Atw Pla: Process Manual

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Issue 06
1st February 2019
Forward 5
Introduction 6
1. Safety Awareness 7
1.1 Hazards 7
1.2 Hazard Prevention 8
1.3 Material Storage and Transportation 8

2. General Instructions Part I 10

2.1 The Welding Team and their Responsibilities 10
2.2 Site Assessment 10
2.3 Weather Conditions 10
2.4 Welding Gap Preparation 11
2.5 Joint Alignment 11
2.6 Datum Marks 11

3. Process Applications – PLA Standard 25mm Gap Weld 12

3.1 The Welding Gap 12
3.2 The Welding Kit 12
3.3 Setting the Preheater 12
3.4 Position Clamp Assembly 12
3.5 Mould Selection and Modification 12
3.6 Fitting Type “A” Moulds 16
3.7 Fitting HY Type B & C Moulds 18
3.8 The One-Shot Crucible 20
3.9 Preheating 20
3.10 Completion of Preheating 22
3.11 Reaction and Pour 24
3.12 Stripping Down Times on Completion of Pour 25
3.13 Shearing and Riser Removal 25

4. Process Application – 68mm Wide Gap Weld 27

4.1 Removing a Defect or Defective Weld from Stressed Track 27
4.2 The Welding Gap 27
4.3 The Welding Kit 27
4.4 Setting the Preheater 28
4.5 Position Clamp Assembly 28
4.6 Mould Selection and Modification 28
4.7 Fitting 68mm Wide Gap Moulds 29
4.8 Luting 30
4.9 The One-Shot Crucible 30
4.10 Preheating 30
4.11 Completion of Preheating 31
4.12 Reaction and Pour 31
4.13 Stripping Down Times on Completion of Pour 31
4.14 Shearing and Riser Removal 32
4.15 60E1 / 56E1 (UIC60 / 113A) Composite Joints 32
4.16 Post Luting Procedure 33

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5. General Instructions – Part 2 34
5.1 Rail Stressing Equipment 34
5.2 Removal of Risers on All Rail Types 34
5.3 Removal of Mould and Cleaning Weld 34
5.4 Profile Grinding 34
5.5 Passing of Traffic Over A Newly Made Weld 35
5.6 Weld Identification 35
5.7 Weld Inspection 35

Appendices 36
A. Rail and Welding Kit Identification 37
B. Welding Premium Grade Steels 41
C. Welding Kit, Consumables and Hardware 42
D. Oxy-Fuel Gas Cutting and Pre-heating Parts List and Procedures 46
E. Process Requirements 55
F. Welding Inspection of PLA Welds 58
G. Improved ‘Pate A Lute’ Luting Method 61
H. HWR Process (Head Wash Repair) 65
I. STARTWEL® Electrical Ignition System 71
J. Gas Box Oxy-Propane Preheating 76

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This manual provides detailed instructions for successfully carrying out the PLA - One Shot Crucible welding

This manual shall be used with the relevant track authority specification documents concerning the installation of
Aluminothermic welds.

Only skilled operators who have attended an appropriate training course and hold a valid Certificate of
Competence issued either by Pandrol UK Limited, or an approved body, shall attempt this operation.

Operators required to work on Network Rail Infrastructure shall hold a current Sentinel card with the appropriate

When working on Network Rail Infrastructure this manual shall be used in conjunction with the latest version of
Network Rail Company Specification NR/L2/TRK/0032 ‘Joining of Rails by Aluminothermic welding’.

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The manual is made up from the following sections:

Section 1 Safety Awareness

Hazard and risk assessment on process application and material storage.

Section 2 General Instructions - Part 1

The general instructions provide detailed information regarding site assessment and rail preparation.

Section 3 Process Application - PLA Standard Gap Weld

The process application provides the step by step performance of the standard gap welding operation with felt

Section 4 Process Application - PLA 68mm Wide Gap Weld

The process application provides the step by step performance of the wide gap welding operation using felt and
sand moulds.

Section 5 General Instructions - Part 2

The general instructions provide detailed information on weld finishing and inspection.

Appendix A Rail and Welding Kit Identification

Appendix B Welding Premium Grade Steels

Appendix C Welding Kits, Consumables and Hardware

Appendix D Oxy – Fuel Gas Cutting and Preheating Parts List and Procedures

Appendix E Process Requirements

Appendix F Weld Inspection of PLA Welds

Appendix G Improved ‘Pate a Lute’ Luting Method

Appendix H HWR Process (Head Wash Repair)

Appendix I STARTWEL® Electrical Ignition System

Appendix J Gasbox Preheating

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1. Safety Awareness
1.1 Hazards

1.1.1 Burns
Burns may be sustained during the welding operation from a number of sources:

• Rail end preparation

• Hot rails, tools and materials used throughout the welding operation
• Preheating
• Ignition and reaction of the portion
• Weld cleaning
• Airborne hot sparks and particles

1.1.2 Fire

Fire may occur through accident or negligence due to the following:

• Sparks from cutting and grinding
• Molten metal spillage and splashes
It is strictly forbidden to use
water to put out a fire caused
• Flammable material too close to the welding operation
by the aluminothermic
• Incorrect disposal of hot slag portion.

1.1.3 Explosion
Explosion may occur through accident or negligence due to the following:

• Use of compressed gases

• Molten metal in contact with water
• Molten metal in contact with wet, snow or frozen ballast
• Hot slag or hot slag bowls coming into contact with wet, snow or frozen ballast

1.1.4 Flying Objects

There may be a risk from flying objects in the following circumstances:

• When removing and replacing rail fittings

• When removing vent risers and mould debris
• Splinters from broken tools and grind stones
• Splinters and sparks from hot materials

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1.2 Hazard Prevention

1.2.1 Safety Equipment

It is essential that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided for the welders and worn correctly at all times.

The PPE required for welding includes:

• Flame retardant overalls
• Welders gloves
• Clear goggles
• Dark welding goggles GW 5/6
• Ear defenders
• Welding boots
• Hard hat
• Dust mask

1.2.2 Welder Training & Assessment

Welders shall have attended training courses in welding and all associated skills before performing track welding.

The skill courses required are as follows:

• Pandrol PLA Process Welding Certificate
• Oxy-fuel gas safety
• Abrasive wheels
• The safe operation and use of small plant required for welding including weld shear, profile grinder, disc cutter
and angle grinder
• The safe operation and use of approved welding tents and umbrellas

1.2.3 Check of Substances Hazardous to Health

Material safety data sheets, on which to base COSHH assessments, are available for all Pandrol UK products from
Pandrol UK Ltd.

1.3 Material Storage and Transportation

1.3.1 Material Storage Area

• Storage buildings shall be dry and well ventilated

• Building construction shall be in accordance with the fire regulations applicable to the substance being stored
• Welding kits shall be stored no more than 4 boxes high
• One-shot crucibles shall be stored no more than 3 boxes high for CJ2 crucibles
• Crucibles shall always be stored in an upright position

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1.3.2 Material Transportation

• Transportation of materials shall be in accordance with the fire regulations applicable to the substance being
• Crucibles shall always be transported in an upright position

1.3.3 Spillage of Welding Charge

Spillage of the Welding Charge shall be mixed with 40% sand to prevent combustion and disposed of as industrial

1.3.4 Disposal of Spoiled Portions

Spoiled portions shall be returned to Pandrol UK Ltd for safe disposal. Please contact a member of staff for terms
and conditions.

Note: For further detailed advice on all safety issues, please refer to the site specific method statement and risk
assessments available from the site contractor in charge.

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2. General Instructions Part I
2.1 The Welding Team and their Responsibilities
The procedures contained within this Process Manual are designed for use by a welding team.

Usually, a welding team is made up of a welder and a welder’s assistant.

A welding team could also be comprised of two welders or one welder and a welder undertaking a mentoring
programme prior to full qualification.

The welder and the welder’s assistant shall hold valid certificates of competence, issued by PANDROL or other
approved training organisation, for the process being used.

The welder will assume full responsibility for the production of the weld and adhere to the welding procedure.

The welder will mark the weld with his unique identification stamp.

The assistant will work to the instructions of the welder.

2.2 Site Assessment

The welder will be responsible for checking that the track conditions meet with the requirements of the relevant
track authority.

Site assessment will include track stability, sleeper type and spacing, proximity of features such as other welds,
bolt holes, bond attachments and rail defects such as chair gall, wheel burns and Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF).

The welder shall take into account the position of the weld with respect to bridge decks and longitudinal timbers.

Rails to be welded shall be identified in respect of rail section, wear and steel grade to establish the correct welding
kit and procedures.

2.3 Weather Conditions

2.3.1 Wet Weather

Welding may be undertaken in wet weather providing adequate protection is used; i.e. approved welding tent or
large umbrella.

All consumables shall be kept dry, and wet rails dried prior to welding. In severe weather conditions the welder
following consultation with their Line Manager may decide to suspend welding for personal safety reasons.

2.3.2 Cold Weather

Welding may be undertaken in sub-zero temperatures, providing preheating pressures can be maintained. If
preheating pressures cannot be maintained welding shall be suspended.

It is permissible to weld grade R220 and R260 rails at rail temperatures down to -14°C.

The temperature of luting paste shall not be allowed to fall below -5°C. Welding may be undertaken at ambient
temperatures lower than -5°C only if the pastes are protected from the cold.

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2.4 Welding Gap Preparation
The preferred method for preparing the welding gap is by disc or saw cutting, alternatively the oxy-fuel gas
technique using Propane or Acetylene may be adopted. The correct gap and tolerances are laid down in the
operating parameters.

Where oxy-fuel gas cutting of rails is carried out, PANDROL advise that the following points shall be considered:
1. When preparing to cut into C.W.R. (Continuous Welded Rail) it is unsafe to cut into stressed rail using abrasive
disc cutting equipment. In these circumstances, the rail may be separated by using flame cutting, providing the
cut ends are then inspected and re-cut if necessary, and using the appropriate method for the grade of rail
steel. All grades of steel other than R220, R260 or equivalent, shall be re-cut using mechanical means, and
then the rail is welded immediately. Full instructions as to the permitted methods of cutting rails shall be
provided by the relevant Track Authority.
2. Only standard grade group of rails shall be prepared by Oxy-Fuel gas cutting, i.e. R200, R220 and R260.
3. The operator shall be fully trained with possession of the appropriate certificate of competency for this
technique. Check that the rail is of a grade for which flame cutting is permitted (see details above) and the
method is approved by the appropriate Track Authority.
4. Only cutting torches equipped with a roller guide shall be used for the purpose.
5. The prepared rail ends shall be thoroughly cleaned after Oxy-Fuel gas cutting, to remove all mill scale, oxide
and slag.
6. The rails are to be welded immediately after the cutting and cleaning processes have been completed.
7. Always ensure that traffic (trains running) does not pass over flame cut rail ends.
8. The squareness laterally and vertically of each rail end shall be within a tolerance of ± 2mm.
9. Rails ends shall be free of oil, grease and dirt.

2.5 Joint Alignment

Prior to joint alignment, each rail shall be checked for straightness and that it is free of damage that could affect the
correct joint alignment.

Using a 1-metre nibbed calibrated straight edge, the vertical alignment of the two rails is adjusted to 1.5 mm high
over the 1 metre span. Four points of contact with the straight edge will occur when this is achieved.

The alignment of the running edge shall be adjusted until continuous contact along the bevelled edge of the straight
edge for the full 1 metre is achieved.

Where the webs or feet are of different widths, the difference shall be halved on both sides of the rail.

Twist in the rail alignment may prevent the bottom briquette fitting correctly and may cause weld metal run-outs.

For alignment devices, see the PANDROL ATW EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE

2.6 Datum Marks

On completion of alignment and to detect any longitudinal movement., datum marks shall be made on the foot of
each rail coincident with the edge of a fastening housing, baseplate, chair, or a mark on the second sleeper, timber,
bearer, or support on either side of the joint. When using A-Frames, the third sleeper, timber, bearer, or support
shall be used.

These marks shall be checked at the prescribed times.

If rail movement is observed, welding shall be suspended and corrections made before welding is resumed.

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3. Process Applications – PLA Standard
25mm Gap Weld
3.1 The Welding Gap
Rails shall be positively identified before welding commences. Rail identification will determine the procedure and
consumables to be used.

For the PLA standard weld, the welding gap shall be 25mm+/- 2mm (23 to 27mm). The method of gap preparation
is given in Section 2.4.

Note: Every effort shall be made to achieve the 25mm gap for PLA standard weld.

3.2 The Welding Kit

The welding kit shall be checked and identified as the correct type (See Appendix A).
The moulds, portion and One-shot crucible shall be in good condition.

3.3 Setting the Preheater Figure 1: Preheater Setting

The preheater is positioned square and central to the
welding gap at a minimum distance of 110mm from
the rail end. 110mm of running surface is required to
position an engineer’s square to check the preheater
alignment (See Figure 1).

The preheater shall be set in accordance with the

process parameters in Appendix E.

The preferred position of the preheater is on the most

worn rail where practicable.

3.4 Position Clamp Assembly

The clamp assembly shall be positioned so that the
arms are central to the welding gap, using the bottom
of the rail head as a central mark, to apply even
Figure 2: Position Clamp Assembly
pressure on the moulds (See Figure 2).

Incorrect positioning of the clamp may result in

uneven contact between the mould and the rail, which
could lead to excessive flashing.

3.5 Mould Selection and

A key area of making a satisfactory weld is the choice
and modification of the moulds. Incorrect choice or
modification will result in poor mould fitment and a

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weld collar that may not fulfil the required acceptance Figure 3: Rail Wear Gauge
criteria. Particular areas of concern would be weld
collar verticality, flashing and weld metal run-out.

3.5.1 Mould Selection

Mould choice is determined by the amount of wear on
the rails to be joined. Each rail shall be measured
within 25mm of the rail end with a rail wear gauge.
The amount of wear shall be used with the matrix in
Section 3.5.3 to determine the correct type of mould
to be used.

Type A moulds are used for welding new and nearly

new rail where the amount of wear on both rails is
Figure 4: Type A Moulds
3mm or less (see Figure 4).

HY. Type B moulds are used for welding new, and

nearly new rails to worn rails, where the amount of
wear does not exceed 15mm on the most worn rail,
and the differential in wear (step) on the rails is in the
range 4 to 7mm (see Figure 5).

HY. Type C moulds are used for welding worn rail,

where the amount of wear does not exceed 15mm on
both rails and the differential in wear (step) on the
rails is in the range 0 to 3mm (see Figure 6).

Figure 5: Type B Moulds

3.5.2 Mould Adjustment Type “A” Moulds

Type A moulds use a 6mm thick strip of felt on both

sides of the weld collar to produce a weld with no
flashing. The felt will also accommodate some
difference in rail height, as well as imperfections in the
rail surface.

In situations where the difference in rail height is 2mm

or more, it will be necessary to remove part of the
thickness of the felt to allow the moulds to fit vertically
to the rail with a snug fit. Part of the thickness of the
felt shall be removed at the following positions on
both mould halves: Figure 6: Type C Moulds

On the underside of the head on the least worn side.

On the top of the foot on the most worn side.
The method of felt removal is given in Section 3.6.1.
It is not necessary to remove any felt from the bottom

These moulds can also be used for welding new rails.

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© Pandrol 2019 13 of 80 HY Type "B" Moulds

HY Type B moulds are manufactured to fit worn rails with up to 15mm of headwear and 4mm minimum of dissimilar
wear. They can be adjusted to fit worn rail combinations with up to 7mm dissimilar wear.

Mould Adjustment
Figure 7: Achieving a Secure Fit
The first mould shall be adjusted and fitted to the least
worn rail; this will be achieved by removing material
from the 3 x 5mm segments on both sides of the
mould by filing away sand to achieve a secure fit-up
against the rail profile, as shown in (Figure 7).

The second mould shall be adjusted as per the first

mould (least worn rail); this also will be achieved by
removing material from the 3 x 5mm segments on the
mould by filing away sand to achieve a secure fit-up
against the rail profile.

Bottom Briquette

When using the HY Type B moulds, the bottom

briquette is manufactured with a 4mm step/slope on the worn side that can accommodate dissimilar wear in the
range of 4 to 7mm. No adjustment is necessary.

The HY. Type B moulds and briquette have rail identification on the side, i.e. 110A – 113A PLA. This will indicate
the correct way the bottom briquette and mould are to be located; the markings are on the same side. HY Type “C” Moulds

HY Type C moulds are manufactured to fit new to new rail and worn to worn rail, where the amount of wear does
not exceed 15mm on both rails and the difference in wear (step) is in the range of 0 to 3mm.

Mould Adjustment

The first mould shall be adjusted and fitted to the least worn rail; this will be achieved by removing material from the
3 x 5mm adjustable segments on both sides of the mould by filing away sand to achieve a secure fit-up against the
rail profile, as shown in (Figure 7).

The second mould shall be adjusted as per the first moulds (least worn rail); this also will be achieved by removing
material from the 3 x 5mm adjustable segments on the mould by filing away sand to achieve a secure fit-up against
the rail profile.

NB: When welding new to new rail with HY Type C moulds; this is achieved by removing the 3 x 5mm segments on
the mould, then placing felt from the blue kit packets to seal the luting gap. This is placed within the preformed
luting strip of the moulds as shown in (section 3.7.3 Figure 16).

Bottom Briquette

The bottom briquette is manufactured exactly the same as with type A moulds and no adjustment is required. Good
practice is to check the fitment of the bottom briquette prior to luting to ensure the correct fitment can be achieved.

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3.5.3 Mould Selection Matrix


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


First rail worn 8mm

Example 1 Step = 3 mm = Mould type HYC
Second rail worn 11 mm

First rail worn 7 mm

Example 2 Step = 5 mm = Mould type HYB
Second rail worn 12 mm

The above Mould Selection Matrix is Pandrol’s recommendation and is there for guidance.

Note: Either Type “A” moulds or HYC moulds can be used for welding rails together that both have 3mm wear or

Note: There are coloured stickers on the exterior of the Welding Kit Boxes relating to the mould matrix above which
help you identify the kits.

Green for Type A Moulds – See Figure 4 – page 13

Blue for Type B Moulds - See Figure 5 – page 13

Yellow for Type C Moulds - See Figure 6 – page 13

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3.6 Fitting Type “A” Moulds
Each mould shall be placed into a mould shoe,
making sure the recess in the side of the mould Figure 8: Mould Shoe
locates fully with the locating block inside the shoe
(See Figure 8).

Incorrect fitting of the mould into the shoe can result

in the poor fitting of the bottom briquette.

The first mould shall be fitted central to the welding

gap and supported by the mould clamp. The central
aperture and vent risers shall be checked for correct
positioning. Verticality shall be checked with a
Pandrol mould square (See Figure 9).

The polystyrene insert will assist with centralisation

and verticality of the moulds.

If the position of the mould needs to be

Figure 9: Correct Positioning
adjusted, make sure that the mould shoe
locking clamp is released before moving the

When the first mould is fitted correctly, the second

mould is then fitted. Both moulds shall be checked
for squareness and verticality using appropriate
tools. (See Figure 10).

Figure 10: Checking for Squareness

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3.6.1 Mould Modification Felt Mould Modification for 2 or 3mm Dissimilar Figure 11: Felt Mould Modification

Type A moulds can be modified by removing part of the felt

from the underside of the head on the new rail and above
the foot on the worn rail. This will relieve the pressure
exerted at these points and allow the mould to fit vertically.

A thin layer of felt may be removed by cutting into it with a

sharp edge and peeling away the top layers but leaving the
foot tip intact (See Figure 11).

Caution shall be exercised as removing too much felt may

lead to excessive flashing.

After modification, the moulds are fitted to the rail joint and
checked for verticality, squareness and a snug fit. Bottom Briquette Modification

The felt on the bottom briquette requires no

modification as it is designed for new rail with similar Figure 12: Cartridge Luting Paste
or dissimilar wear up to 3mm.

3.6.2 Fitting the Bottom Plate and Bottom

Before fitting the bottom briquette in the bottom plate,
make sure the plate is clean and free from paste.

The bottom briquette shall be placed into the bottom

plate. When fitted, the bottom briquette shall fit flat in
the bottom plate and not rock.

Cartridge luting paste shall be applied around the

edges of the bottom briquette and bottom plate. The
paste shall be built up until it is 1-2mm higher than
the surface of the felt along the sides (See Figure Figure 13: Checking the locating lugs

It is not necessary to build up the paste level with felt

at the ends, 2 runs of luting paste is sufficient.

The bottom plate shall be placed carefully onto the

mould clamp, checking that the locating lugs on the
bottom briquette fit square and central to the two
mould halves. (See Figure 13).

Care shall be taken to guarantee that luting paste is

not wiped from the bottom briquette during fitting.

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Both locking handles shall be operated at the same time whilst the bottom briquette is held in position.

The bottom plate shall be tapped firmly with a small hammer to guarantee a tight fit with the underside of the rail.

After the plate has been fitted, the mould alignment shall be re-checked.

3.6.3 Luting

Cartridge luting paste shall be applied into all the

recesses around the perimeter of the rail and mould Figure 14: Application of luting paste
joints (see Figure 14). Additional paste shall be
applied to the vertical mould joint above the rail head.

Luting paste shall not be allowed to enter the mould

cavity, as this will result in inclusions in the finished

Poor luting can result in weld metal run-outs.

Excessive paste must not be used. If too much paste

is applied, it will not dry enough during preheat and it
will not form a strong seal. One bead is enough.

Note: Pate A Lute may be used to seal felted moulds

also; however it is important that you apply the paste
by hand only and do not apply too much pressure as
this could dislodge the felt from the moulds and push
the felt into the weld collar.

3.7 Fitting HY Type B & C Moulds

Where a difference of wear is determined between the two rails to be welded, the correct type of mould shall be
identified using the table in Section 3.5.3.

3.7.1 Mould Modification

Before any modification is carried out, make sure that the moulds are orientated with the slag overflow (pouring
gate) to the least worn side were possible.

HY. Type B and C moulds can be modified by filing as previously explained in Section & Section

Example 1: If the first rail has 8mm wear, and the second rail has 11mm
wear, step = 3mm = HY Type C mould would be used. This would require REMEMBER
both moulds to be modified by removing 7mm material from the 3 x 5mm
adjustable segments by filing away sand to achieve a secure fit. Always modify both moulds
to suit the least worn rail.
Example 2: If the first rail has 7mm wear, and the second rail has 12mm
wear, step = 5mm = HY Type B mould would be used. This would require
both moulds to be modified by removing 8mm material from the 3 x 5mm
adjustable segments by filing away sand to achieve a secure fit-up.

After modification, the moulds are fitted to the rail joint and checked for verticality and a snug fit.

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When the first mould is fitted correctly (See Figure
15), the second mould is then fitted. Both moulds
shall be checked for squareness and verticality using Figure 15: Correctly Fitted Mould
appropriate tools.

3.7.2 Fitting the Bottom Plate and Bottom

When fitting the bottom plate & bottom briquette,
follow the same sequence as in section 3.6.2.

NB: When fitting the bottom briquette for the HY Type

B moulds, make sure the 4mm step/slope designed to
accommodate dissimilar wear is fitted correctly; this
can be done by checking that that the rail type
markings written on the side of the briquette are fitted
to the same side as the rail type markings on the

3.7.3 Fully Luting

Figure 16: Modified Moulds
Where moulds have been modified (Both HY. Type
B & C) there will be an absence of felt and
crevices will be present around the head of the rail.
Therefore It will be necessary to fit felt (from the
blue kit boxes) to fill the crevices prior to using
luting paste (See Figure 16).

The remaining luting procedure will be as per

Section 3.6.3.

Mould Fully Luted (See Figure 17).

Figure 17: Mould Fully Luted

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3.8 The One-Shot Crucible

3.8.1 One-Shot Crucible

The One-Shot crucible is available in the UK for PLA:
CJ2 + Eco-filter used for standard (25mm), wide-gap (68mm) welds and HWR welds.

3.8.2 One-Shot Crucible Procedure

The One-Shot crucible is made from bonded refractory sand and

does not require any preparation. Figure 18: Crucible Ready for Use

When the crucible is removed from the packaging, check the

crucible for damage and make sure the automatic tapping
mechanism is not damaged, and clear any loose sand from inside
the crucible.

The crucible shall be placed on a dry / grease free surface. There

is cardboard supplied in the bottom of the packaging to stand the
crucible on if needed.

The contents of the welding portion bag shall be emptied into the
crucible, checking that the portion is free of dirt and moisture.

NB: Please note the portion bag is not vacuum packed.

One igniter only shall be placed in the centre of the portion at a

depth of approximately 20–30mm ready for use. The crucible lid is
then placed on top of the crucible and checked. The crucible is
then ready for use (See Figure 18).

Wet or damaged crucibles shall not be used. To reduce the risk of moisture contamination, the crucible packaging
can be placed over the prepared crucible.

3.9 Preheating
All gas equipment shall be assembled and checked for leaks
using the approved leak detection method prior to use. A Figure 19: Preheater Cone Length
complete list of preheating equipment and its assembly is
given in Appendix D.

The position of the preheater on its support shall be re-

checked to make sure that no movement has occurred and
the correct height has been set.

Gas cylinders shall be checked to ensure that there are

sufficient contents for the full duration of the preheat

The valves on the preheater shank shall be fully opened.

The preheater shall be lit and pressures set by adjusting the

pressure adjustment screws on the regulator, followed by
reading the in-line pressure check gauges.

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3.9.1 Preheating Parameters
The parameters for a 25mm standard gap weld using Oxy-Propane and Oxy-Acetylene preheating are shown
Oxy-Propane Oxy-Acetylene
Preheating burner RT22 RT8
Fuel gas pressure 0.6 bar 0.6 bar
Oxygen pressure 1.2 bar 0.6 bar
Cone length 25mm 8mm
Burner height 50mm 60mm
Preheat time 4 minutes 6 minutes

If the correct cone length cannot be achieved, a tolerance +/- 10% can be applied to the fuel gas pressure to
facilitate flame adjustment. The flat of the slag bowl handle can be used as a guide to achieve a 25mm cone

Incorrect flame cone length may indicate problems with pressure check gauges. If the correct cone length cannot
be maintained the gas equipment shall be repaired or replaced.

3.9.2 Preheating

After setting the preheating flame condition, the slag bowl shall
be dried to remove any moisture by holding the preheating Figure 20: Preheating
flame to the outside of the bowl.

The preheater shall be placed into the support and secured

with the locking nut (See Figure 20).

At this point the stopwatch shall be started.

During the preheat the following shall be checked:

• Pressures shall be maintained throughout the duration of
the preheat.
• The luting paste condition remains intact. Additional paste
can be applied during the preheat.
• Datum marks shall be checked for any rail movement.

If any problems occur, the welding operation shall be suspended and the problem rectified before continuing.

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3.9.3 Attaching the slag bowl
The slag bowl shall be placed along the pouring gate side of the mould (See Figure 21).

Luting paste or pate-a-lute shall be applied between the side of the mould and the slag bowl to prevent molten slag
running between the bowl and the mould (See Figure 22).

Attaching the slag bowl one minute before the end of the preheat will allow the condition of the luting paste above
the rail to be monitored and reinforced if necessary.

Figure 21: Attaching the slag bowl Figure 22: Luting paste application

3.10 Completion of Preheating

The preheater shall be removed and the rail ends Figure 23: Sand Core
observed. The rail ends shall appear cherry red
without melting or oxidisation.

The sand core shall be fitted in to the aperture of

the moulds using the tongs (see Figure 23).

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The one shot crucible shall be positioned centrally on
the moulds taking care not to block the slag pouring
gate (See Figure 24). Figure 24: Positioned Centrally

When using the Standard Ignition method the

crucible lid is removed and the igniter lit with the
preheating torch. The igniter is then inserted into the
portion approximately 20 to 30mm and then the lid is
replaced. (See Figure 25).

Light the tip of the igniter only.

This action shall not take more than 30 seconds from

removal of the preheater to the insertion of the igniter.
Figure 25: Standard Ignition
If a delay of more than 30 seconds occurs, welding shall
be suspended and the moulds removed to allow the rails
to cool. Welding can continue only when the rails have
reached ambient temperature and the luting medium has
been removed.

N.B. Ensure that a new set of moulds and new luting

medium are used.

When using the Electronic Ignition (Startwel system) Figure 26: Electronic Ignition
the crucible lid can remain in place (See Figure 26).
Please see section (I) for more information.

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3.11 Reaction and Pour
When the reaction has started, the gas supply shall
be turned off at the regulators, the hoses purged and Figure 27: Tapping
the pressure adjustment screws slackened off.

The reaction shall be timed from the insertion of the

igniter or until the crucible taps.

Tapping may be observed from the small gap

between the moulds and the one shot crucible. As
highlighted (See Figure 27).

The reaction time shall be in the range of 17 to 32


On completion of the pour (as soon as slag starts to

pour into the slag bowl) the stopwatch shall be started
for stripping down procedure.

The weld shall then be left undisturbed for 3 minutes.

3.11.1 Tapping Mechanism

The tapping mechanism is the F1 type thimble and is characterised by an inverted aluminium cap, containing a
small amount of portion, covering and protecting the tapping mechanism, and a 16mm diameter pouring aperture

The benefit of the F1 thimble is that it cannot be contaminated with crucible debris and is therefore more reliable.

3.11.2 Secondary Tapping

The one shot crucible has been designed with a secondary release hole if the main tapping mechanism fails to
work. The molten steel will be released safely into the mould via the vent riser approximately 2 minutes after the
ignition of the portion.

If the crucible taps through the secondary release hole, the weld shall be rejected by the welder, who shall arrange
for the weld to be clamped and report the circumstances to the person in charge.

If the secondary release hole fails, the one shot crucible shall be left undisturbed for 30 minutes until the molten
steel has solidified and cooled down.

The crucible can then be removed to a safe position.

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3.12 Stripping Down Times on Completion of Pour
After 3 minutes has elapsed, the one shot crucible may be removed with the crucible fork (See Figure 28). The
crucible shall be placed on a steel tray clear from flammable material.

The slag bowl shall be removed and placed on the hot waste/sand tray containing at least 25mm of sand, after first
breaking the solidified slag between the moulds and the slag bowl with a small hammer. Breaking the solidified slag
will prevent breaking into the moulds too early.

The clamp and mould shoes may be removed after 4 minutes.

Figure 28: Crucible Removal Figure 29: Shearing

3.13 Shearing and Riser Removal

Prior to weld shearing, luting paste shall be cleaned from the rail head each side of the weld, to prevent
impregnation into the hot weld metal. This can be done by using a wire brush.

The weld shear blades shall be adjusted to leave a minimum of 2mm of weld metal above the running surface for
profile grinding.

After 5 minutes has elapsed from completion of the pour, the excess weld material can be sheared (Figure 29).

On completion of shearing, if alignment device needs to be moved, wood or nylon wedges can be inserted 10
minutes after completion of pour to permit removal of the device.

If it is not possible to trim the weld using the hydraulic weld trimming machine, the head riser shall be removed
when cold, using a suitable angle grinder and abrasive cut-off wheel. The head riser shall be removed to within
5mm of the rail head, and the remaining head riser removed by profile grinding.

The vent riser shall be removed after 30 minutes from the pour and once the weld has cooled down.

IMPORTANT To remove the vent riser, notch the vent riser 50% of its depth and not by
more than 5mm from the weld collar surface using an angle grinder and a
If the vent riser is greater metal cutting disc. On completion of notching, knock the riser along the
than 5mm high above the rail for complete removal.
weld collar, it shall be ground
down to 5mm or less.

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When welding 95RBH rail section, Type A mould welding procedures shall be followed with the following

The as-cast weld incorporates a vent riser support that protrudes approximately 30mm from each foot tip. The vent
riser and its support shall be removed separately after 30 minutes from the pour and once the weld has cooled

To remove the vent riser, notch the vent riser 50% of its depth, and not more than 5mm from the weld collar
surface using an angle grinder and a metal cutting disc. On completion of notching, knock the riser along the rail for
complete removal.

After the vent riser has been removed, if no damage is evident, the vent
IMPORTANT riser support may be left on. However, if damage to the vent riser support
has occurred, cut off the vent riser support using an angle grinder and
If the vent riser is greater metal disc, and grind back to within 3mm of the foot of the rail. All sharp
than 5mm high above the edges shall be removed by grinding.
weld collar, it shall be ground
Note: Care shall be taken at all times to protect the rail and weld collar
down to 5mm or less.
from damage during the grinding and cutting operations.

For mould selection and modification when using HY Type B & C Moulds
on BS 95RBH Bull Head rail, follow the same procedure as shown in section 3.5 Mould Selection and

When fitting HY Type B & C Moulds on BS 95RBH Bull Head rail, follow the same procedure as shown in section
3.7 Fitting HY Type B & C Moulds.

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4. Process Application – 68mm Wide Gap
4.1 Removing a Defect or Defective Weld from Stressed Track
Before cutting into stressed track, datum marks shall be marked on the rail 100mm either side of the centre-line of
the defective weld. These marks will identify how much rail movement takes place when the rail is cut.

Tensors shall be assembled around the defect and a load applied to

prevent excessive movement of the rail through adjacent fastenings after IMPORTANT
it has been cut.
Disc cutting into stressed
The defective weld or rail defect shall be flame cut through its centre.
track is highly dangerous
When the rail has been cut, the tensor pressure can be released and the and is prohibited.
amount of rail movement measured.


Required Gap = Welding Gap + Rail Movement

It is essential that the rail is pulled back to give 200 mm spacing between the original datum marks. Failure to pull
the rail to this dimension will lead to over or under-stressed track.

Equal amounts of material shall be cut from each rail to produce the required gap.

Various defects require Non Destructive Testing (NDT) prior to welding, reference shall be made to

4.2 The Welding Gap

The PLA 68mm wide gap weld can be used on 54E1, 56E1, and 60E1 (BS110A, BS113A and CEN 60) rails (or
equivalent) with up to 3mm of wear. Oxy-Propane and Oxy-Acetylene versions are available for all rail sections.

Rails shall be positively identified before welding commences.

The welding gap shall be 68mm +/ - 3mm (65 to 71mm). The method of gap preparation is given in Section 2.4.

Note: Every effort shall be made to achieve the 68mm gap for the wide gap PLA process weld.

4.3 The Welding Kit

The welding kit shall be checked and identified as the correct type (see Appendix A). The moulds, portion and
One-shot crucible shall be in good condition.

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4.4 Setting the Preheater
Figure 30: Positioning the Preheater
The preheater is positioned square and central to the
welding gap (See Figure 30).

The preheater stem shall be set to guarantee the

correct burner height and set in accordance with the
process parameters in Appendix E.

The preheater shall be positioned on the most worn


4.5 Position Clamp Assembly

The clamp assembly shall be positioned so that the
arms are central to the welding gap using the bottom
of the rail head as a central mark to apply even
pressure on the moulds. (See Figure 31).

Incorrect positioning of the clamp may result in

uneven contact between the mould and the rail,
which could lead to excessive flashing.
Figure 31: Positioning the Clamp

4.6 Mould Selection and


4.6.1 Mould Selection

68mm wide gap welds can only be used for
welding new and nearly new rail where the amount
of wear on both rails is 3mm or less. Mould choice
is, therefore, only determined by rail section.

4.6.2 Mould Adjustment

68mm wide gap moulds use a 6mm thick strip of
felt on both sides of the weld collar to produce a
weld with no flashing. The felt will also
accommodate a 3mm difference in rail height as
well as imperfections in the rail surface.

In situations where the difference in rail height is 2mm or more, it may be necessary to remove part of the thickness
of the felt to allow the moulds fit vertically to the rail with a snug fit. Part of the thickness of the felt shall be
removed at the following positions on both mould halves:
• on the underside of the head on the least worn side
• on the top of the foot on the most worn side

The method of felt removal is given in Section It is not necessary to remove any felt from the sand

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4.7 Fitting 68mm Wide Gap Moulds
Each mould shall be placed into a mould shoe, making sure the recess in the side of the mould locates fully with
the locating block inside the shoe.

Incorrect fitting of the mould can result in a poor fitting of the sand briquette.

The first mould shall be fitted central to the welding gap and supported by the mould clamp. The central apertures
and weld collar shall be checked for correct positioning.

Verticality can be checked using an engineer’s square positioned across the gap and against the outside face of
the mould (See Figure 32).

If the position of the mould needs to be adjusted, make sure that the mould clamp is released before moving the

When the first mould is fitted correctly, the second mould is then fitted. Both moulds shall be checked for
squareness and verticality using appropriate tools. The sand core shall be checked for a good fit in the head riser.
(See Figure 33).

Figure 32: Checking Vertically Figure 33: Check for Squareness

4.7.1 Fitting the Bottom Plate & Bottom Briquette

Before luting and fitting the bottom briquette, check the briquette fits correctly between the moulds (See Figure 34).

The bottom briquette shall be a snug fit with the moulds and the underside of the rail.

If the bottom briquette feels tight in the moulds, file both ends of the briquette equally until a good fit is achieved.

Before fitting the bottom briquette in the bottom plate, check that the plate is clean and free from paste.

The bottom briquette shall be placed into the bottom plate. When fitted, the briquette shall fit flat in the bottom plate
and shall not rock.

Cartridge luting paste shall be applied around the edges of the bottom briquette and bottom plate. The paste shall
be built up until it is level, or just above (1mm to 2mm), the surface of the felt (See Figure 35).

The bottom plate shall be placed carefully onto the mould shoe lifting devise to guarantee it fits square and central
to the two mould halves.

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Figure 34: Check the Briquette fits Figure 35: Luting Paste

Both locking handles shall be operated at the same time whilst the bottom briquette is held in position.

Care shall be taken to ensure that luting paste is not wiped from the bottom briquette during fitting.

The bottom plate shall be tapped firmly with a small hammer to guarantee a tight fit with the underside of the rail.

After the plate has been fitted, the mould alignment shall be re-checked.

4.8 Luting
Luting is carried out in the same manner as standard gap Type A moulds (Section 3.6.3). Cartridge luting paste
shall be applied into all recesses around the perimeter of the rail and mould joints. Additional paste shall be
applied to the vertical mould joint above the rail head.

Luting paste shall not be allowed to enter the mould cavity, as this will result in inclusions in the finished weld.

Note: Pate A Lute may be used to seal felted moulds; however it is important that you apply the Pate A Lute by
hand only and do not apply too much pressure as this could dislodge the felt from the moulds and push the felt into
the weld collar.

4.9 The One-Shot Crucible

4.9.1 One-Shot Crucible

The CJ2 crucible is used for 25mm (standard gap) and 68mm (wide gap) welds.

The CJ2 crucible incorporates an Eco-filter lid.

4.9.2 One-Shot Crucible Procedure

The One-Shot crucible procedure for 68mm wide gap welds is the same as that used for 25mm standard welds
(Section 3.8.2)

4.10 Preheating
The same general conditions for 25mm standard welds apply to 68mm wide gap welds. Details can be found in
Section 3.9 however, the procedure does vary, please refer to Appendix E.

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4.10.1 Preheating Parameters
The parameters for Oxy-Propane and Oxy-Acetylene preheating for 68mm wide gap welds are shown below.
Oxy-Propane Oxy-Acetylene
Preheating Burner RT22 RT8
Fuel Gas Pressure 0.6 bar 0.6 bar
Oxygen Pressure 1.2 bar 0.6 bar
Cone Length 25mm 8mm
Burner Height 70mm 60mm
Preheat Time 7 minutes 7 minutes

If the correct cone length cannot be achieved, a tolerance +/- 10% can be applied to the fuel gas pressure to
facilitate flame adjustment.

4.10.2 Attaching the Slag Bowl

The same conditions for 25mm standard welds apply to 68mm wide gap welds. Details can be found in Section

4.11 Completion of Preheating

The same conditions for 25mm standard welds apply to 68mm wide gap welds. Details can be found in Section

4.12 Reaction and Pour

The same conditions for 25mm standard welds apply to 68mm wide gap welds. Details can be found in Section

The weld shall be left undisturbed for 3 minutes.

4.12.1 Tapping Mechanism

The same general conditions for 25mm standard welds apply to 68mm wide gap welds. Details can be found in
Section 3.11.1.

4.12.2 Secondary Tapping

The same general conditions for 25mm standard welds apply to 68mm wide gap welds. Details can be found in
Section 3.11.2.

4.13 Stripping Down Times on Completion of Pour

After 6 minutes has elapsed, the One-Shot crucible may be removed with the crucible fork. The crucible shall be
placed on a steel tray clear from flammable material.

After 6 minutes has elapsed and once the crucible has been removed, the slag bowl shall be removed and placed
on the hot waste/sand tray containing at least 25mm of sand. Ensure that you break the solidified slag between the
moulds and the slag bowl with a small hammer before removal. Breaking the solidified slag will prevent breaking
into the moulds too early.

The clamp and mould shoes may be removed after 10 minutes.

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4.14 Shearing and Riser Removal
Prior to weld shearing, mould sand and loose paste shall be cleaned from the rail head each side of the weld, to
prevent impregnation into the hot weld metal. This can be done by using a wire brush.

The weld shear blades shall be adjusted to leave a minimum of 2mm of weld metal above the running surface for
profile grinding.

After 13 minutes has elapsed from completion of the pour, the excess weld material can be sheared.

If it is not possible to shear the weld using the hydraulic weld shearing
machine, the head riser shall be removed when cold, using a suitable
angle grinder and abrasive cut-off wheel. The head riser shall be IMPORTANT
removed to within 5mm of the rail head, and the remaining head riser
removed by profile grinding.
If the vent riser is greater
than 5mm high above the
The vent risers shall be removed after 50 minutes from the pour and weld collar, it shall be ground
once the weld has cooled down. down to 5mm or less.
To remove the vent riser, knock the riser along the rail until fracture
occurs for complete removal.

4.15 60E1 / 56E1 (UIC60 / 113A) Composite Joints

4.15.1 Mould Fitting

Where 56E1 section rail needs to be welded to 60E1 Figure 36: Mould fitting
section rail, composite moulds shall be used.

These moulds do not have felt, however no

adjustment is necessary. If a gap exists between the
moulds and underneath the head of the rail, it is
advisable to place a small amount of felt.

These moulds are purposely designed to

accommodate the two rail sections (See Figure 36).

60E1 56E1

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Figure 37: Apply cartridge luting paste
4.15.2 Bottom Briquette Luting Bottom Briquette

Prior to fitting the bottom briquette, there is a

requirement to apply cartridge luting paste (See
Figure 37) as there are no felted strips along the
bottom briquette.

The luting paste is only applied along the side, not

along the edges. Fitting the Bottom Briquette

The bottom plate shall be placed carefully onto the mould clamp, checking that the bottom briquette fits squarely
and centrally to the two mould halves.

Both locking handles shall be operated at the same time whilst the bottom briquette is held in position.

The bottom plate shall be tapped firmly with a small hammer to guarantee a tight fit with the underside of the rail.

After the plate has been fitted, the mould alignment shall be re checked.

N.B. It may be necessary to use a sand file on the moulds for geometry and a snug fit.

4.15.3 Luting
‘Pate a Lute’ shall be applied into all the recesses around the perimeter of the rail and mould joints, including the
underside of the rail and the joint behind the bottom plate hangers.

Pate a Lute is applied from the bucket, by hand. Initially, small quantities of paste shall be pushed firmly into the
luting recesses to guarantee correct sealing. Larger quantities can then be applied to reinforce the seal (See
Figure 38 and 39).

Figure 38: Before ‘Pate a Lute’ Figure 39: After ‘Pate a Lute’

Luting paste shall not be allowed to enter the mould cavity, as this will result in inclusions in the final weld.

4.16 Post Luting Procedure

Following mould fitting and luting, the procedure for 60E1 / 56E1 composite welds is the same as that for
conventional PLA 68mm welds. Please refer to sections 4.10 to 4.16 for details.

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5. General Instructions – Part 2
5.1 Rail Stressing Equipment
To prevent hot tears when welds are made between rail stressors, the equipment shall remain in position for a
minimum time from the completion of the pour.

These times, also specified in the process data sheets in Appendix E, are as follows.
• 25mm standard gap welds – 30 minutes from completion of the pour
• 68mm wide gap welds – 50 minutes from completion of the pour

In addition, newly made welds shall not be subjected to stressing operations or the use of rail stressors in close
proximity for the same minimum times given above.

5.2 Removal of Risers on All Rail Types

To minimise the risk of weld collar damage, the following procedure shall be used for the removal of vent risers.

Method for removal:

• For a standard weld (25mm gap), at least 30 minutes from completion of the pour and after the removal of all
sand from the base of the risers, notch the risers 5mm above the weld collar using an angle grinder and metal
cutting disc. The notch shall be approximately 50% deep and not more than 5mm from the weld collar surface.
On completion of notching, knock the risers towards and along the rail for complete removal.
• For a wide gap weld (68mm gap) at least 50 minutes after completion
of the pour the vent riser may be knocked along the rail until fracture
occurs for complete removal. IMPORTANT
• Vent riser stubs on any rail profile shall not project vertically more If the vent riser is greater
than 5mm once removal has been completed. Vent risers that are than 5mm high above the
more than 5mm high can be ground back accordingly.
weld collar it shall be ground
• Extreme care shall be exercised during vent riser removal to avoid down to 5mm or less.
damage to the collar or surrounding rail.

Times for riser removal are specified in the process data sheets in
Appendix E.

5.3 Removal of Mould and Cleaning Weld

The mould material may be removed more easily when cold, using a wire brush and the round end of a ball peen
hammer. The use of a needle gun is also allowed.

5.4 Profile Grinding

Before grinding can commence, all insulators, pads and fastenings shall be replaced.

The times for reinstating the track are 30 minutes after the pour for standard PLA gaps (25mm) and 50 minutes
after the pour for PLA wide gaps (68mm). If the alignment device needs to be removed, wood or steel wedges can
be inserted 10 minutes for PLA gaps (25mm) and 20 minutes for PLA wide gaps (68mm) after completion of the
pour to permit the removal of the device.

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A minimum amount of time is required from the completion of the pour to the grinding. This is to prevent possible
detrimental effects to the finished profile when cold. Times for grinding are specified in the process data sheets in
Appendix E.

Final profile grinding shall be within the tolerance laid down by the relevant track authority. For Network Rail
infrastructure, these tolerances are specified in Network Rail Company Specification NR/L2/TRK/0032.

5.5 Passing of Traffic Over A Newly Made Weld

It is recommended that traffic does not pass over a newly made weld until it has been ground; however, local track
authority procedures shall be consulted for emergency action.

5.6 Weld Identification

Welds shall be identified in accordance with local track authority regulations.

5.7 Weld Inspection

The welder shall inspect all their own welds prior to leaving the site.

The weld shall be checked for any visual defects and geometry misalignment.

Defects shall be reported and action taken before leaving the site.

The welding inspector will carry out a further, more detailed, inspection, to local track authority requirements.

For PLA weld inspection guidelines, see Appendix F.

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A. Rail and Welding Kit Identification
A.1. Rail Identification
Prior to welding, both rails shall be identified in respect to the following:
• Rail section
• Rail steel grade
• Rail wear

The amount of rail wear shall be measured, but rail section and grade information can usually be obtained from the
rail itself.

All rails manufactured have the basic details of steel type and rail section imprinted on one side of the rail. These
are known as rolled markings; other information such as year of manufacture, supplier and process are also

A.1.1. Before 1978

Before 1978, rolled markings were not standardised but were usually in the following form

Rail Section Process Manufacturer Year

Rolled markings were imprinted in letters 18mm high, repeated every 2.5 metres along the rail web

An example of these rolled marks would be as follows:

This translates as:

110 A Rail section (from British Standard 11)

OB Process (Basic Open Hearth)

BSC CARGO FLEET Manufacturer

1965 Year of manufacture

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A.1.2. From 1978
In 1978, roll markings were standardised in the following form

Rail Section Rail Grade Manufacturer Year Process

Rolled markings were imprinted in letters 30mm high, repeated every 2.5 metres along the rail web.

An example of these rolled marks would be as follows:

This translates as:

BS113A Rail section (from British Standard 11)

A Rail grade (Wear Resisting Grade A)

WORKINGTON Manufacturer (Corus Workington)

98 Year of manufacture

O Process (Basic Oxygen)

Where the grade of rail is omitted, this means the rail is R220 (Standard Grade).

Full details of roll markings, including the latest European markings, can be found in Network Rail Company
Specification NR/L2/TRK/0032 Appendix A Identification of rails and brand markings.

A.1.3. Latest European Rail Grade Markings

The latest rail grade marking system incorporates a series of horizontal lines 25mm and 50mm long. For example,

BS SC 18 56E1 Or TATA SC 18 60E2

BS = Manufacturer / SC = Manufacturing Rolling Mill / Series of horizontal lines 25mm and 50mm long define the
grade of rail / 18 = Year of Manufacturer / 56E1 = Rail Section Size and weight.

A full list of the latest European Rail Grade Markings can be found in the Network Rail Company Specification
NR/L2/TRK/0032 Appendix A.

A.1.4. Rail Wear

Along with the rail section and grade, rail wear shall be determined to establish the correct moulds to be used.

A validated rail wear gauges shall be used on both rails to be welded.

A.1.5. Kit Identification

Following the positive identification of rail section, grade and wear, the correct welding kit can be chosen using the
selection matrix in Section 3.5.3

Each kit is printed with information including its suitability for rail steel type, rail section and wear.

Other information includes the batch number and process details

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An explanation of kit markings is given in the following section.

A.1.6. Kit Markings

Figure 40: Typical Welding Kit

Using the above as an example, the kit markings have the following meanings

Box Information Given Other Information Given

Marking Possible
56E1-54E1 For use with 56E1 - 54E1 - 109 -110A - 95RBH or For use with 95RBH Bull Head rails
113A rails BS95A
60E1 For use with 60E1 - UIC60 - CEN 60
HY TYPE For rails with up to 15mm wear and 0 to TYPE A For rails with up to 3mm wear and 0 to
C 3mm step 3mm step
HY TYPE B For rails with up to 15mm wear and 4
to 7mm step
68MM For 68mm wide gap welds

60E1/56E1 Composite welds for

60E1 / 56E1 - CEN 60 / 113A
JS Felt mould
PLAVG2 Process description
CJ For use with one-shot crucible

25 Nominal gap size 25mm 68 Nominal gap size 68mm

D For use with standard grade rails HH or 350HT For use with premium grade rails
8D1212 Batch number
Yellow Indicates Type C kit Green Indicates Type A kit
label Blue Indicates Type B kit

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A.2. Welding Portion Grade Matrix

1st Rail
R220 R260 R350 LHT R350 HT HP335 R370CrHT
R220 R260 (D) R260 (D) R260 (D) R260 (D) R260 (D) R260 (D)
+ cooling + cooling + cooling
controlled controlled controlled
R260 R260 (D) R260 (D) R260 (D) R260 (D) R260 (D)
+ cooling + cooling + cooling
controlled controlled controlled
R350 LHT R350(HH) R350(HH) R350(HH) R350(HH)
2nd Rail

+ cooling + cooling + cooling + cooling

controlled controlled controlled controlled
R350 HT R350(HH) R350(HH) R350(HH)
+ cooling + cooling
controlled controlled
HP335 R350(HH) R350(HH)
+ cooling + cooling
controlled controlled
R370CrHT(MHH) R350(HH)
+ cooling

More comments:

D = R220 – R260 Standard Grade Steels

HH / R350HT = Premium Grade Steels

For an explanation of Cooling Controlled see Appendix B (Page 42) - Welding Premium Grade Steels

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B. Welding Premium Grade Steels
B.1. Welding Parameters
The welding parameters are the same as those for R260 grade rail which are specified in Appendix E of this
process manual.

B.2. The Welding Kit

The portion type for welding all approved premium grade rails is R350HT (HH).

B.3. Post Weld – Cooling Controlled

Once the weld has been cast and sheared, it is important to leave the head and vent risers in place to retard the
cooling rate as stated in the technical briefing document - INFO_TECH_N°25_EN - Date: MARCH 2017 and shown
below (See Figure 41).

Figure 41:

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C. Welding Kit, Consumables and Hardware
C.1. Welding Kits

Welding Kits PLA VG2 JS (felted) 25 mm

Product Name Part Number PADS Number
56E1 / 54E1 Type A (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800032 0057/050991
56E1 / 54E1 Type B (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800024 0046/014198
56E1 / 54E1 Type C (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800025 0046/014197
56E1 / 54E1 Type A R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-78800043 0046/035053
56E1 / 54E1 Type B R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-78800052 0046/035030
56E1 / 54E1 Type C R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-78800053 0046/035031
60E1 Type A (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800023 0046/014180
60E1 Type B (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800046 0046/035058
60E1 Type C (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800047 0046/035059
60E1 Type A R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-78800016 0046/035052
60E1 Type B R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-78800056 0046/035032
60E1 Type C R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-78800055 0046/035033
BS95 Bull Head Rail Type A (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800030 0046/014950
BS95 Bull Head Rail Type B (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800033 0046/014956
BS95 Bull Head Rail Type C (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800034 0046/014957
39E1 (BS80A) Type A (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800037 0046/014952
39E1 (BS80A) Type A R350 HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-78800038 N/A
49E1 Type A (Standard Grade) 70-00-78800020 0046/035070

Welding Kits Wide Gap 68 mm

Product Name Part Number PADS Number
56E1 / 54E1 Gap 68mm (Standard Grade) 70-00-76600001 0046/014184
56E1 / 54E1 Gap 68mm R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-76600003 0057/051000
60E1 Gap 68mm (Standard Grade) 70-00-76600002 0046/014187
60E1 Gap 68mm R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-76600004 0046/035029
56E1 / 60E1 Gap 68mm Composite (Standard Grade) 70-00-76807002 0046/014199
39E1 (BS80A) Gap 68mm Not Felted (Standard Grade) 70-00-76800016 0046/014201
49E1 Gap 68mm Not Felted (Standard Grade) 70-00-76800013 0046/014200

Welding Kits – HWR (Head Wash Repair) Felted

Product Name Part Number PADS Number
56E1 / 54E1 HWR CC (Standard Grade) 70-00-75700011 0046/035085
56E1 / 54E1 HWR CC R350 HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-75700007 0046/035086
60E1 HWR CC (Standard Grade) 70-00-75700002 0046/035068
60E1 HWR CC R350HT (Premium Grade) 70-00-75700008 0046/035087

For a full list of our SRG Groove Rail and APR Crane Rail Products, please contact us directly.

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Figure 42: Pandrol Welding Kit Box Example Figure 43: Pandrol One-Shot Crucible Box Example

C.2. Consumables

Product Name Part Number PADS Number Product Image
One-Shot Crucible CJ2 Filtered Lid 71-01-83450123 0046/014181

Ignitors – Tube of 100 71-00-82632450 0046/014145

Spare Blue Tube of Luting Paste 71-00-83661112 0046/014182

Bucket of Luting Paste 71-00-83661130 0046/014188

Felt for Step Mould (box of 30 strips) 71-00-83661115 0046/014178

StartWel® Thermic Starter 10 pack 71-00-82632501 0046/14965

StartWel® Thermic Starter 100 pack 71-00-82632502 0046/14966


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C.3. Hardware

Product Name Part Number PADS Number Product Image
Pair of Mould Shoes 25mm 72-00-83200001 0046/014142

Base Plate PLA 25MM 72-00-83100002 0046/014143

Mould Clamp (Standard) 72-00-S0000136 0046/014139

Slag Bowl 72-00-81532010 0046/014144

3 – Level Preheater Burner Support 72-00-S0000253 0046/014140

One Shot Crucible Fork 72-00-82631411 0046/014828

Plug Holder 72-00-83432920 0046/014146

Hot Waste Metal Tray 72-00-11319003 0046/014148

Mould Clamp (Tight Areas) 72-00-81250902 0046/014141

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Product Name Part Number PADS Number Product Image
Pair of Mould Shoes 68 mm 72-00-83200002 0046/014833

Base Plate PLA 68 mm 72-00-83100003 0046/014830

C.3.1. Additional HWR Hardware

Additional HWR Hardware

Product Name Part Number PADS Number Product Image
Pair of Mould Shoes for HWR 72-00-S0000361 0046/035065

HWR cutting tool 72-00-S0000344 0046/035062

HWR preheater holder for RT22 72-00-S0000403 0046/035061

Note: To be used only with the 3-level
torch support preheater holder. Part
Number 72-00-S0000253

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D. Oxy-Fuel Gas Cutting and Pre-heating
Parts List and Procedures
D.1. Oxy – Propane – Cutting and Preheating
Product Name Part Number PADS Number Product Image
Propane Regulator 74-00- 0046/014168
0 – 4.0 Bar 829EP3LP1551

Oxygen Regulator 74-00- 0046/014167

0 - 10.0 Bar 996ED10OX1542

Oxygen Flashback Arrestor 74-00-1883TRGB 0046/014840

Fuel Gas Flashback Arrestor 74-00-1883TLGB 0046/014841

Oxygen T-piece 3/8 BSP R/H 74-00-H2221 0046/014159

Fuel Gas T-piece 3/8 BSP L/H 74-00-H2222 0046/014160

Propane Gauge 74-00-8E686 0046/014162

0 - 2.5 bar

Oxygen Gauge 74-00-8E661OX 0046/014161

0 - 6.0 bar

Oxygen Hose 20m long x 10mm bore 74-00-OXY20X10 0046/014157

3/8 BSP to 9/16 UNF Nut R/H

Propane Hose 20m long x 8mm bore 74-00-PROP20X8 0046/014158

3/8 BSP to 9/16 UNF Nut L/H

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Product Name Part Number PADS Number Product Image
Oxygen Flashguard 74-00-883FGR 0046/014155

Fuel Gas Flashguard 74-00-883FGL 0046/014156

Shank 43-2 (UNF) 74-00-1401253 0046/014847

-2 represents Country Manufacture
code only

Propane Mixer F43 74-00-48302003 0046/014153

Propane Preheater RT 22 Hole 74-00-35910229 0046/014152

Propane Cutting Torch 49-2 74-00-1300440 0046/014169

-2 represents Country Manufacture
code only

Propane Nozzle 3NFF 74-00-62903NFF 0046/014170

Propane Cutting Nozzle 4NFF (For 74-00-62904NFF 0046/035064

HWR only)

Cutting Wheels 74-00-H2129 0046/014959

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D.1.1. Oxy-Propane Preheating
The Oxy-Propane preheating system for both standard and wide gap welds is shown in Figure 44 Page 49.

Figure 44 shows mostly Harris equipment used throughout the system, this is the recommended set up for PLA
welding although any make of regulator, flash back arrestor and in-line check gauge can be used provided they
conform to appropriate standard and system requirements.
• Propane regulators can be single stage and shall conform to BS EN ISO 2503
• Oxygen regulators shall be multi-stage and conform to BS EN ISO 2503
• Flash Back Arrestors shall conform to BS EN 730
• In line check gauges shall conform to the requirements of BS EN ISO 5171 and shall be capable of displaying
and measuring 0.6 bar Propane or 1.2 bar Oxygen clearly and with an accuracy of +/- 5%

Hoses shall be 20 metres long, with 8mm bore Propane and 10mm bore Oxygen. Failure to use hoses of this
length and diameter will result in a preheating flame that could cause over or under heating of the rails.

Hose tail internal diameters must be greater than 5.5mm

Hoses shall conform to BS EN ISO 3821

Hoses shall be fitted to a hose check valve (Flashguard) at the preheater end.

The RT 22 hole preheater burner can only be obtained from Pandrol UK Ltd.

The cylinder’s used with PLA Oxy-Propane preheating shall be in accordance with the relevant rail authority.

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Figure 44:

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D.2. Oxy – Acetylene – Cutting and Preheating
Product Name Part Number PADS Number Product Image
Acetylene Regulator 74-00- 0046/014839
0 – 4.0 Bar 896E1AC404

Oxygen Regulator 74-00- 0046/014167

0 - 10.0 Bar 996ED10OX1542

Oxygen Flashback Arrestor 74-00-1883TRGB 0046/014840

Fuel Gas Flashback Arrestor 74-00-1883TLGB 0046/014841

Oxygen T-piece 9/16 R/H 74-00-H2226 0046/014848

Fuel Gas T-piece 9/16 L/H 74-00-H2227 0046/014849

Acetylene Gauge 0 - 2.5 bar 74-00-8E686AC 0046/014862

Oxygen Gauge 0 - 2.5 bar

74-00-8E686 0046/014850

Oxygen Hose 8mm bore x 18m long 74-00-OXY8X18 0046/014859

3/8 BSP to 9/16 UNF R/H

Acetylene Hose 8mm bore x 18m long 74-00-ACET8X18 0046/014860

3/8 BSP to 9/16 UNF L/H

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Oxygen Flashguard 74-00-883FGR 0046/014155

Fuel Gas Flashguard 74-00-883FGL 0046/014156

Shank 43-2 (UNF) 74-00-1401253 0046/014847

-2 represents Country Manufacture
code only

Acetylene Mixer E243 74-00-9100314 0046/014843

Acetylene Preheater RT 8 hole 74-00-35910247 0046/014838

Acetylene Cutting Torch 49-2 74-00-1300410 0046/014846

-2 represents Country Manufacture
code only

Acetylene 3AC Cutting Nozzle 74-00-62903AC 0046/014851

Acetylene 4AC Cutting Nozzle (For 74-00-62904AC N/A

HWR only)

Cutting Wheels 74-00-H2129 0046/014959

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D.2.1. Oxy-Acetylene Preheating
The Oxy-Acetylene preheating system for both standard and wide gap welds is shown in Figure 45 Page 53.

Figure 45 shows mostly Harris equipment used throughout the system, this is the recommended set up for PLA
welding although any make of regulator, flash back arrestor and in-line check gauge can be used provided they
conform to appropriate standard and system requirements.
• Regulators shall be multi-stage and conform to BS EN ISO 2503
• Flash Back Arrestors shall conform to BS EN 730 and be both pressure and temperature sensitive
• In line check gauges shall conform to the requirements of BS EN ISO 5171 and shall be capable of displaying
and measuring 0.6bar propane or 1.2bar oxygen clearly and with an accuracy of +/- 5%

Hoses shall be a maximum of 18metres long, with 8mm bore Acetylene and 8mm bore Oxygen.

Hose tail internal diameters must be greater than 5.5mm

Hoses shall conform to BS EN ISO 3821

Hoses shall be fitted to a hose check valve (Flashguard) at the preheater end.

The RT 8 hole preheater burner can only be obtained from Pandrol UK Ltd

The cylinders used with PLA Oxy-Acetylene preheating shall be in accordance with the relevant rail authority.

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Figure 44:

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D.3. Preheating Equipment
Oxy fuel gas equipment shall be checked to ensure that it is in good working order and suitable for use, each time it

Oxy fuel gas equipment shall be tested every 6 months in accordance with British Compressed Gas Association
Code of Practice CP7 or Rail Authority requirements CAL 501.

CP7 recommends that gas equipment is renewed 5 years after the date of manufacture.

Harris Regulators have a unique 8 digit code which provides full traceability at unit level.

Example: “PKJ00001”

The 1st letter is the plant where the unit was manufactured, in this case “P” for Poland

The 2nd letter represents the production year. “K” = 2017 (See table below)

The 3rd letter represents the production month “J” = September (See table below)

The five digit code represents the specific product number. In this case, 1st regulator produced in September
“00001” The 5 digit code will start from 0 at the beginning of each month. The numbers will run consecutively for
the regulators produced in that particular month.

Plant Letter
Poland P

Year Year Month Month

J 2016 January A
K 2017 February B
L 2018 March C
M 2019 April D
N 2020 May E
P 2021 June F
Q 2022 July G
R 2023 August H
S 2024 September J
T 2025 October K
U 2026 November L
V 2027 December M

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E. Process Requirements
STANDARD GAP 25mm 54E1 / 56E1 / 60E2 (110A – 113A – UIC60) BS95lb RBH / BS80A / 49E1 (98lb)
Rail Grades Rail Section and Wear
R220 (Normal) and R260 (Grade A) 54E1 / 56E1 (110A / 113A)
Premium grades (disc cut only) 60E2 (UIC60)
HP335; R350HT; R370CrHT (MHH) BS95lb RBH / BS80A / 49E1 (98lb)
R350LHT; R400HT Up to 15mm worn
Rail Preparation
Rail cutting method (disc cutting or flame cutting) Clean rail ends (wire brush)
Welding gap 25 +/- 2mm Inspect rail ends for visual defects
Preheating Oxy – Propane Oxy – Acetylene
Burner type RT 22 holes RT 8 Hole
Mixer type F43 E2-43
Burner height 50mm 60mm
Oxygen pressure 1.2 bar 0.6 bar
Gas pressure 0.6 bar +/- 10% 0.6 +/- 10%
Cone length 25mm 8mm
Preheating time for 54E1 / 56E1 / 60E2 / BS95lb 4 minutes 6 minutes
Preheating time for BS80A / 49E1 (98lb) 3.5 minutes 5.5 minutes
Welding Kit details
Crucible type CJ2
Rail 54E1 / 56E1 or 60E1 or 95lbRBH or BS80A or
49E1 (98lb)
Kit type PLA JS CJ VG2
Welding gap 25mm
Portion type 25 - D (Standard) or 25 -R350HH(premium grade)
Date and batch details 14.01.17 7V2580 (example)
Maximum time between end of preheat and ignition 30 seconds
Tapping time 17 – 32 seconds
Strip down procedure from completion of pour
Leave undisturbed for 3 minutes Minimum times
Remove spillage tray 3 minutes
Remove crucible and slag bowl 3 minutes
Remove mould clamp and shoes 4 minutes
Shear weld 5 minutes
Remove tensors 30 minutes
Remove alignment device 30 minutes
Remove vent risers 30 minutes
Replace fastenings 30 minutes
Commence grinding 30 minutes
Welders examination of weld Immediately after grinding

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Wide Gap 68mm (Including Composite) 54E1 / 56E1 / 60E2 (110A / 113A / UIC60) BS80A / 49E1 (98lb)
Rail Grade Rail Section
R220 (Normal) and R260 (Grade A) 54E1 / 56E1 (110A/113A) BS80A / 49E1 (98lb)
Premium grades (disc cut only) 60E2 (UIC60)
HP335; R350HT; R370CrHT (MHH); Up to 3 mm worn
R350 LHT; R400HT 60E2 to 56E1 Composite up to 3mm wear on 56E1
Rail Preparation
Rail cutting method (disc cutting or flame Clean rail ends (wire brush)
Welding gap 68 +/- 3mm Inspect rail ends for visual defects
Preheating Oxy – Propane Oxy – Acetylene
Burner type RT 22 holes RT 8 holes
Mixer type F43 E2-43
Burner height 70mm 60mm
Oxygen pressure 1.2 bar 0.6 bar
Gas pressure 0.6 bar +/- 10% 0.6 bar +/- 10%
Cone length 25mm 8mm
Preheating time for – 54E1 / 56E1 / 60E1 7 minutes 7 minutes
Preheating time for – BS80A / 49E1 (98lb) 6 minutes 6 minutes
Welding Kit details
Crucible type CJ2
Rail 54E1 / 56E1 or 60E2 or 60E2 / 56E1 (composite)
Kit type BS80A or 49E1
Welding gap 68mm
Portion type 68 - D (Normal) or 68 - R350HH (premium grade)
Date and batch details 14/01/17 7D0929 (example)
Maximum time between end of preheat and 30 seconds
Tapping time 17 – 32 seconds
Strip down procedure from completion of pour
Leave undisturbed for 6 minutes Minimum times
Remove spillage tray 6 minutes
Remove crucible and slag bowl 6 minutes
Remove mould clamp and shoes 10 minutes
Shear weld 13 minutes
Remove tensors 50 minutes
Remove alignment device 50 minutes
Remove vent risers 50 minutes
Replace fastenings 50 minutes
Commence grinding 50 minutes
Welder’s examination of weld Immediately after grinding

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HWR 54E1/56E1 (110A/113A) and 60E1 (UIC60)
Rail Grade Rail Section
R220 (Normal) and R260 (Grade A) 54E1 / 56E1 (110A/113A)
Premium grades (Conditions apply) 60E2 (UIC60)
HP335; R350HT; R370 CrHT (MHH) Can be used over a FlashButt (Conditions apply)
R400HT Up to 15mm worn
Rail Preparation
Rail cutting method Clean excavation
(HWR flame cutting devise only)
Welding Excavation 80mm/90mm Width MPI
10mm depth Inspect rail for any visual defects
Grind excavation (a minimum of 8mm must
remain on the running and back edge)
Preheating Oxy – Propane Oxy – Acetylene
Burner type RT 22 holes RT 8 holes
Mixer type F43 E2-43
Burner height 110mm 110mm
Oxygen pressure 1.2 bar 0.6 bar
Propane pressure 0.6 bar +/- 10% 0.6 bar +/-10%
Cone length 25mm 8mm
Preheating time 4 minutes 6 minutes
Welding Kit details
Crucible type CJ2
Rail 54E1/56E1 or 60E2
Kit type HWR JS CJ
Portion type R1 260 D (Standard) or
R1 R350HH (Premium Grade)
Date and batch details 01/01/17 7V2580 (example)
Maximum time between end of preheat and 30 seconds
Tapping time 17 – 32 seconds
Strip down procedure from completion of pour
Leave undisturbed for 6 minutes Minimum times
Remove spillage tray 6 minutes
Remove crucible and slag bowl 6 minutes
Remove mould clamp and shoes 7 minutes
Shear weld 8 minutes
Remove Lifting Device 50 minutes
Replace fastenings 50 minutes
Commence grinding 50 minutes
Welder’s examination of weld Immediately after grinding

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F. Welding Inspection of PLA Welds
F.1. Weld Inspection

F.1.1. Weld Inspection

The weld acceptance criteria detailed in Table 1 of Network Rail Company Specification NR/L2/TRK/0032 form the
basis for the inspection of PLA welds.

Where there appears to be a conflict between the requirements of NR/L2/TRK/0032 and this Process Manual, this
is likely to be due to differences between two and three-piece mould configurations.

Pandrol PLA welds are produced with three-piece moulds and felt luting strips, the following, additional, acceptance
criteria need to be observed.

F.2. Misalignment of Bottom Briquette

F.2.1. Lateral
The maximum lateral misalignment of the collar formed by the bottom briquette is +/- 2mm (see Figure 46).

Figure 46:

A – B = 4 mm maximum

The extremity of the weld collar formed by the bottom briquette shall not be confused with flashing at the foot tip
described in Figure 49.

F.2.2. Longitudinal
The maximum longitudinal misalignment of the collar formed by the bottom briquette with respect to the collar on
the upper foot surface is +/- 2mm (see Figure 47).

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Figure 47:

F.2.3. Undercutting of the Collar Edge

The maximum amount of undercutting of the collar edge by intrusion of felt sealing strips is 2mm (see Figure 48).

Figure 48:

2 mm maximum

F.2.4. Flashing at the Foot Tip

Flashing at the foot tip (see Figure 49) is indicative of the bottom briquette not being fitted properly or the springs
weakening in the shoes and is usually an extension of flashing on the underside of the rail foot.

Flashing at the foot tip is not detrimental to the integrity of the weld. However, if the thickness of the flashing
becomes excessive, the corresponding flashing on the underside of the foot could compromise the strength of the
weld. To overcome this problem, if flashing protrudes more than 3mm, it shall be ground back to the edge of the
weld collar at the foot tip.

The maximum thickness of flashing is 2mm.

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Figure 49:

Maximum thickness of flashing = 2mm

F.2.5. Verticality
When using felt moulds, the collar edge is defined by the position of the felt and not the collar formation on the

The attachment of the felt to the moulds is a manual operation and precise positioning cannot be achieved in every

This can occasionally result in three sides of the weld collar being within the verticality tolerance, while the fourth
side is not.

N.B. One side of the weld collar out of four exceeding the verticality tolerance is permissible for PLA welds made
with felt moulds.

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G. Improved ‘Pate A Lute’ Luting Method
The previous method of luting moulds using Pate A Lute did not give satisfactory results. An improved luting
method using Pate A Lute has been developed. This method avoids the possibility of porosity or weld metal run-

This method is suggested as an alternative to the standard method that uses luting paste (from tubes) as described
in the process manual for both standard and wide gap welds. Therefore, this method could be used with all felted
and sanded moulds throughout the Pandrol range.

The picture below shows examples of the previous luting method with ‘Pate A Lute’ and the new improved method.

Figure 50: Examples of luting using both methods

Previous Improved
Method Method

G.1. Improved Procedure for the ‘Pate A Lute’ Luting Method

G.1.1. Preparation of the ‘Pate A Lute’ Figure 51: Flattened piece of 35 mm Pate A Lute

Take some Pate A Lute from the bucket (71-00-

83661130) and shape it into a 100mm cylindrical
shape by rolling it between the hands.

Tear 35mm of paste from the roll and flatten it to

obtain a flat piece of paste as shown on the picture.

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G.1.2. Application of Pate A Lute

Figure 52: Paste applied in the luting strip Figure 53: Correct method for applying the Pate A

Apply the flattened paste along the web and into the Compress the Pate A Lute with the finger making sure it
luting strip using fingers only. comes into contact with the felt.


Luting tools shall not be used.

Figure 54: Make sure that the Pate A Lute is in Figure 55: Application of further layer
contact with the felt

Continue the process until the whole luting Following the first application of the Pate A Lute to the
strip is filled. luting strip, a further layer is applied to complete the
luting process

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G.1.3. Luting the Bottom Briquette with ‘Pate A Lute’

When luting the briquette, prepare the Pate A Lute by

rolling it into a cylindrical shape as described Figure 56: Pate A Lute before cutting and levelling

Using the thumb, apply the whole roll along the full
length of the briquette making sure that the pate a lute
is in contact with the briquette and the bottom plate.


The Pate A Lute shall be

higher (approx. 3 to 5 mm)
than the felt.

Finally, it is essential to obtain a flat surface between

the felt and the Pate A Lute. This is achieved by using Figure 57: Pate A Lute after cutting
a sharp edge to remove the excess Pate A Lute to the
same level as the felt.

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G.1.4. Fitting the Bottom Briquette

Figure 58: Bottom briquette after fitting Figure 59: Compress using the thumb

Fitting of the bottom briquette is carried out by following When the briquette has been fitted correctly, use the
the standard procedure as described in the process thumb and run it along the paste to compress it against
manual. the rail and briquette. If required, additional Pate A Lute
can be applied.

Figure 60: Luting Completed

A further layer is applied along the back of the bottom

plate and above the rail head to the top of the mould to
complete the luting process as described earlier in the
process manual.

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H. HWR Process (Head Wash Repair)
The HWR process can be carried out on the following rail profiles and grades.

There are four HWR kits available, please see below:

• 54E1 / 56E1 (110A/113A) 220 / 260 (Standard Grades)

• 54E1 / 56E1 (110A/113A) HP335 & R350HT (Premium Grades)
• 60E1 (UIC60) 220 / 260 (Standard Grades)
• 60E1 (UIC60) HP 335 & R350HT (Premium Grade)

Note: HWR is now permitted for Flash Butt Weld head repairs providing the new HWR JS (Felted Moulds) are

This section provides additional information to that given in form TEF/3003, on the type, size and location of
defects that may be removed by the HWR process.

Squat type defects:

• Maximum excavation size (finish ground surface) - 90mm long, full railhead width, 8mm above the lower edge
of the head

Squat type defects are defects repaired using the HWR method subsequently found to be defective following NDT,
may be re-repaired using the same method.

Wheel burns:
• Only one overlapping repair is permitted (2 x HWR in total)
• The overlap is measured from the edge of the fusion zone 30mm inside the existing HWR
• Maximum length of visibly damaged area - 150mm

Wheel burns are subject to weld straightness check before repair (no dipped joints).

Defect location:
• HWR is now permitted above flash butt welds providing that the new felted HWR moulds are being used
• HWR is not currently permitted above bolt holes
• Where repairs are to be carried out near a bolt hole, the edge of the excavation shall be a minimum distance of
125mm from the edge of the nearest bolt hole measured vertically through the railhead
• Repairs are not permitted where heavy or severe RCF is present, however, repairs may be installed into light or
moderate RCF provided that there is a minimum of 100mm of clean rail either side of the proposed repair
• Where multiple defects are to be removed, a minimum distance of 100mm shall be observed between repairs,
however, a minimum time of 2 hours shall be observed between finish profile grinding and commencement of
the next repair

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H.1. Excavation Procedure
The gas cutting pressures are set at:
• Propane 0.4 bar (Nozzle Type 74-00-62904NFF)
• Oxygen 3.5 bar
• Acetylene 0.4 bar (Nozzle Type 74-00-62904AC)
• Oxygen 3.5 bar

Complete arcs of the gun to warm the rail up. The Excavation process should be made smoothly in one fluid
movement. (See Figure 61)

To achieve the excavation, Pandrol have developed a special cutting device for the excavation. (See Figure 62)

There are different tools available on the market, but if you are using the special cutting device developed by
Pandrol, place it on the top of the rail, in the centre of the defect to be removed.

Pandrol’s special cutting device uses the underside of the head as a datum and will always leave 10mm of rail
head after cutting.

Figure 61: Figure 62:

According to the Network Rail standard, the excavation is made by flame cutting. The geometrical parameters are
as follows:

The size of the excavation to be full head width

80mm – 90mm long maximum excavation after Figure 63:

A minimum amount of 10mm of rail head must remain

after flame cutting. (See Figure 63)

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The excavation is then ground with an angle grinder to remove any excessive gouging. (See Figure 64)

Figure 64:

A minimum of 8mm of rail head must remain upon completion of the grinding.

H.1.1. HWR on a Flash Butt Weld (FBW)

The FBW must be inspected to ensure the weld upset does not protrude more than a maximum of 1 mm.
However, if the FBW upset protrudes more than 1mm, it will be necessary to grind back the excess FBW metal
upset. (See Figure 65)

Figure 65:


When grinding the excess

FBW metal, please ensure
you use a flap type grinding
disc only! This is to prevent
causing damage to the
existing rail.

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H.1.2. HWR Welding Procedure
The rail lifting criteria must be followed to ensure the correct grinding tolerances are achieved on completion of the
weld. (See Figure 66)

Rail lifting criteria

• Below 100mph = 0.5mm peak over 1m
• Above 100mph lift = 1.0mm peak over 1m

Figure 66:

Once the peak has been achieved, a Non-Destructive Test shall be carried out following the Network Rail standards.
(See Figures 67, 68 and 69 below)

Figure 67: Figure 68: Figure 69:

Once this procedure has been completed, clean the rail and the excavation.

The rail wear shall then be measured by using the rail wear gauge as described in the process manual page 13 or

HWR moulds incorporate the Hybrid Wear System.

The moulds are filed in accordance with the wear measured.

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Figure 70: Figure 71:

Modify both moulds to suit the rail wear Fit the first mould onto the rail ensuring the mould is
central to the excavation.

Figure 72: Figure 73:

The second mould is fitted and clamped together

The gap around the rail head is filled with felt, the same
following the standard procedure and checked to
method for Hybrid moulds (as per page 19. Item 3.7.3)
ensure the felt is compressed against the rail.

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Figure 74: Figure 75:

Both moulds are luted by using Pate A Lute and The preheater holder is then placed on the top of the
following the luting procedure described in this process rail. The height of the preheater shall be 110mm.
manual Appendix G. Check the preheater for vertically and its alignment
within the mould.

Figure 76: Figure 77:

Pressures are the standard pressures used for welding On completion of the preheating, the pre-charged One-
with the PLA process. (See Appendix E) Shot Crucible is placed on the top of the moulds and the
portion is ignited.

Please see (Appendix E) for strip down, Shearing,

Cleaning and Grinding times.

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I. STARTWEL® Electrical Ignition System
STARTWEL® is the electrical ignition system for aluminothermic welding charges, developed and patented by

It has been designed to guarantee constant and reliable ignition.

In addition to the quality STARTWEL® brings to welding, it also makes work safer for track technicians.

On ignition, a drop of molten metal falls inside the crucible and causes combustion of the aluminothermic charge.

The ignition point is always in the same place, thus obtaining reliability and constancy in weld repetition.

The charge must always be horizontal in the crucible

I.1. Conditions for Use and Storage

I.1.1. Storage
Store in the original packaging, in a dry and adequately ventilated room. Keep away from heat, sparks, flames and
any source of ignition. Do not expose thermic starters to electric current.

I.1.2. Safety and Use

The safety pin must imperatively remain “clipped in” and be removed only during use.

Use only the STARTWEL® electric handle to power up the starter. The thermic starter can only be powered up
when it is in a housing appropriate for its use. Use only for ignition of an aluminothermic charge, to the express
exclusion of any other use. Risk of burning in the event of improper use.

I.1.3. Fire
The molten steel produced by the aluminothermic reaction may cause violent projections on contact with snow, ice,
water, damp floors or frost.

In the event of a fire, use dry sand to the exclusion of any other product.


It is strictly forbidden to use water to put out a fire caused by the aluminothermic portion.

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I.2. Using the STARTWEL® Electrical Ignition System

Figure 78: Figure 79:

Check the battery charge status by pressing the button 1 Flashing green LED = recharge the battery
(LED indicator)

Figure 80: Figure 81:

If the cap is a filter cap, use a tool to clear Remove the pin from the starter.
the position provided for the starter.


This operation must be

carried out away from the

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Figure 82: Figure 83:

Insert the starter in the hole in the cap. Position the ignition indicator so that it is visible.

Figure 84: Figure 85:

Place the electrodes of the electric handle on Press and hold the trigger until ignition.
the terminals of the STARTWEL® starter.

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Figure 86:

Charge has started when the red light becomes visible.

Do not use the electric trigger on the STARTWEL® starter with the pin in place or on any
conductive surfaces: Copper, Aluminium, Steel, etc.

Figure 87: Figure 88:

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I.3. Components of the STARTWEL® kit

Figure 89:

Component Part N° PADS N°

StartWel® (Ignition 73-00- 0046/0149
System Complete case) 82632507 69

1 StartWel® Handle 82632509 0046/0149

(only) 62
2 Rechargeable battery 82632504 0046/0149
Complete Handle 82632503 0046/0149
(Starter+battery) 63
3 StartWel® Thermic 71-00- 0046/0149
Starter 10 pack 82632501 65
StartWel® Thermic 71-00- 0046/0149
Starter 100 pack 82632502 66
4 Li-Ion Battery Charger 0046/0149
5 StartWel® metal case 82632506 0046/0149
(only) 68

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J. Gas Box Oxy-Propane Preheating
J.1. 2nd Generation Gas Box Features
Note: For instructions regarding the 1st generation of Gas Box, please refer to the process manual issued
in January 2013.

The 2nd generation of Gas Box is easily recognisable by looking at the:

• Valves – Brass taps on the 1st generation (Figure 90) Blue and red on the 2nd generation (Figure 91)
• Gauges – Blue on the 1st generation (Figure 90), white on the 2nd generation (Figure 91).

Figure 90 - 1St generation

Figure 91 - 2nd generation

The Gas Box is fitted with 2 digital gauges. The Gas Box can be clamped safely onto the rail head by using the clamp
underneath the Gas Box.

The digital gauges provide accurate pressures with an accuracy of one thousandth of a bar. They work with a lithium
battery that can be changed via the top panel on the Gas Box (Figure 94 page 78). The digital gauges are set to
switch off automatically after 5 minutes of use. This time can be modified in the settings menu.

The Hoses

There are 2 hoses, one for the Propane and one for the Oxygen. They
are connected to the gas box on one end and connected to the torch and
mixer on the opposite end. They are 1.50 meters long and they have a
10mm diameter. It is essential that neither of these be altered.

Self-Centring Burner

The burner head has a support that is adjustable in height and widths to
fit the range of moulds supplied by PANDROL. The moulds have a notch
where the torch support sits (see figure 92). The torch support is then
secured to the moulds by using the thumb screw. Care should be taken
not to over tighten the support as it may crack the moulds. (See Figure 92) (Figure 92)

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J.2. Recommendations when using the Digital Gas Box

• The two taps of the Gas Box must be closed

• Turn the cylinders on and adjust the regulators to the following pressures – Propane 1.5 bar / Oxygen 2.5 bar
• Turn the Gas Box flow gauges on and ensure that the pressure unit is displayed as “custom”
• Light the preheater by gradually increasing the Propane and Oxygen flow on the Gas Box. Adjust the Propane
pressure between 0.25 bar and 0.30 bar. The Oxygen pressure is to be adjusted to 0.50 bar (between 0.50bar
and 0.51bar) on the Gas Box gauges.
• Ensure that the cone length measures 20mm.
• If you fail to achieve the 20mm cone length, adjust the Propane tap to obtain the correct cone length (20mm).
Never modify the Oxygen pressure outside the parameters given.
• Place the torch support onto the centre of the moulds as shown in figure 92. Tighten the thumb screw to secure
the support to the moulds. Ensure that the support is sitting centrally within the moulds. It is essential that the
pressures are checked and maintained throughout the duration of the preheat.
• The flame that comes out of the risers during the preheat must be symmetrical and measure approximately 300
- 400mm above the moulds.

(Figure 93)

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J.3. Preheating Parameters

Propane Oxygen Burner Height Time

PLA 25 0,25 – 0,30 0,50 – 0,51 50mm 4 minutes

PLA 68 0,25 – 0,30 0,50 – 0,51 70mm 7 minutes

J.4. Using the gauge

Several options can be found on the gauge for customisation or maintenance:

• Turning the gauges On / Off:

To turn the gauge on and start the pressure readings,
press the button “Enter”. The gauge can be turned off by
pressing the enter button for 5s.
• Resetting the gauge to Zero.
At start up, and when the cylinders are closed, the gauge
must display 0. If not, press the “zero” button for 1 second
to reset the pressure sensor.

• Adjusting the backlight timer

Go to the menu then scroll across until “LIGHT” is
displayed. Then press “enter” and then the arrow to select
the duration of backlighting. Once chosen, press enter to
confirm your choice.

• Changing the battery

To change the battery, you must first remove the top panel of the Gas Box (6 screws) to access the gauge.
Then follow the instruction below. (Figure 94)

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More information can be found on ASHCROFT website
Gauge model: DG25

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Find out more at

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S81 7AX

+44 (0) 1909 476101

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