Evalina 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 674 012034

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The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 674 (2019) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/674/1/012034

Efficiency analysis on the inverter using the energy-saving


N Evalina *, A Azis H, Rimbawati and Cholish

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Jl. Kapten Muchtar Basri postcode 20238, Medan Indonesia

* Email: [email protected]

Abstract. Electric energy savings are influenced by magnitude of reactive power used by
electric customers, one of the tools that can minimize reactive power is the inverter, which is
an electronic equipment, that can change the direct current of electricity to alternating current,
The method used is by measuring along with analysis of calculation each time the inverter is
given the burden of energy-saving lamps with varying power to determine the change in the
electrical quantities to be analyzed. Inverter efficiency in doing the convert direct current to
alternating current during low load (5W) amounted to 94.66%, and the highest load current
(203W) amounted to 90.55%.
Keywords: Inverter, Energy Saving, Efficiency

1. Introduction
Indonesia is the largest consumption energy in Southeast Asia, thus the strategy of saving energy,
costs and reducing emissions is important issue in this country. The subsidies have been taken off
cause the electricity tariffs increased [1], especially for household customers. Therefore, the reactive
power resulting in the loss of active power must be reduced so that electricity will be used by
customers to be better, Electric energy savings are influenced by the magnitude of reactive power used
by electric customers, one of the tools that can minimize reactive power is the inverter [2], which is an
electronic equipment that can change the direct current of electricity from devices such as batteries,
accumulators or solar cells into electric current alternating current. This tool can also work to back up
electricity at home within a certain time (temporarily) when there is no power supply.
To cope with power outages, especially in households, it is necessary to have emergency
equipment capable of working to distribute electrical power while as a substitute for the supply of
electricity. The tool is an inverter, which is an electronic device that can convert the direct current
emanating from devices such as batteries, accumulators or solar cells into alternating current. This tool
can work for backup electricity in the house within a certain time (temporarily) when the supply of
electricity goes out and over the input voltage of the battery is not discharged. Source voltage of the
inverter is the battery or batteries and is only used when needed or as a temporary replacement of
National Electrical Power, electricity when subjected to power outages.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Inverter
The inverter is a circuit that functions to convert a DC input to AC output voltage and frequency can
be set as desired. Alternating voltage square waveform and in particular the use of the necessary filters
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The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 674 (2019) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/674/1/012034

to produce a sinusoidal waveform. Great setting voltage can be done in 2 ways. Firstly by regulating
the DC input voltage from the outside but wide fixed ignition timing. Second, set the width of the time
to connect with the DC input voltage remains.
The inverter is composed of the main circuit formed by the rectifier circuit whether controlled or
not to convert the alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC) and eliminates the ripple contained
on direct current. The rectifier serves as a charger voltage on the battery/accumulator when the voltage
source inverter from the battery has been depleted. To prevent damage to the battery due to
overcharger, then you should add automatic circuit rectifier circuit that will decide the filling process
when the voltage on the battery is full [3][4]. Chart inverters generally have a shape like in Figure 1.

unit Inverter
Charger unit
Source of AC Inverter circuit load

Rectifier Batteries /

Figure 1. Chart Inverter

2.2. Inverter structure

The structure of the inverter (Figure 2)shows that the inverter with transistors that produces an
alternating current (AC) with the frequency of commercial sources, (50 Hz or 60 Hz). The first part of
the circuit converter (which converts a source of commercial AC into DC source and eliminates the
ripple on the DC output. The second circuit is an inverter that converts the direct current into
alternating current three-phase with frequency diverse (adjustable); the circuit is called the primary
circuit. The third part is a control circuit that serves as a controller of the main circuit. The combined
total of the circuits is called an inverter.

+ +

A S1 B
B S2 A

- -

Figure 2. Structure simple inverter

When the position of S1 and S2 in A, the burden of getting a positive voltage, while a negative
voltage is obtained when S1 and S2 in position B. Thus the removal of the switch (S1 and S2) in turn
will generate alternating voltage is a square which is determined by the source , and the frequency is
determined by the switching speed switch. Based on inverter configuration can be differentiated into
two types namely single-phase half-bridge inverter and single inverter phase full bridge [5].
Meanwhile, based on the number phase, the inverter can be divided into two types as well that
inverters single-phase and three-phase inverter.

The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 674 (2019) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/674/1/012034

2.3. Energy Saving Light Bulb

The energy-saving lamp is a type of fluorescent lamp with the development of a compact form.
Energy-saving lamps have the same working principle with fluorescent lighting, which is casting the
gas in the lamp tube causing ultraviolet rays due to electrical energy flow. The type often used is a
model of soft light (SL) and power light (PL). In the SL models electric component consisting of
ballasts, capacitors, and integrated starter in unity in the lamp, while the PL models for electric
component separate from the lamp. LHE fundamental differences with standard fluorescent lamps are
lamps that have been designed to the shape of the cap and are made the same as at the foot of
incandescent lamps is by the screw system [6]. The advantages of energy-saving lamps are the use of
electric power is more efficient than incandescent bulbs and TL; and It has a service life span is
longer, which is about 8 times the service life of incandescent lamps.

2.4. Inverter efficiency

Inverter efficiency illustrates the effectiveness of the conversion of the inverter to convert direct
current into alternating current, efficiency is influenced by the amount of output power and magnitude
of reactive power, reactive power is the real power losses in system and loss as much as possible in
the system, in the system, in order to shrink the more efficient. Large reactive power is influenced by
the power factor.

3. Methodology
As for the equipment used in this study are as follows:
1) Single-phase inverter, as transformers DC to AC that will be examined use.
2) Energy Saving Lamp types SL, as an electrical load that will weigh on the inverter which these
lights are arranged in parallel and power consumption varies greatly.
3) Accumulators, as a DC voltage source to power the inverter.
4) Rectifier (charger), used as auxiliary equipment when the voltage needed for charging the
5) Ammeter AC and DC used to measure the flow of inputs and outputs on the circuit.
6) The multimeter is used to measure the voltage on the circuit.
7) Electronic energy meter, used as a measure of power and cos phi load.
8) Jumper cables, as the connecting terminals on the circuit.
9) Camera (mobile), used to perpetuate research on the indicators to be studied.
The study was conducted through several stages of testing, measurement and measurement are as
1) Prepare all the equipment that will be used in this study.
2) Ensuring that the accumulator would be used in full condition and ready for use.
3) Connecting the DC ammeter in series with the positive terminal of the accumulator and the positive
input terminal of the inverter.
4) Connecting in parallel a DC voltmeter (multimeter) to the accumulator terminal and inverter input
5) Large measure voltages and currents that occur in large measure input voltage inverter and the
inverter output when the inverter in case of no load.
6) Connect in series ammeters AC (can be replaced by a power meter) to one inverter output terminals
and one terminal (cable) load energy-saving lamps.
7) Connect in parallel AC voltmeter (multimeter) and frequency meter with inverter output terminals
and terminal (cable) load energy-saving lamps.
8) Turning on the inverter with the state of load is a load with a large energy-saving light bulbs
predetermined power (starting from the smallest lamp power to the largest).
9) Measuring the large input voltage inverter, inverter input current, the output voltage of the inverter,
inverter output current, frequency and power factor of the inverter in case of the load.

The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 674 (2019) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/674/1/012034

10) Doing repetitive experiments (8) and (9) to load a large energy-saving lamp with the other lamp
power (lamp power is raised varies to the extent desired).
11) Noting the results of measurements of indicators that have been obtained at the study table.
12) When it has finished, then measure the whole load on the inverter, inverter shutoff, releasing all
the test series that have been assembled in advance and store the equipment back in place of the
13) Conduct analysis of the calculation of some indicators that can not be obtained through
measurement, such as counting much voltage ignition inverters based on the signal waveform,
substantial average voltage, the effective voltage, power input and power output of the inverter
and the inverter efficiency at light load with various power, did calculation of the duration of the
charging current for the accumulator and the duration of use of the accumulator on the inverter.
14) Record all calculation results obtained in the chapter on data analysis and discussion.

4. Results and Discussion

In testing with this load, several energy-saving bulbs are used starting from 5W to 203W to overload a
12V accumulator with a maximum current output rate of 65Ah. The schematic form of mounting
measuring tools, accumulators, and lights on the test can be seen in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Figure 3. Schematic Inverter with Load Tests

Inverter with load testing aims to determine the magnitude of the voltage and current input from the
accumulator as well as to determine the amount of voltage, current consumption, power factor, and
frequency generated by the inverter after getting a load of energy-saving lamps[2][7].

Figure 4. Load Testing Inverter with Energy Saving Light Bulb

The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 674 (2019) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/674/1/012034

The comparison of power factor saving lamps based on inverter brings much difference to the
result, the load using an inverter much better, compared with power factor the light load without using
an inverter [2][8] (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Comparison of the chart again power factor using an inverter and without inverter
From data testing of Inverter (Figure 5), we can calculation, input power, the power consumed by
energy-saving lamps, out power, reactive power, and efficiency we will get the results as in Table 1.

Table 1. Calculation Data Power and Efficiency Inverter

Load (W) P supply (W) S load (VA) P load (W) Q load (VAR) Eff (%)
5 5.06 7.38 4.79 5.61 94.66
13 12.81 17.06 12.11 11.94 94.53
24 23.86 26.52 22.54 14.06 94.46
38 35.18 38.08 33.13 18.66 94.17
56 50.87 53.66 47.75 24.68 93.86
74 62.34 64.01 58.24 26.24 93.42
97 78.61 80.32 73.08 32.93 92.96
123 97.24 97.47 89.67 38.01 92.21
158 123.17 121.09 112.59 44.79 91.41
203 149.78 145.84 135.63 53.96 90.55

From the above calculation results obtained when the inverter efficiency energy-saving lamps
burdened with a load varied from 5 watts to 203 watts was obtained efficiency of 94.66 - 90.55 %

5. Conclusion
The load using inverter it can be concluded reactive power smaller only 53,96 VAR, and power factor
during the height load is 203 watts used power factor better 0.93, consumption active power lamps are
very good 135.65 Watt, and inverter efficiency in doing the convert direct current to alternating
current during low load (5W) amounted to 94.66% and the highest load current (203W) amounted to
90.55%., it means using inverter can increase the value of efficiency.

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The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 674 (2019) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/674/1/012034

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