Sciadv Aax0903
Sciadv Aax0903
Sciadv Aax0903
A growing body of empirical evidence is revealing the value of nature experience for mental health. With rapid
urbanization and declines in human contact with nature globally, crucial decisions must be made about how to
preserve and enhance opportunities for nature experience. Here, we first provide points of consensus across the
natural, social, and health sciences on the impacts of nature experience on cognitive functioning, emotional
well-being, and other dimensions of mental health. We then show how ecosystem service assessments can be
expanded to include mental health, and provide a heuristic, conceptual model for doing so.
(41). Diversification to other locales and sociocultural perspectives sively unavailable to new generations, this creates an ever-narrowing
would greatly extend understanding. spectrum of nature experiences (65). An “environmental genera-
tional amnesia” and “extinction of experience” (66) may stem from
each generation’s reduced experience of “wildness” (or increased
CONSENSUS STATEMENT #1: EVIDENCE SUPPORTS experience of environmental pollution)—shifting the baseline of
AN ASSOCIATION BETWEEN COMMON TYPES OF NATURE reference points for the acceptable quality, richness, and variation
A wealth of studies has demonstrated that nature experience is
associated with psychological well-being. These include investiga-
tions of single as well as cumulative occasions of nature contact, and MOVING FORWARD: SUPPORTING MENTAL HEALTH
range from experimental to observational designs. The forms of AS AN ECOSYSTEM SERVICE
association include evidence that links nature experience with in- These consensus statements underpin our conceptual model. The
creased positive affect (26, 30, 32); happiness and subjective well- evidence in this arena is building to a point at which we may soon
being (42); positive social interactions, cohesion, and engagement be enabled to make meaningful (even if not extremely precise) pre-
(43, 44); a sense of meaning and purpose in life (45); improved dictions regarding the impacts of environmental change on mental
manageability of life tasks (46); and decreases in mental distress, health. Here, we propose a way forward that harnesses existing
such as negative affect (32, 47). In addition, with longitudinal stud- knowledge to eventually incorporate it into ecosystem service
ies, as well as natural and controlled experiments, nature experience assessments. Psychological and social processes differ from bio-
has been shown to positively affect various aspects of cognitive func- and geophysical processes. They exist in changing historical and
tion (48), memory and attention (30, 32, 49), impulse inhibition (50), cultural contexts, and even short-term changes are susceptible to
Fig. 1. A conceptual model for mental health as an ecosystem service. (1) Nat-
ural features include the characteristics (size, type, and qualities such as configura-
tion) of the nature under consideration. (2) Exposure is estimated through methods Step 2: Exposure
that take proximity, likelihood, and duration of nature contact into account. (3)
Exposure is a broad term, here referring to the amount of contact
Experience characterizes the types, forms, and intensity of experience that expo-
sure instantiates. (4) Effects (i.e., mental health impacts) will vary according to the
that an individual or population has with nature. Because data on
moderating influences of individual differences and sociocultural context, which actual exposure are usually not available, especially in cases in which
may affect the impact experienced by people [here represented conceptually by we are concerned with hypothetical scenarios, actual exposure is often
groups A to D (e.g., different age groups)], members of which may receive different estimated by access/availability metrics based on the presence of the
benefits from nature experience, given these moderators. It is also possible that a types of natural features identified in step 1.
group will receive a net negative effect due to individuals’ aversion to urban green The proximity of people to nature is likely to be a large determi-
spaces or the negative repercussion of green gentrification in their area, for example nant of exposure. A watershed located 50 km outside a city might
(represented conceptually by group B). Photographs are from the public domain generate considerable ecosystem services in provision of clean wa-
and free for public use. ter to the city but not much opportunity for everyday interaction
with the landscape. Conversely, the presence of a small city park
is known about relationships between ecological integrity or com- may result in extensive nature exposure for neighborhood residents
plexity and mental health benefits. It may be that places intermediate and commuters.
on the wild-anthropogenic spectrum, tuned to some common At present, there is a limited repertoire of methods for estimat-
evolutionary-based human preferences, are associated with better ing nature exposure based on geography. Ekkel and de Vries (73)
mental health (72). Our lack of certainty with respect to these and have identified two principal approaches: cumulative opportunity
other questions regarding the relationship between nature and mental and proximity measures.
health underscores the need for future research. It is also a reminder Cumulative opportunity is based on the proportion of nature within
that the purpose of this endeavor is to create a conceptual model a spatial unit that incorporates individuals’ location (typically a res-
with which to integrate the best available evidence, wherever that idence). Using sources such as satellite images or land-use databases,
may stand, as the field evolves. We must also consider how aspects this proportion is generally calculated as the percentage of an area
of natural features result in various amounts of exposure, given the of interest (a zip code area, census block, etc.) that comprises natu-
different opportunities for direct and indirect nature contact they ral elements (e.g., street trees, green space, and blue space). A cu-
afford. This is addressed in the next step. mulative exposure metric for a population can then be derived for a
the target population or organism, and “absorbed (or internal) dose,” ronmental change (e.g., planting of urban trees for heat or pollution
the amount taken up by an organism and/or delivered to the target mitigation).
organ (82). Exposure and dose can vary considerably in toxicology, Consider a decision-making context in which practitioners would
if, for example, two people exposed to the same concentration of an like to estimate the impacts of planting residential street trees on the
air pollutant breathe at very different rates. A similar phenomenon prevalence of mental illness. Using our model, they would initially
may operate with respect to nature contact (83) via different levels gather information regarding the natural features of the relevant
of attention, preference, and feelings of personal connection with region (step 1). In this particular case, available data might consist
nature (84). People have different levels of awareness and percep- of information on existing and proposed tree distribution, the spe-
tions of natural environments (85) in their attitudes and receptivity cies of trees, and perhaps some information on tree structure, likely
toward nature, childhood experiences, and sense of connectedness gathered from city databases and natural history accounts. Practi-
to nature—factors that probably affect the delivered dose that re- tioners could also deduce planned composition and configuration
sults from a given exposure. The transition from dose to effects cor- of the trees from consulting the planning proposals from the city.
responds to what economists call a production function, and what However, other aspects of the natural features (e.g., bird song, height
toxicologists and epidemiologists quantify using a dose-response of trees, care, and maintenance) may not be available.
curve. We discuss more on the multiple potential causal mecha- As the body of empirical research grows, practitioners could consult
nisms below in step 4. a central data repository containing multiple studies or meta-analyses
with effect sizes documented at the relevant scale for given outcomes
Step 4: Effects of interest. This would be necessary to make a prediction with any
The fourth and final step of our conceptual model involves a char- degree of certainty or scientific rigor. Continuing with the concep-
acterization of the potential mental health impacts that follow from tual exercise, in our present example, decision makers might con-
Despite the limitations of this approach, it is possible that this pre- and many more people have subclinical levels of depressive or other
diction will be a lower bound of the total mental health benefits symptoms), and assessed with regard to one period of time. We
provided, as it is context dependent (i.e., depends on the probability that emphasize again the intention behind this exercise, especially given
a depressed person will receive an antidepressant prescription—a the cross-sectional results upon which it is based: to give a hypo-
feature of physician practice patterns, the health care system, and thetical workthrough of a conceptual model, the accuracy of which
other factors), based on only one form of disorder and dimension of will be refined through successive iteration and incorporation of
association (e.g., many depressed people are not diagnosed or treated, empirical data as they are generated by the research community.
CONCLUSION researchers can run clinical trials that explicitly test the impacts of
Diverse stakeholders, including city planners, landscape architects, nature versus urban experience (or another comparison condition) on
engineers, parks departments, developers, infrastructure providers, psychological well-being and mental health. An increasing openness
health professionals, community-based organizations, and environ- to support these study designs has been demonstrated through
mental advocates, could use a tool that helps them anticipate the foundations and governmental funding institutions. Third, the use
mental health impacts of decisions they make relating to the envi- of prospective cohorts and ecological momentary assessment pro-
ronment. Although the magnitude and distributions of these im- vides a valuable context for assessing associations of within-individual
pacts are still questions requiring further research, practitioners are change in mental health with nature contact over time using large
nonetheless in need of the best available evidence to inform deci- samples of participants.
sions that may have repercussions for mental health. Reports are These and other situations provide opportunities to make and
beginning to be generated in response to this demand, including a refine predictions of the impacts of nature contact on mental health,
recent example in which the relative value of mental health benefits through a priori estimates based on emerging evidence, and a test-
was calculated to be 7% of the total economic benefits of London ing of the predictions through observations of actual change over
parks, a large fraction (amounting to ca. £6.8 billion over 30 years) time in real-world contexts. Through this iterative process, the con-
given that the major economic benefit considered was higher prop- ceptual model can evolve from its current state into an ever more
erty values (90). robust tool for pragmatic implementation and predictive value.
With respect to general health, models are already starting to be Ultimately, our evolving conceptual model can broaden current
applied within these contexts. Examples include urban tree canopy ecosystem service models by accounting for the effects of nature
restoration to improve air quality (91), the siting of new park loca- exposure on mental health, and identifying where additional green
tions to improve physical activity (92), and efforts to use environ- spaces or better access to nature may improve it, or where certain
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Citation: G. N. Bratman, C. B. Anderson, M. G. Berman, B. Cochran, S. de Vries, J. Flanders,
Acknowledgments: This paper represents a consensus of diverse coauthors who C. Folke, H. Frumkin, J. J. Gross, T. Hartig, P. H. Kahn Jr., M. Kuo, J. J. Lawler, P. S. Levin, T. Lindahl,
developed the ideas and text together as part of a formal working group supported by the A. Meyer-Lindenberg, R. Mitchell, Z. Ouyang, J. Roe, L. Scarlett, J. R. Smith, M. van den Bosch,
Natural Capital Project, with funding from the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg B. W. Wheeler, M. P. White, H. Zheng, G. C. Daily, Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service