Tiff Ja Environmental Science

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What are the government’s environmental programs that have been implemented to solve
climate change denial?

Book: The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society John S. Dryzek, Richard B.
Norgaard, and David Schlosberg

a.) a brief summary of the contents of the article/book

Global environmental change is caused or influenced by human activities in numerous

ways, including climate change. It's possible that we're about to enter an age known as the
'anthropocene,' in which humans have the power to affect big shifts in global systems. Climate
change has been taken seriously throughout history, but rather than dealing with basic facts, we
are dealing with complicated systems with unknown results.

When considering climate stabilization policies, significant questions about

intergenerational equity arise, and this article analyzes three distinct methods (presentism,
utilitarianism, and rights-based ethics). Current generations, according to presentism's ethical
paradigm, have complete moral standing, but future generations do not. The majority of
individuals exhibit altruistic preferences for their children and grandchildren's well-being. These
preferences provide an excellent framework for balancing short-term costs and long-term
benefits when weighing environmental policy choices. According to classical utilitarians, the
well-being of all members of society, including future generations, should be prioritized equally.
Adherents of a rights-based ethical theory believe that future generations have a right to be
protected from harm and that the natural environment serves as a common benefit for all
people, regardless of age.

b.) description/evaluation of this source (whether it can be useful to your paper)

Presentism is an ethical framework that promotes present concerns while rejecting

future generations' moral standing. Advocates say that current politicians are not bound to make
concessions for future generations who will presumably be considerably wealthier and happier.
According to presentism, future costs connected with climate change are preferable than
immediate costs associated with stabilization. Disadvantaged populations with little resources
and adaptive capabilities would almost definitely be most hit by climate change. Avoiding such
consequences, on the other hand, should enhance health.

A rights-based ethical framework asserts that future generations have a right to be

safeguarded from uncompensated and potentially catastrophic climate change harm. Utilitarians
believe the current generation must ensure future generations equal access to life chances
(Page 1983; Howarth 1992; Gosseries 2008). Assertion: Each generation's children and
grandchildren are equal. Good policy emphasizes both basic rights and social well-being.
Based on this research paper, the information can be useful for the paper in answering
the specific guide question, finding the government’s environmental programs that have been
implemented to solve climate change denial. This research proves the existence of climate
change and the government’s action programs towards solving climate change.

2. What are the government’s environmental programs that have been implemented to
solve climate change denial?

Article: Biological Impacts of Climate Change John P McCarty, L LaResa Wolfenbarger,

James A Wilson, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha,NE, USA

a.) a brief summary of the contents of the article/book

The effects of climate change on biological systems are profound. Both survival and
reproduction are dependent upon the extent to which individual is well adopted to local weather
patterns. Climate change can disrupt the pairing of orangisms with the local environment,
reduce survival and reproduction, and result in consequence impacts on population or species
distribution in geographical areas.Currently, climate change will have negative impacts on
humans well-being, but it will benefit where the people change. Hence, climate change can
effect, both directly and indirectly on biological biological systems.

b.) description/evaluation of this source (whether it can be useful to your paper)

Based on how biological systems have recently effect, including human thus, the climate
conditions will remain within existing tolerances. According to page (6), if the local climate
moves beyond the tolerances of the species, one of the three reaction will occur:
adaptation(environmental change or genetic), displacement or extinction. In other instances, the
characters will imply a more basic genetic change (evaluation).

Based on this article, the information can be useful and helpful to answer the guide
questions of the government's environmental programs that have been implemented to solve
climate change denial. This article enhance how climate impacts humans, and try to understand
the future by taking action.

2. What are the government’s environmental programs that have been implemented to
solve climate change denial?

Article: The article of Environmental Science

Dr. Y. K. Singh. Lecture, Department of Education, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Rural
Chitrakoot (Satna) Madhya Pradesh

a.) a brief summary of the contents of the article/book

According to this article, environmental science proves based on elements of the
environment. Under the elements of the environment: physical, biological and cultural elements.
Physical elements are like earth shape, reliefs, bodies of water, climate soils, rocks, and
minerals. It also defines the variable nature of human habit, its possibilities and its limits.
Biological elements: the biosphere consists of biological elements such as plants, animals,
micro-organisms and people. Culture elements such as social, economic and political are
basically artificial traits that make up the environment.

b.) description/evaluation of this source (whether it can be useful to your paper)

Based on this article, focus on or seek to distinguish between natural variability and
social environment(pages 16, 38, 39). On page 52,53, it has been affected 2.8 million by
flooding and therefore they lose or damage human life, but it can recover by growing agriculture,
and development of social influence. Furthermore, it includes the social environment which is
moral, cultural and emotional forces that influence the life and nature of individual behavior.

Based on this article, the information can be useful and helpful to answer the guide
questions of the government's environmental programs that have been implemented to solve
climate change denial. This article enhances how the social environment can change the variety
of environmental elements.

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