NSC 324 - Mch-Wps Office

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NSC 324: MCH


School health programs refer to all the health activities and measures that are carried out within the
community to promote and protect the health of children of school age and also the school staff.

These activities may take place within and outside the school compound. The teaching is done by health,
doctors or people who are well-experienced in the field of sanitation. They teach the school pupils ways
of living a healthy life and the importance of healthy living such as keeping nails, mouth, clothes, and
hair clean.

Components School health programs

A school health program has been conveniently divided into 4 interrelated areas,

1 Healthful school environment

2 school health services

3 school health Education

4 school community relationships

Healthful school environment

it covers all the various physical emotional and social aspects of the school and the measures provided
at the school to ensure the health and safety of the children and the staff; These include

1 provision of a healthy physical environment

2 The organization of health school day

3 The establishment of interpersonal relationships.

Health services

it is concerned with people's health behavior towards common diseases and other health problems as
well as helps with education. school health services activities are

,1 provision of educational and counseling opportunities to promote and maintain an individual's family
and community health

2 They provide emergency care for illness and injuries

3 They provide and promote sanitary conditions for a safe school environment

4 helping to promote voluntary health habits based on values attached to health as a way of life
5Communicating scientific health information in a way the learners will understand and

positive health habits .

6 Developing favorable health attitudes and encouraging positive responses towards health interaction

School health Education

School health education according to World Health Organisation (WHO) defined health Education is all
those experiences of an individual group or community that influence beliefs attitudes behaviors
concerninhealthth, as well as the processes and efforts of producing change when this is necessary for
optimal Hhealththe goal of health education is health practice or action and opportunities in the area of
health protection and health promotion the learning experiences and opportunities are provided
through health instruction, School health service, healthful school environment organized set
corporation of School and community.

school community relationship community health is concerned with all the scientific measures for
improving the quality of health so that people may enjoy long life and maximum productive

1 protective and proportiveservices

2curative and rehabilitative Health program

3 provisions of the health-related facilities in the community such as portable water supply sanitary
disposal of refuse and excreta, prevention of pollution

4 provision of hygienic houses

5control of vectors of diseases rodents and pets.

Importance of of school health program

1 it helps in controlling communicable diseases

2 it provides health knowledge to the people

3 it health to solve health problems of the students and families

4 it improve students health

5 it helps the children in their performance at school and future

It makes the children stay away from bad habits such as drug abuse smoking and premarital sex

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