Histo 2 MRK

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1. What is pre-History?
- Refers to those activities that man engaged in before writing and drawing were invented. (1mk
2. Name one scientific method of dating fossils
- Carbon dating
- Potassium Argon method
- Strategraphy method
- Geological method
- Lexis statistical method. (1mk)
3. Identify two advantages early man had in using metal tools over stone tools
- Stones were heavy.
- They were not easy to work with
- Stone shaping cutting was time consuming.
- They could blunt easily. (2 x 1 = 2mks)
4. Identify two crops which were domesticated in ancient Egypt.
- Wheat, barley, beans, dates, flax, onions, figs, lentils and grapes. (2 x 1 = 2mks)
5. Distinguish between barter and currency systems of trade.
- Barter trade involves the exchange of goods with other goods, while currency system of trade
involves the use of money to purchase commodities.
6. Why was the Trans Atlantic trade reffered to as triangular trader?
- It operated on triangular routes - connecting three continents namely Africa, America and Europe
7. State two ways in which the railway transport promoted industrialization in Europe.
- Facilitated transport of raw materials to industries.
- Speed up transportation of finished goods to markets.
- Transported workers to industries.
- Opened mining and farming in the interior for raw materials. (2 x 1 = 2mks)
8. Identify two social functions of the ancient city of Athens.
- It was an educational centre.
- It was a sports centre.
- It was religious centre.
- It was an art centre. (2 x 1 = 2mks)
9. Identify the main source of energy during the industrial revolution in Europe.
- coal (1 x 1 = 1mk)
10. Give two ways in which telecommunication has facilitated modern trade.
- Through advertisements.
- Buyers and sellers can communicate easily/faster.
- Through improved travel e.g air, water.
11. Name one state that formed the nucleus of Asante Empire.
- Dwaban, Bakwai, Kokofu
- Nusula, Kumasi (1 x 1 = 1mk)
12. State two roles of African department during the British rule in Zimbabwe.
- Collection of taxes.
- Recruitment of African labour.
- Solving some minor disputes. (2 x 1 = 2mks)
13. Identify two major grievances of African National Congress against Apartheid up to 1937
Land alienation
Racial discrimination on education /employment
14. Give two reasons why the Shona supported the British during the Ndebele Resistance of 1893.
- To stop raids from the Ndebele.

The Examiner 1 SET 10

- They did not want to be ruled by the Ndebele (2 x 1 = 2mks)

15. State two reasons why Kabaka Mutesa I welcomed Christian missionaries in to his kingdom in the
19th century.
- To reduce Arab and Muslim influence in the kingdom
- To be helped against Omukama Kabarega of Bunyoro.
- To be helped to expand his empire.
- To preserve Buganda’s independence. (2 x 1 = 2mks)

Attempt three questions
16(a) Give three physical characteristics of Homo erectus.
- Walked upright
- Was about 5 feet in height?
- Possessed a prominent brow-ridge over the eyes. (3mks)
(b) Describe six ways of life of early man during the middle Stone Age period.
- Made a acheulian tools i.e lighter and sharper tools.
- Practiced hunting of animals and gathering of vegetables etc.
- Cooked his food using fire/invented fire.
- Put on animal skins.
- Painted his body.
- Lived in caves and rock shelters.
- Lived in groups of around 50 people for security.
- Burried the dead.
- Developed language of communication.
- Developed rock art where they painted pictures of animals they hunted. (6 x 2 = 12mks)
17(a) State five factors which led to early agriculture in Mesopotamia.
- Development of transport system e.g wheel carts.
- Political stability.
- Availability of labour.
- Availability of indigenous crops.
- Construction of canals/dykes/shadoof methods of irrigation.
- Invention of farm tools.
- Demand for food to feed the growing population.
- Fertile soil.
- Availability of water from rivers Tigris/Euphrates. (5 x 1 = 5mks)
(b) Explain five effects of Agrarian revolution in Western Europe.
- Increased food productions due to improved method of farming.
- Population increased due to abundant food supply.
- Diversification of Agriculture e.g new crops and animals were introduced.
- Development of plantation farming replacing substance farming.
- Increased food production due to improved methods of farming.
- Large scale farms encourage rich landlords to buy off poor farmers creating a class of
landless people. (5 x 2 = 10mks)
18(a) State five factors which led to the development of the trans-saharan trade.
- Rulers of Western Sudan ensured trade routes were secure e.g Man Sa Musa.
- Existence of good transport e.g animals.
- Financing by wealthy merchants from the North.
- Demand for trade goods.
- Role of Tuaregs and Barbers e.g security.
- Presence of Oasis.
- West Africa had sound economic base. (5mks)

The Examiner 2 SET 10

(b) Explain five effects of the trans-saharan trade on the people of West Africa.
- Emergence of big urban centres e.g Timbutu.
- Growth of strong empires.
- Introduction of iron tools spurred agricultural growth.
- West Africa exposed to outside world.
- Introduction of Islamic system of education.
- Led to introduction of sharia laws in West Africa.
- Introduction of Arabic architectural design in West Africa.
- Spread of Arabic culture- language and dressing. (Any 5 x 2 =10mks)
19(a) State three terms of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.
- Sphere of influence.
- Rivers – Congo and Zambezi open for free navigation by all European powers.
- Colonial powers were to develope their territories.
- Protection of the Whiteman.
- Stamping slave trade.
- King Leopold of Belgium was recognized as leader of Congo Free State. (3 x 1 = 3mks)
(b) Explain the results of the collaboration between Lewanika and the British in the 19th century
- Lewanika received payment of £2000 yearly.
- Lewenika lost his authority taken over by BSCO.
- BSCO took over the control of the minerals.
- Lozi land was alienated. Lozi were forced to work as labourers on settler’s farms.
- Lozi was employed in the civil service.
- BSCO developed infracture in Barotse land.
- Lewanika honoured with title - Paramount Chief.
- British used Barotse land as abuse to conquer the neighbouring communities. (6 x2 = 12mks)

Attempt two questions only.
20(a) State five factors that facilitated the growth of Asante during the pre-colonial period.
- Presence of the centralized system of government.
- Able leaders e.g Osei Tutu, Osei Binsueh.
- Presence of strong standing army.
- Participation in the trade.
- Availability of minerals e.g gold.
- Strong economy based on agriculture.
- Kingdom surrounded by weak statues.
- The Odwira festival made the kingdom cohesive. (Any 5 x 1 = 5mks)
(b) Describe social organization of the Shona kingdom during the pre-colonial period.
- They had various spirits of family ancestral clan and national.
- They believed in a single powerful God called Mwari.
- Priests came from Rwozi clan.
- Communication to mwari was through the ancestral spirits.
- They had age-sets and age group system.
(Any 5 x 2 = 10mks)
21(a) State three reasons why indirect rule was unsuccessful in Southern Nigeria.
- There were many ethnic groups in Southern Nigeria as opposed to Northern Nigeria.
- Lugard gave more powers to the Obas among the Yoruba and hence causing resentment.
- Introduction of taxes was resisted leading to violence in 1918-1929.
- Elders were offended by appointment of young mission educated people to position of chiefs.
- Appointment of Igbo traditional chiefs by Lugard offended the elders.

The Examiner 3 SET 10

- The south lacked a linguistic unity making it difficult to administer the region. (3mks)
(b) Explain the factors which led to the failure of assimilation policy in Senegal.
- Traditional African rulers resented losing their authority and influences.
- Muslims resented converting to Christianity.
- French leaders feared competition from assimilated Africans.
- The school system did not do much to indoctrinate the Africans.
- The policy was expensive to implement and sustain the French people feared being
Out numbered to their parliament cultural disparity between the French and the Africans.
- The rise for independence made Africans to defend their culture. (Any 6 x 2 = 12mks)
22(a) Give three problems which European colonialists faced as they established their rule in Africa in
second half of the 19th century.
- Attack by tropical diseases.
- poor transport hinderd their movement
- Hostility from some African communities.
- Shortage of basic needs e.g food, medicine etc.
- Inadequate funds.
- Harsh tropical climate. (Any 3 x1 = 3mks)
(b) Explain six reasons which encouraged the nationalist in Mozambique to use armed struggle to
attain independence.
- Portugal refused to listen to the grievances of the Africans.
- The nationalists were given material and financial support from OAU.
- The country was forested and therefore conducive for guerilla warfare.
- They were inspired by the success of the guerilla movement in other parts of Africa e.g. Mau
Mau in Kenya.
- Provide able leaders e.g. Mandlane Edward.
- The church supported the movement.
- Support from the communist countries e.g U.S.S.R. (Any 6 x 2 = 12mks)

The Examiner 4 SET 10

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