Kingdom Dominion Articles
Kingdom Dominion Articles
Kingdom Dominion Articles
This collection of articles covers the topic of Restoration, which means "restoring
the authority and apostolic leadership to the global Church". It has other and
deeper implications too, as can be seen by the articles on warring in the
heavenlies (to pull down the satanic strongholds that restrict the church) and "The
Glory" (which is a skewed belief that the full power and visible glory of God will
ultimately descend upon the restored Church.)
Dominion Theology and Restoration today has progressed far beyond the reach of
these early articles of mine; however it is always good to refer to the roots of the
movement, and to understand its core objectives.
The Vulnerability of Pentecostalism
the participants
no rapture
some differences
some terminology
occult influences
supernatural manifestations
Certainly this report will have an impact upon those propagating these
false teachings, as well as upon those who learn from the teachers.
Certainly it will cause loyalties to be broken. On the other hand, I'm
well aware that it may cause loyalties to this ministry to be broken. So
be it; if any loyalty to this or any other ministry takes precedence over
loyalty to God and His truth as revealed in Scripture, then that loyalty
should be broken.
Jesus taught this very thing when He said, "He that loveth father or
mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or
daughter more than me is not worthy of me" (Matthew 10:37).
In Luke 14:26 He goes even further, saying that if we love even our own
lives more than we love Him we are not worthy of Him. If we are
expected to hold allegiance to Jesus whom we have not seen, even
above allegiance to our own families and our very lives, how much
more should we be loyal to Him above others, no matter how they
impress us with their knowledge and eloquent oratory.
Are those who teach us humble? Jesus is more humble. Are they wise?
Jesus is more wise. Do they love us? Jesus loves us more. Whatever
virtues they possess, the greatest teachers in the Church are in poverty
compared to Jesus. When He trod this earth as a man, having
relinquished all privileges of His eternal Godhood, Jesus was
approached by one who addressed Him as "Good Master." His response
should humble all who hold themselves or others in high regard: "Why
callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God"
(Matthew 9:16-17).
Though the words I bring you may be hard to bear, I implore all who
read them to pray that God will illuminate their minds, and also for His
protection from the enemy who would distort the truth of these
matters as well as my motive for bringing them to light. This is written
with full awareness of my own vulnerability. For I admit that the things I
have witnessed from those whose teachings I question herein have
caused me to wonder whether they might not be from God.
It is a fearful thing to contemplate the thought that I might in all
sincerity cast aspersion upon true men of God whose work I may not
understand. But I am convinced that what I present to you is the truth,
given with a heavy heart for those who, by necessity, must be named
for their errors.
Let God judge men's hearts; that is not my intention. But each of us is
responsible to judge what we are asked to believe.
Even the Reformers of the sixteenth century and after sorely lacked the
full understanding that would have allowed them to lead their
followers into paths of complete harmony with God's Word. Yet line
upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, God has
shed more understanding upon His Word.
The Azusa Street (Los Angeles) revival of 1906 marked the beginning of
today's Pentecostalism. During the outbreak of that revival the Baptism
with the Holy Spirit became widely experienced and many Christians
spoke in foreign languages with interpretations, extolling the glories of
God. Out of this move of God came the establishment of large churches
that broke from the formalism of a stagnant Protestantism.
The manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit are as valid for us today as
they were for the first-century Church. If anything, they are more
needed today than ever. We must jealously guard the gifts, and not
misuse them as has been the custom of many who, overcome with zeal,
have thwarted the work of God in their lives.
Signs and wonders, miracles and healings are good when they originate
with God. The problem lies in our inability sometimes to distinguish
whether they are from God or Satan. For Scripture gives us ample proof
that Satan, as well as God, can perform marvelous miracles (Exodus 7:8-
15; Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; II Thessalonians 2:9; Revelation 13:11-
It's not a question of counterfeit versus real; Satan's miracles are not
counterfeits any more than foreign currency is a counterfeit of our own
currency. Counterfeit "miracles" are those feats of legerdemain
performed by professional magicians, and charlatans who create ruses
to bilk people out of money. A miracle from the spirit realm is genuine,
whether from God or Satan. Satan's healings are not illusory; they are
real. That's what makes them dangerous.
Many cults call Jesus "Lord and Savior," and "the only Way to the
Father." Mormons believe in the Lord's bodily Resurrection. They and
Jehovah's Witnesses testify that they are saved by grace through faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ. But these declarations are nullified by deeper
teachings to which adherents are gradually indoctrinated. Satan uses
this same tactic through various "new revelations" within the Church
The tares are truly among the wheat. For this reason, today more than
ever, Christians must learn to distinguish between the words of a
teacher, and the spirit behind those words. Often the purity and
simplicity of the Gospel will be encroached upon by other teachings
that, in aggregate, nullify the Gospel and lead the hearer astray into
doctrines of demons (I Timothy 4:1).
These movements are built upon the same foundation: the neo-
Pentecostalism of the mid-twentieth century. They draw from one
another the support needed to develop their strategy for gaining
preeminence among Christians. All zealously propagate their "new
revelations" which allegedly are to prepare the Church for "the next
move of God," bringing us closer to the Kingdom Age (the rule of God
on earth).
Latter Rain
Charismatic Renewal
Kingdom Message
Positive Confession
Throughout the course of this study we'll be examining these
movements and their major proponents. But first it's important that I
give a general outline of Kingdom Theology itself and its dynamic.
The Teachings
The basic premise of Kingdom Theology is that man lost dominion over
the earth when Adam and Eve succumbed to Satan's temptation in the
Garden of Eden.
God "lost control" of the earth to Satan at that time, and has since been
looking for a "covenant people" who will be His "extension," or
"expression," in the earth and take dominion back from Satan. This is to
be accomplished through certain "overcomers" who, by yielding
themselves to the authority of God's apostles and prophets for the
Kingdom Age, will take control of the kingdoms of this world.
Those who hold to Kingdom Theology assume that the Church (some
believe only a small group within the Church, called "overcomers"),
under submission to the latter day apostles and prophets, is that man
child, and that it has the responsibility to put down all rebellion and
establish righteousness. This necessitates the utilization of supernatural
power and the full implementation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
This theory is based upon the idea that all authority in heaven and on
the earth has been given to Jesus. Since believers are indwelt by the
same Holy Spirit that indwelt Jesus, we have all authority in heaven and
on the earth; we have the power to believe for and speak into existence
things that are not, and thus we can bring about the Kingdom Age.
The many-membered man child must take control of the earth before
Jesus can return. Necessary to the Kingdom Age is "the Restoration of
the Tabernacle of David,"defined as the completion of perfection of the
Bride of Christ - a Church without spot or wrinkle.
During the Kingdom Age (or after all else is subdued during that time)
Satan and all enemies of God will be put under the feet of the many-
membered man child. This will be the fulfillment of I Corinthians 15:25-
26: "For he (Christ) must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his
feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."
The rationale that the many-membered man child will put God's
enemies under 'its' feet is that Jesus is the head of Christ and the
Church is the body of Christ. And where are the feet but in the body?
Many in the Kingdom Theology movements insist that when this
Scripture refers to Christ it is really referring to the Church who is the
Body of Christ. Therefore it is necessary for them to establish within the
minds of Christians the idea that, as the Body of Christ, we are Christ.
In other words, we have His divine nature. Notice that this idea, similar
to that of mind science and other false religions, separates the
anointing of "Christ" from Jesus and bestows it upon all who come into
a place of certain knowledge and spiritual attainment. This is a heresy
that is as old as the Church. It is rooted in the Greek school of
philosophy known as Gnosticism.
No Rapture
Critical to hard-core Kingdom Theology is the denial of "the Rapture" -
the teaching that the Church will one day be caught up to meet the
Lord in the air so that we will be with Him in Heaven when God's wrath
is poured out upon the earth.
"I was all 'caught up' in the movie" (or other excitement) is not the
equivalent of 'harpazo' in I Thessalonians 4:17, II Corinthians 12:2-4,
and Revelation 12:5, used to describe the catching up bodily into
Heaven, and Acts 8:39 where Phillip is bodily "caught away" by the
Spirit to another location.
The proponents of Kingdom Theology are correct when they say that
the Church is spiritual Israel, but they fail to acknowledge that God has
promised to restore national Israel and deal with her during the coming
seventieth week of Daniel. All prophecies regarding future Israel - both
in the Old and New Testaments - are made to apply to the Church.
The reason the Church has failed is because it has not understood what
Jesus meant when He told His disciples that they would be witnesses of
Him throughout the earth.
Since "The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof; the world, and
they that dwell therein"(Psalm 24:1), the world is ours as joint heirs
with Christ. This sounds good, but without Jesus here to establish the
dominion, we are left at the mercy of men who, according to their
thinking, will have "overcome" all faults and will be operating according
to the perfect will of God.
Since all enemies, including death, will be put under the feet of the
"overcomers," it is therefore necessary that dominion include
"immortalization" (or at least living in "divine health" as well as "divine
The apostles and prophets especially will have contact into the spirit
realm through appearances of Jesus, angels, and departed saints. In
fact, such contacts have already been reported in the Christian media.
Essentially then, Kingdom Theology sees the Second Coming of Jesus in
two stages:
first through the flesh of the believers (and in particular the flesh of
today's apostles and prophets), and then
Some Differences
Other teachings not detailed here are quite bizarre, and add to the
overall occult flavor of Kingdom Theology. We'll be dealing with them
as we progress.
Some Terminology
Once you become familiar with their terminology I urge you not to
judge arbitrarily, but to seek further knowledge of the teacher's true
beliefs (Acts 17:11).
Meanwhile, be cautious until you do know what he or she believes. The
following Kingdom terminology should be cause for concern even
though much will be defended as "scriptural" by those who use them:
Spoken Word
Five-fold ministry
Latter Rain
Tabernacle of David
Feast of Tabernacles
Ongoing Incarnation
God's faith
God-like faith
Kingdom language
Kingdom principles
Christ principles
Elijah Company
Bride Company
The Christ
By the time you've read through this report, however, I'm certain you'll
see why these terms are good indicators of the teacher's beliefs. At the
end of the final installment you'll find a sample questionnaire which
you can use to test any teacher's position relative to Kingdom Theology.
This may be used as a precaution against erroneously prejudging
anyone - teacher or disciple.
This said, we will examine now the roots and the effects of Kingdom
Theology and its various movements.
The unwary believers of that time, whose lives were touched by these
supernatural phenomena, were unversed in the occult sciences and
accepted these manifestations of power as from God.
Now we are seeing at the same time within Pentecostalism, both the
true manifestations of the Holy Spirit and the occult manifestations of
Satan. To determine which are of God and which from the adversary, it
helps to know the history of this movement called the Latter Rain.
Therefore I have endeavored to lay out in a semblance of chronological
order the various influences the teachers of that period had upon each
other, and how those influences are affecting the Church today.
In the fall of 1946, a "major fasting and prayer daily revival center" was
established in San Diego, California. Under the leadership of Franklin
Hall (assisted by Jack Walker, father of child evangelist "Little David"
Walker), the teaching of fasting as a means of bringing about revival
and the "restoration" of the Church spread throughout the Pentecostal
Other ministers who helped establish the fasting and prayer center
were: Dr. Waltrip (Kathryn Kuhlman's husband); Stanley Comstock; Earl
Ivy; Tommy Baird; Myrtle Page; and Franklin Hall's brothers, Delbert,
Harold, and Virgil. (Delbert Hall and his wife, Florence, were pastors.)
Hall claims more than one thousand converts during the first year of
the center's existence, with scores being healed of diseases, through
fasting and prayer. Alleged appearances of the Holy Ghost in fire and
smoke are also related in Hall's newsletter:
"Once or twice the Fire department was briefed by folk seeing the Holy
Smoke and Fire through the windows upstairs. They came running up
the steps with the hoses to put out the fire. Some of the firemen,
seeing that it was not a natural fire, sat down in the large revival center
hall and worshipped the Lord getting saved." (4)
Hall and his wife, Helen, sold off some assets and borrowed against
their home to finance the printing of "millions of pieces of literature" to
send to people all over the world.5 The Hall's claim this mail campaign
resulted in the great healing revivals of the late forties and early fifties.
It was during this time (1946) that Franklin Hall wrote his book, 'Atomic
Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer,' which was to have a
significant impact upon the world of Pentecostalism.
Many people, little known at that time, were greatly influenced by
Hall's literature. Gordon Lindsay's publication, 'Voice of Healing,' helped
spread the fasting message, as well as did Thomas and Evelyn Wyatt's
worldwide radio broadcasts.
Wm. Freeman
Gordon Lindsay
A.A. Allen
O.L. Jaggers
Gayle Jackson
Oral Roberts
David Nunn
Wm. Branham
W.V. Grant
Wm. Hagen
Dale Hanson
Tommy Hicks.(6)
Occult Influences
As evidence of God's favor upon those who fast, Hall points out that
even the prayers of pagans will be answered by God if they are
accompanied by fasting:"Many, if not all, the American Indian tribes
sought revelation of the Great Spirit through Prayer and Fasting. When
they had famines, food shortages, lack of rain, etc., the Great Spirit was
sought through prayer and fasting, and their prayers were answered."
This is a good example of how a person can extoll a faith in Christ while
negating all the effects of that faith and the relationship with God it
entails. By giving credit for answered prayer to the demon gods of
pagan religions, Hall displays a mindset characteristic of occult science.
Hall claims that there is an"Immortal Substance" that comes upon the
believer who feeds upon it "from within Christ's now body" - the "FIRE -
IMMORTAL - PACKED - BODY"(Emphasis Hall's).
In Hall's words, "The sparkling shining FINE GOLD and SILVER are seen
upon their SKIN, brought about through the faith-power of impartation.
The polished brass, the beryl stone appearances are even now
manifested today."
The book upon which many healers of the Latter Rain period publicly
acknowledged their dependence,'Atomic Power With God Through
Fasting and Prayer,'is evidence: "In the zodiacal sign, 'Scorpio,' which is
the eighth sign of the Zodiac, we have a picture of a scorpion with its
stinger lifted ready to strike. This is the sign of death, and is supposed
to govern the sex area. Just before this sign in the heavens, there is a
sign of the Judge, Jesus, who is the giver of LIFE. Jesus proceeds toward
death and pulls the STING OUT OF DEATH. 'O, death where is thy sting?
O, grave, where is thy victory?" (16)
Those familiar with the New Age Movement, will recognize the
Aquarian Age as the "Golden Age" of enlightenment when mankind will
take a quantum leap in his evolutionary stages, to immortalization. The
Aquarian Age will not be completely entered into until around the year
2000 A.D. Hall's writings are replete with strange, even weird
statements difficult to decipher. The following, though a bit lengthy and
poorly written, are examples:
"So much has been said about the travels of the astronauts, about
conquering space and even going to Venus or Mars, about the power
behind the saucers. The overcoming saints, however, are hundreds of
years ahead of our scientists. These heaven projected saints will be so
clothed and covered with the Immortality, supernatural, ZOOMING
sparkling Substance, that it will be no more trouble at all for them to
take off.
"The distance, at first, may not be very far away, however, as the 8th
church from out of the 7 churches of revelation, called the
'overcomers,' become more and more adjusted and acclimated to Holy
Ghost Space flight, great distances taken, will seem like no distance at
"Jesus taught a small, but precious group of His followers - those who
were able to bear it, that gravity would be completely loosed from
them, in the last days, when they learned how to train their appetites
into a different channel. We must learn to labor for the meal that
endures unto everlasting (IMMORTAL) life. The meat that draws us
away from gravity holding things. Jn.6:27.
In an ad for another of his books, 'Formula for Raising the Dead,' Hall
cautions the potential purchaser, "This volume is only for very
advanced Holy Ghost people. Do not order unless you are open to an
apostolic teaching and have read four other books by Bro. Franklin
Hall." (20)
Inscribed on a pyramid-shaped tombstone in a Jeffersonville, Indiana
cemetery, are the names of the seven churches of Revelation,
"Ephesian" at the base representing the beginning of the Church Age,
"Laodicean" near the top the end of the Church Age. On the opposite
face are the names of seven men whose impact on the Church
throughout its history has been significant.
Were the two faces of the pyramid juxtaposed one over the other, we
would see the names of the churches superimposed over the men's
names in the following order, from bottom to top:
Ephesian - Paul
Smyrnean - Ireneaus
Pergamean - Martin
Thyatirean - Columba
Sardisean - Luther
Philadelphian - Wesley
Laodicean - Branham
The Zodiac theory was not new, having been put forth by Franklin Hall
previously, and as early as 1893 by historian E.W. Bullinger in his book,
'The Witness of the Stars.' The idea that the Great Pyramid of Giza in
Egypt was constructed by God (possibly through Enoch) is at least as old
as the Zodiac theory, and is popular with the Dawn Bible Students, an
offshoot of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
He seemed to think that women are responsible for the evil in the
world because of their enticements. The "Serpent's Seed" teaching
obviously indicated that Branham didn't take the Scriptures literally,
where we read, "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived and
bare Cain..." (Genesis 4:1). His animosity toward women led to the
preaching of a rigid moral code that lambasted them on their manner
of dress, and may have been responsible for his "revelation" that
allowed for divorce.(27)
Supernatural Manifestations
From the time of his infancy it was evident to his parents that William's
life had upon it the touch of the supernatural. Born in 1909 in a
mountain cabin near Berksville, Kentucky, William Marrion Branham's
childhood was spent in extreme poverty. His father was only eighteen
years of age, and his mother fifteen when he came into the world
weighing a scant five pounds, the first of nine boys and one girl. (28)
During healing services Branham would often fall into a trance during
which his angel would work through him. Asked once if the healings
were done by the Holy Spirit, Branham replied, "No, my angel does it."
Branham's life ended abruptly. While on a trip to Arizona, his car was
hit head-on by one driven by a drunken driver. For six days he lay in a
coma and, on Christmas Eve, 1965, he passed away. The entire
Pentecostal world was shaken by the tragedy. "A number of old friends
- Oral Roberts, Demos Shakarian, T.L. Osborn - telephoned their
They fully expected him to rise from the dead and come back to them
at the end of three days. Five days after his passing, William Branham
was buried, and his grave was soon marked by the pyramid-shaped
tombstone. To date, William Branham's body is still in the grave. But his
occult approach to healing was picked up by hundreds of pastors and
teachers who have traded on it to a greater or lesser degree.
With Hawtin and Hunt came seventy students from Bethel Bible
Institute where both had formerly taught before Hawtin was asked to
resign for lack of cooperation, and Hunt resigned out of sympathy.
A striking characteristic of the Sharon revival was the effort to avoid the
establishment of another denomination as had happened during the
earlier Pentecostal Movement. George Hawtin was especially adamant
about this and labored to instruct those who were touched by his
ministry not to fall into that trap. He felt that the unity of the Church
was essential to bring about its restoration, and therefore encouraged
the establishment of autonomous, local congregations. It became a
hallmark of the Latter Rain Movement that innumerable independent
churches sprang up with no denominational affiliation.
This did not set well with the Pentecostal denominations, who lost
many members to this "new thing."
Among these was Reg Layzell who wrote: "At the first camp meeting
you were made a member of the Body of Christ by the Spirit of God.
And even if you said you were not in the Body you still were. No man
could put you in or take you out. Now the error: they claim you are only
put in by them and can be put out by them."46
A significant event in the history of Sharon Orphanage and School was
its July 7-18, 1948 Camp Meeting, during which thousands of people
from Canada and the United States flocked in hopes of receiving
something special from God. Residents from at least twenty states
attended, and the great Latter Rain Movement burst upon the world.
From that time the movement spread rapidly and Sharon shortly
became just one of many centers of teaching for the Latter Rain
Elim Bible Institute was for years prior to the outbreak of the Latter
Rain Movement a center for neo-Pentecostal teachings. Although it was
Sharon Orphanage that gave real impetus to these teachings, it is Elim
Bible Institute that has continued even to this day with its influence,
while the Sharon group has largely been relegated to obscurity.
Among those present at the Sharon Camp Meeting in July, 1948, was
George Warnock who at one time had been personal secretary to Ern
Baxter (an associate with William Branham's healing ministry).(49)
Essentially, this Latter Rain teaching implies that the three great annual
feasts of the Lord in Israel's worship (Passover, Pentecost, and
Tabernacles) pre-figure and typify the whole Church Age, beginning
with the death of Jesus on the cross, and consummating in "the
manifestation of the Sons of God" - the "overcomers" who will step into
immortality and establish the Kingdom of God on earth. (52)
Many teachings of the Latter Rain Movement have been retained in the
Church through the influence of various men and women, many of
whom are still alive, and active in groups that spun off from the Latter
Rain Movement. Although the Latter Rain Movement has had lasting
effects upon Pentecostalism in general, its effects upon the major
Pentecostal denominations was minimal after the mid-1950's.
This was due in part to the role the Assemblies of God played in
confronting the Latter Rain extremes. That denomination, as well as
others, lost many pastors and members to the Latter Rain as a
consequence of their opposition.
(Continued in Part 2)
Ibid, p.9.
Franklin Hall, 'Atomic Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer'
(Phoenix: Hall Deliverance Foundation, Inc., 5th Ed., 1975), p.19.
Ibid., p.9.
Ibid., p.3.
Ibid., p.10.
Ibid., p.48.
Ibid., p.20.
Ibid., p.7.
. Ibid., p.53
Ibid., p.55.
Catalogue of Publications.
Ibid., p.24.
Ibid., p.161.
Ibid., p.164.
Richard Riss, 'The Latter Rain Movement of 1948 and the Mid-
twentieth Century Evangelical Awakening' (Vancouver, B.C.: Thesis),
Ibid., p.80-81.
Ibid., p.83-84.
Ibid., p.86.
Ibid., p.89.
Ibid., p.89-90.
Ibid., p.101.
Ibid., p.102.
Ibid., p.154.
Ibid., p.108.
Ibid., p.116.
Ibid., p.104.
Ibid., p.22.
Ibid., p.23.