Balances in Gymnastics
Balances in Gymnastics
Balances in Gymnastics
SLO: By the end of the lesson teacher trainees should be able to:
a) define the terms (Body tension, body extension, asymmetrical balance, symmetrical balance and
counter balance
b) Practice asymmetrical balances using large and small body parts
c) Link two asymmetrical balances with a symmetrical jump
d) Prepare an integrated ICT lesson on symmetrical and asymmetrical balances
Balances in gymnastics are activities performed with the center of gravity being over the base of
support. They can be static balance (involves maintaining a desired shape in a stationary position (e.g.
handstand in gymnastics); or dynamic balance (involves the control of the body as it moves in space),
symmetrical or asymmetrical.
Symmetrical balances
Symmetrical balance occurs when the gymnast's body is evenly aligned or arranged on both sides. It
different shapes and angles to create a sense of balance despite the lack of symmetry
Body tension and extension
Body tension refers to the controlled and consistent engagement of muscles throughout the body to
maintain a desired shape or position. It's a crucial aspect of performing skills effectively and safely
Body extension involves lengthening the body and fully extending limbs and joints to achieve a
straight, elongated form. It is about reaching and stretching to achieve optimal alignment
Terms used to describe movements:
Level: This can be described as high, medium and low
Direction: Can be described as sideways, downwards, upwards, forward and backwards
movement while performing psychomotor activities.
Progression: This is how movement is built up in a sequence manner(continuity)
Movement sequence: This is composite /complex movement made up by combining small short
comparation movement in a sequence manner e.g hand spring x 3, through vault, forward rolls
x2, astride vault and backward roll, summersault.
Stretching- body parts, the legs and the arms are taken away from the center of the body during
performance of psychomotor activities.
symmetrical movements -This is when the two corresponding body parts e.g the legs and the
arms are used at the same time to be the same thing.
Asymmetrical: When corresponding parts of the body are not used at the same time to do the
same work.
Qualities of movement
Flow: flow can be described into two namely ways
Free flow: This is movement which cannot be of held at one point once the movement
starts e.g. summersault/fly spring
Bound flow: This is movement which can be held or stopped at one point once the
movement starts e.g. head stand, forward roll
Movement awareness in gymnastics/principles of movement
Body awareness -Involves identify the various parts of the body when forming a
gymnastics skills e.g feet, leg, hand etc and body shape e.g curling, stretching etc hence,
stretching hands forwards, curling the fingers.
Space awareness- space awareness is a theme that involves understanding where the body
move when performing gymnastics skill as follow:
i. Personal space awareness -This is the space of the body cylinder (own body
place) when moving
ii. General space awareness -This the space which is not occupied (unoccupied)
when the body moves
iii. Direction -Moving forward, backward, zigzag etc
iv. Level -High, medium or low level of body movement
v. Relationship-Near. Far, ahead, behind, under etc
vi. Patterns- formation of line, square, circle etc while moving
vii. Plane-Vertical, diagonal, horizontal body movement
Effort awareness
Relationship with /to objects
Relationship with people and space
The display should not be organized a physical education lesson.
Guiding rule
-The music a accompany the gymnastic display will be chosen by the individual team
-The music may be recorded on composed using percussion of instrument
-The number of participants per term should be 16 and the duration should be 14 minutes
-The skills should be chosen from the range of gymnastics for primary school
-The gymnastic radio should be used by both boys and girls during competition of all levels
(from zonal to nationals)
-The adjudication panel should organize to have gymnastic leader from competing team in
Part 1-Entry
This part entails movement activities (not gymnastics) that the team will use to enter the arena.
They should include different formation and patterns based on creativity and expectation of the
Part 2 -Display of gymnastics skills
Skills performed individually without apparatus
Skills performed in pairs (groups of 2) without apparatus
The performance of the above set of activities should include sequence.
Part 3-Pyramid
This will involve a variety of space and function based on creativity
Part 4 -Exit
This will involve movement activity (not gymnastic skills) that lead the team out of arena. They
can be organized in different patterns and formation based on creativity