Aen 102 Introduction To Linguisticsoutline
Aen 102 Introduction To Linguisticsoutline
Aen 102 Introduction To Linguisticsoutline
Course Objectives
This course will enable students to:
1. Define the term linguistics and its relation to language.
2. Identify the main branches of linguistics.
3. Explain the relationship between linguistics and other disciplines.
Course Content
1 Introduction-definition of terms 3
Relationship between language and linguistics
2 History and development of Linguistics 3
3 The scientific nature of linguistics 3
4 CAT I 3
5 Micro-linguistics /Theoretical 3
6 Macro-linguistics-Applied 3
7 Levels of Linguistic Analysis 3
8 Branches of Linguistics I 3
9 CAT II 3
10 Branches of Linguistics II 3
11 Relationship between linguistics and other disciplines 1 3
12 Relationship between linguistics and other disciplines 2 3
13 Exam 3
Teaching/Learning Strategies
Class discussions
Course Monitoring/Evaluation
Students class attendance register
Students’ progress reports
External examiners reports
Course Assessment
The assessment of this course shall include:
Continuous Assessment Tests 30%
End of semester examination 70%
Total 100%
4. Stenning, K., Lascarides, A., & Calder, J. (2014). Introduction to cognition and
communication. Retrieved from
5. Yule, G. (1996). The Study of Language 2nd Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University