Slua 587
Slua 587
Slua 587
This application report describes how to use an external circuit to improve the soft-start performance of
the UCC28060 and UCC28061 PFC controllers. Using a soft-start circuit can reduce a large start-up
current and decrease the PFC output overshoot voltage.
1 Introduction
With its advantages of high efficiency, low ripple, and good electromagnetic interference (EMI)
performance, the UCC28060 and UCC28061 (UCC2806x) interleaved power factor correction (PFC)
controllers are well received by many customers. However, if the start-up current is too large, the power
supply can easily go into fault protection, or even be damaged. Additionally, the PFC output voltage
should be a small overshoot voltage to improve the safety of the switch components and the downturn
dc/dc converter circuits.
In order to maintain a low overall cost and reduce the number of interconnections, the UCC2806x has no
soft-start (SS) pin. As a result, the UCC2806x typically uses a voltage-loop compensation circuit for device
start-up. As a result, there is a tradeoff between the loop stability and using the soft-start technique in the
usual manner.
2.2 mF 47 kW
C1 R1
66 kW
R2 UCC28060/61
1 nF
1 nF 2.2 mF CP
66 kW
R2 C2 CZ
When the PFC Enable signal goes from low to high, the current will charge capacitor C1 through R1, R2,
C2, and Q1. Note that capacitor C2 is much smaller than C1; it is only used to filter the noise. The voltage
across C1 will increase from zero to the high level of the Enable signal while the voltage across the R2 will
decrease from a high divide voltage to zero during the charging time. When the divider voltage across
resistor R2 is greater than the threshold of the Q1 turn-on voltage, Q1 will operate normally. R3 will divide
the COMP source current during the Q1 on-time so that the COMP voltage will increase slowly. From
Equation 3, the TON is increased slowly as the COMP voltage also increases. Thus, the output power will
be increased slowly. This approach results in a lower start-up current and lower output overshoot voltage.
If we define the input voltage of the Enable signal (VCC) as VS, and the minimum voltage to make the Q1
conduct as VT, then the external soft-start time can be calculated as shown in Equation 4.
R 2V S
tS = (R1 + R2) · C1 · ln
(R1 + R2) · VT
For example, refer to Figure 1; here, VS = 5 V, C1 = 2.2 µF, R1 = 47 kΩ, R2 = 66 kΩ, and VT = 0.6 V. We
can then calculate the added external soft-start time from Equation 4 to be approximately 393 ms.
After the soft-start, the voltage across C1 is the same as the enable voltage, while the voltage across R2
will be 0 V. Q1 will be turned off. R3 will not work after the soft-start process ends. So the voltage-loop
compensation circuit is only RZ, CZ, and CP. The stability of the PFC converter will not be affected by the
external soft-start circuit when the start-up has finished.
Figure 2a is the start-up waveform of the UCC28060EVM at 90-V ac input (the input power is 220 W)
without using an external soft-start circuit. Figure 2b shows the start-up waveform of the UCC28060EVM
after adding an external soft-start circuit (again, the input power is 220 W). For both images, Ch1 is the
PWM drive out waveform; Ch3 is the PFC output waveform; and Ch4 is the input current waveform.
We can find that the maximum input current is approximately 16.2 A if there is no external soft-start circuit,
while the maximum input current drops to approximately 10.8 A if an external soft-start circuit is added.
The lower input start-up current enables the use of cheaper input/output filters and less expensive
switching components, while offering better EMI performance and improved safety.
Figure 3a shows the PFC output waveform of the UCC28060EVM at 90-V ac input (the output current is
0.32 A). Figure 3b presents the PFC output waveform of the UCC28060EVM with the external soft-start
circuit from Figure 1 at 90-V ac input (again, the output current is 0.32 A). For both images, Ch1 is the VDS
waveform of the MOSFET, and Ch2 is the PFC output waveform.
From these demonstrations and the above discussion, we can show that the maximum overshoot voltage
is approximately 428 V, and the converter will easily go into overvoltage protection if there is no external
soft-start circuit used.If the external soft-start circuit from Figure 1 is included, the maximum overshoot
voltage is approximately 392 V, and the converter is stable. There will be a 36-V overshoot voltage gap
between the two examples (that is, with and without the soft-start circuit).
Figure 4a shows the waveform of the UCC28060EVM after start-up at 90-V ac input (again, the input
power is 220 W). Figure 4b shows the waveform of the UCC28060EVM with the addition of the external
soft-start circuit. For both waveforms, Ch1 is the PWM drive out waveform; Ch3 is the PFC output
waveform; and Ch4 is the input current waveform.
From this example, we can conclude that the waveform of a circuit with no external soft-start and the
waveform of a circuit with external soft-start are very similar when both circuits are operating in a normal
state. In other words, the external soft-start circuit will not affect the loop stability of the PFC converter
when the PFC converter circuit goes into normal operating mode.
3 Summary
Because of lower-cost components, improved safety, and better EMI performance, many applications
require a low input start-up current and a low PFC output overshoot voltage. Both theory and testing
verified that an external soft-start circuit can be used to successfully reduce the start-up input current and
decrease the overshoot voltage without causing poorer loop stability.
4 References
Unless otherwise noted, all documents are available for download at
1. UCC28060 product data sheet from Texas Instruments (SLUS767E).
2. UCC28061 product data sheet from Texas Instruments (SLUS837A).
3. UCC28060 300-W Interleaved PFC Pre-Regulator User Guide (SLUU280B).
4. UCC28061 300-W Interleaved PFC Pre-Regulator User Guide (SLUU316).
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