Toad Dissection by Bruce
Toad Dissection by Bruce
Toad Dissection by Bruce
These are organisms that live both in water and land. Frogs and toads are the animals of
interest here. (salamanders, newts are other examples of amphibians)
Differences between toad and frog
Frog Toad
Skin smooth, shinny, moist Skin rough, warty, moist
Very long, slender, flexible hind limbs Hind limbs averagely long, muscular,
highly folded onto the body folded onto the body.
Colour of the body green with black/dark Colour of the body dark brown/ black
brown/yellow spots
Kingdom Animalia Animalia
Phylum Chordata Chordata
Class Amphibia Amphibia
Order anura anura
Family bufonidae ranidae
Genus Bufo Rana
species regularis temporalis
Why is the animal classified in:
i) Class Amphibia
Thin moist glandular skin; warty skin;
Wide gape
Webs between digits of hind limbs.
ii) Order anura
External ear drum/ tympanic membrane
Long, hind limbs for leaping
Webs between digits of hind limbs
Frogs are found in damp environments; grass near water, swamps, ponds, slow flowing
Toads are found in drier moist environments. Behind buildings, gardens, abandoned
storage tanks.
Why amphibians live near water?
Keep the skin moist for cutaneous respiration.
Easily escape enemies
They lay their eggs in water
Is triangular, apex anterior and base posterior, joined to the trunk directly. No neck.
Dorso-ventrally flattened and tapers anteriorly.
The shape above gives a well streamlined shape that reduces resistance to motion in
i) Nostrils
These are a pair of small, rounded openings anteriorly located on the head and above
the mouth. This position allows gaseous exchange when the rest of the body is
submerged in water. Their location allows detect smells of food, ememies in the
environment and other stimuli.
ii) Eyes
Are large, round, protruding, lined dorsally, facing laterally. This gives the animal a
wide field of view.
Eyes are covered by a translucent fold of skin- the nictating membrane that cleans
and moistens the eye but also protects it.
b) Skin
The skin is firmly attached on the head region, throat and legs. This is an
adaptation for locomotion. It is also loosely attached on the rest of the body with
fluid filled air spaces on the trunk. This allows distension of the body wall and
movement of skin without rapture of internal organs.
The following are adaptations of the skin
It is tough and hard protecting the internal delicate organs from injury and
The skin has poison glands all over the body with much concentration on the
head which secrete a milky mucus that protects the animal from predators.
It is thin and moist to allow gaseous exchange when the animal is in water.
It is warty and slimy making it slippery to allow the animal to escape
Colour (specify it) is suited for camouflage efficiently in their environments.
c) Limbs.
These are of unequal size reflecting their different functions. The limbs are both
muscular, jointed with digits. The fore limbs hold the body and absorbs shock during
hoping. The hind limb generates strong propulsive thrust during movement.
Differences between Fore and hind limbs
Fore limb Hind limb
Has 4 digits Has 5 digits
No webs between digits Webs between digits
Divided into 2 regions Divided into 3 regions
Less muscular Muscular
L- shaped Z- shaped
2 joints 3 joints
Short and stout Elongated and folded
Forelimbs are short and stout, holding the body clear off the ground during
Fore limbs are short and stout to absorb shock during hoping.
Hind limbs have webbed feet providing a large surface area against which a
forward thrust is generated during swimming.
Hind limbs are long, muscular and highly folded into three regions. They
provide a forward thrust to the body during jumping and swimming in water.
Hind limbs have long nailed toes which dig deep into the ground to provide
stability during jumping on land
assignment 1.
a) You are provided with specimen R (Toad) which is freshly killed. Classify the specimen
as far as possible giving reasons for the class.
b) Observe the structural features on the head from the left hand side. Draw and label the
features concerned with sensitivity and feeding.
4 | dissection of the amphibian by john Bruce R. 2019
c) Examine the head of the specimen. Describe the shape of the head and its significance.
No external genitalia are present. However males and females have structures that allow
Males Females
Slender body Broad abdomen with eggs especially
during the breeding season.
Skin underlying throat is usually white Skin underlying the throat is creamy/ grey
Rough black warty patch on ventral Broad body
surface of first finger on the fore limb
called nuptial pad
With normal dissection procedures, (opening up body cavity-the frog, fig 4 HCQ Rowett, page 69), the
arrangement of muscles underlying the skin can be seen as below;.
The musculo-cutaneous vein emerges from the arm pits and branches into smaller blood
vessels distributed over the inner surface of the skin.
There are four/ five muscle blocks arranged parallel to each other. The muscle blocks
A drawing of the dorsal view of the hind limb.
Terminal, very large, extends to tympanic membrane. This provides wide gape
for ingestion of large food and prey.
Numerous maxillary teeth which are uniform, small, pointed, conical shaoed and
curving backwards.
Internal roof has nares (singular-naris) through which air enters the buccal cavity.
They are 2, small, rounded, with valves.
Vomerine teeth protrude out of the roof of the mouth above the eye balls.
The Oesophagus is short, narrow, tubular within. It has longitudinal folds which close
entry of air into the stomach.
The pancreas is cream coloured and lives in the mesentery between the stomach and
the duodenum.
The gall bladder is an oval shaped sac lying between the main lobes of the liver. It has
the bile duct its outlet.
The viscera is a word that collectively means the internal organs of the body in the
abdominal and thoracic cavities.
This system is clear only when the alimentary canal is removed.
The lungs, kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder and cloaca form the excretory system.
Part Description and location
Kidney Dark,one on each side of the of the dorsal aorta or posterior venacava
Ureter Slender duct from the kidney
Bladder Thin-walled transparent bi-lobed structure. Opens into the cloaca.
Cloaca Small median chamber and opens to the outside through an aperture.
a) Arterial system.
Arteries are much paler than veins. To study the arterial system, the veins must be removed.
Carotid arch Lingual/external carotid Tongue, lower jaw
Internal carotid Eye, pharynx, palate
Systemic arch Subclavian artery Fore limbs
Systemic artery Posterior circulation
Pulmo Cutaneous artery Skin
cutaneous arch
Pulmonary artery Lungs
The coeliaco-mesenteric artery branches off the left systemic artery before forming
the dorsal aorta. It divides into coelic artery and mesenteric artery.
The coelic artery divides into;
a) Gastro-duodenal artery divides into gastric artery(supplying the stomach) and
duodenal artery (supplying the duodenum)
b) Hepatic artery that supplies the liver.
The mesenteric artery divides into;
a) Anterior mesenteric artery to the intestines
b) Posterior mesenteric artery to the lower intestines and rectum.
c) Splenic artery supplying the spleen.
Dorsal aorta branches into;
a) Renal arteries (usually 5) supplying left and right kidneys
b) Lumbar arteries to the dorsal muscles
c) Genital arteries
d) Iliac artery which also branches into femoral artery and sciatic artery.
b) Dissect the specimen to display the heart and the blood vessels that carry blood
from the head region, intestines and kidneys and back to the heart. Without
displacing the heart, draw and label your dissection. (36 marks)
ii) Blood vessels returning blood from the right side of the head and chest
region of the animal to the heart. (22 marks)
(ii)State the significance of the ratio. (1 mark)
(b) Examine the hind limb and state three ways it is adapted for the survival of the
specimen in its habitat. (3 marks)
(c) Examine the head of the specimen and draw and label the dorsal view of the
anterior part of the head to show the structures for sensitivity. (5 marks)
(d) Dissect the specimen to expose the heart. Turn the heart to display the main blood
(i) Returning blood from the trunk to the heart.
(ii) Supplying the structures for absorption of nutrients and excretory organs.
Draw and label. (27 marks)
4. (a) You are provided with specimen R. classify it into the following groups. (1
(i) Kingdom
(ii) Phylum
(iii) Class
(b)Observe the head of the specimen and state how it is adapted to its habitat. (3
(c) Dissect the specimen R to display the main superficial muscles of the left thigh of
the specimen. Draw and label the muscles. (9 marks)
(d) Continue to dissect the specimen to display,
(i) The blood vessels that drain from the alimentary canal and its associated organs
back to the heart, with the alimentary canal displaced to your right and the heart
turned upwards and pinned through the ventricle.
(ii) the blood vessel that take blood from the heart to the thoracic region of the
Draw and label your dissection showing (i) and (ii) (26 marks)
5. UNEB 2007 QN 1. You are provided with specimen T which is freshly killed.
(a) Pin the specimen with the ventral side uppermost. Dissect and remove the skin,
taking note of how it is attached to the underlying body wall.
(i) Describe the attachment of the skin to the body wall. (3 marks)
(ii) Suggest the significance of the way the skin is attached to the body wall as
described in (a)(i) above. (3 marks)
(b) Observe the main blood circulation on the skin.
(i) Describe the pattern of blood circulation on the skin. (4 marks)
(ii) Give the significance of the pattern of blood circulation described in (b)(i) (3
(c) Dissect the specimen further to display;
23 | dissection of the amphibian by john Bruce R. 2019
(i) Blood vessels carrying blood from organs located on the left half of the
abdominal cavity back to the heart.
(ii) Structures used for the elimination of unwanted materials from the body.
With the heart displaced anteriorly, draw and label the blood vessels and
structures displayed in (c)(i) and (ii) on one diagram. (27 marks)
6. You are provided with specimen K which is freshly killed. Open up the buccal cavity
of the specimen and proceed with your dissection to display the rest of the internal
structures. Carefully displace the alimentary canal to the left of the specimen without
damaging any mesentery. Draw and label all the structures seen lying wholly anterior
to the bladder. (25 marks)
7. a) Carefully examine the external features of the head and describe its structure.
(10 marks)
b) Using dissecting instruments open the buccal cavity and describe the structural
features in this part of the body (10 marks)
c) Explain three ways the structural features of the buccal cavity suit their
d) Dissect the specimen to display the arterial circulation on the left side lying
posterior to the heart plus the associated structures. Draw and label when the heart
is displaced. (20 marks)
8. You are provided a freshly killed animal.
a) Describe the following structural features of the head.
i) mouth (2 marks)
ii) ear drum (2 marks)
iii) eye (4 marks)
iv) iv) poison glands (3 marks)
bi) Describe the structural features you used to identify the sex.( 3 marks)
ii) Dissect and remove the skin from the ventral sides of the animal’s head, abdomen and
Search for the superficial structures, draw but DON’T label. ( 8 marks)
c) Dissect the animal to display the blood vessels draining the left side anterior to the
heart, with the heart turned forward. Draw and label. (16 marks)
10 a) Explain five ways the animal is adapted to live in its habitat.( 5 marks)
b) Dissect the specimen to display the:
24 | dissection of the amphibian by john Bruce R. 2019
(i) The main routes of blood flow supplying the left anterior region of the specimen.
(ii) The main routes of blood flow draining the right hind limb of the animal to the
heart, with the heart pinned forward through the ventricle. Draw and label your
dissection.(30 marks)
11) You are provided with a freshly killed toad.
a)i) Carefully observe the animal and explain five structural features that suit
the animal to live on either land or water bodies.(05marks)ii) Describe
the position and structure of the following; Webbed toes, Cloaca, Head,
Tongue: ( 8 marks)
b) Lay the specimen ventral side upper most. Dissect it in the usual way, and
remove the skin of the head, trunk and fore and hind limbs up to the elbow
and knee respectively.
i) Draw and label the superficial structures.
ii) Describe the structural features of the skin and clearly indicate, how
they relate to function.
c) Proceed to dissect and display the internal structures. Displace the stomach
further to the right, the right lung to cover part of the heart. Search for
blood vessels supplying the stomach, pancreas, and the right hand side of
the animal anterior to the heart. Draw and label.
12. You are provided with a freshly killed frog.
a) Observe the fore and hind limbs and describe their structure. (04marks)
b)i) Outline three differences between the fore and hind feet. (03marks)
ii) Draw but don’t label the hind foot. (03marks)
c) Lay the animal ventral side upper most. Dissect it in the usual way to
display internal structures. Turn the dish side ways and cut through the
right angle of the jaw, pharynx up to oesophagus. Pin a side the floor of
the buccal cavity and pharynx. Search for structures used for feeding
Search for blood vessels supplying the gut. Draw and label your
dissection. (22marks)
13.You are provided with a freshly killed frog.
a. i) Examine the head and describe how it is adapted to promoting the animal’s