Automated Design of Robotic Hands For In-Hand Manipulation Tasks

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International Journal of Humanoid Robotics

c World Scientific Publishing Company

Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks

Christopher Hazard
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
[email protected]

Nancy Pollard
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
[email protected]

Stelian Coros
Computer Science Department, ETH Zurich, Rmistrasse 101,
Zurich, 8092, Switzerland
[email protected]

Received 31 March 2019

Revised 30 September 2019
Accepted 30 September 2019

Grasp planning and motion synthesis for dexterous manipulation tasks are tradition-
ally done given a pre-existing kinematic model for the robotic hand. In this paper, we
introduce a framework for automatically designing hand topologies best suited for ma-
nipulation tasks given high level objectives as input. Our pipeline is capable of building
custom hand designs around specific manipulation tasks based on high level user input.
Our framework comprises of a sequence of trajectory optimizations chained together to
translate a sequence of objective poses into an optimized hand mechanism along with a
physically feasible motion plan involving both the constructed hand and the object. We
demonstrate the feasibility of this approach by synthesizing a series of hand designs op-
timized to perform specified in-hand manipulation tasks of varying difficulty. We extend
our original pipeline [12] to accommodate the construction of hands suitable for multiple
distinct manipulation tasks as well as provide an in depth discussion of the effects of
each non-trivial optimization term.

Keywords: manipulation; trajectory optimization; motion planning; mechanism design

1. Introduction
Dexterous manipulation has long been a topic of interest in robotic manipulation
due to its association with fine motor skills in humans, and the advantages that
it can confer upon factory robots and general purpose robots[13]. Dexterous ma-
nipulators are able to accomplish motions more efficiently and operate in limited
workspace environments more easily[19]. Additionally, we want to develop manip-

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ulators that work in intuitive and human-like ways, particularly if they are meant
to work alongside humans.
One line of research in dexterous manipulation focuses on the design of manipu-
lators to mirror the kinematics of the human hand[18][17]. These hands have shown
impressive capabilities with regards to dexterous manipulation [27] tasks, however
the problem of dexterous manipulation remains unsolved [5]. One reason for this is
that we cannot yet fully replicate the capabilities of the human hands and choices
made to simplify the design may end up limiting capabilities of the hand. We have
experienced this in our own research when the thumb of a dexterous hand does
not have sufficient range of motion or the geometry of the hand’s inner surfaces
impedes rather than aids performing a manipulation. Progress in this domain is
further burdened by the fact that these hands are prohibitively costly.
Rather than trying to approach manipulation from the perspective of human
hand kinematics and dynamics, we focus on accomplishing some critical dexterous
human hand functions and optimizing mechanisms to perform specific in-hand ma-
nipulation tasks. Our vision is to create an optimization pipeline for generating low
cost hands that are well tuned for specific tasks or families of tasks. The possibility
of creating useful low-cost hands has been well demonstrated, as in [20][7][8]. In
several cases, optimization has been used to tune some of the design parameters for
these types of hands [10]. We go beyond previous work by constructing our hands
from scratch based on a given task definition. Our goal is to allow even novice users
to easily design a variety of hands for their intended use cases.
In this paper, we introduce an optimization pipeline that takes high level user
specifications such as a sequence of goal poses for a manipulated object and builds
a mechanism specifically designed for the given task with no additional parameter
tuning required on the part of the user. In this work, we limit ourselves to the
class of in-hand manipulations that can be wholly described as reorientation of
the object with respect to the palm, however the pipeline we have developed is
extensible to other classes of in-hand manipulations. We show that our pipeline
is able to synthesize a wide variety of useful specialized manipulators for various
tasks. We build on our previous work [12] by extending our original pipeline to build
hands for multiple distinct tasks. We have also generated a comprehensive list of
failure cases that arise when each of our non-trivial optimization terms is removed,
thereby justifying their inclusion in our final pipeline.

2. Related Work
A large body of work revolves around classifying human manipulation behaviors and
replicating them with robotic manipulators inspired by the human hand. Works such
as [1] and [30] attempt to classify the spectrum of human hand manipulations into a
hierarchy of grasps and in-hand manipulations covering various phenomena such as
rolling motions, controlled slipping, grasp repositioning, and finger gaiting [25] with
the intention of mimicking these motions on robotic hands. Platforms such as the
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Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 3

NASA Robonaut hand [18], GIFU III [23], and Shadow Dexterous Hand [17] have
become standard models on which manipulation algorithms and controllers have
been implemented to mimic these types of behaviors. These hands are meant to be
generic manipulators that should be able to carry out virtually any manipulation
task given an appropriate control policy.
Low DOF hands have the advantage of being easier to build and maintain, eas-
ier to control, less expensive, and less prone to mechanical failure since they have
fewer moving parts[10][9]. Due to the fact that they are cheaper and easier to build,
specifics of the design can be optimized to tune or specialize a given hand. Various
works [4][6][3] have optimized continuous parameters such as component lengths,
tendon stiffness, and pulley radii to address kinematic concerns such as reachabil-
ity constraints, avoidance of Jacobian singularities within the workspace, limits on
individual joint torques, etc. [28] addresses the problem of discrete optimization
of gripper design by chaining together individual modules to build fingers until a
desired grasp quality is reached.
We build on previous work by optimizing both discrete and continuous char-
acteristics of hand design to suit specific tasks. A significant portion of our design
process consists of trajectory optimizations to test the competence of our hands in
performing different tasks. Trajectory optimization methods have shown remarkable
ability to synthesize complex motions in both robot locomotion and manipulation,
allowing the user to create complicated physically feasible motions from high level
goal specifications. [15] and [14] develop optimization routines in which an initial
grasp pose is specified with a given hand model along with kinematic goals for an
object, and a numerical optimizer constructs physically feasible motion plans to
synthesize target manipulations. Other work in trajectory optimization for manip-
ulation captures demonstrated manipulations and finds contact forces that explain
the motion[31].
Recent work in trajectory optimization has explored the use of discontinuous
contacts in locomotion and manipulation tasks [21][26]. Mordatch et. al. [21] intro-
duced the concept of contact invariance, in which contact is treated as a contin-
uous variable, to facilitate optimization with changing contacts. Our work draws
inspiration from [22], which applies the contact invariant method to the domain of
Trajectory optimization methods for motion synthesis assume a fixed robot mor-
phology. We do not know of any prior work that attempts to optimize the manipu-
lator design while also creating a motion plan for physically feasible manipulations.
Such a task is challenging for in-hand manipulation tasks due to the fact that these
tasks are very contact dependent and hard to model or simulate.

3. Optimization Pipeline Description

We focus on precision in-hand manipulation where the hand manipulates an object
with the fingertips in order to change the object’s configuration with respect to the
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Fig. 1: Given the required user input, our ”floating” optimization generates a phys-
ically feasible motion plan using disembodied contacts points. We then synthesize
a mechanism with fingertips designed to follow these trajectories and provide the
required forces. Finally, we combine the floating motion plan with the hand design
to adapt the motion to the designed mechanism, outputting the mechanism and a
physically valid motion.

base of the hand. The object may be partially supported by the environment. This
type of manipulation is fundamental to acquiring and placing objects, and moving
from one grasp to another [24]. Our examples demonstrate 2 and 3-fingered hands,
however our approach can be applied to accommodate hands with more fingers.
Our optimization pipeline has three parts, as shown in Figure 1. The input to
our system is a sequence of objective poses for the object, a trajectory for the base,
and an initial placement (subject to change) of the contact points on the object.
The output of our system is an optimized mechanism, contact points, and forces
that meet our objectives in a physically valid motion. The sections below discuss the
components of this pipeline originally introduced in [12], followed by an extension
of our original methodology to build hands meant to execute multiple distinct tasks
(we refer to these as ”multi-objective” designs, whereas hands designed for single
manipulations are ”single objective” designs).

3.1. Floating Contact Optimization

The floating contact optimization computes optimal contact points and forces that
can move the object to its desired objective poses. No information about the robot
mechanism is used (or even available) at this point. Specifically, let
St = [xO fj rj cj ] (1)
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Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 5

be the state at time t of the object, with xO denoting the object’s position and
orientation in the world frame, and ẋO being the derivative at time t of position and
orientation. fj denotes the force vector at contact point j for j ∈ {1, 2, ..., Ncontacts }
expressed w.r.t. the world frame, and rj denotes the location of contact point j in
the local frame of the object. cj is the contact invariant term described in [21] that
is constrained to lie in the interval [0,1], with 0 representing an inactive contact and
1 being fully active.
We wish to find a trajectory S = {S1 , S2 , ..., SNkeyf rames } such that
S = argmin Σt Σi wi ∗ Li (t) (2)
s.t. cj ∈ [0, 1] f or 0 ≤ t ≤ T (3)
where each cost Li is in the set {Lphysics , Lf orceReg , Lf rictionCone , Ltask , Lci object ,
Lf loatingContactAccel , LobjectAccelReg , LangularAccelReg }, which we detail below.
• Physics terms:

Lphysics (t) = LlinM om (t) + LangM om (t) (4)

LangM om (t) = ||Σi ci (t)∗(ri ×fi,local )−(ω×(Iobject ω)+I ω̇)||2 (5)
LlinM om (t) = ci (t)fi − mẍ (6)

where Iobject is the moment of inertia of the object in its own local frame, ω
is angular velocity, and m is the object mass. The Lphysics term is respon-
sible for ensuring that the forces acting on the object impart the necessary
accelerations to move the object to its destination.

Lf orceReg (t) = ||ci (t)fi ||2 (7)
Lf rictionCone (t) = ci ∗exp(α(||fi,local −n∗(fi ·ni )||−µfi ·ni )) (8)

where n is the local surface normal, µ is the coefficient of friction, and α is

a sharpening factor for the exponent that controls how much we penalize
contact forces that are close to the friction cone bounds. Lf rictionCone is
responsible for ensuring that our contact forces are physically feasible, while
Lf orceReg is a regularization term to discourage excessive contact forces.
• Task objectives:
Ltask = ||pos(k) − posgoal (k)||2 + dist(o(k), ogoal (k))2 (9)

where k is the set of keyframes for which we define object goal positions
posk and orientations ok . The function dist(q1 ,q2 ) refers to the quaternion
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6 Christopher Hazard, Stelian Coros, Nancy Pollard

distance formula, which is essentially the angle required to rotate from one
frame of reference to the other. This particular task objective dictates a set
of objective poses (position and orientation) that our object is required to
meet. Other task objectives can be specified depending on the behavior we
want to see from our system: for example, we can also specify goals such as
tracing out a desired path with an end effector point on the manipulated
• Contact Invariant Costs:
Lci object (t) = ci ||rproj − ri ||2 (10)

where rproj is the projection (in local coordinates) of the contact point ri
onto the object
eobject (i, t) = ri,proj object (t) − ri (t) (11)
The Lci object cost dictates that the contact points lie on the object surface.
• Additional regularization terms:
Lf loatingContactAccel (t) = ||r̈i (t)||2 (12)
LobjectAccelReg (t) = ẍ2 (13)
LangularAccelReg (t) = ((ω × (Iworld ω) + Iworld ω̇)/tstep )2 (14)

where x is the manipulated object’s position. Lf loatingContactAccel regular-

izes the movement of the floating contact points, preventing them from tele-
porting on the object, while LobjectAccelReg and LangularAccelReg encourage
smooth movement of the object.
The motions output by a first pass through the floating optimization have con-
tact invariant values ci between 0 and 1, and typically cluster around higher values
(above .7) and low values (.3 and below), indicating the importance of the contact
point in the optimization. After this first pass, we ”de-fuzzify” our ci values by
setting each ci to either 0 or 1 based on a threshold of either .1, .2, or .3. We pick
our threshold by testing each one and re-optimizing our floating motion with the
contact values held fixed, ultimately picking the ”de-fuzzed” motion with the best
objective value to pass to the synthesis optimization. Future steps in the pipeline
hold these contact values fixed.

3.2. Mechanism Synthesis Continuous Optimization

The synthesis step involves both the optimization of the discrete structure of the
hand (the number of joints per finger) as well as the optimization of continuous pa-
rameters governing the mechanism design. In this section we describe the continuous
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Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 7

optimization, which is used by the discrete optimization procedure described in the

next section. The optimization below assumes that we have all discrete parameters
(i.e. the kinematic structure) fixed.
We optimize a set of morphological parameters M = {L A B}, a set of joint
angle poses Q = {Q1 , Q2 , ..., QNkeyf rames }, and a set of contact points P on the
constructed fingertips such that:

M, Q, P = argmin Σk Σi wi ∗ Li (k) (15)

for k ∈ {1, 2, ..., Nkeyf rames } (16)

where L, A, and B respectively represent the finger segment lengths, joint axis
orientations, and positioning of fingers on the base/palm of the hand and Li are
the costs in the set {LeeT arget , LcontactDistSurf ace , Lcollision ,
Lf ingerLengthRegularization , Lf ingerM inLength , LjacN ull ,
Ltorque , Lf ingerP ositions , Lf ingerAcceleration , LjointLimits }. To discourage slipping on
the fingertips, we restrict contact points p to remain fixed in the fingertip’s local
frame when that contact is active. The term ”fingertip” used throughout this paper
refers to the surface of the last segment on a given finger, not the actual tip of that
finger segment. Our contact points are therefore able to lie anywhere on the surface
of these finger segments.

• Contact point costs:

LeeT arget (k) = ci ∗ ||pi − ptarget ||2 (17)

LcontactDistSurf ace (k) = ||pproj − pi ||2 (18)

where ci represents the binarized contact invariant term (either 0 or 1) for

fingertip i at keyframe k. LeeT arget is the distance between the contact
point pi on fingertip i and the corresponding point on the given trajectory
for that contact, encouraging our selected contact points to line up with
the trajectories from the floating motion plan. LcontactDistSurf ace is the
distance between the contact point and its projection onto the surface of
the fingertip it is attached to: this is paired with a high coefficient to force
contact points to lie on the surfaces of the fingertips.
• Collision
For collision penalty calculations, we use a second order smooth piecewise
cubic spline that interpolates between the functions f (x) = 0 for x < 0 and

 x ≤ −
3 2 2
2 x x x 
f (x) = x for x > 0 as follows: g(x) = 6 + 2 + 2 + 6 − ≤ x ≤ 
x2 + 2


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8 Christopher Hazard, Stelian Coros, Nancy Pollard

Lcollision (k) = g(pen(bodyi , bodyj )) (19)

where penetration distances are calculated such that non-penetrating bod-

ies have negative penetration distance (hence no collision cost) and  is
simply a small arbitrary constant ( = 10−6 )
• Finger length costs:

Lf ingerLengthRegularization = (li )2 (20)

Lf ingerM inLengthCost = g(lmin − li ) (21)

where i ranges over all the capsules present in the hand, li denotes the
length of the principle axis of capsule i, and g denotes the piecewise cubic
spline defined above. These two costs are meant to keep the finger lengths
within a reasonable range of values.
• Controllability related costs:
We require that our mechanisms be able to actively supply the necessary
forces needed to accomplish the target motion. This is done through two
terms: one to penalize the component of the applied force that lies along
the null space of our mechanism’s Jacobian (requiring our mechanism to
actively supply the necessary force) and another to regularize the torque
applied at the joints (encouraging efficient mechanisms).
X sX
LjacN ull = ci ∗ (f · ek )2 (22)
i k

where the vectors ek consist of an orthonormal basis of the null space of

the manipulator Jacobian for each given finger/contact point pair i, f being
the force required for the finger to provide at the end effector, and ci being
the contact invariant weight (either 0 or 1) for the given contact.
X 2
Ltorque = k~
αk (23)

where α~ is the vector of torque magnitudes that must be supplied by the

mechanism to actively provide the desired force. Note that this torque
penalty does not take into account the torque required to compensate for
gravity, nor does it account for a hard maximum on the allowed torque to
be supplied by a given motor (although this could be added if necessary).
We calculate this as follows: for any given finger we have T = r × F ,
where T is the torque applied with respect to a given joint, F is the force
at the selected contact point (the end effector), and r is the lever arm.
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Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 9

We can decompose this into F = T × rperp /krperp ~ k + k ∗ rperp where
rperp = r − (r · a) ∗ a is the component of r perpendicular to the unit
vector a aligned with the rotation axis of the joint in question. In the
above equation, k is a constant, and k ∗ rperp represents the passive force
applied to this joint: setting k = 0, we have F = X ∗ α where X is the
matrix consisting of column vectors T × rperp /krperp
~ k concatenated for
each joint and α is the vector of torque magnitudes actively applied at the
joints. Then α~ = (X T X + λ2 I)−1 XT F is the singularity robust psuedo-
inverse [2] solution with lambda being a small constant (λ = .001). Note
that this torque penalty does not take into account the torque required to
compensate for gravity, nor does it account for a hard maximum on the
allowed torque to be supplied by a given motor (although this could be
added if necessary).
• Additional costs:

Lf ingerP ositions = ||projbase (bi ) − bi ||)2 (24)

where i ranges over all the bases of the fingers and we find the closest pro-
jected point onto the base. This term ensures that our fingers are attached
to the surface of the base and can be applied to a variety of base shapes
as long as a smooth projection formula exists for the surface. In this work
we limit ourselves exclusively to circular bases although this can be readily
Lf ingerAcceleration (k) = (1 − ci ) ∗ ẍi 2 (25)

where ẍi is acceleration of fingertip i and ci is the contact invariant term

for that fingertip in frame k. Fingertip acceleration only applies to contacts
that are inactive in order to encourage smooth transitions for lifted fingers.
LjtLimit (k) = g(j(i) − jmax ) + g(jmin − j(i)) (26)
i j

where j runs over our set of joints. The terms jmax and jmin are constant
joint limits set to π/2 and −π/2 respectively and g is our piecewise cubic
spline introduced earlier for smooth interpolation.

3.3. Mechanism Synthesis Discrete Optimization

The process by which we optimize the discrete structure of our hand designs is
relatively simple. We optimize fingers independently for computational efficiency
and treat joints as being independently controlled. We keep adding additional fin-
ger segments (and joints) to each of our fingers until the combined LeeT arget and
LjacN ull scores for our finger fall below a predefined threshold or until we reach an
upper limit on the number of joints allowed per finger.
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After optimizing each finger independently for multiple trials, we enter a recom-
bination step in which we combine the top performing fingers into a complete hand
design. Upon recombination, we must re-optimize our hand due to the fact that we
may incur self-collision among the recombined fingers (since they were optimized
independently, their motions can easily overlap). The first recombination trial al-
ways takes the top performing fingers from each set of fingers meant to track the
end effector points. Additional recombination trials randomly select fingers from
each set according to a weighting that is inversely proportional to their combined
LeeT arget and LjacN ull scores (so that fingers with lower costs have higher chances
of being selected). We then take our best performing hand, and if the combined
LeeT arget and LjacN ull scores for each finger fall below our threshold we return this
design as our constructed hand. Otherwise, we add an additional joint to each of
the fingers with scores still above this threshold and repeat the loop again until
either that finger hits the maximum number of joints allowed per finger or it meets
our objective criteria.

3.4. Whole Hand Optimization

As the final stage in our motion optimization pipeline, we take the generated motion
plan for the object and the hand mechanism constructed for it to go about a trajec-
tory optimization similar to the one used in step 1. We introduce several additional
terms to the objective function to create a physically realistic motion with respect
to the hand and we add the joint angles at each keyframe to the list of variables
that we intend to optimize. We do not restrict contact points to be stationary with
respect to the fingertips as we did in the synthesis step, thereby allowing us to per-
form some small degree of slipping and rolling. We do not explicitly model slipping
or rolling on the fingertips, though we discourage these via the imposition of soft
constraints. Below we detail the additional terms added to the objective function:

• LjointLimits : this is equation 26, taken from the synthesis step

• Lf ingerAcceleration : equation 25 taken from the synthesis step
• Lcollision : equation 19 from synthesis
• LjacN ull and Ltorque : equations 22 and 23 from the synthesis step
• Finger contact invariant term: Lci f inger mirrors the contact invariant term
introduced in the floating contact optimization, but applied to the finger
instead of the object to encourage the contact point to lie on the finger.
This works alongside Lci object to encourage the finger to be in contact with
the object without over-constraining the optimization problem.

Lci f inger (t) = ci ||rproj − ri ||2 (27)

where rproj is the projection (in world coordinates) of the contact point ri
(world coordinates) onto the finger
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Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 11

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Fig. 2: Here we reproduce still-frames of several example hands/motions generated

by our system (refer to accompanying video for complete motions): (a) A vertical
flipping motion, as if feeding a part (b) Rotate from horizontal to vertical and bow
out the capsule (c) Drawing a box with a pen on the ground (d) Rotating a capsule
180 degrees (e) Tabletop rotation with hand above the object (f) Tabletop rotation
with the hand on the side of the object

• Slippage constraints: We do not explicitly penalize contact slippage on ei-

ther the object or the fingertip since this would be overly restrictive and pre-
vent our motions from naturally exhibiting interesting slipping and rolling
behaviors. Instead we adapt a pair of soft constraints introduced in [22] to
our pipeline that work to implicitly regularize slippage. These constraints
essentially require that the distance a given contact slips with respect to
the object and the fingertip is equal with respect to the world frame.

Lci f inger slippage (t) = ||ci fi ||2 ∗||(ėf inger (i, t))||2 (28)

where ef inger (i, t) = ri,proj f inger (t) − ri (t)

Lci object slippage (t) = ||ci fi ||2 ∗||(ėobject (i, t))||2 (29)

• Lf rictionConeHand : since our finger may not be perfectly tangent to the

object it makes contact with, we introduce an additional friction cone term
that mirrors the friction cone with respect to the object, but using the
outgoing normal from the fingertip at the contact point instead (similar to
equation 8). This prevents us from exerting unrealistic forces with respect
to the fingertip surface.

Lf rictionConeHand (t) = ci ∗ exp(α(||fi
− n ∗ (fi · ni )||−µfi · ni ))

where n is the surface normal to the fingertip (world frame), µ is the coef-
ficient of friction, and α is a sharpening factor for the exponent
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12 Christopher Hazard, Stelian Coros, Nancy Pollard

Fig. 3: To demonstrate the feasibility of our designs, we fabricated a hand with

3d-printed parts scaled with regard to the embedded motors. This particular design
is meant to rotate a 4 inch diameter ball 180 degrees either way.

4. Results for Single Objective Hands

In the first part of our accompanying video, we demonstrate a set of example motions
ranging from simple object re-orientations to multi-step motions. In Figure 2, we
demonstrate the ability of our pipeline to generate feasible mechanisms on a variety
of in-hand manipulation tasks. Figure 4 demonstrates two sequences in which we
build up progressively more complex motions from a set of simple primitive motions.
From these examples we can see a variety of different mechanisms arise to meet our
task specifications rather than a generic one-size-fits-all design, and we note that
the complexity of these mechanisms scales directly with the complexity of the given
Our pipeline is robust in the sense that we use the same fixed set of optimization
weights for each step regardless of the motion. In the vast majority of cases, the
final result of our ”whole hand” optimization yields very low physics error penalties
and near zero Jacobian null space projection penalties, indicating that the pipeline
generates a motion plan that fits very well the designed mechanism, ensuring that
the mechanism is capable of performing the motion in a physically realistic way.
Our optimization program is able to discover interesting aspects of our motions
that lead to non-trivial mechanical designs. For example, in Figure 2(b), our opti-
mization was able to suggest a mechanism in which we use one of our upper fingers
to push out our capsule to bow it out while rotating it 90 degrees perpendicular
to our palm surface, using the other two fingers to pivot the object. Our mecha-
nism originally bows out the mechanism beyond the 45 degree target, then slides
the pushing finger upward and reduces the force it exerts to achieve the desired
position. In Figure 2(c), we replace our usual pose objective with an objective that
attempts to track the shown goal points with the tip of the gripped ”pencil”. In
this motion, our optimization discovered a cyclic manipulation in which the finger
on the bottom left of the pencil automatically resets itself while still maintaining
contact on the object. In the middle motion shown in Figure 4(b) we dictate that
our mechanism is to rotate the sphere 180 degrees either way followed by a trans-
lation in and out from the palm. Surprisingly, our optimization found a way to do
this with only two degrees of freedom per finger by discovering that our hand can
”lock” in our object by folding the distal joints. Normally one would expect such a
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Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 13

Fig. 4: Here we demonstrate 2 sequences of progressively more complex motions

(refer to accompanying video for complete motions): (above) we demonstrate a hor-
izontal side to side motion (without gravity, so that we don’t require our mechanism
to actively provide counter-gravitational force), a circular planar motion (no grav-
ity), and a hemispherical motion (with gravity). (Below) we demonstrate a line of
motions (all with gravity enabled) beginning with a sphere rotation 180 degrees
either way, followed by a sphere rotation with the ability to translate in and out,
and finally a sphere rotation with the ability to translate in the plane.

manipulation to require at least 3 DOF’s per finger as in the succeeding motion, in

which we require that the sphere also be able to translate side to side as well as in
and out.
We are often able to create distinctly different mechanisms for the same motion
simply by varying the initial contacts placed on the object or by varying the initial
position of the base. We demonstrate this in Figures 2(e) and 2(f) in which we
place our contacts in the same positions but placed our base differently: the result
is that our floating motion plans are identical, but we get two completely different
mechanisms out of the initial conditions. Similarly, we can get distinct mechanisms
from placing our initial contacts differently. The fact that our pipeline gives different
results for different initial conditions means that the user can select their ideal
mechanism by trying out different initial conditions, as well as gain intuition about
how the base and contact initialization affect the optimal mechanism design in
To demonstrate the feasibility of our designs, we fabricated a physical prototype
for a hand that is meant to rotate a sphere 180 degrees forward and backward
(shown in Figure 3). Given a design generated by our pipeline, we programmatically
generate a set of individual parts represented via constructive solid geometry, which
are then converted to a set of 3d printable CAD files. Due to the fact that we have
embedded the motors in the fingers, we have scaled our design according to the size
of the individual motors. Our prototype hand (equipped with the computed set of
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14 Christopher Hazard, Stelian Coros, Nancy Pollard

poses) is capable of reliably rotating a 4 inch Styrofoam ball from a variety of initial
palm orientations. This motion involves a significant amount of rolling between the
fingertips and the object, which is made possible by its unique design.

5. Extension to Multi-Objective Hands

In this paper, we extend upon our previous work in [12] by making our pipeline
capable of designing hands meant for multiple separate motions. To do this, we
have added a set of terms designed to couple contact trajectories to be similar to
one another in both location and shape. We have also added a term that iterates over
the contact points and deactivates the contact force, replacing it with a perturbed
version of the computed contact force that acts along the same direction as in
the unperturbed case, causing the other contact forces to re-balance to reject the
In Figure 5, we demonstrate the need for our trajectory coupling terms for multi-
objective motions on a combination of the sphere rotation and capsule rotate and
bow out motions. With our coupling terms, our pipeline generates a design that
is similar to our single objective sphere rotation motion with two dofs per finger.
Without the coupling terms, it either generates an under-actuated hand that can’t
provide the required force to move the object as intended, or it provides an overly
complicated hand that yields a brittle motion.
To accommodate multi-objective motions, we introduce a set of trajectory cou-
pling terms and perturbing force objectives into our floating contact optimization.
These coupled trajectories are then sent to the synthesis step, in which we optimize
the structure of our hand to minimize the sum of the individual costs incurred for
each target motion. In other words, our synthesis step runs a single optimization for
each motion with the constraint that all morphological variables are shared among
the individual synthesis optimization problems. This allows for efficient parallel
processing. Once the synthesis step has found a hand design that is optimal in the
combined case, we run our ”whole hand” optimization on each motion individually,
where the hand design is fixed and each motion is independent. This means that we
no longer use the trajectory coupling objective nor do we use the perturbing force
objective in the ”whole hand” optimization.
We will now derive our trajectory coupling terms. First we must group together
the floating contact trajectories for each fingertip between motions: that is, we must
find which trajectory in Motion 2 matches finger trajectory 1 in Motion 1. Suppose
we have m motions {M1 , M2 , ..., Mm } and each motion has contact trajectories
{T1 , T2 , ..., Tf } where we have f total fingertip contacts. We will denote trajectory j
from motion i as Mi,j , each of which has a mean value of ai,j . Our coordinate frame
for these contact points is always defined with respect to the palm of the hand.
A trajectory grouping is defined as a set of mappings from the set of trajectories
from M1 to each of the other motions {M2 , ..., Mm }. To find our initial grouping,
we enumerate all possible trajectory groupings to find the one that minimizes the
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Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 15

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Fig. 5: In this example we combine the sphere rotation motion with the rotate and
bow out motion from earlier. (a) shows the result of our multiobjective floating
optimization with the coupling terms enabled as well as the overlaid contact tra-
jectories. (b) demonstrates the same optimization with the coupling terms removed
(initial conditions were kept the same as in (a)), resulting in dissimilar sets of con-
tact trajectories. (c) shows the results of the coupled trajectories at the end of the
”whole hand” optimization. The resulting hand that is capable of both motions
is nearly identical to our earlier single objective example for sphere rotation. (d)
demonstrates the best scoring proposed hand design from the second level of the
synthesis step for the trajectories in (b) after passing through the ”whole hand”
optimization: this design is physically infeasible since 22% of the magnitude of the
total force applied by the fingers lies in the Jacobian null space. (e) shows the next
level synthesis design for the uncoupled trajectories after passing through the fi-
nal optimization step. This design is physically feasible according to our objective
function, however it is clearly an awkward and brittle mechanism.

objective t∈{T1 ,...,Tf } i∈M j∈M |i6=j (ai,imi (t) − aj,imj (t) )2 where imi (t) denotes

the image of trajectory t from M1 to motion Mi under mapping dictated by our

trajectory grouping. Put simply, we minimize the squared distance of the means of
each trajectory pair that we match up from each motion.
We now calculate three optimization terms given our grouping (which stays
the same from here on out) in our multiobjective floating contact optimization,
namely Lvariance ,Lmean , and Lsimilarity . For each trajectory Mi,j we perform prin-
ciple components analysis to find eigenvectors {vi,j,1 , vi,j,2 , vi,j,3 } and eigenvalues
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output

16 Christopher Hazard, Stelian Coros, Nancy Pollard

λi,j,1 , λi,j,2 , λi,j,3 as well as normalized eigenvalues λi,j,1 , λi,j,2 , λi,j,3 where we divide
by the sum of the eigenvalues for the trajectory in question. Now given a trajectory
grouping {g1 , ..., gm } where gi denotes the mapping from trajectories in motion 1
to motion i, we compute the terms:
• Lvariance = i j k λi,j,k
• Lsimilarity =
λ ·λ (v ·v
Ti gj
Pgk P m Pn j,gj (Ti ),m k,gk (Ti ),n2 j,gj (Ti ),m k,gk (Ti ),n
• Lmean = Ti gj gk (aj,gj (Ti ) − ak,gk (Ti ) )

where gk (Ti ) denotes the mapping from trajectory i in motion 1 to its corresponding
trajectory in motion k under our trajectory grouping g. These three additional
optimization terms are added to the linear combination objective function used
for our floating contact optimization, thus our total objective is the sum of the
individual floating objectives plus the coupling terms. Lsimilarity encourages contact
trajectories to take the same shape and is optimal when each trajectory lies along
the same principle component, while Lvariance encourages contact points to remain
close to their mean if possible, and Lmean encourages contacts to be centered in the
same region relative to the palm.
Due to the fact that our coupling terms tend to pull contacts away from the
object to make trajectories more similar, our coupling term can end up making
motions more brittle. To prevent this, we need to add in a measure for robustness
of our motions. One way to do this is to calculate a different set of forces (keeping
contact locations the same) under an additional scenario in which a particular
perturbing force is applied to the object throughout its motion. Though we have
successfully experimented with this approach, it does require that we manually
specify sets of perturbing forces for each motion since no single set of perturbing
forces works in all cases.
Since we want to require as little user input as possible, we instead introduce
an additional contact-wise perturbing force objective and an additional set of op-
timization variables to determine the applied forces in each additional perturbing
scenario. We iterate through each contact point (each of these is considered a dif-
ferent perturbing force scenario) and apply a small perturbing force in the same
direction as the contact force at that point in the unperturbed case: now we re-
calculate the applied force at each of the other contact points (which are included
as additional optimization variables) in order to balance this disturbing force such
that our net force and torque on the object remains unchanged. If we have a total
of N contacts, then we add 3 ∗ (N − 1) additional optimization variables per contact
per keyframe to give us our resulting contact forces for a total additional 3N (N − 1)
variables per keyframe. For each of the N new sets of forces acting on the object,
we calculate Lf rictionCone and Lphysics (equations 4 and 8) and add them to our
objective with the same weighting as in the unperturbed case and normalize the
sum by N + 1. The point-wise perturbing forces encourage placement of opposing
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output

Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 17

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 6: Here we demonstrate several examples of motion combinations passed

through our multi-objective pipeline. Each row shows a single hand design that
has been optimized for three different target motions. We refer the reader to our
accompanying video for the full motions. (a) is optimized for a case in which we want
to rotate a sphere around three orthogonal axes. (b) translation of a capsule along
three orthogonal axes. (c) rotation of several different sized spheres (i.e. multi-scale
sphere rotation). (d) accomplishes three dis-similar tasks, namely sphere rotation,
capsule translation, and rotating and bowing out a capsule. (e) is optimized for the
individual motions comprising our progressive sphere motion sequence from Figure
4: note that this hand requires fewer degrees of freedom since the motions are no
longer required to execute in sequence. Finally (f) shows a capsule rotated around
3 orthogonal axes.

contacts to make motions more robust and the Lphysics and Lf rictionCone calcu-
lated for these perturbing cases encourage contacts to remain active via the contact
invariant weighting ci .
Figure 7 demonstrates the ability of our coupling terms to reduce different trajec-
tories to similar trajectories. In this example, we take five different physically valid
floating motions each created from a separate initial contact seed for the sphere
rotation task. Running these combined motions through our multi-objective float-
ing optimization causes similar contacts between motions to converge to the same
trajectory. This demonstrates that the coupling terms have the potential to remove
unnecessary complexity from the floating contact optimization, thereby simplifying
the synthesis optimization problem.

6. Analysis of Individual Optimization Terms

In this section, we demonstrate the necessity of each group of terms in our opti-
mization framework and show examples of failures caused by the removal of each
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18 Christopher Hazard, Stelian Coros, Nancy Pollard

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 7: (a) We illustrate five different valid floating motions that are capable of
executing the sphere rotation example from earlier. (b) We see the overlaid inde-
pendent trajectories, where contacts from seperate motions have been matched up
on a nearest neighbors criteria (shown with the same color). This is equivalent to
a multi-objective floating contact result in which the trajectory coupling terms in-
troduced in this section are disabled. (c) This is the set of trajectories produced
by the multi-objective optimization with coupling terms enabled. Since the desired
motions are equivalent in this scenario, the contact trajectories for each random
seed end up converging to the same set of trajectories to minimize the coupling

of these terms. While terms such as Ltask and Lphysics in our first and third op-
timization steps are obviously necessary for our pipeline to produce meaningful
physically feasible designs and motions, the effects of several of our optimization
terms are not quite as obvious. Due to the large number of terms in our optimiza-
tion pipeline, we will restrict this discussion to only the non-trivial optimization
terms with non-obvious utility and/or interesting behavior. Figures for each of the
examples discussed in this section are shown in Appendix B.
In the preceding section, we established the need for our coupling terms in
Figure 5. As mentioned earlier, the perturbing forces heuristic helps to give us more
robust motions by counteracting the tendency of our coupling terms to lift contacts
unnecessarily: we present an example of this in Figure 8. In the case where we do
not include perturbing forces, some contacts become inactive during the floating
optimization step. Since contacts are binarized after the floating step, it rare for
the ”whole hand” optimization to re-establish inactive contacts unless they are
absolutely necessary.
The other non-trivial terms we would like to highlight are the Jacobian null
space penalty (equation 22), the friction cone with respect to the hand (30), applied
torque regularization (23), and the contact slippage constraints (28 and 29).
Figure 9 shows that if we remove the Jacobian null space term, our optimization
shows no regard for whether or not the hand can actually provide required forces
for the motion. Figure 10 shows the need for the Lf rictionConeHand term in cases
where minor collision occurs between rigid bodies. If contacting rigid bodies were
always perfectly tangent, Lf rictionConeHand would just duplicate Lf rictionCone , but
this can not be guaranteed since we penalize collision as a soft cost. Figure 12 shows
a case in which the bottom contact point in a capsule translation motion teleports
on the finger due to the lack of a large enough contact surface. Increasing our slip-
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output

Automated Design of Robotic Hands for In-Hand Manipulation Tasks 19

page penalty coefficients causes our finger to change its configuration to provide a
larger surface for the contact to realistically slip on (note that the weight change
is unique to this example for the purposes of demonstration). The torque regular-
ization LtorqueReg term helps the pipeline generate mechanisms that can efficiently
accomplish the task. Figure 11 demonstrates the ability of our optimization to build
mechanisms that require as little joint torque as possible for actuation.

7. Discussion of Pipeline Limitations

There is a disconnect between the floating optimization and synthesis optimization
in our pipeline due to the simple fact that the floating optimization has no con-
cept of what a finger is or how kinematic constraints can limit motion capability.
It is therefore not possible for our system to generate manipulations like finger
gaiting motions or meaningful grasp transitions organically, although we can force
this behavior to occur if we manually set the initial contacts at every frame. This
disconnect is the cause of most of the failure cases we have observed. Sometimes
the floating contact optimization gives a non-collision free trajectory: in general this
can be addressed by providing multiple initial seeds for contacts. Additionally, poor
selection of base location can give awkward looking mechanisms.
In future work, we may try to combine the design optimization with the contact
planner to resolve these issues. Doing so may allow our pipeline to correct for poor
motion planning or design choices made earlier on by the pipeline. Although the final
optimization has the capacity to re-plan contact trajectories, it is not always able
to successfully re-plan a given motion to fix a flawed contact trajectory/mechanism
pair, as demonstrated in Figure 14. We envision a feedback loop in which we it-
eratively design a mechanism and re-plan its motion until we reach a satisfactory
solution. Our pipeline is limited to placing contacts on the distal finger segments,
the palm, and objects in the environment, however a planning/design feedback loop
may allow us to use intermediate finger segments as contact surfaces, allowing us
to model motions like power grasps.
Another important limitation of our pipeline is that we do not explicitly model
rolling constraints on the fingertips. In most cases our choice to not model rolling
does not introduce any noticeable physical infeasibility. In some cases, such as the
sphere rotation motions, feasible rolling behavior seems to emerge anyway due to
our other optimization terms. As Figure 13 demonstrates, our method has difficulty
planning for rolling motions where rolling is the central focus of the particular ma-
nipulation. Our pipeline is able to generate reasonable floating contact trajectories,
but our synthesis step is designed around the premise that a single contact point on
the fingertip should be able to track the contact trajectory matched to that finger
(this is done to make the synthesis optimization tractable). It is therefore up to the
”whole hand” optimization to adjust contact positions between frames to account
for any slipping or rolling that may occur, which is not always possible given the
mechanism design.
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Future work should also improve upon the way we measure and optimize for
robust motions. Although we have observed that sets of manually specified per-
turbing forces can encourage robustness, this solution is not general enough. This
led us to develop our point-wise perturbing force heuristic introduced in Section 5.
This heuristic encourages robust contact placement, however it is not a perfect so-
lution either since it can add unnecessary constraints on contact placement. While
the heuristic is necessary for multi-objective hands to counter the negative effects
of our coupling terms, we do not strictly need it and therefore do not include it in
our single objective examples. Our heuristic tends to make contact points line up
such that they oppose one another, however this can be too restrictive for some of
our more complex single objective motions like our pen drawing motions.

8. Concluding Remarks and Additional Directions for Future

In this work we have presented a methodology for generating task specific manip-
ulators for both single motions and multiple motions. We believe that the pipeline
introduced in this paper can serve as the basis for development of a scalable and in-
creasingly sophisticated design tool that is intuitive, user-friendly, and allows users
to generate designs to suit their particular needs. One of the benefits to our ap-
proach is that our pipeline can be further outfitted with self-contained modules
that can be separately developed before being incorporated into our final pipeline.
A particular module that may prove useful is an automatic linkage designer [29] to
reduce degrees of freedom after the ”whole hand” optimization step.
The main shortcoming of our methodology is that it does not adequately plan
for robustness under environmental uncertainty. Issues with building robust manip-
ulators can possibly be addressed by adding a simulation based optimization to the
end of our pipeline in which we take the trajectory optimization based design and
put it in a physics engine to carry out the intended motion in various scenarios.
Our generated hands are optimized with respect to a single known starting config-
uration as well as known object size and weight. In future work, we plan to design
mechanisms that are robust to sensor noise, variations in object geometry, friction,
mass, etc.

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October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output


Christopher Hazard received his M.S. in Robotics from

Carnegie Mellon University in 2018. He is currently a Robotics
Engineer at the National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC),
which is owned by CMU. His research interests include ma-
chine learning, robotic manipulation, and motion planning.

Nancy Pollard is a Professor in the Robotics Institute and

the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon Uni-
versity. She received her PhD in Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science from the MIT Artificial Intelligence Labo-
ratory in 1994, where she performed research on grasp plan-
ning for articulated robot hands. Before joining CMU, Nancy
was an Assistant Professor and part of the Computer Graph-
ics Group at Brown University. She received the NSF CA-
REER award in 2001 for research on ’Quantifying Humanlike
Enveloping Grasps’ and the Okawa Research Grant in 2006 for
”Studies of Dexterity for Computer Graphics and Robotics.”

Stelian Coros is an Assistant Professor in the Department of

Computer Science at ETH Zurich, where he leads the Com-
putational Robotics Lab (CRL). He is also an Adjunct Pro-
fessor in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
He received his PhD in Computer Science from the Univer-
sity of British Columbia in 2011. His work bridges the fields of
Visual Computing, Robotics and Computational Fabrication.
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output


wphysics 10 wci object 100

wtask 50 wf orceReg .01
wf loatingContactAccel .01 wobjectAccelReg .1
wobjectAngAccelReg 1 wf rictionCone .1
α(f rictionsharpen) 5 wcoupling similarity .25
wcoupling mean 10 wcoupling variance .01

Table 1: Table of common weights for floating contact optimization

9. Appendix A: Implementation Details

Although our optimization has very few parameters for a user to tune, there are
internal weights and other details required to duplicate these results. Weights were
set the same for all examples. We observe that these weights lead to qualitatively
similar motions as long as they are set to within an order of magnitude of the listed
values. Our implementation for each segment of the pipeline is multi-threaded wher-
ever possible. Most examples in the paper completed between 15 and 30 minutes
each through the pipeline from start to finish on a quadcore Intel I7 laptop.

9.1. Floating Contact Optimization

When calculating our objective in the floating contact optimization, we interpolate
between the keyframes and calculate the sum at each time according to a time step
tstep = .1 seconds. Weights for the objective terms are given in Table I. Depending
on the number of steps involved, we set our motions to last between 4 and 12 seconds
for most of our example manipulations (more complex manipulations require longer
time horizons for smooth motions). The number of keyframes we use for a given
motion is dependent upon the number of objective keyframes specified (which is also
a measure of the motion’s complexity): we typically use 1-3 additional keyframes
between each of our objective keyframes, spaced uniformly over time. The object
position component of xO and contact positions rj are interpolated via catmull-rom
splines, object orientations are computed via the exponential map[11], and ẋO are
calculated via finite differences. The contact forces fj are linearly interpolated and
the cj are evaluated as piecewise-constant terms.
In our optimization, we allow for one point contact on each fingertip on our
hand and a single point contact to allow the object to interact with the ground. We
optimize our objective with a standard L-BFGS solver [16].
Except for the Ltask term, we normalize each of our cost terms by the number of
keyframes in our motion. We initialize the object poses in our keyframes by inter-
polating between our objective goal positions and determine contact positions by
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output


keeping the same initial contacts with respect to the objects local frame (i.e. initial
contacts are just translated and rotated with the object). This initialization gives
zero Ltask cost on the first step of the optimization, prompting the optimizer to
focus on solving for the forces and contact positions needed to satisfy the Lphysics
term. The result is that we tend to see an optimization procedure in which Ltask
remains small while the Lphysics term dominates the optimization, eventually lead-
ing to a solution with only slight deviation from the original task objective and low
physics penalty.

9.2. Mechanism Synthesis Continuous Optimization

In our continuous mechanism optimization (whether we are optimizing entire hands
or individual fingers), we apply a three step annealing schedule (shown in Table 2)
in order to deal with errant collisions such that our gradient updates do not be-
come unstable. Our annealing schedule initially assigns a low penalty for collisions,
and gradually increases it to the full value to generate a mechanism that tracks
trajectories as well as possible while avoiding collision.

Variable Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

weeT arget 50 10 50
wcollision .1 5 100
Table 2: Weights for the annealing schedule: we gradually increase the trade off
between end effector tracking and collision to encourage stable gradients
Additionally, to check for collisions between keyframes, we evaluate collision
costs for intermediate poses in which the object position and orientation are splined
between keyframes. We fix the position and orientation of the base to the trajectory
specified by the user: this prevents accomplishing the motion by trivially reorienting
the base while holding a static grasp.

weeT arget varies wcollision varies

wf ingerLengthRegularization .1 wcontactDistSurf ace 1000
wf ingertipAcceleration .001 wjacN ull 1
wtorque .05 wjointLimits 1
wf ingerP ositions 1 wf ingertipM inLength 1

Table 3: Common weights for mechanism synthesis continuous optimization: note

that weeT arget and wcollision vary with the annealing schedule
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output


wci f inger 100 wci f inger slippage 10

wci object 100 wci object slippage 10
wf ingerAcceleration .001 wcollision 100
wtask 50 wphysics 10
wjacN ull 1.0 wtorque .05
wf rictionCone .1 wf rictionConeHand .1
α(f rictionsharpen) 5 wkinematic 1

Table 4: Table of weights for the whole hand optimization: weights for terms not
mentioned above are kept the same as in the floating contact optimization.

9.3. Mechanism Synthesis Discrete Optimization

On a given iteration of our outer loop, we typically optimize 10 different randomly
seeded fingers, generate 5 recombined hands, and limit ourselves to a maximum of 3
joints per finger. In generating our initial seeds for the fingers, we randomly reseed
the finger pose, finger segment lengths, the initial joint angles, joint axes, and the
points at which the fingers connect to the base of the hand as well as the contact
points on the fingertips (expressed in the local coordinate frame of the fingertip).
We propagate the same random initial pose for the finger across all of the keyframes
in our optimization.

9.4. ”Whole Hand” Optimization

A table of common weights is shown in Table 4. Prior to optimization, we reinitialize
each contact location to be the closest point on the object to its assigned fingertip.
By default, the user specified base trajectory is held fixed, however in various ex-
amples where it is appropriate we allow the ”whole hand” step of our optimization
to adjust the base motion. This helps to avoid collision with the ground in several

10. Appendix B: Leave-One-Out Examples and Failure Cases

In this appendix, we present the figures referred to in Sections 6 and 7 of the paper,
in which we discussed the effects of removing each non-trivial term from our pipeline
and discussed several limitations of our existing framework.
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output


Fig. 8: (a) shows the multiobjective sphere rotation, capsule rotation, and translate
motion presented earlier after going through our normal pipeline. In (b), we run
the same example through but without using perturbing forces in our multiobjec-
tive floating optimization. As a result, contacts that are not strictly necessary are
lifted in the floating optimization to increase the coupling similarity, resulting in
unnecessarily brittle motions.

Fig. 9: The above example shows one of the motions comprising the capsule trans-
lation multi-objective example presented in 6 with the Jacobian null space penalty
LjacN ull removed from the pipeline. With this constraint removed, the synthesis
step is content with finding a hand capable of tracking the end effector trajectories
from our floating step for each component motion. As a result, the ”whole hand”
optimization (from which LjacN ull is also removed) produces a motion that allows
the object to unrealistically float up and down with no way for the hand to actuate
the motion.

Fig. 10: As figures (a) and (b) show (on our rotate and bow out single objective
motion), with Lf rictionConeHand removed from our whole hand optimization, even
slight collision between the fingertip and object can cause very unrealistic contact
forces with respect to the fingertip’s frame. Figure (c) shows the same optimization
with Lf rictionConeHand included, indicating that it prevents this type of inconsis-
tency from occurring.
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output


Fig. 11: In (a), we have a scenario in which a single finger in the synthesis stage
must exert an upward force originating from the center of the fingertip. In this
example, we disabled all parameters except joint axis directions and provided a
manually constructed initial design. In (b), we fit our hand to a stationary contact
trajectory: the optimization aligns both axes perpendicular to the exerted force to
balance the torque load on the joints. In (c) and (d) we fit our finger to a motion in
the plane perpendicular to the force, requiring one joint for actuation and one for
movement. In (c) we set our distal joint to be slightly off axis from the direction of
the exerted force while the first joint is set parallel to the force: this configuration
incurs a very high torque penalty and no Jacobian null space penalty. (d) shows
the global optimum design that our optimization finds, in which the distal axis is
perpendicular to the force while the base joint is parallel to it, allowing the hand to
actuate with minimal torque and match the desired trajectory. If LtorqueReg were
excluded from the synthesis step, (c) and (d) would have identical objective values.



Fig. 12: To demonstrate the effectiveness of the slipping constraints

Lci f inger slippage and Lci object slippage in our ”whole hand” optimization we build
on the example shown in part (b) of Figure 8. The bottom contact in the transla-
tion motion (reproduced above as (a)) for this particular example displays a very
large slippage error. The contact point essentially teleports to another location on
the fingertip since there is only a small contact surface available. For demonstration
purposes, in (b) we increased the normal weighting (in Appendix A) of both slippage
terms by one order of magnitude, causing the optimization to find an acceptable
solution with a much lower slippage penalty.
October 31, 2019 15:33 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE output


Fig. 13: In this example, we optimized a hand for the task of rolling capsules of
various sizes around their principle axes. Since we are requiring a single hand design
to accomplish these motions, this is only possible if the pipeline plans for or learns
the rolling behavior. Our pipeline is able to plan reasonable contact trajectories, but
the ”whole hand” optimization is unable to adjust the contact positions to generate
the necessary rolling motion since the mechanism is ill-suited for this type of motion.
This is due to the fact that our mechanism was constructed with the premise that a
single contact point on the fingertip should be responsible for tracking each contact
trajectory. We refer the reader to our accompanying video for the complete motions.

Fig. 14: (a) displays the floating contacts for the acceptable sphere rotation, capsule
rotation and translation motion example, while (b) displays a different version of
this motion obtained via a different set of initial contact points. The contacts in (a)
do not cause the attached fingers to self-collide, while it is impossible to construct
fingers to follow the trajectories in (b) without self collision. (c) displays the non-
colliding example, while (d) displays the colliding example after the ”whole hand”
optimization stage. The ”whole hand” planner was unable to find an alternate
solution in (d) with the mechanism given to it that did not involve finger collision,
and as a result the solution it found involves the fingers passing through one another.

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