LP 11
LP 11
LP 11
Lesson Objectives
To develop speaking skills on the topic of customs for christmas and new year
The main objective is to increase the amount of group/individual pronunciation practice in
classroom (which will enable me to identify in a more specific way each student’s needs and work
on it to enable them develop their listening/speaking skills).
OBJECTIVES: The General objective is to reinforce their speaking and listening skills, to
identify and pronounce correctly the target language and use it in a real life situation.
Knowledge: The focus in the class is on conversation in order to help improve students’
fluency and confidence when speaking in English as well as boosting their vocabulary.
Skills: To develop learners’ listening and speaking skills.
L : Identifying the proper vocab in a sentence / conversation
S : - To provide fluency and accuracy practice of speaking in the context.
- The use of topic related vocab in real life situation
♦ TEACHING AIDS: classe materials (CourseBook, Flash cards, interactive-board, work
sheets, etc)
A warmer 5-10 mint
Introduction to the unit 10-15 min
Vocabulary (elicit + drill) 20 mint
Listening exercises 15-20 min
Closed speaking exercises 15-20 min
Open speaking exercise 15-20 min
Consolidation 10 min
1. Reinforce language
and structure
After this, students will learn
some vocabulary connected
with Christmas such as white
Christmas, stocking filler
2. Individual drilling
The lesson finishes with a
speaking game which
students play in two teams.
• Consolidation
[15-20Min] Review
+ Feedback and
Error Correction (2- + Check for errors again and
3 minutes) reinforce the vocab and structure Flash cards + Board
• To correct their
mistakes and be sure
Qs and As to check understanding
that they understand
T - St
the target language
Write some incorrect
words or sentences
that have been heard Exit Ticket:
while monitoring the
Sts and ask them to
find the mistakes and Checking for Understanding
share with the whole Stand by the door as sts leave.
class. Ask each one a questionn if they T – Sts
answer correctly they may leave, Interaction
wrong answer and they go back to
the end of the line