @ 9% CGST @ Total Value Labour Retention Total Bill Limited to

9% Cess 1% Money Amount (as per

215345.00 215345.00 2823417.12 28234.00 2990095.00 5841746.00 4843017.00

215345.00 215345.00 2823417.12 28234.00 2990095.00 5841746.00 ,' 4843017.00

Encl:-1. Abstract duly signed by Collector, Balangir Yours f

2. Bills duly passed for payment by the
Collector Balangir for 1 project
Joint Di e
PI nning & St 1st' s,
Memo No. 71 ` -Os
1 7 / Date c)0

Copy forwarded to EE BED, TPWODL, Balangir for favour information with

reference to his Lr.No.-850(2)Dt.07.06.2024 A

Joint D ect r,
?fanning Statistics;
Memo No. / Date 5 -
Copy forwarded to the Managing Director, OSIC, Cuttack for information with
reference to his Invoice No.-075,Dt.07.05.2024 for the necessary payment to the Associate
Member after deduction of all necessary taxes at an early date without any EOT.

22 / 942-
Joint Directs r,!
)Planning & Statistics,
4114 14,10..3 its no vat AC ay
OSTINN 21.ttpraBiftrtAcm.lary

E mr.rf EV C.41.1. E:IGINEERtri atC 0

itTRACTOR..7jay. cumytio 4.924....i
------=7,767-&-., iismE
....4_43 ...'
.........-.., T.)AT Fret,/ .y. 1..

Letter No. PE/523 / 23- A\
; Date: 27/03 / 2024
2 a RJR 2024
he Principal Secre ary,
Micro, Small Et Medium En es l2sErtm
Kharavel Bhawan, Gdpaband
E 00
Keshari Nagar, Bhubaneswar.

Sub: Grievance for non-payment of hills amounting to Rs. 24,92,791, already paid to 051C by the
Principal. (The Collector, Balangir) under BGJY Scheme since the last 45 days even after our
repeated request and follow up in regular basics in OSIC Office, Cuttack.

Ref: Letter for release of fund under BGJY Scheme of Coltector, Batarigir,vide DPMU Letter no
177/BGJY, Date -13.02.2024.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above cited subject, we would like to bring to our kind notice that
the bills amounting tO Rs.
24,K,751/- has at'-eady been released by The Collector Balangir to
OSIC vide DPMU letter no 177/BGJY, Date-13.02.2024 for release of the same amount to the
associate member of OSIC 07
back to back basics as per the work order of OSIC. Even after about
45 days of our regular follow up and visit to OSIC Office on regular basis the same amount has
not yet been paid to us by OSIC. The electrification of the said works has already been
completed in all respect. handed over to TPWODL dnd the ithe5 has already' been charged. The
completed site at Balangir Dist7ict has already been visited by the OSIC officials and the report
of the completed work; has already been submittedby the 05IC authority for necessary
payment. But surprisingly we are sorry
to say that the payment of R.5.24.92,791/. has not yet
been paid to us till date even after receiving the entire amount by 05K and necessary
instruction given by Collector Balangir to OSIC for release of the same to associate member of
OSIC. A11 the papers required by OSIC has been duty submitted in OSIC for necessary payment.

Now we request you to be kind enough to cc the ric.--dfut and help us for the iTe
. :iase of fund
by OSIC to save us from tie financial crunch to meet the necessary labour payment of about 40
nos of workers who are sitting outside our office since the Last 45 days and threatening us to go
to the labour court if payments are not released to them and to meet our March year ending
financial business crunch.

Thanking you.

For M/s. PION'kE Ei '5iNEERiNG

ri natbrY

Head office:- At: r•laipada, POIDIst. Balanstr (Odisha) Branch office C/

1/4,W.R.C.P Colony, Bhubaneswar
7077;£1141Si 7CT792.1.537 E-mail:-a5 Ari-tisahu107-'-grnail.c-rzrn
(Grievance Matter)
C.) tvi er , 11.
MSME-PSUB-GV-0010-2024 " /MSME. dated the t t

Gopabandhu Acharya, OSS
Under Secretary to Government
The Managing Director.
OSIC Ltd., Industrial Estate,
Madhhupatna, Cuttack, 753010.

Sub: Grievance Petition dtd.27.03.2024 of M/s Pioneer Engineering, Balangir for non-releasing
of n4,92,791/- even after completion of assigned work reg.

I am directed to forward herewith the copy of the grievance petition dated 27-03-2024 of
' M/s. Pioneer Engineering, which is self-explanatory and request you to kindly furnish status report
in the matter within a fortnight to this Department for appraisal of the Principal Secretary, MSME
1 Deptt.

Yours faithfully,

Under Secretary to Government

Memo No. "---142-° /MSNIE, Bhubaneswar date-i l et —0 — 2-0 1 L4
Copy forwarded to M's Pioneer Engineering, C/1/4, W.R.C.P Colony, Bhubaneswar , e-
Mail- <aswinisahulOagmail.com> for information and necessary action.

16,ltf ) z
Under Secretary tO Government
•571:41*IT =CT =WAIT 4 ; 4,4
Nrric1 . 1 Vicolit`; a4
The National Srnaii industries Corporation Ltd.
(A Government of India Enterprise)
N aid/RcliRMAffiG)- 208/2024-25/272 Dt.21/08/2024

The Branch manager,
IDBI Bank,
927 Khadatpara,
Bolangir, Odisha.

Sub:- Invocation of Bank Guarantees issued by you in favor of NSIC Ltd., JJJ-16, Civil Township,
Rourkela-769012 on behalf of M/s. Pioneer Engineering, Malpara, Bolangir.

Dear Sir,
With reference to the subject cited above, you are requested to please invoke the following Bank
Guarantees of M/s.• Pioneer Engineering, Malpara, Bolangir, Odisha as the unit has failed to meet its
commitment to clear the outstanding dues despite our several reminders and follow-ups.

• Date of Issue of Stamp Paper No. Validity Amount

BG No. Claim Up to
No. Original BG of Original BG Period (In Rs.) I
1. 1603791BGF00050 25-Aug-2016 A 204926 20-12-2024 20-12-2025 25,00,000/1
2. 1603791BGF00055 I 20-Sep-2016 F 526283 17-12-2024 17-12-2025 30,00,000 /
3. 1603791BGF00066 16-Nov-2016 E 581932 14-05-2025 14-05-2026 15,00,0001-
4. 1803791B6 F00007 07-Mar-2018 H 266745 05-03-2025 05-03-2026 20,00,000:-,
05, 1803791BGF00008 07-Mar-2018 H 266747 05-03.2025 05-03-2026 10,00,000/-I

You are requested to invoke all the above-mentioned Bank Guarantees valuing Rs. 1,00,00,000/- Rupees One
Crore only) and full bank guarantees amount of Rs. 1,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore only) be paid to us
through RTGS/NEFT in favor of "The National Small Industries Corporation Limited", immediately and the
bank shall pay BG claim amount with interest ® 18t w.e.f. 21/08/2024 till the date of credit of amount in
our below mentioned designated bank account(s).
Bank Details
The amount of invocation of the Bank Guarantees shalt be remitted to NSIC's account no. 0602002100319130
with Punjab National bank, NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi (IFSC Code: PUNB0060200)
under written intimation to NSIC Branch Office, at JJJ-16 Civil township, Rourkela - 769004, Odisha.
The amount of invocation of the Bank Guarantees shalt be remitted to NSIC's account no. 37544030556 with
State Bank of India, Commercial Branch, The Great Eastern Centre, 70, Ground Floor, Nehru Place, New
Delhi- 110019 (IFSC code: SB1N0004298) under written intimation to NSIC Branch Office, at JJJ-16, Civil
township, Rourkela - 769004, Odisha.

Thanking You,

iiZ Yours Faithfully

• )r)ration
• -i:s1 1b511

Authorized Signatory

"wrf TR .ffiT i-ci1=1(1Wr't I"

Tel : 0661-2664459, E-mail : [email protected]
Website : www.nsic.co.in, www.msmemart.com
CIN : U74140DL1955G01002481. GST No. : 21AAACT0686N1Z8
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Ctserckad art.': found cc-c"t

„ • erk-ro veyr, ei.qtyk
f-41k) 0 rAz'l
iAtnhorised 5,

The Orissa Small industries Corporation Ltd.
0 S C2 (A Gout. Of Orissa UT)
Tower , Madhupatna , Cuttack-10. -
Ph : GM (0) - 0671-2343084,Mkt.-2340943,Fax- 0671 - 2341875,2342561. tilf0/1

Electocal Installafion Serv[ces)
OST Rgn. No. : CUIC 1981 Dt.8.12.95 Inv. No.: OSIC/RLTANBOU 0
CST Rghn. No.: CUCIC 1520 Dt.20.2.96.
Date: GT/ 0 C 2_e
6.009-ck-08302/CE Rgn.no-2/c-A/ctc/1/94 Name of Associate me ber :-
Pioneer Engineering
The Collector & DM.
Electrical Engineers & Contractors ( HT ),
Licence no-1422 HT. At:- Malpada, Balangir , Odisha.
Pin :- 767001
Party Bill No1Date : 1761 30.04.2024
PO no. / Date • 1378/19.09.2)14 & 1635/28.10.2021 (Revised)
Name of the work :- Construction of 33/ KV Primary S/S 2 x 3.15 MVA at Gudvela of Balangir
District under RLTAP Scheme.
SI No Description
I Unit Rate Amount (Gross) in Rs.

IConstruction of 33/11 KV Primary S/S 2 x 3.15

MVA at Gudvela of Balangir District under AS PER ANNEXTURE
RLTAP Scheme. 28,23,418.00,

Net Amount Payble 28,23,418.00

Taxable Amount 11,9/,727.12
Add CGST under HSN/SAC 995461 (Electrical Installation Services) 9% I
Add SGST under HSNISAC 995461 (Electrical installation Services) 9%
Total Amount ! 28,23,417.12
Add Labour Cess 1 % 28,234.00
Grand Total 28,51,651.12
OR SAY 28,51,651.00
Balance to be Passed (Retention Amount) t 29,90,095.00
Payble Amount 58,41,746.00

Pawnee aivehe the Chace shall be cede reavour se CSC Ltd, Cultack or E I °et
KIMbahrever "'T.- delay. in !ssyrnem beione-V gys It ce athae: detailed Meese? AM. I
!Of Goe of Inca I aesa 5or oratse increm on detyed at areprecefing rate I

Certified that -
I Vefified are tend correct
he work :es been done as pet the scope mentroned In te approved esemew Feance I)"
2 The specemear: of eaM item found -a dm fee 6 as per te soececanon 'motioned in :he aan and esanate ',taw on:y1
3 Toe ntateree we used qr good speedy and as pox TFYAM spececaton. Uuttarizez sknatoryi

4 Cenified tat Ore W amours tern wise talles wet the exaU amount quoted for spec:kering in the estimate and the
tate atso taffies wit haact somatcation or each hen
5 The work has beee zerveted et an 'espect and the line has
been Mangwd.

Checked and found cor

Sanctioned & Passed for
Executive Engineer (Elect) c
\ 0/;* (Rupees.,rog.4.1
(Authorised SionatorY) fr Enginee b-0`6+8"--
, .BACS.-.-.1\mhsictrA ce-r"4

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