Tech CTF
Tech CTF
Tech CTF
Step 2:- then search more details that are asked such as year when the construction of the church
was started who's body does that church contain and then you will get the flag
Step 3 :- TechCTF{Basilica_of_Bom_Jesus_1594_St._Francis_Xavier}
Challenge 2 :- JS leak
1. Refer ASCII table and understood from code snippet that shift 5 of ceaser cipher is used and
created a flag. PS:- did ascii table conversion not used and code to decrypt so took more then 5
chances you can check.
Step 1. Run the code and see the output and comapre it with input
Step 2. Run cesear cipher tool and with shift of 5 you get output
Step 3.
Step 4. compare step 1 & 2 by referencing ascii chart shared and you will understand key is right
input it to get the flag inside TechCTF{}
Step 5. Got the flag -> TechCTF{mycodeleakedthesecret}
Challenge 3 :- Base Baba
Step 1. Base Encoded 58 was used decoded using cyberchef
Step 2. Flag - TechCTF{bab7_k0_ba53_pa5an6_ha1}
Challenge 4:- beep beep click click click
Step 1. Downloaded the audio file and use online audio morse decrypter tool and got the flag as
shared in ss with the flag format TechCTF{}. Removed the space and added between the format.
Step 4 -Try with login page the credential mentioned in highlighted state
Step 5 -
Step 12 - Let's read the flag.php file using logout.php request by modify the referer header
inthe request
Step 12 - Right click on the response side -> show response over the browser -> copy the link -
>and access
Flag - TechCTF{s0m3t1m3s_l0g0ut_m1gh1_h3lp_18eb77d9559}
Challenge 10 – Forensics
Step 1 – open the pcap file. Applied the filter for http
Step 2 – Gone through the packets. And found that at row no 112 the site got the response.
Step 3 – Gone through the HTTP stream. And found the first part of the flag.
Step 4 – export the http packets and received the ELF file.
Step 8 -,true,false,17)&input=Q25scUxDT3tPMGEzdz
Step 9 -
Step 10 - TechCTF{F0r3n51c_An4ly51s_0f_N3Tw0rk_7r4ff1c_W1th_W!r3sh4rk_5c21d804
Challenge 11 – CyberJargon
Step 1 -'None',8)&input=MDEwMTAxMDAwMTEw
Step 2 - c='''
cybersecurity pentesting
malware exploit
for i in c:
if a==9:
elif a==32:
Step 4 - TechCTF{5uP3r_w31rd_T4bs_4nd_5p4c3s_1n_th15_Cyb3R_D1c710n4rY_4d8ea2f07c}
Challenge 12 – Decrypto
if __name__ == "__main__":
ciphertext = [27371752, 27201256, 386958472, 27771112, 355346152, 155429512, 325864072,
27155662, 179611342, 49629832, 27155662, 456977032, 179611342, 298414312, 27141352,
29883112, 27923182, 28820302, 31384942, 420801256, 67732462, 27771112, 355346152,
27165832, 298414312, 27265672, 155429512, 27155662, 456977032, 29485006, 74484142,
95040232, 134245006, 27229102, 355346152, 47654062, 28820302, 420801256, 41021902,
28308142, 285421582, 27141256, 33432712, 115799272, 27141262, 148047982, 58991752,
67732462, 370879822, 42501256, 140989672, 311891182, 36145006, 27445006, 74484142,
110216302, 56419342, 32001256, 27149032, 28820302, 82045006]
secret_key = base64.b64decode(b'c2lsdmVyY2F0').decode('utf-8')
a = set_value(45, 563)
b = set_value(131, 4929)
c = set_value(9713732, 6129364909)
key = set_key(a, b, c)
Challenge 13 - fsociety!
Launch your Java compiler or integrated development environment (IDE) such as Eclipse, IntelliJ
IDEA, or NetBeans.
Step 2: Check all the class files and go through the codes
Navigate to the directory containing the Java class files you want to examine.
Open each class file using your Java compiler or a decompiler tool like JD-GUI or jadx.
Analyze the Java source code to understand its functionality and identify any potential clues or hints.
Step 3: Apply the key to the code to run
Identify the section of code where you need to apply the key. This could be a method or a variable
that requires a specific value.
Locate the variable or method that requires the key for proper execution.
Assign the key value to the appropriate variable or use it as an argument to the method as needed.
Save your changes to the Java source code file.
Step 4: Key = 78
Use the key value "78" wherever required in the Java source code. Ensure that you apply the key
correctly according to the code logic.
Step 5: Compile and Run the Code
After applying the key, compile the modified Java source code using your Java compiler or IDE.
Run the compiled Java program and observe the output.
If the program requires user input, provide the necessary input, including the key value if prompted.
Step 6: Verify the Output
Check the program's output to see if it reveals any clues, hints, or the flag itself.
Analyze the output carefully to extract any relevant information that may help you progress in the
Step 7: Repeat as Necessary
If the provided key does not yield the desired result or if there are multiple steps or levels in the CTF,
repeat the process for each step or level.
Adjust the key value or modify the code as needed based on the requirements of each step.
Challenge 18 – TrailSeek
Step 1. Added the details to the chatgpt.
Step 2. Used tools: ChatGPT – Cyberchef
Step 3. Conversation - Sam Altman – ChatGPT
Step 4. Here you will get Encoded string
Step 5. Uploaded the data to cyber chef.
Step 6. Added the magic and baked the data.
Step 7. Received the flag and added in the flag format.