LP 13

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Teacher SOF Date : Jan 13th 2024

 Teach English learners how to talk about being healthy
 The lesson teaches vocabulary related to health, body and exercise.
 This lesson also teaches kids adjective + preposition combinations – good + for, bad +
for, used when talking about keeping the body healthy.
 informing the students, raising their awareness and responsibility towards the
importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle

The main objective is to increase the amount of group/individual pronunciation practice in
classroom (which will enable me to identify in a more specific way each student’s needs and work
on it to enable them develop their listening/speaking skills).
OBJECTIVES: The General objective is to reinforce their speaking and listening skills, to
identify and pronounce correctly the target language and use it in a real life situation.
 Knowledge: The focus in the class is on conversation in order to help improve students’
fluency and confidence when speaking in English as well as boosting their vocabulary.
 Skills: To develop learners’ listening and speaking skills.
L : Identifying the proper vocab in a sentence / conversation
S : - To provide fluency and accuracy practice of speaking in the context.
- The use of topic related vocab in real life situation

♦ TEACHING AIDS: classe materials (CourseBook, Flash cards, interactive-board, work

sheets, etc)

A warmer 5-10 mint
Introduction to the unit 10-15 min
Vocabulary (elicit + drill) 20 mint
Listening exercises 15-20 min
Closed speaking exercises 15-20 min
Open speaking exercise 15-20 min
Consolidation 10 min



• Warm-up Greeting students,

[15-20 mint] TPR warm up

To set lesson context Engage Phase

and draw Sts’s Review,
attention to the target Recall vocab (Vocab check) T-S conversation I-Board + Flash cards
+ recall vocab
Review with a quick guessing

The T checks the students’ understanding

orally, encouraging them when it is
required and allowing them to self-
correct if necessary.

[20- 30 Mint] Study Phase
WARM UP Listen and repeat
To clarify the review the keywords and expressions and
meaning, form and check students’ understanding + I-Board + Flash cards
pronunciation of the
target language T -S conversation
T will use the first five to ten
minutes of this lesson to
generate an interest in the

Our lesson starts with a short

dialogue, followed by vocabulary
and sentence breakdown. It is
essential for introducing the
words, phrases, grammar, spelling
and sentences of the lesson in

1. Reinforce language
and structure

Then the student plays a fun

game after to practice the
contents of the lesson.
The game reviews key
vocabulary, grammar and
sentences from the lessons.

2. Individual drilling

Students look at the slides

(PPT) and answer questions

Pronunciation and structure


(Eliciting and drilling new vocab

and how to identify)
Practice pronunciation with all
• Practice
[20- 30 min]
Activate Phase Practice Key Words
To provide students Activate the newely learned And Sentences I-Board + Flash
with free practice vocab/structure through some fun, T-Sts + S-S cards
of the target engaging activities

- use the vocab in a proper way

when discussing the subject T-Sts + S-S
- Focus on linking words and be Interaction
given opportunities share their
opinions and personalize the new


PPT free speakin practice

in form of game.


To correct their mistakes and

clarify mroe
(spelling/Pronunciation mistakes)

Teacher Walking around the class listen,

helping if necessary and praising

Practice / drill the vocab and the

pronunciation as much as possible

• Consolidation
[15-20Min] Review
+ Feedback and
Error Correction (2- + Check for errors again and
3 minutes) reinforce the vocab and structure Flash cards + Board
• To correct their
mistakes and be sure
Qs and As to check understanding
that they understand
T - St
the target language
Write some incorrect
words or sentences
that have been heard Exit Ticket:
while monitoring the
Sts and ask them to
find the mistakes and Checking for Understanding
share with the whole Stand by the door as sts leave.
class. Ask each one a questionn if they T – Sts
answer correctly they may leave, Interaction
wrong answer and they go back to
the end of the line

monitored and corrected by the


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