Study 1o
Study 1o
Study 1o
Seventh-day Adventists have been entrusted with the holy mission of giving
to the world the first, second, and third angel's messages of Revelation 14.
They were called upon to proclaim the coming of the hour of God's judgment,
the fall of the nominal Christian churches (that became Babylon), and a
warning against the beast, the image of the beast, and the mark of the beast.
We cannot overlook the fact that within the ranks of these nominal Christian
churches are to be found many faithful souls who are eventually to be called
out. They are designated by God as "My people." Although they have not
been blessed with the knowledge of present truth, they are living up to all the
light that has come to them. We should do all in our power to reach these
precious souls still bound by the chains of tradition and superstition. The very
same problem, however, which existed in the days of Israel exists today.
"The leaders of this people cause them to err." When there is an apostasy, a
departure from God and the truth, those who have proved themselves to be
false shepherds carry undoubtedly the greatest guilt. It would be the greatest
of follies to think that, by joining these leaders in their plans and programs,
we would be better able to reach the people with the truth.
Since the Christian world has compromised with the powers of darkness,
Adventists are not to enter into any kind of courtship with other
denominations. Commenting on Isaiah 8:12, the Spirit of Prophecy says:
"Let the watchmen on the walls of Zion not join with those who are making of
none effect the truth as it is in Christ. Let them not join the confederacy of
infidelity, popery, and Protestantism." 4BC 1141.
It should be borne in mind that the faithful remnant is described as not being
defiled with women (Rev. 14:4). This means that here is no ecumenical
relationship or approach between them and the fallen denominations.
Adventists should stay away from churches and meetings where the truth is
denied; "for it is wrong to thus encourage them while they teach error that is
deadly poison to the soul and teach for doctrines the commandments of men.
The influence of such gatherings is not good. If God has delivered us from
such darkness and error, we should stand fast in the liberty wherewith He has
set us free and rejoice in the truth. God is displeased with us when we go to
listen to error without being obliged to go; for unless He sends us to those
meetings where error is forced home to the people by the power of the will,
He will not keep us." EW 124, 125. If we do not listen to the warnings that
have been given us concerning this trap of Satan, we are in danger of putting
darkness for light and light for darkness.
The fallen churches are under direct control of Satan; therefore, God tells His
people to come out from among them (Rev. 18:4). What excuse can we
present in the day of judgment, if we act contrary to this command?
In spite of the fact that Adventists have been warned not to get involved in
the confederacy of Satan, because "the members of Satan's church have
been constantly working to cast off the divine law, and confuse the
distinction between good and evil" (TM 16), there has been a great deal of
forbidden association and collaboration. It is not our purpose to make
accusations, but when we see a real danger we must lift up our voice like a
trumpet, and show the professed people of God their transgressions and sins
(Isa. 58:1). The Spirit of Prophecy explains this scripture as follows:
"Though they are called the people of God, the house of Jacob, though they
profess to be linked with God in obedience and fellowship, they are far from
Him. Wonderful privileges and promises have been given to them, but they
have betrayed their trust. With no words of flattery must the message be
given them. 'Show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob
their sins.' Show them where they are making a mistake. Set their danger
before them. Tell them of the sins they are committing, while at the same
time they pride themselves on their righteousness." 4BC 1149.
It is written that the sins of Babylon must be laid open. "The fearful results of
enforcing the observances of the church by civil authority, the inroads of
spiritualism, the stealthy but rapid progress of the papal power, all will be
unmasked." GC 606. As a consequence of this work, Babylon will be "aroused
and enraged" and will finally take measures against us (EW 272). Therefore,
if we understand our mission, we will not be seeking friendship, harmony,
and cooperation with the fallen churches.
"Satan has a large confederacy, his church." TM 16. To associate with his
family of popular churches is to play into the hands of the enemy. "Satan is
constantly seeking to strength his power over the people of God by inducing
them to enter into alliance with his subjects.... But the Lord has in His word
plainly instructed His people not to unite themselves with those who have not
His love abiding in them." PP 563.
The warm relations and close connections of Adventists with Babylon did not
develop overnight.
Quotations from older publications have been included here as evidence that
the SDA Church started courting the fallen denominations several decades
ago and that she is getting closer and closer to them.
1. Congregational Church,
"I think that you are justified in granting permission for the use of your
church building for an Easter service to be held by other religious bodies." RH
May 22, 1958.
"Those gathering together to praise the Lord in song were from the following
churches: Raymond Blackford, Bethel Lutheran; Dr. William Early, Cicero
Methodist; Rev. Stephen Bard, Cicero Wesleyan; Father Duane Craycraft,
Sacred Heart Catholic Church; Rev. Don Paden, Cicero Christian; and Pastor
Randal Murphy, Cicero SDA Church." RH March 9, 1967.
"On October 29, 1966, a further step was taken toward religious freedom in
Colombia, with the foundation of the Religious Liberty Association of
Colombia.... A Seventh-day Adventist, Raimundo Pardo Suarez, was chosen
as president. The vice president is the Reverend Noel Olaya, a Catholic priest
and a relative of several of Colombia's past presidents. H. Niemann, pastor of
the central church of Bogota, was elected secretary, and Fernando Tapias, an
Adventist businessman, treasurer. Dr. Carlos Didacio Alvarez, a Catholic
lawyer and staunch defender of religious liberty, was appointed auditor. The
rest of the directorate was chosen from among leaders of various religious
persuasions." RH March 9, 1967.
"To celebrate her 75-year jubilee, our church in Hungary conducted several
religious services September 5 thru 8 [1973].... The meeting held on
Thursday was attended also by representatives of the Government and
representatives of other churches and denominations."-Adventecho [German
SDA paper], December 15, 1973.
"Seven Bunbury church ministers . . . said that Bunbury had the symptoms of
a morally sick community. They were concerned that the town could become
like Sweden, where, they claim, complete sexual freedom was allowed. The
seven ministers are members of the Bunbury Ministers Fraternal. They are
from the Roman Catholic Church, Methodist Church, Church of Christ,
Congregational-Presbyterian Church, Baptist Church, Seventh-day Adventist
Church and Apostolic Brethren Church." -The West [Australian newspaper],
December 2, 1966 [emphasis sup plied].
"Merger of Churches in China. Of late more and more news have been
coming in about churches joining one another and merging together. What a
unification on a local basis looks like, can be seen from the guiding principles
adopted for the merger between the Church of Christ and the Seventh-day
Adventist Church in Chinchow, Liaoning Province, which we quote word by
word from 'China Bulletin' published by the Far East Office of the Foreign
Missions Department of the National Council of Churches in USA: 1. The
denominational names heretofore adopted by both churches are abolished,
and from now on the church will be called 'Christian State Church of
Chinchow.' 2. The organization, the buildings, the properties, and the
personnel become one. Surplus property will be used for the socialistic
upbuilding. 3. The Adventist tithe-paying custom is revoked; let everyone
give as much as he likes. 4. Previously adopted patriotic resolutions will be
adapted to the new conditions after the unification. Provisions will be made
for a reformation in the way of thinking of the individual church members. In
compliance with the appeal of the Government for steel production, the
church will install and run her own factory, owned by the people." -Der
Adventbote [German SDA paper], December 15, 1959.
SDA's express their belief concerning the leader of the Anglican Church. They
Many Advent believers are surprised at the changed attitude of the SDA
Church toward Roman Catholicism. The examples below will speak for
"For the first time in India, Protestant and Catholic choirs organized a joint
concert in New Delhi to raise funds for the Indian Red Cross. The Catholic
Sacred Heart cathedral choir sang with choirs of Anglican, Methodist,
Seventh-day Adventist and other churches and the Delhi Choir
Society."Universe [England], January 4, 1963.
"Not all those cooperating in the project are Seventh-day Adventists. Father
Sean O'Donoghue, rector of the Kodiak Catholic church, offered the facilities
of the St. Mary's Parish School for use by Maranatha.... The fellowship is
genuine. Father O'Donoghue delivers one of the early morning worship talks
and prays for the success of the Adventist center. He and the Sisters of the
Sacred Heart eat with the workers and seem intently interested in a religion
that would motivate people to perform as Maranatha is doing. Father
O'Donoghue is invited to participate in the opening services lof the new SDA
Church)."-GIeaner [official organ of the North Pacific Union Conference],
August 18, 1975.
'What we like about this going concern is that it has cut across
denominational boundaries. At the recent election of officers at the annual
general meeting, a new committee was elected. It consists of two Catholics,
one Presbyterian, one Anglican, one Pentecostal, and four Australian-Chinese
Adventists (the four who saw the need and went into action)."-Australasian
Record [Australian SDA paper], September 3, 1973.
" 'For those who died in the Santa Luzia accident there is hope of
resurrection.' With these words of introduction, Dom Joao de Rezende Costa,
archbishop of Belo Horizonte, opened the ecumenical worship in honor of the
18 victims of the accident.... Mass was celebrated by the archbishop.... At the
end, a choir of the Seventh-day Adventist Church sang a few religious hymns
and popular songs."-Diario da Tarde [Brazilian newspaper], September 1,
"Friday, May 13 (1967), at 8:00 p.m., the crypt of the Sanctuary of Our Lady
of Pompeii was crammed. An act of meditation and prayer, organized by the
Ecumenical Center of Barcelona, was taking place. The ceremony was jointly
conducted by the Archbishop of Barcelona, Dr. Marcelo Gonzalez; Rev.
Enrique Capo, pastor of the Spanish Evangelical Church; Mr. Antonio
Comavella, of the Adventist Church; and Bro. Roberto Giscard, monk of the
Protestant community of Taize."-La Vanguardia Espanola [Spanish
newspaper], May 18, 1967.
"During the visit of the Church-State Study Commission to Italy, the members
joined in a general papal audience in St. Peter's. Afterwards three members
of the commission spoke briefly with the Pope Pierre Lanares, religious liberty
secretary of the Southern European Division; Roland R. Hegstad, editor,
Liberty; and Leif Kr. Tobiassen of Andrews University. The pope . . .
(presented) . . . a souvenir medal to Dr. Tobiassen." RH May 30, 1968.
In the hands of the SDA Church the threefold message has become so tame
and voiceless (6T 60) that all fear on the part of the fallen churches seems to
be gone, so much so that now even the Catholics advertise Adventist books.
A Catholic paper, for example, announces the coming of an Adventist
colporteur: "J. W. Proctor, The Great Lakes representative of the Bible Story,
spends his time in visiting and building good will among all churches. He will
be in greater Chicago after January 1st, visiting parochial and public schools,
in the interest of promoting good literature in the home."Universal Fatima
News [Catholic paper in USA], December 1966.
"The Jackson Church Men's Club held a dinner meeting recently at a local
restaurant. Following the dinner they listened to an address given by Sister
Mary Marita, principal of Jackson St. Joseph School and teacher of the fifth
grade. Sister Mary Marita was invited by William Moors to speak to the Men's
Club."-Lake Union Herald [SDA paper in USA].
"Sister Bernice, a Roman Catholic nun who is a graduate student in
mathematics at Andrews University, recently spoke to the ministerial club at
Andrews."-Lake Union Herald [SDA paper in USA], January 2, 1969.
"On Tuesday afternoon more than 400 persons attended the dedication of
the new $80,000 library of the Washington Missionary College. Included in
the group were leading educators and librarians from nearby schools and
colleges.... Praising the project, Dr. Roy J. Deferrari, general secretary of the
Catholic University of America, as principal speaker, said the 'library is worthy
of pride and admiration.'"-The Journal [USA], October 9, 1942.
Further down, the article says that "among the guests on the speakers'
platform were the Rev. James R. Kortendick, reference librarian, Catholic
University; Professor Hurley, library science division, Catholic University,
Victor Schafer. oresarations department, Catholic University."
"For the first time in Argentina, a dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church
appeared in a church of another religious confession to speak to the
congregation. The final prayer, offered in common, sealed symbolically the
Papal aim to cement the union of the Christian churches, that is, the
separated brethren. This was an historic event, and even an astonishing one,
since the Catholic dignitary who came to the chapel was a bishop.
"The event took place in the chapel of the Christian Adventist Church, whose
leaders invited the diocesan bishop of Goya (Corrientes), Monsignor Alberto
Devoto. He was a member of the Preparations Committee for Vatican Council
II, correspondent for the Press at the 4th session of the council, a member of
the Liturgic Reforms Committee that introduced different changes in Catholic
worship, and he belongs to the line of dignitaries renovating the Argentine
Ecclesiastical hierarchy.
"The news of Monsignor Devoto's visit to the Adventist Church had created
great interest and expectation. Pastor Victor Schulz, local leader of the
Adventist Church, received the high dignitary of the Catholic Church on his
arrival. After a welcome had been given him, Monsignor Devoto entered the
church accompanied by the Adventist leaders. The distinguished visitor was
then introduced to the assembly by Pastor Schulz. He expressed the pleasure
of the Christian Adventist Church 'for having on its rostrum such a learned
priest of the Catholic Church,' and he said he was looking forward with great
interest to 'the subject of his address,' considering the fact that he (Mon
signor Devoto) had attended all the meetings of the Council, thus being
thoroughly informed concerning the atmosphere of the eminent congress,
and familiar with the historic transcendencies of the thoughts of its
promoters, John XXIII and Paul VI."-Asi [Argentine magazine], October 1966.
"Robert Hunter, pastor of the Morganton, North Carolina (SDA), district, and a
member of the local ministerial association, joined in PULPIT EXCHANGE DAY,
exchanging pulpits with (Father) Thomas Burke of St. Charles Roman Catholic
Church. The theme of the city-wide program was 'Blest Be the Tie."' Southern
Tidings [official organ of the Southern Union], April 1975.
"After the general audience of Wednesday, the 18th inst., the Holy Father
received the participants of the Conference of Secretaries of World
Confessional Families. The group was accompanied by Bishop John Howe,
General Secretary of the Anglican Consultative Council, and Mr. B. B. Beach,
General Secretary of the Seventh-day Adventists. This was the first time that
representatives of the Seventh-day Adventists met the Pope.
"We are happy to express, in your presence, our common faith in Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, the only Mediator with the Father, the Saviour of the
world. Yes, brethren, together with the Apostle Peter, we proclaim that
'Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under
heaven given among men, whereby ~ve must be saved.' Acts 4:12.
"On her part, the Catholic Church is solemnly engaged, through Vatican
Council II, in an ecumenism based on increased fidelity to Christ the Lord and
on heart conversion (see Unitatis Redintegraho, 6-7). At the same time, she is
conscious that 'nothing is more alien to ecumenism than that false irenicism
that would harm the Catholic doctrine and obscure its genuine and precise
meaning (Ibid., p. 11).
"Reinforced by the power of the word of God, let us therefore pursue, despite
all difficulties, the objective of full unity in Christ and in the Church.
"And, with humbleness and love, let us direct our thoughts and our hopes to
our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be given to Him, as well at to the Father and to
the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever."L'Osservatore Romano [Catholic paper,
Portuguese edition], May 29, 1977.
"On Wednesday, May 18, Pope Paul VI received in special audience the
representatives of the Conference of Secretaries of World Confessional
Families. In the group there were, among others, Bishop John Howe, First
Secretary of the Anglican Advisory Council, and Mr. B. B. Beach, First
Secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This is the first time that a
representative of this religious body has come to meet the Pope. On that
occasion, to commemorate their visit, they presented the Pope with a gold
"When the Saviour saw in the Jewish people a nation divorced from God, He
saw also a professed Christian Church united to the world and the papacy."
RH October 8, 1901.
Well known Protestant leaders had talks with top Adventist leaders and finally
declared: "We are delighted to do justice to a much maligned group of
sincere believers, and in our minds and hearts . . . acknowledge them as
redeemed brethren and members of the Body of Christ." Time Magazine
[USA], December 31, 1956.
The SDA leadership, in turn, declared: "We are one with our fellow Christian
denominational groups in the great fundamentals of the faith once delivered
to the saints." Questions on Doctrine [SDA book], p. 32.
"Following upon readers' letters, action was taken by the Catholic Women's
Social Guild which made a spirited public pro test. Many people, including
proprietors of hotels and guest houses, refused to purchase products of the
Sanitarium Health Food Company, another Adventist subsidiary.
"The result was that officials of the Sanitarium Health Food Company called
at The Advocate office and expressed regret for the publication of the
offensive matter. The secretary for Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania of
the Sanitarium Health Food Company said in a statement to The Advocate
that the book in which the offensive statements appeared 'was originally
published in Europe and was republished by the Signs Publishing Company
here without their careful customary scrutiny of its contents.' The passages
complained of, it was said, 'do not represent the views of the Signs Publishing
Company's management and certainly not of the Sanitarium Health Food
"It was said, further, that the book had not been in circulation for some
considerable time, was not then being circulated and was not likely to be
reproduced by the Signs Publishing Company. 'They greatly regret their part
in having republished it and doubt less will attempt by some suitable means
to rectify some things so far as lies in their power.'
"Though other Adventists also called at The Advocate office and repudiated
the secretary's statement, we accepted the assurance of the secretary, as an
"Since later publications had not come to our notice and it seemed that the
above offensive type of publication was disappearing in the better climate
that has been developing in the intervening years, The Advocate accepted
recently in good faith the Sanitarium Health Food Company's advertisement.
"Following protests from some of our readers we contacted the Seventh Day
Adventist headquarters at Yarra St. Hawthorn, I and spoke to Pastor L. Jones.
He assured us that the book, This Mighty Hour, had been withdrawn early in
the forties and was not now in circulation. He said that the author had, in
fact, 2 recently visited Australia and was asked about the book. ! According
to Pastor Jones, the author said that were he to write such a book today he
would write it differently. Pastor Jones added that a new climate now happily
existed between the religious denominations and that so far as he knew
nothing of this kind of literature, which might be deemed offensive, was now
being circulated by the Adventists." The Advocate [Catholic paper in
Australia], February 13, 1964.
1. Zambia
2. Zaire
"When Adventist world leaders were convinced that the church could carry on
its work without any change in its teachings or means of support, they
yielded to government demands to align with the Protestant organization....
Thus, with mixed feelings on both sides, on March 24, 1972, Seventh-day
Adventists became the forty-second communicant in the Church of Christ in
Zaire." RH Feb. 27, 1975.
3. China
"The Adventists were declared to have gone through 'a new birth' as an
organization. They were rewarded by being officially classified as a 'Reformed
Church,' the first in Communist China." The Story of Maly Liu [book], by
Edward Hunter, p. 222.
"Eleven seminaries in East China were merged into the Nan king Theological
Seminary, becoming the Ginling United Theo logical Seminary, like separate
faculties in a university. The whole range of Protestant faith was
indiscriminately brought together, including Seventh Day Adventist and the
Apostolic." The Black Book on Red China, by Edward Hunter, p. 66.
4. U.S.A.
"Pastor Dombrowski and Pastor Lyko were honored with the badge which was
granted at the celebration of the 'One-thousand year-Christianization.'
Furthermore, they were on the Board of Directors at the Peace Conference of
All Christians."-BiwleWnach Infortnacynich [Polish magazine], May 16, 1967.
The two ministers mentioned in this report are prominent SDA leaders in
6. Hungary
"The leaders of the Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches in the Soviet Union
invited an official visit from the Hungarian Baptist Church as well as from the
Council of Free Churches, for July 13-28. The representatives were: Mr.
Laczkovski Janos, president of the national Baptist Church and vice-president
of the Baptist World Alliance; Mr. Szakacs Jozsef, president of the Adventist
Denomination and vice-president of the Council of Free Churches; and Nagy
Jozsef, Baptist theologian and dean, secretary of the Hungarian Council of
"In every service we expressed the hearty greetings of the Hungarian Baptist
Church and of the brethren of the churches which belong to the Council of
Free Churches. The congregations and the church leaders received the
greetings with sincere love.
"Our delegation had the opportunity of having a sincere talk with Baptist and
Adventist brethren, and we told them how we work together and respect
each other's principles of faith....
"Church leader Mr. Szakacs Jozsef expressed his appreciation to the leaders
of the Baptist Church especially for the brotherly love which he enjoyed
during his visit as vice-president of the Council of Free Churches and
president of the Hungarian Adventist Church, and also for the timely help of
the brethren, which made it possible for him to meet the representatives and
members of the Adventist Church. All members of the delegation took part in
the services in the Adventist congregations.
"We finished our visit with many rich blessings and with the hope that we
may mutually be enriched through the common faith and testimony."-
Bekehirnok [Hungarian Baptist paper].
From a report filed early in 1984 by one who was associated with the SDA
Church in Hungary for twenty years, and published in the bulletin,
"Watchman, What of the Night?" vol. XVII, No. 9, we quote these portions:
"In 1965 the Council of Free Churches joined the Ecumenical Church Council
with all its member churches, most of which had already been in the
ecumeny, therefore also the Adventists, even if only indirectly. As a rule, the
current president of the Council of Free Churches is also the vice-president of
the Ecumen ical Church Council. After the sudden death of S. Palotoy, Jozsef
Szakacs succeeded him, and he was at that time the presi dent of the
Hungarian Adventist Union Conference.
"The true Adventists saw where all this was leading on the one hand, a
looser, much freer life style, mixed marriages (because permitted), divorces,
worldliness; and on the other hand, the gradual prohibition, discouragement
or cunning paralyzation of all possible projects for children and youth, the use
of literature and other means of evangelization....
"The situation got so bad that faithful ministers, young and old, wept
together, fasted and spent many nights in prayer. They became convinced it
was time to stop this degeneration. In 1965, their determination was followed
by action. They raised their voices in protest. The result: 6 pastors were
dismissed and 300 church members were excommunicated....
A leading daily in Budapest informs what was done in the SDA Church in
Hungary, in January 1984:
"N. C. Wilson and Denes Zarka, the president of the church in Hungary and
their respective retinues visited Imre Miklos, the undersecretary of State and
president of the office for Church Affairs. At this meeting N. C. Wilson
informed Mr. Miklos of the steps they were going to take concerning the
matter of the splinter group within the Hungarian Church. N. C. Wilson stated
that, as in other countries, the Seventh-day Adventist world organization
recognizes only one church organization, the one elected at the electoral
conference, and which also the State has recognized.
"N. C. Wilson has expressed his appreciation for the useful and beneficial
attitude of the Hungarian State toward the church, as well as for the high
degree of religious liberty he had experienced in Hungary."-Nepszabadsag
[Hungarian newspaper], January 31, 1984.
And what happened to those honest Adventists who were "sighing and
crying" for the apostasy that they could see in the church? They were
disfellowshipped. The report from which we quoted before says:
"For eight years now, 1400 Hungarian Adventists have been vehemently
struggling to survive, that is, to be able to remain within the church from
which they have recently been excommunicated at one stroke."
"Since 1965 there have been yearly dialogues between the World Council of
Churches and the Seventh-day Adventists.... Since 1968, the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is acknowledged by other international
churches as a 'World Confessional Family.' The Adventist participation in the
yearly conference of the 'world confessional families' has brought good
results.... Conscientious cooperation is necessary, as long as there is no
compromise regarding firmly established beliefs and religious aims."-
Adventecho [German SDA paper], February 15, 1973.
The examples quoted in this writing should enable the reader to catch a
glimpse of the snare in which the church is get ting entangled. Not
everything that is happening in this field is published, and not all that is
made known in this connection ever comes to our notice. But the limited
number of instances mentioned reveal the existence of a dangerous
situation. Many sighing and crying Adventists who can see the apostasy
wonder what will be the final end of this forbidden courtship. Under these
circumstances the following warning of the Spirit of Prophecy becomes very
"Instead of leading the world to render obedience to God's law, the church is
uniting more and more closely with the world in transgression. Daily the
church is becoming converted to the world." 8T 119.
"When those who are uniting with the world, yet claiming great purity, plead
for union with those who have ever been the opposers of the cause of truth,
we should fear and shun them as decidedly as did Nehemiah." PK 660.
A few years ago, many SDA's were shocked when they heard that their
brethren not only laymen, but also medical men and leading ministers-were
getting involved with the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International,
a Pentecostal group who is working to unite all Protestant bodies in the
fellowship of Spiritualism. In the "Full Gospel Men's Voice" of September
1962, these Pentecostal believers gave the following report about their tenth
annual convention held in Seattle, Washington, July, 1962:
"The Holy Spirit came down upon the people.... Scores received the precious
baptism with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.... There were
representatives of many faiths assembled for a common purpose:
Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Dutch Reformed laymen, Methodists,
Lutherans, Nazarenes, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists - and hosts of
others- all meeting at the feet of Jesus."
This sad and startling fact caused some agitation and led scrupulous
Adventists to raise their voice against this involvement. We quote from
"Newsletter" of February 1, 1963:
"It would be far more pleasant to dismiss the whole thing by saying, as some
have vainly hoped, that our leading brethren (who attended that Pentecostal
convention) did nothing more than present the third angel's message to the
convention in Seattle, and that VOICE has not accurately or fairly presented
the case. But after examining all the evidence available, interviewing the
FGBMFI representatives, listening to the actual tape recordings of the
proceedings at the convention, and examining certain cor respondence over
this issue, it is very apparent that VOICE has given as fair and as accurate a
picture as could be expected. .: .
"We wish we could say that the foregoing was only a sudden and
unpremeditated lapse on the part of Elder Anderson, but the clear evidence
indicates that this is not the case.... In 1950, Elders Wieland and Short sent
an urgent warning to the General Conference. showing and warning the
brethren that there was grave danger in our ranks of worshiping the false
Christ . . .. declaring the end of this infatuation with the false Christ would be
the reception of Spiritualism. You yourselves know that their message was
totally rejected. Six years after this message came, some of our leading men,
among whom was R. A. Anderson, were conferring with some of the
Evangelical leaders. It was then that they seriously compromised themselves
on the great doctrines of the Atonement and the Incarnation of Jesus.... The
same year, Elder Anderson wrote to Elder R. A. Grieve, then President of the
North New Zealand Conference, telling him of his wonderful fellowship with
the Evangelical ministers, how they were men of God, etc., admitting that our
past teaching on the nature of Christ had been incorrect, and then concluding
these startling admissions with this astounding statement: 'We have come to
the time in our history and the history of the Evangelical Church in general,
that we are moving into the experience of the Pentecostal outpouring of
power.' (April 23, 1956.)
"So, at least ever since 1956, Elder Anderson has believed that the other
churches (whom Mrs. White pronounces 'Babylon,' and declares that Satan
has taken possession of them as a body), are in line for the Pentecostal
baptism of power together with the Adventists. Oh, terrible deception! . . .
"'Dear friends:
"'Almost from the outset of Elder Vandeman's very first meeting ... there was
a strange spirit....
"'In every meeting, with the exception of the last one, I believe, Elder
Vandeman spoke, sometimes repeatedly, of a meeting in Seattle.... He spoke
of the earnestness of these wealthy men and the marvelous fellowship there
as he and Elder Richards, together with Billy Graham and Oral Roberts and
others spoke to and prayed with these men. It seemed that he had gained a
great deal of strength and inspiration from his fellowship there. He just
couldn't get over speaking about it....
"'In his second meeting Elder Vandeman made a call for all to stand who
wished to reconsecrate their lives to God. The ap peal was strong and I would
not find fault with it, although in the meetings generally there was a strange
spirit, and there were the references to the marvelous meetings and
fellowship with the wealthy business men. This was the Sabbath morning
service. Everyone, or practically everyone in that large auditorium stood for
consecration. Then, just before prayer, as we were standing, he said: "Now
we're going to pray for spiritual healing, and then tonight we'll pray for
healing of the body." . . . He cited a few instances of marvelous physical
healings that had taken place at such meetings....
"'In the last meeting of the series . . . Elder Vandeman seemed more like
himself than he had at any of the previous meetings. The hypnotic influence
was not in evidence, at least not to the extent that it had been.... Alice M.
Rogers, Winfield, B.C., Canada.' ...
"Elder Richards from the Voice of Prophecy was also in attendance.... Elder
Richards spoke on the coming of Christ, and only said such things as would
suit the hearers who were pre paring to welcome the false Christ. His
remarks sounded very much like the setting up of the glorious temporal
millennium on this earth such as E. G. White said in The Great Controversy, p.
589 and it is certain that is what his hearers gathered from the talk.
In his book Rattling the Gates, published by the Review and Herald Publishing
Association, Roland R. Hegstad tells about an Adventist brother who said to
him: "I've been speaking in tongues now for almost six years. Got the gift at a
Pentecostal meeting in Indianapolis. I'm still an Adventist, however, and I
believe the time has come to bring the gift to the Seventh-day Adventist
Church." Surely that brother is not the only one showing a pro Pentecostalist
tendency in the SDA Church.
"I attended a small church in Redlands. There were several speakers, but one
especially spoke with such power that I said, 'Lord, the power with which he
speaks is what I want in my own life.' . . . Then a lady spoke to me. She said,
'I was praying today and the Lord told me someone was coming to my church
tonight looking for the Holy Spirit, but I don't know who it is.' I said simply,
'I'm looking for the Holy Spirit.' She suggested that we kneel and pray. They
told me to lift my hands and praise the Lord, which I did. All of a sudden there
came a deep peace within my heart and I knew the Lord had done something
for me. I could hear the people around me say, 'He's being filled right now.' . .
. Suddenly I began to sing in a language I had never learned! Since that time
I have not only sung but also prayed in that language . . . The people in my
Sabbath school class noticed a difference in me. That following Saturday I put
down my notes and the Lord spoke through me in such a way that many in
the class began to weep. Afterward they told me, 'That was the most
wonderful lesson we ever had.' . . . I told my wife about it, we all knelt
together and prayed, and my wife received the baptism in the Holy Spirit
right in our home.... I am now able to go to Full Gospel meetings, and there
as well as in our prayer groups, pray with all kinds of people-Catholics,
Nazarenes, Church of Christ, Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Roman
Catholics, Methodists and others-with such a spirit of love and fellowship as I
never before knew.... I also discussed my experience fully with one of our
leaders, the former head of the ministerial department of our church, and he
said, 'God has been leading you every step of the way.' In my office I keep a
goodly stock of VOICE magazines, and almost every patient who leaves the
office receives one.... One evening I was asked to give my testimony.... My
brother, who is a practicing dentist in River side, was there. After hearing my
testimony the Spirit of the Lord moved in his heart.... A few weeks later, at an
inter-faith renewal program, he received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.... It
was a new suit that led me to personally meet my Lord as the Great
Physician. Always I have had the right sleeve of my coats shortened one inch
because my right arm was that much shorter. When the suit came, they had
forgotten to alter that sleeve. My wife suggested I take the coat to the tailor
and have the sleeve shortened. I decided to go to God and ask Him to
lengthen my arm. That night in the Evangel Temple in Redlands, as Pastor
Lawrence and others prayed for me, I felt a strange sensation in my right
shoulder and down that arm and it grew out a whole inch right in front of our
eyes! When I went home, my suit fitted perfectly. But I faced a new problem,
for now all my other right sleeves are too short!" VOICE (Full Gospel
Businessmen's church paper), January, 1973.
Further examples may not be needed, since SDA leaders admit that the pro-
Pentecostalist tendency among SDA's is growing rapidly. An SDA church
paper says: "There is a movement today that threatens the eternal life of
many people. Seventh-day Adventists-both ministers and lay members-
should beware. It is growing at an alarming rate. It is spreading like an
uncontrolled fire in a wheat field.... It is known by several names.... Some
people call it the charismatic renewal or the charismatic movement. Others
know it as neo-Pentecostalism.... Although many Baptists, Presbyterians,
Lutherans, Anglicans, Episcopalians, Methodists, Roman Catholics,
Pentecostals and others, including some Seventh-day Adventists, have
participated in the experience, it is not a church. These people remain in
their own churches, yet they often fellowship together, frequently in private
homes, where they sing and pray in tongues, prophesy, and read the Bible in
an atmosphere of great emotional fervor."-Australasian Record, January 28,
There is, chiefly in the United States, a strong propensity in the SDA Church
towards assimilation to the other Evangelical churches, in which the
charismatic phenomenon is breaking out all over. This trend can be seen
especially among the SDA youth. Elder Nelson, from the General Conference
Youth Department, deplored this fact saying (1974):
"Satan is now preparing the minds of Adventists.... I hear today, as I go from
coast to coast, a cry among the youth: Don't talk about the law. All we want
is Jesus. We just want to hear about His love. Bless your hearts, I love to talk
about Jesus, and His love, but this kind of a feeling, this kind of a movement,
is preparing Adventist youth for a great disappointment. What is happening? .
. . There are thousands of youth today within the church, yea, tens of
thousands, that know nothing of the 2300-day prophecy. They couldn't
explain Daniel 7 if they had to. When you talk about the three angels'
message, they think it's something that is outmoded. It is something to
forget about. It has nothing to do today.... And then they make the
statement, 'Our church is no different than any other church.' I know what I
talk about. They are preparing to be fooled. Consider the rapture theory for a
moment, that's now capturing the world . . . (Elder Nelson ex plains it) . . . A
bunch of nonsense. How could Seventh-day Adventists believe this kind of
junk? But it's being heard from Adventist pulpits, it's being presented by
Adventist youth witnessing groups, it's for sale in Adventist book stores, and I
saw it prominently displayed right down here just yesterday.... Our young
people are singing songs, 'We are one in the spirit . . .' In what spirit? That s a
Pentecostal holiness tongue-movement song, in which they shout and sing,
'We are one in the spirit.' Who jumps, and shouts, and hollers? What's
happening today? Some thing is creeping in among us, silently and steadily,
preparing us to be fooled. We are being attacked within and without the
church. Thousands are readily accepting the Evangelical teachings of
Babylon today...." (From a tape.)
"The fact that three participants had been invited from out side the United
States . . . shows that the whole problem has worldwide significance."
Very significant is also the fact that the article from which we just quoted
these short portions was published under the title: "Are SDA's going to speak
in unknown tongues?"
Half a century ago it would have been considered anathema to offer the
Adventist pulpit to a Pentecostal minister. But now no more. Well-known faith
healer Oral Roberts was invited to speak to the Adventists in the university
church (Loma Linda, California), at 11 a.m., March 8, 1983. We quote from a
"When Roberts took the floor in front of about 1,800 listeners, he received
but polite applause.
"'I was in the desert not 70 miles from here when He [Jesus] came to me and
began to speak to me. I was devastated but I saw what must be done,' he
To be more correct, the news editor should have said that what conservative
Adventists are viewing with alarm is the mis taken idea that even a
Pentecostal faith healer may be invited to occupy an Adventist pulpit.
Pentecostalism is creeping in among the Advent people, and not too many
seem to be alarmed at the existing danger.
The danger is increased by the false teaching that the latter rain is falling and
that the church is actually experiencing a revival. We quote from SDA
"The latter rain for which we have been praying and that has been
experienced in such meetings of our leaders and evangelists as the recent
one at Camp Berkshire, New York, fell in a marked way on our regular
student literature evangelists at Waunita Hot Springs, June 30-July 3."-Central
Union Reaper [SDA paper in USA], Sept. 17, 1968.
"The latter rain is falling. The Holy Spirit is being richly poured out all about
us.... Why not read all about it in the Re view and Herald." (Circular letter by
R. G. Campbel to subscribers of Review and Herald, 1968.)
"There are evidences around over the world of early showers of the latter
rain." (Letter to the field, by W. J. Hackett, president of North Pacific Union
Conference, October 1968.)
These last two statements from the Spirit of Prophecy (GC 562 and EW 263)
make it plain that the whole world will be caught in the snare of the
Spiritualism, with only one exception-a small remnant of faithful believers in
the truth. This small remnant will then be clearly distinguished from the
church. Sister White writes: "In the hour of the church's greatest danger most
fervent prayer will be offered in her behalf by the faithful remnant." 5T 524.
"At the time when the danger and depression of the church are greatest, the
little company who are standing in the light will be sighing and crying...
especially . . . in behalf of the church because its members are doing after
the manner of the world." 5T 209, 210. It is a fearful thought that, according
to prophetic evidences, not even the SDA Church will escape. This is one of
the reasons why some honest souls are sighing and crying "for all the
abominations that be done in the church" l3T 2671.
"Many things intended to deceive us will come, bearing some of the marks of
truth. Just as soon as these shall be set forth as the great power of God,
Satan is all ready to weave in that which he has prepared to lead souls from
the truth for this time."3SM 404.
"The Word of God . . . is to be our defense when Satan works with such lying
wonders that, if it were possible, he would deceive the very elect. It is then
that those who have not stood firmly for the truth will unite with the
unbelieving, who love and make a lie. When these wonders are performed,
when the sick are healed and other marvels are wrought, they will be
deceived." 3SM 407, 408.
"The cause of Christ will be betrayed. Those who have had the light of truth,
and have enjoyed its blessings, but who have turned away from it, will fight
down the Spirit of God. Inspired with a spirit from beneath, they will tear
down that which they once built up, and show to all reasonable, God-fearing
souls that they cannot be trusted. They may lay claim to truth and
righteousness, but their spirit and works will testify that they are betrayers of
their Lord. The attributes of Satan they call the movings of the Holy Spirit."
RH May 24, 1898.
"Go to God for yourselves; pray for divine enlightenment, that you may know
that you do know what is truth, that when the wonderful miracle-working
power shall be displayed, and the enemy shall come as an angel of light, you
may distinguish between the genuine work of God and the imitative work [of]
the powers of darkness." 3SM 389.