Cytology B

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A drug company has produced drugs that affect many different cellular processes in the
following ways. Which organelle is most likely to be the site of action or most likely to be affected for the following
drugs? Organelles can either be used more than once or not all. You are to record only one answer per drug action.

A. nucleus F. Mitochondria
B. Vacuole G. Chloroplast
C. Cilia H. Lysosome
D. Smooth endoplasmic recticulum I. Ribosome
E. Rough endoplasmic reticulum J. Answer not given

1. Prevents water regulation in plants.

2. Interferes with the metabolism of many antibiotics taken orally
3. Prevents enzymes from being made.
4. Interferes with formation of mictrotubules
5. Increases RNA production.
6. Increases absorption of red and blue light.
7. Stimulates ATP production and formation of water.
8. Interferes with production of digestive enzymes in the pancreas.
9. Prevents DNA duplication.
10. Interferes with Krebs cycle.

2. A gene has 1.4 x104 base pairs. If transcription occurs at the rate of 70 bases/sec, how long will it take to
transcribe this gene? Express answer in minutes! (2 points)

3.Suppose a single-celled organism has a microtubular defect that results in non-motility. Which
of the following cell types will be unaffected by this defect? (1points)
A sperm B. algae C. protozoans D. bacteria

4.Consider the following information:

1g of fat = 9 calories
1 g of protein = 4 calories
1 g of carbohydrate = 4 calories

1). How many calories are in a food that has 20 g of fat, 5 g of protein, and 20 g of sugar?
(1 point)Answer:
2). What percent of the calories in the above food comes from carbohydrates?(1 point)

5.Match the biological molecule with its correct structure/formula (2 point)

A. amino acid B. fatty acid

C. nucleotide D. monosaccharide

1. CH3-(CH2)14C=O 3. phosphate-sugar-base 1
| 2
OH 4.. C4H8O4
2. H 3
H | |
6.A protein has 600 amino acids. What is the minimal length of the RNA needed to make this
protein? (1 point)

7.Three different human cells, A, B, C, are exposed to hormone X. Type A cells begin to divide,
Type B cells remain unchanged, and type C cells begin to secrete a slimy substance. What
would be a reasonable hypothesis for these observations? (1 point)
A. The cells have been exposed to the hormone for different lengths of time.
B. The cells each have different genes.
C. The cells have different receptor molecules in their membranes.
D. Hormone X changes the pH of the medium.

8.A DNA molecule has 108 base pairs. If the Molar mass of a base pair is 104 g, what is
the mass in grams of this DNA molecule? (2 point)

9.Refer to this information: Newly fertilized sea urchin eggs were incubated in radioactive
thymidine for 30 minutes. At the end of this time, the embryos are collected, exposed to
photographic emulsion, and then examined with a light microscope. Twenty-five (25)% of the
cells have darkened areas over the nucleus.

1. Radioactive thymidine is used to determine if the cells were synthesizing(1 point)

A. Membranes B. DNA C. RNA D. Protein

2.. If the cell cycle of the sea urchin is 8 hrs long, what is the approximate length of the S phase? (1 point)
A. 100 minutes B. 120 minutes C. 150 minutes D. 200 minutes

10.A cell is found with a cell wall and a nucleus, but it is not photosynthetic. (1 point)
What kind of cell is it?
A. bacterial B. animal C. fungal D. plant

11.Cells of an onion root tip were examined and the following cells in various stages
were reported:

Interphase 25
Prophase 8
Metaphase 4
Anaphase 3
Telophase 1
Total 40

1. What approximate % of cells is not dividing? (1 point)

A. 35 B. 45 C. 55 D. 65

2. If mitosis in onion cells is 80 minutes long, how long is prophase? (1 point)

A. 20 min B. 30 min C. 40 min D. 50 min
12.During what stage of the cell cycle is each chromosome composed of 2 chromatids? (1,5 point)

13. Şekilde verilen numaraları aşağıda verilen kısımlarla

eşleştiriniz. (1 yanlış eşleştirme 1 doğru eşleştirmeyi
götürecektir) (3.5P)

A- Makula aderens veya desmosom

B- Hav örtü
C- Zonula aderens
D- Zonula okludens
E- Bazal lamina
F- İnterselüler bağlantı
G- Mikrovillus
H- İntersellüler kanalcık
I- Terminal örtü


14.. Mikrotübüler için aşağıda verilen ifadelerden doğru olanları verilen tabloda X işareti koyrak belirtiniz (3P)

1. Embriyogenezde hücrenin şeklini saptar

2. Doku kültüründe hücrelerin polaritesini ve hareket yönünü belirler
3. Sil ve flagellum hareketinde rol alır
4. İğ ve fragmoplastin oluşumunda etkilidir
5. Stoplazma hareketine katkıda bulunur
6. Organellerin iç yapısında bulunarak organelle özgü şekil verir

1 2 3 4 5 6

15.For each cell transport function described below select the most appropriate cell transport procees or
processes . (3 point)

1. Endocytosis 2. Exocytosis 3. Both 4. Neither

a. Uses membrane-bound vesicles

b. Used in pancreatic aciner cells to secrete zymogen granules
c. Used to bring large macromolecules into cell
d. Uses minute membrane-bound vesicles to bring large quantities of water into cells
e. Used to bring receptor – bound hormones into cells
a b c d e
16. Aşağıda görevleri gerçekleştiren elementleri karşılarına yazın. (5P)

Element Görevi

Solunum için gereklidir ve birçok organik molekülün yapısına katılır

Organik moleküllerin çatı elementidir (Diğer atomlarla 4 bağ yapar)

Birçok organik molekülün ve suyun yapısında bulunur

Nükleik asit, proteinin ve klorofilin yapısında bulunur

Hemoglobinin yapısına katılır

Birçok enzimin Koenzimi olarak rol oynar ve klorofilin yapısında bulunur

Nükleik asitlerin ve hücre zarının yapısında bulunur(Kemik oluşumunda da görev yapar)

Kemik ve dişlerin yapısında bulunur. Kasların kasılmasını sağlar

Bazı proteinlerin yapısında bulunur

Fe O2 Cl C Mg H Na N Ca S P K Ag

17.Bakterilerin büyümesi inceleniyor . Bacteriler tam bir eşlenme periyodu için Azot 14 ‘ lü ortamdan

Azot 15 ‘li ortama aktarılıyor . Daha sonra bu bakteriler 2 eşlenme periyodu için tekrar Azot 14 ‘lü ortama
aktarılıyor . Bu deneyden sonra DNA ‘ların Azot 14 ‘lü ve Azot 15 ‘li iplik içerme durumlarının yüzde olarak değeri
nadir ? (3P)

Hafif ( N14 ) Melez ( N14 +N15 ) Ağır ( N15 )

18 - Using the answer code, answer which of the following statements about the transport through the plasmatic
membrane of the animal cell is correct or incorrect. (4 point)

Answer code:

01. Correct.

02. Incorrect.


A) Steroid hormones are incorporated into the cell by endocytosis.

B) Amino acids are incorporated into the cell by simple diffusion.

C) Bacteria are incorporated into the cell by phagocytosis.

D) Metabolic wastes are incorporated into the cell by endocytosis.

E) Ions pass through channel proteins by passive transport.

F) Cholesterol is incorporated into the cell as a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) by

receptor-mediated endocytosis.

G) In the epithelial cells of the intestine, the macromolecules transport from the apical
side to the basolateral side is by transcytosis.

H) The Na+ / K+ pump transports 3 Na+ into the cell and 2 K+ out of the cell.

19.Match each description below with the most appropriate organelles (2 point)

1. Mitochondria 2. Lysosomes 3. Both 4. Neither

a. Membranous organelles
b. Contains enzymes for ATP synthesis
c. Functionally related to the rough endoplasmic reticulum
d. Contain many hydrolytic enzyme
e. Involved in steroid biosynthesis

a b C d e
20. (7 point)

Which of the structures: CODE

A) is the place where the ribosomes’ subunits are formed?

B) is the place where the glycosylation of proteins and lipids are carried out?

C) can form protein not encoded by the nuclear DNA?

D) is the structure that maintains the structural integrity of an axon?

E) is the most abundant structure in the cytoplasm of the pancreatic acinar cells?

F) is the most abundant structure in an insect flight muscle?

G) is the place of lipid synthesis?

21. 91% of the mass of an average cabbage is made up of water.

a. If 90% of the remaining mass is made up of carbohydrates and 10% of

estimate, in MJ, the energy contained in 2 cabbages weighing 700g each.
that the average heat of combustion of carbohydrates and proteins are 17
24kJ/g respectively. (2.5 point)
b. If a human consumed these two cabbages, would you expect them to
the calculated amount of energy? (1 point)
Yes (Y) or No (N)

1. Oksidoredüktoz a) Bir atomun yada atom grubunun bir molekülden

diğerine aktarır
2. Ligaz b) ATPden P koparıp başka molecule nakleder
3. Helikaz c) Bir molekülde diğerine H taşıyarak onu indirger
4. Proteaz d) Su molekülü çıkarmadan büyük molekülleri parçalar
5. Liaz e) Enerji kullanarak parka substratları birleştirir
6. Esteraz f) İndirgeme yükseltgenme reaksiyonlarını katalizler
7. Nükleaz g) Nukleik asitlere etki eder ( RNA veye DNA )
8. Transhidrogenaz h) Hidrojen peroksidin su ve oksijene dönüşümünü sağlar
9. Katalaz i) Ester bağlarını yıkar
10. Transferaz k) DNA nın heliks yapısını çözer
11. Kinaz l) Proteinlere etki eder parçalar

23. Bazı enzimler ve etkileri verilmiştir . Enzimlerin etkilerini seçeneklerden bularak tabloya
yerleştirin. (5.5 p )


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

24 Tinkerbell has 2 pigs. She estimates the weight of one as being 85 kg and the
other as about 72 kg. She has ready access to a cheap source of potatoes but wishes to feed
her pigs a 50/50 nutritional mix of potatoes and meal. Two tables from her feed book are
reproduced below.
How much meal should Tinkerbell feed her pigs each day? Calculate an amount in kg
would be sufficient to feed both pigs. (3 point)

25.To measure the amount of air in soil, four steps were followed as
illustrated in the diagram below, using identical beakers throughout.

Calculate the % (by volume) of air in the soil sample. Write your answer as a
Percentage. (2.5 point)
28. The table below describes the structure and function of some
organelles in eukaryotic cells. Complete the table by choosing from the list (1
13) to identify the empty boxes a-e. (2.5 point)

1. DNA replication
2. Mitochondria
3. Chloroplast
4. Increased surface are for enzymes
5. RNA synthesis
6. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
7. Lipid storage and synthesis
8. Cell membrane
9. Lysosomes
10. Ribosomal RNA synthesis
11. Processing proteins in a cell
12. Golgi apparatus
13. Storage of enzymes
29. The graph below shows the changes in quantity of DNA within a cell
as it goes through a series of cell divisions. (5 point)

Use the following answer key to answer questions a to e.

a. What type of cell division is occurring at A?

b. What type of cell division is occurring during B?
c. What event is occurring at the point marked X?
d. What is the name given to the cells produced at point marked Y?
e. What event is occurring at the point marked Z?

You have finished. Yay!

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