(Paper) Microlinguistics and Macrolinguistics

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Subject: Introduction to General Linguistics

Dosen Pengampu: Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, M.Hum


Sahmiral Amri (0304223096)

Anggun Siska Pratiwi (0304223100)
Tazkiya Aulia Ibriza (0304223089)




Praise be to Allah SWT who gave His grace and guidance for the author to
complete this paper titled "Microlinguistics and Macrolinguistics". This paper is
prepared to fulfil the assignment of the Introduction to General Linguistics course
at State Islamic University of North Sumatra.

Language is one of the most complex and interesting phenomena in the

world. Language is used for communication, thinking and creativity. Language is
also an integral part of culture and society. Linguistics is the study of language.
Linguistics is a broad science and covers different aspects of language, from
language structure to language history and language use. This essay will discuss
microlinguistics and macrolinguistics in more detail. The paper will explain the
basic concepts of microlinguistics and macrolinguistics as well as their application
in language.

The author is aware that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, the author
expects constructive criticism and suggestions from the readers. It is hoped that
this paper will be useful to readers in understanding microlinguistics and
macrolinguistics. Finally, the author would like to thank all those who helped in
the preparation of this paper.

Medan, September 11st, 2023

Fifth Group




A. Background ................................................................................................ 1
B. Problem Formulation ................................................................................ 1
C. Purpose ........................................................................................................ 2



A. MICROLINGUISTICS ............................................................................. 3
1. Definition of Microlinguistic ............................................................... 3
2. Branches of Microlinguistic ................................................................ 3
3. Application of Microlinguistic ............................................................ 4
B. MACROLINGUISTICS ............................................................................ 7
1. Definition of Macrolinguistic .............................................................. 7
2. Branches of Macrolinguistic ............................................................... 9
3. Application of Macrolinguistic ........................................................... 13



A. Conclusion .................................................................................................. 16



A. Background

Kridalaksana (1984) Articulated the perspective that the linguistic field can be
categorized into two main domains, commonly referred to as macrolinguistics and
microlinguistics. Microlinguistics, also known as micro linguistics, is a
specialized branch of linguistics with a particular focus on exploring the internal
structure of a particular language. This particular application focuses on doing
analysis within the confines of the language itself, which includes aspects related
to its properties, structural attributes, and underlying mechanisms.
Microlinguistics can be further divided into two separate subject fields: general
microlinguistics and microlinguistics adapted to specific languages. General
microlinguistics includes a comprehensive examination of different aspects of
language, including phonology (sound patterns), morphology (word structure),
syntax (sentence structure), semantics (word and sentence meaning), and others.
In other words, the branch of microlinguistics that concentrates on individual
languages are concerned with activities such as descriptive linguistics, historical
linguistics, comparative linguistics, historical-comparative linguistics, diachronic
linguistics, synchronic linguistics, and contrastive linguistics.
In essence, the maturity of the field of linguistics is a reflection of its capacity
to adapt and attend to many different research subjects, while sticking to diverse

B. Problem Formulation
1. What are the definitions of micro and macrolinguistics?
2. What are branches of micro and macrolinguistics?
3. How to application of micro and macrolinguistics?
4. How to understand the relation of micro and macrolinguistics?

Kridalaksana, Harimurti. 1984. Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta: PT Gramedia

C. Purpose
To know what are the definitions of micro and macrolinguistics, what are
the branches of micro and macrolinguistics, how to application micro and
macrolinguistics, and understand the relation of micro and macrolinguistics.


1. Definition of Microlinguistic
Microlinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the intricate details
of language, focusing on words, sounds and gestures. Its main concern lies in
analyzing the overall structure of language, covering areas such as phonetics,
phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. One of the
fundamental aspects of microlinguistics is its descriptive nature, as linguists
aim to explain and clarify the features of language without passing subjective
judgments about their quality or correctness.
The importance of microlinguistics becomes clear when we consider its
role in establishing a basic understanding of how language operates and
functions in communication. In addition, microlinguistics helps uncover the
processes involved in language acquisition, both for children and adults, as
well as the cognitive mechanisms underlying language use. Beyond academic
research, microlinguistics finds practical applications in areas such as
language teaching, speech therapy, and the development of natural language
processing algorithms in computer science.
In short, microlinguistics becomes an application used to examine and
understand language very deeply and accurately, even at the smallest level. In
this way, we can analyze language into its smallest elements to understand
how everything functions in more detail.2

2. Branches of Microlinguistic
Microlinguistics is a substudy within the study of language that focuses on
in-depth analysis at the level of individual components within a language.
Below, I will detail some of the main branches of microlinguistics.

Vocroix, L. (2021). Morphology in micro linguistics and macro linguistics.Macrolinguistics and
Microlinguistics,2(1), 1–20.

Phonology: Phonology is the part of microlinguistics that focused on
studying the sound system in language. It includes the identification and
analysis of phonemes, which are the smallest units of sound that have a role
in distinguishing the meaning of words. Phonology helps in understanding
how these sounds are organized in language and impact the understanding of
Morphology: Morphology is the branch that looks at the structure of word
formation in language. It involves the concept of morphemes, which are the
smallest units that carry meaning.
Syntax: Microlinguistic syntax focuses on sentence structure. It involves
the study of how words are arranged in an appropriate order in a sentence and
how the relationship between the words affects meaning.
Semantics: Semantics is the study of the meaning of words and sentences.
It addresses the way words and sentences carry meaning as well as how this
meaning can change in various contexts.
Through understanding these branches, we can explore and understand the
fundamental elements of language, from its smallest components to their role
in meaning formation and communication.3

3. Application of Microlinguistic

The application of microlinguistics involves a detailed analysis and

understanding of the elements of language at the micro level, such as
phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. The application
of microlinguistics can vary depending on your field of research and the
purpose of your analysis. Microlinguistics directs its study to the internal
structure or structure of a particular language, in which there are divisions of
phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and lexicology. In addition, there
is also a merger of morphology and syntax into morphosyntax and a merger
of semantics and lexicology into lexicosemantics. The study of micro
linguistics is actually a basic study of linguistics because what is studied is
the internal structure of the language.1 Microlinguistics has a wide range of

Verhaar, J. W. M. (1990). Asas-asas linguistik umum. Gramedia.

applications in everyday life, both academic and practical. Here are some
examples of microlinguistic applications.

1. Language learning
a. Child language learning
Microlinguistics has been used to explain the stages of language
development in children. Using microlinguistic research, we can explain the
process children undergo to learn new words, sentence formation, and
comprehension of language.

An application of microlinguistics in children's language learning is the

use of a method based on their phonological development. This approach
utilizes games and activities to assist children in discerning language sounds.
Another example involves using techniques grounded in children's
morphological growth. This technique consists of games and activities that aid
children in creating new words from fundamental ones.

b. Foreign language learning

Microlinguistics can offer an explanation for contrasting native and foreign
languages. Specifically, microlinguistic research findings can elucidate how
differences in phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics between two
languages can impact the process of learning a foreign language.

For instance, one can apply microlinguistics to foreign language learning by

utilizing a technique that compares the mother tongue to the foreign language.
This approach assists students in comprehending the distinctions between the two
languages and formulating learning tactics accordingly. An additional instance
concerns implementing techniques rooted in transferring knowledge from one's
native language to that of a foreign tongue. This will enable them to learn the
foreign language using their existing knowledge of their mother tongue.

c. Specialized language learning

Microlinguistics can elucidate the structure of specialized languages,
including mathematical, computer, and legal languages. By analyzing the

structure of these languages, microlinguistic research can provide insight into how
they differ from natural languages.

One potential application of microlinguistics in specialized language learning

is the use of linguistic theory-based methods. This approach systematically aids
students in understanding the structure of specialized language. For instance,
practice-based methods are also useful. This technique promotes the acquisition of
skills in employing a specific language.

1. Translation
Microlinguistics can enhance translation quality by providing insights into the
differences in language structures between the source and target languages.
Studies in microlinguistics can aid in developing effective translation techniques
to overcome these disparities. Microlinguistics can enhance translation quality by
providing insights into the differences in language structures between the source
and target languages. A method based on linguistic theory is one example of how
microlinguistics can be applied in translation. This methodology enables the
translator to methodically grasp the structure of both source and target languages.
An additional example is the implementation of methods derived from the
translator's experience, which fosters capability in translating various texts.

2. Dictionary creation
Microlinguistics can be employed for the creation of more precise and
thorough dictionaries. Microlinguistic research findings can furnish interpretations
of the meaning of words, both in grammatical and lexical senses, and thus can be
instrumental in crafting more systematic and accurate dictionary editing
techniques. One instance of the application of microlinguistics in dictionary
creation is the use of a data-driven analysis method. The method assists dictionary
editors in procuring precise data on word meanings. Another example is the
utilization of linguistic theory-based methods. This approach aids editors of
dictionaries in comprehending the correlation between language structure and
word meaning.

3. Artificial language development
Microlinguistics can be employed to create more natural and user-friendly
artificial languages. Microlinguistic research results can clarify the structures of
natural languages and develop algorithms for generating artificial languages that
resemble natural ones. The application of microlinguistics in creating artificial
languages includes using linguistic theory-based approaches as an example. These
methods aid in the systematic comprehension of the structure of natural language
by artificial language developers. Another example is the utilization of
experiment-based methods, which assist in testing hypotheses regarding the
development of artificial language.

This is a detailed explanation of the application of microlinguistics in

everyday life. Microlinguistics has an important role in language development,
both natural and artificial languages.4

1. Definition of Macrolinguistic
Macrolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that discusses the application of
various scientific discoveries in the field of linguistics. The purpose of
macrolinguistics is to solve problems related to language in society. 5 The
introduction of macrolinguistics began in the 1940s, which was the initial
period of publishing machine-translated writings. The development of
macrolinguistics was initiated by various foreign language teaching activities,
which then developed the relationship between linguistics and psychology
during the period 1940-1960. Since 1960, macrolinguistics has become a tool
in the development of various language research models capable of producing
language pedagogy. Macrolinguistics is a part of linguistics. The field of
applied linguistics is a scientific discipline with close links to linguistics.6 Its
core purpose is to examine the use of language as a corpus pertaining to
morphology, syntax, and semantics. Its primary focus is on psycholinguistics
Abidin, Yunus. 2019. Konsep Dasar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta. Bumi Aksara.

Siminto (2013). Irawati, Retno Purnama, ed. Pengantar Linguistik (PDF). Semarang: Penerbit
Cipta Prima Nusantara Semarang. hlm. 29.
Azwardi (2018). Bahry, Rajab, ed. Metode Penelitian: Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.
Banda Aceh: Syiah Kuala University Press. hlm. 93. ISBN 978-602-5679-44-5.

and sociolinguistics. The language used is objective and value-free, and
technical terms are used consistently throughout. The text adheres to
conventional formatting and structure, with clear and concise language used
throughout. In addition, applied linguistics examines translation, forensic
linguistics, computational linguistics, graphology, lexicography,
neurolinguistics, applied phonetics, and language education. The primary
focus of applied linguists is on the similarity of language aspects at a given
time, disregarding historical aspects. The advantages of applied linguistic
studies are often apparent in translation, literacy, and medicine.
The development of applied linguistics took place in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries, prompted by the exploration of feasible applications of
linguistics in different scientific domains by scholars in the United States and
Western Europe. In 1946, the University of Michigan identified "applied
linguistics" as an autonomous course and established a distinct department for
its study. The term applied linguistics underwent semantic evolution with the
emergence of automatic translation technology in the late 1950s and early
1960s. As early as 1962, the Council of Europe aimed to establish an
association for applied linguistics, which came to fruition in 1964 with the
establishment of the International Association of Applied Linguistics
(Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée) and its inaugural
conference in Nancy, France.
Meanwhile, during the 1950s, Charles Carpenter Fries and his colleagues
at Yale University and Cornell University compiled teaching materials that
applied linguistic analysis to teaching English as a foreign language. The
teaching material was developed based on the fundamental principles of
applied linguistics. This combination resulted in a scientific approach to
teaching language. This teaching material is significant because linguistic
scholars currently hold a vital role in developing professionals in the
language teaching sector.7

Akasahtia, Lukman Taufik (2021). Marhani, Irfan, ed. Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab:
(Menggelitik PAKEM) Pembelajaran Aktif, Kreatif, Efektif dan Menyenangkan. Bengkalis:
DOTPLUS Publisher. hlm. 115. ISBN 978-623-96347-7-3.

2. Branches of Macrolinguistic

Macrolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the practical

application of scientific discoveries in the field.8 Unlike Micro Linguistics, which
examines language relationships on a smaller scale, Macro Linguistics examines
language relationships in the context of the outside world, including social
relationships, interactions with nature, and other scientific disciplines. As such,
studies in Macro Linguistics are broad and external, examining the role of
language in other fields such as economics and history. Language serves as a tool
for examining language from an external standpoint. Macro linguistics comprises
a variety of fields such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, anthropolinguistics,
ethnolinguistics, stylistics, philology, dialectology, philosophy of language, and
neurolinguistics, among others.

1. Psycholinguistics

Psycholinguistics is a multidisciplinary field that combines the disciplines

of psychology and linguistics. The aim of psycholinguistics is to investigate the
cognitive processes that underlie the production, comprehension, and acquisition
of language. Psycholinguistic studies examine various language competencies in
both psychology and linguistics. It is also referred to as the psychology of
language. The aim of psycholinguistics is to investigate the cognitive processes
that underlie the production, comprehension, and acquisition of language. They
are evaluated based on the formal material of language. Psycholinguistics
investigates language behavior based on language structure. Psycholinguistics has
given rise to several scientific disciplines, including theoretical, developmental,
educational, neuropsychological, experimental, and applied psycholinguistics.9

2. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is a linguistic science that studies the relationship between

language and society. In sociolinguistics, the society in question is the language

Yendra (2018). Mengenal Ilmu Bahasa (Linguistik). Sleman: Deepublish. hlm. 54. ISBN 978-
Harras , K. A., dan Bachari, A. D. (2009). Dasar-Dasar Psikolinguistik (PDF). UPI Press. hlm.
5–6. ISBN 979-378-906-9.

society. 10 The main focus of sociolinguistics is language in relation to social
conditions. The scope of sociolinguistics narrowly includes the study of the use of
language as a tool to convey thoughts and feelings through certain codes during
social interactions between people. While in a broad sense, sociolinguistics is
concerned with speakers, listeners, code topics, and the message conveyed in a

3. Ethnolinguistics

Ethnolinguistics is a combination of education and linguistics that aims to

evaluate language. The two sciences that merge to produce ethnolinguistics are
ethnomethodology and linguistics.11 Ethnolinguistics is a science that studies the
spread of languages of different ethnic groups along with their characteristics and
grammar. The formation of ethnolinguistics is related to anthropology.
Ethnolinguistics uses reference material in the form of lists of words, descriptions
of characteristics and grammar of various languages of an ethnic group spread in
different places on earth. The determination of patterns and grammar begins with
the collection of various types of languages into a compendium. These collected
languages are then compared with each other. The goal is to find the earliest
language from the collection of languages. This earliest language is a language
that continues to develop in society. The contribution of ethnolinguistics,
especially in human cultural research in anthropology, is related to social structure
and human social behavior.

4. Neurolinguistics

Neurolinguistics is a branch of applied linguistics, equivalent to

psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. Neurolinguistics is based on Noam
Chomsky's theory of deep structure and surface structure. Neurolinguistics uses
critical theory as its philosophical foundation. The nature of neurolinguistic

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (1995). Sosiolinguistik (PDF). Diterjemahkan oleh
Rochayah dan Djamil, M. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. hlm. 1. ISBN
Nasution, Sahkholid (2017). Kholison, Moh., ed. Pengantar Linguistik Bahasa Arab (PDF).
Sidoarjo: CV. Lisan Arabi. hlm. 11–12. ISBN 978-602-70113-8-0.

philosophy is interpretive with postmodernism."12 Studies in neurolinguistics are
concerned with the relationship between language and the brain. Neurolinguistics
builds on the concepts and techniques of psycholinguistics, neuoranatomy,
medicine, and artificial intelligence.

5. Computational Linguistics

Computational linguistics is also called mechanolinguistics. It deals with the

use of linguistics in computer programming for language study and translation.
One application is the creation of machine translators for text concordance,
dictionary word frequency summarization, and language teaching." 13 Machine
translation is one of the earliest computational linguistics technologies. It is
capable of translating one language into another with both semantic and syntactic
aspects of the sentence. In some cases, machine translation can understand the
social and cultural context of the translated sentence."14

6. Forensic linguistics

Forensic linguistics is a type of applied linguistics that combines linguistics

and law.15 Forensic analysis in this type of linguistics applies to the use of spoken
and written language. In spoken language, the analysis is performed on a speech,
advertisement, presentation, or direct speech. In written language, the analysis is
performed on the context of writing in books and statuses or conversations on
social media.

7. Educational linguistics

Educational linguistics is concerned with the management and development of

the theory and practice of language learning from a linguistic point of view. Its

Hamidah (2017). Filsafat Pembelajaran Bahasa: Perspektif Strukturalisme dan Pragmatisme
(PDF). Bantul: Naila Pustaka. hlm. 4. ISBN 978-602-1290-43-9.
Iqbal, M., Azwardi, dan Taib R. (2017). Linguistik Umum. Banda Aceh: Syiah Kuala University
Press. hlm. 33. ISBN 978-602-5679-00-1.
Rokhman, F., dan Surahmat (2019). Azzahrah, Faatimah, ed. Linguistik Disruptif: Pendekatan
Kekinian Memahami Perkembangan Bahasa. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. hlm. 49. ISBN 978-602-444-
Heriyadi, Wahyu (2015). Imelda, ed. Bahasa dan Hukum. Ciamis: Kéntja Press. hlm. 37. ISBN

scientific basis is linguistic theories, 16 which are generated by microlinguistics
and macrolinguistics. From microlinguistics, educational linguistics studies
semantics, morphology, and phonology. From macrolinguistics, educational
linguistics studies language history, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and
linguistic anthropology. In addition, educational linguistics also studies
psychology, sociology, and educational theory, which are included in the scope of

8. Lexicography

Lexicography is the study of dictionary compilation techniques and methods.17

Dictionary compilation techniques in lexicography use data in the form of words.
The compilation process begins with the collection and selection of words. After
selection, the word is given a description and a combination in one or more
languages. The scope of lexicography ranges from planning to publishing
dictionaries. In the arrangement of words, lexicography does not only sort words
in alphabetical order. Lexicography also discusses how to determine standardized
and non-standardized words in terms of writing and word formation.

9. Stylistics

Stylistics can be included in applied linguistics and literary studies. This

condition is because the form and meaning of language is one of the indicators in
applied linguistics. Stylistics is used for learning that uses language styles with or
without context.18 The approach used in stylistics is a language style that is able to
produce certain effects through the choice of words in the construction of
sentences. The contribution of stylistics as a part of applied linguistics is to
understand the expression of literary works through literary analysis. The
understanding gained may be in the form of usage or potential language
processing, which is part of the processing of ideas.

Arwana, Nengah (2008). Wawasan Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa (PDF). Denpasar: Pelawa
Sari. hlm. 119. ISBN 978-979-17302-6-6.
Markhamah dan Sabardila, A. (2014). Analisis Kesalahan dan Karakteristik Bentuk Pasif.
Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. hlm. 28. ISBN 978-602-70429-3-3.
Siswono (2014). Teori dan Praktik Diksi, Gaya Bahasa, dan Pencitraan. Sleman: Deepublish.
hlm. 29. ISBN 978-602-280-398-0.

3. Application of Macrolinguistic

Macrolinguistics, otherwise referred to as functional or interdisciplinary

linguistics, involves investigating the relationships between language and other
sciences, as well as external factors beyond language. Macrolinguistics, otherwise
referred to as functional or interdisciplinary linguistics, involves investigating the
relationships between language and other sciences, as well as external factors
beyond language. This field aims to objectively analyze language, avoiding
subjective evaluations, utilizing clear and concise language, and employing a
balanced approach without bias. Causal connections between statements must be
evident, and technical term abbreviations should be explained upon first usage.
Conventional academic structures, precise word choice, and grammatically correct
writing must be employed. It is important to maintain a formal register, utilize
passive tone and impersonal constructions, avoid colloquialisms and contractions,
and follow consistent citation and formatting practices.19

1. Translation

Translation involves transferring messages through oral or written means. It

cannot solely rely on one method. The primary factor in translation is the message
conveyed in the source language.20 The translation principle is to understand the
beliefs and values present in two different languages and societies. In the field of
translation, ideology serves as the framework for interpreting what is deemed
right or wrong. Determining word equivalence is the principal linguistic challenge
in the process of translation, and this largely depends on the author of the text and
the translator.

2. Sociolinguistics

In applied linguistics, the field of language pedagogy stands out with its
extensive development, compared to other fields. The surge in its development
can be attributed to its high marketability in society. 21 Language pedagogy

Pateda, Mansoer. (2011). Linguistik : sebuah pengantar. Bandung : Angkasa
Said, Mashadi (2019). Arifin, Zaenal, ed. Penerjemahan: Teori dan Praktik (PDF). Tangerang:
PT Pustaka Mandiri. hlm. 2. ISBN 978-602-359-041-4.
Makinuddin, Mohammad (2021). Maftuh, ed. Strategi Pembentukan Lingkungan Bahasa Arab
di Pesantren. Lamongan: Academia Publication. hlm. 74. ISBN 978-623-96392-2-8.

encompasses both native language teaching and foreign language teaching, with
the target of providing expertise in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Productive skills include speaking and listening while receptive skills comprise of
reading and writing. The effectiveness of language instruction is determined by
the order of proficiency instruction, beginning with speaking, then listening,
reading, and writing. In the realm of language instruction, psycholinguistics,
pragmatics, and sociolinguistics are utilized for practical solutions. Abbreviations
for technical terms will be explained at their first use.

One typical approach is the reading method, created by Coleman and his
associates in 1929, which concentrates on reading activities. This approach is
commonly implemented in schools and colleges across the United States and
Europe. It is regarded as a more practical language teaching method that caters to
learners' needs. The reading method also incorporates limited writing and
speaking exercises within a set timeframe.22


Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics are two essential approaches in
linguistics that complement each other. Microlinguistics, as discussed earlier,
focuses on the internal components of language, such as sounds, words, and
sentence structure. In other words, macrolinguistics is a subdiscipline of
linguistics that is more connected to the social aspects and the larger context of
language, including its use in society, culture, and inter-group interactions.
The relation between microlinguistics and macrolinguistics can be seen in the
way language is used in society. Microlinguistics provides a basis for
understanding how language works and how it is used in communication, while
macrolinguistics explores how language use is influenced by social and cultural
The point to underline is that these two approaches are connected and provide
a more holistic understanding of language. Microlinguistics helps us detail how

Ahmadi dan Ilmiani, A. M. (2020). Hamidah, ed. Metodologi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab:
Konvensial hingga Era Digital (PDF). Yogyakarta: Ruas Media. hlm. 44. ISBN 978-623-7735-13-

language works at a structural level, while macrolinguistics takes us into the
social environment where language is used. For example, in understanding
changes in word usage or regional accent differences, we need to combine an
understanding of phonology and morphology (microlinguistics) with an
understanding of cultural and cultural context (macrolinguistics).23

Crystal, D. (1997). English as a Global Language. Cambridge University Press.


A. Conclusion
Microlinguistics is a part of language study that focuses on understanding
the details of complex language elements, such as words, sounds and
gestures. It also helps us understand how the process of language acquisition
occurs, both in children and adults, and how our minds use language.
The application of microlinguistics involves an in-depth analysis of
language elements at the micro level, such as language sounds (phonology),
word structure (morphology), grammar (syntax), word meaning (semantics),
and language use in the context of communication (pragmatics).
In its essence, microlinguistics is the basic study of linguistics because it
understands the internal structure of language. Moreover, microlinguistics has
wide relevance in everyday life, being used in both academic and practical
contexts. For example, it helps us understand how children learn language.


Ahmadi, A. M., & Ilmiani, A. M. (2020). Metodologi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab:

Konvensial hingga Era Digital. Yogyakarta: Ruas Media.

Arwana, Nengah. (2008). Wawasan Linguistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa. Denpasar:

Pelawa Sari.

Abidin, Yunus. (2019). Konsep Dasar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Akasahtia, Lukman Taufik. (2021). Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab:

(Menggelitik PAKEM) Pembelajaran Aktif, Kreatif, Efektif dan
Menyenangkan. Bengkalis: DOTPLUS Publisher.

Crystal, D. (1997). English as a Global Language. Cambridge University Press.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (1995). Sosiolinguistik. Diterjemahkan

oleh Rochayah dan Djamil, M. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan
Pengembangan Bahasa.

Harras, K. A., & Bachari, A. D. (2009). Dasar-Dasar Psikolinguistik. UPI Press.

Heriyadi, Wahyu. (2015). Bahasa dan Hukum. Ciamis: Kéntja Press.

Hidayah, M. (2019). Psikologi Bahasa. Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada.

Iqbal, M., Azwardi, & Taib R. (2017). Linguistik Umum. Banda Aceh: Syiah
Kuala University Press.

Kridalaksana, Harimurti. (1984). Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

Markhamah & Sabardila, A. (2014). Analisis Kesalahan dan Karakteristik Bentuk

Pasif. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press.

Makinuddin, Mohammad. (2021). Strategi Pembentukan Lingkungan Bahasa

Arab di Pesantren. Lamongan: Academia Publication.

Nasution, Sahkholid. (2017). Pengantar Linguistik Bahasa Arab. Sidoarjo: CV.

Lisan Arabi.

Pateda, Mansoer. (2011). Linguistik : sebuah pengantar. Bandung: Angkasa.

Rokhman, F., & Surahmat. (2019). Linguistik Disruptif: Pendekatan Kekinian

Memahami Perkembangan Bahasa. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

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