2024 - Youth Week Program Guide

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DATES: 11TH –17TH MARCH 2024


Edited & Published by:

Prepared by: Br. Pius M
0 966 204283/0979 000309
Southern Conference

PHC-Zambia Youth Ministries 2024 National Youth Week Program Guide 1


All Correspondences be addressed to the General Youth Secretary –Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Phone: +260 966 204 283 /+260 979 000 309/ +260 955 278 569



Dear Servants of God.

The above subject refers,

This serves to inform you all that this year’s Youth week program is out and ready for distribution to
all local churches across the country. Kindly note that this year’s program will be celebrated under
the theme “Broadening the Scope of Ministry through Effective Participation”, and is supported
by scriptures taken from ‘Ephesians 4:16 & Exodus 31:1-5’. We wish to call upon our Youths at all
local churches to get involved in all activities that will be lined up during Youth Week as by doing so
will enable us increase in our faith and contribute positively to the growth of the church.
Further note that, during Youth Week the following monetary collections should be made and shared
as guided below;
a) Investors Funds
Each family at every local church is requested to make an investors contribution of K15.00 each into
the Youth ministries coffer and the total collections should be shared in the ratio of 50:50 between
the Local and District Youth Ministries.
b) Weekly Gathering Offerings
That there shall be offering collected at each gathering during Youth Week from Monday to Saturday
and the total collections during the week should be divided equally in the ratio of 50:50, and
channelled to supporting the work of God at local and district levels.
c) Youth Sunday Offering
Note that, the offering that will be collected during Youth Sunday on 17th March 2024 should entirely
be deposited into the Youth Conference Coffers. All Conferences are directed to calculate 10% of
the total collections and sent it to the National Youth Conference as tithe.
We urge our Youth leaders at each local church to devise the approach on how this will be promoted
to ensure enough funds are collected.

PHC-Zambia Youth Ministries 2024 National Youth Week Program Guide 2

National Youth Conference
We also wish to inform you that the Youth Ministries will this year be holding a National Youth
Conference in December from 18th to 22nd in Lusaka.
Further note that, individual contributions towards the Conference will be communicated in the
circular to be released soon. However, all Youth members are requested to start preparing now by
saving some funds towards the conference.
Lastly, we wish to ask all Conferences to embark on membership registration using the attached
registration form, and each registered member should pay a fee of K5.00 membership fee.
Ensure this exercise commences this week and a compiled report of registered members from all
local churches should be sent to the office of the Youth Secretary General not later than March 30th,
2024 while the total membership fees collected should be deposited into the National Youth Coffer
through our General Youth Treasurer. We beseech all Youth members to ensure they are registered to
enable us know the current total membership.

Wishing you all a successful and joyfully Youth Week as we Broaden the Scope of Youth Ministries
Through Effective Participation.

Shalom! Shalom! Shalom!

Yours in Christ,

Br. Pius Mwape.

General Youth Secretary
Cc: National Youth Director
Cc: File
Dynamic & United

PHC-Zambia Youth Ministries 2024 National Youth Week Program Guide 3

As we celebrate this year’s Youth Week, there is a need for all our YOUTHS to fully understand the
meaning of this year’s theme which is entitled “Broadening the Scope of Ministry through Effective
Participation” supported by Scriptures taken from Ephesians 4:16 and Exodus 31:1-5.

Definition of Key Terminologies:

1. Broaden - means to enlarge, expand, widen, or make something bigger or greater.
2. Scope - refers to the ability, opportunity, or the range of things that something covers.
3. Ministry - can be seen as both a duty and a gift. It encompasses the duties one enjoys in an
organization, gifts, talents, or abilities one possesses.
4. Effective participation - involves being dedicated to contributing to a cause that results in a
positive transformation. It can also imply being an integral part of the ministry's activities.
Broadening the scope of ministry effectively means expanding one's opportunities and skills.
Spreading the work of God so that every person understands everyone is important to ensure
the proper functioning of the church body because everyone has a gift and a skill.
2024 we want to enlarge, make bigger, and spread widely. Every gift, talent, occupation physical
or spiritual, administrative or technical we want to embrace everyone. Without participation
from everyone, the body cannot function properly.
Our prayer during this year’s Youth Week is that may the Lord grant you the grace to soar in unison
as Youths of the body of Christ in Pentecostal Holiness Church in Zambia, and may He fill you with
His spirit to activate your abilities and expertise as you work in building His kingdom.


Preparations Day
On this day, all local Church Youths should be mobilized and encouraged to participate in the Youth Week
Programme and should meet in the afternoon to conclude the planning for the Youth Week.
Assignments such as program coordinators, weekly preachers/teachers as well as Sunday preachers and
program moderators should be allocated to identified Youths on this day. Those tasked to preach on
Sunday Main Service should be given the whole copy of the Youth Week programme to enable them
prepare adequately. Remember also to hand in a copy of the program to the Local Church Pastor before
the Youth week commences.
District Youth boards working together with Local Youth boards are encouraged to make necessary
arrangements to participate in the government National Youth day commemorations which falls on
Tuesday 12th March, 2024. Leaders must ensure a banner and T-shirts for use during the March-past
are printed bearing the PHCZ’s logo and vision statement. Where possible make recordings of the
proceedings and take enough pictures and share them with us via your respective conferences or
General Youth WhatsApp group.

PHC-Zambia Youth Ministries 2024 National Youth Week Program Guide 4

Theme: Broadening Knowledge in the Things of God (Exdous31:15)
As we celebrate this year’s theme of “broadening the scope of ministry through effective
participation”, Youths must position themselves strategically to receive the portion of their increase
in knowledge, understanding and broadening their experience through using their God-given skills
for the glory of God and growth of the ministry. This is the year God has given to us in which we
must move with our heads high to conquer the enemy using every gift, talent, skill and profession
bestowed on us by the Almighty God in heaven to build His kingdom.
Remember! Our gifts, talents, skills, professions, and prayer are the weapons given to us for use
against the devil.

i. Oh! God, we thank you for the year 2023 and all what you did upon us and the church.
ii. Oh! God of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, broaden the scope of the ministry in us and the
iii. Oh! Lord pour out the fresh anointing over the church and Youth Ministries so that we can
use the skills and talents given to us as weapons to attack the devil.

Government National Youth Day Celebrations Day
This day is dedicated for the government national youth day celebrations.
Therefore, we wish to call upon all Pentecostal Holiness Church Youths across the country to turn up
in large numbers and participate in all activities that will be lined up the government in your
respective districts.
All Conferences must ensure district and local Youth leaders organize, and lead their members in the
march-past while putting on T-shirts and carrying banner printed on with PHCZ logo, vision
statement, and Government’s theme for 2024 Youth Day celebrations.
Youths who will not be able to participate in the Youth day celebrations must engage in some
community works such as cleaning at Church, Clinics, and orphanage within their localities.

Theme: Effectiveness (2 Peter 1:1-4)
[kjv] [1] Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostles of Jesus Christ. To those who have obtained like
precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and savior Jesus Christ. Grace and peace be
multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord as His divine power has given to us
all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by the glory
and virtue, by which has been given to us exceedingly great and precious promise.
Here we are looking at the capability of producing a desired results or ability to produce desired

PHC-Zambia Youth Ministries 2024 National Youth Week Program Guide 5

Grace is a Teacher. It teaches us to say No to the life of sin and Yes to Godliness. In order to produce
an intended or desired result through Effectiveness.
What we need now is the grace of God to give us enough strength to hear the voice of God and anoint
the next generation of youths with double portion for effective participation.
Knowing God through his word and developing a relationship with him is where true living can be
found. True living is not in materialism and worldliness. God has given us precious promises that
enable us to share in the divine nature and escape the corruption of the world. Join yourself to God
and not to the world



Theme: Fulfilling the Great Commission Through Talents and Skills
Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-2
You therefore, my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have
heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others
On this day, the focus is the “scope of ministry” its outlook, application, operation and effectiveness.
As per the scripture above, we have learnt that as Youths, we are called unto the work of ministry to
building up the body of Christ through serving in the church, preaching and witnessing the action that
will make the church a better place. The overall mission for everyone is to equip saints for the work
of ministry.
Christian ministry demands maturity and boldness, now that Timothy has been saved by grace, he
should serve in grace. What a wonderful thing to bring the lost to Christ. This year as Youths, let us
say no to lack of church growth and use our skills to enable church growth. The Grace that God gives
abundantly, gives us the strength that sustains us through our skills.
God is calling us to a greater effort and intensity. Therefore, as Youth ministries we should be future-
oriented and not past-oriented.


Theme: Sports, Wellness, Talents, and Skills Promotion Day
On this day, each local church Youth ministry should gather at church in the afternoon and conduct
activities that will promote physical effectiveness, skill and wellness.
Youths should split into groups to do various sporting activities and showcase their skills. Youths
who are good at specific activities should be on hand to teach others who may not be good in those
areas. Remember to invite one person/friends who do not congregate with us on this day as this is
part of Evangelism.
We need to embrace the encouraging words of Paul to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2 which says “You
have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these
truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others”. EACH ONE TO

PHC-Zambia Youth Ministries 2024 National Youth Week Program Guide 6

Prayer and Fasting/Sunday Preparation Day.
Fasting is a way to humble yourself in the sight of God (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21). King David said, “I
humbled my soul with fasting” (Psalm 69:10). You may find yourself relying on God more fully for
strength when you fast. Fasting and prayer can help us hear God more clearly.
Therefore, we encourage all Youths to set aside time on this day to seek the presence of God through
prayer and fasting. Below are some of the prayer points that may be considered;

Prayer Points
• Pray for the revival in our church (PHC)
• Pray for all National, Conference, Districts, and Local Church calendars to be fulfilled.
• Pray for the church leadership at all levels that the wisdom from above may increase as the
lead His flock.
• Pray for the Sunday program that it may be successful
Oh Lord! give grace to Youths who will be watch boys and girls and stand on the gap on behalf of
the PHCZ Youths (Ezekiel 22:30)
Possibilities of Prayer
1: Prayer fulfils the plan of God.
2: Prayer brings the plan of God into action.
3: Prayer opens doors [Colossians 4:2].
4: Prayer promotes our private ministry through effective participation [ 2 Thessalonians 3:1].
Close the day with final preparations in readiness for Sunday Service.
Believing Jehovah God to do great things by the power of the Holy Spirit.

PHC-Zambia Youth Ministries 2024 National Youth Week Program Guide 7

Theme: ''Broadening the Scope of Ministry Through Effective Participation
Text: Ephesians 4:16/ Exodus 31:1-5

“From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when
each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love”.
In this passage of scripture, the apostle Paul reminds the Ephesians that they have been called to
unity and they must live up to that calling. Paul underlines clearly that this unity is of the Spirit and
must be kept in that bond of peace. Paul asks them to do everything in their power to maintain this
unity. Then he gives them some basis for this unity.
It is therefore worthy to note that those whom Christ appointed have a distinctive and particular
significant role to play therein: they must equip the members of the body so that they can fulfil their
task. As the saints presumably respond to the equipping process and increasingly put to use their
gifts, the body of Christ is being built up.

EXODUS 31:1-5
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Look, I have specifically chosen Bezalel son of Uri, grandson of
Hur, of the tribe of Judah. I have filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability,
and expertise in all kinds of crafts. He is a master craftsman, expert in working with gold, silver, and
bronze. He is skilled in engraving and mounting gemstones and in carving wood. He is a master at
every craft!
In this passage, God talks about how He specifically filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God and gave
him the ability, knowledge, and craftsmanship to devise artistic designs. As well as the ability to
work in gold, silver, and bronze, to cut stones for setting, to carve wood, and to work in these
different crafts.
Bezalel a master craftsman, had a particular skill that was needed for worship; he was filled with the
Holy Spirit of God.
Those who are willing, the lord can and will use every gift, He has provided His servants as a means
to worship Him.

May God give Grace to this Great Church and All Youths of Pentecostal Holiness Church in Zambia.

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