Skill-Based Bimanual Manipulation Planning: Wojciech Szynkiewicz

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Skill-Based Bimanual
Manipulation Planning
Wojciech Szynkiewicz
Institute of Control and Computation Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

AbstractThe paper focuses on specification and utilization

of manipulation skills to facilitate programming of bimanual
manipulation tasks. Manipulation skills are actions to reach
predefined goals. They constitute an interface between lowlevel constraint-based task specification and high level symbolic task planning. The task of the robot can be decomposed
into subtasks that can be resolved using manipulation skills.
Rubiks cube solving problem is presented as an example of
a 3D manipulation task using two-arm robot system with diverse sensors such as vision, force/torque, tactile sensors.
Keywordsbimanual manipulation planning, manipulation
skills, robot programming.

1. Introduction
Robots employed in human-centered environments have to
be equipped with manipulative, perceptive and communicative capabilities necessary for real-time interaction with
the environment and humans. Up to now, robot systems
have been only able to deal with the high complexity and
the wide variability of everyday surroundings to a limited
extent. In this paper we are focused on planning dualarm/hand manipulation tasks for service robots working in
such environments.
In our everyday lives we perform many operations in which
our two hands cooperate to manipulate diverse objects. The
goal of our research is to understand the nature of twohanded cooperative manipulation and enhancing the manipulative skills of the dual-arm robot. Two cooperative
hands, if properly utilized, are capable of grasping and manipulating a much larger class of objects, including long,
exible, irregularly shaped, or complex objects (e.g., with
internal degrees of freedom).
Object manipulation tasks typically involve a series of
action stages in which objects are recognized, grasped,
moved, brought into contact with other objects and released.
These stages are usually bound by mechanical events that
are subgoals of the task. These events involve the making
and breaking of contact between either the hands and the
grasped object or the object held in hand and another object or surface. Importantly, these contact events usually
produce discrete and distinct sensory events. To simplify
a solution of the overall problem, we usually tend to divide
the task into a sequence of clearly separated subtasks, each
of which accomplishes a specic subgoal. In this case,
a task planning focuses on deciding what operations will
be needed to execute a particular manipulation task, and

in what order the operations should be performed. The

operations are considered at an abstract level, i.e., sensory
operations, gross and ne motion operations, grasping and
releasing operations. In terms of representation, it denotes
the smallest entity which is used for describing an action.
Many studies have been devoted to single-handed manipulation, for overview see [1]. Recently, a bimanual manipulation has also attracted more attention, especially in
unstructured environments (see for example [2][7]). Also,
the literature pertaining to the analysis of bimanual operations performed by humans is quite extensive, especially
in the eld of a human-computer interaction, e.g., [8]. Although many solutions for single-handed manipulation can
be easily adopted for bimanual manipulation, the whole
potential of two cooperative hands cannot be fully utilized
without a deeper understanding of their unique characteristics. In general, two-handed manipulation can be classied
into uncoordinated and coordinated tasks [8]. The latter
can be further subdivided into symmetric and asymmetric
In this paper we focus on specication and utilization of
manipulation skills to facilitate programming of bimanual
manipulation tasks. The proposed method uses a hierarchical approach for the decomposition of manipulation skills.
Manipulation skills are compositions of basic robot operations to reach some predened goals. They can serve as
an interface between low-level geometric task specication
and high level symbolic task planning. If the skills are welldened and robust, then manipulation planning is simplied
because is performed in the space of skills rather than in
the high dimensional conguration/operational space. The
task of the robot can be approximated by a set of parameterized manipulation skills. The approach presented in
this paper focuses on tasks, rather than motions, and uses
manual programming rather than learning techniques to determine the set of manipulation skills. It should be noted
that the concept of using skills to create complex actions
is a well-studied topic covering many areas, thus, only its
applicability to robot manipulation, especially two-handed
manipulation is discussed. In our approach, each individual skill is represented as a hybrid nite state automaton
in which each state runs one basic operation, and each
violation of a operation can give rise a transition. Each
transition is the outcome of the basic operation. Skills can
have a set of parameters, which can be used to adapt each
skill to a particular use case. Skills are the components
of the intermediate level between symbolic and geometric
levels. In this paper we focus on solving the coordinated

Skill-Based Bimanual Manipulation Planning

bimanual tasks, and we propose the solution of the Rubiks

cube manipulation as an example of such a task. To implement dual-arm manipulation utilizing vision and force
sensing, the MRROC++ robot programming framework is
used [9], [10].
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 an overview
of most representative manipulation planning approaches
is given. Section 3 describes the hierarchical representation of manipulation tasks. In Section 4 Rubiks cube
problem solving is discussed as an example of two-handed

2. Related Work
Manipulation planning is an extension to the classical robot
motion planning problem. The robot is able to interact with
its environment by manipulating movable objects, while it
has to avoid self-collisions or collisions with obstacles. Traditionally, manipulation planning concerns the automatic
generation of the sequence of robot motions allowing to
manipulate movable objects among obstacles. Existing research in manipulation planning has focused mainly on
the geometric aspects of the task, while greatly simplifying the issues of grasping, stability, friction, and uncertainty [4], [11]. Symbolic planning algorithms have typically assumed perfect models of both the environment and
the robot, not only at an abstract level but at every level
of control. This is a quite reasonable assumption in wellstructured and fully controlled environments. However, in
everyday environments this is not often the case, which
makes that most of the proposed theoretical solutions are
not directly applicable. The real world does not behave as
expected, and in fact it does not behave predictably.
Most of the research in manipulation planning deals with
the creation of the manipulation graph and extraction of
a manipulation path from this graph [12][15]. The concept of a manipulation graph was introduced by Alami et
al. [12] for the case of one robot and several movable objects manipulated with discrete grasps and placements. In
this case, the nodes of the graph represent discrete congurations and the edges correspond to robot motions moving
the grasped object (transfer path), or leaving it at rest to get
to another grasp position (transit path). A solution to the
manipulation planning problem is now given by a manipulation path in this graph. This path is solved using PRM
(Probabilistic Roadmap Method) planners [13], [14].
In most of the existing algorithms it is assumed that a nite set of stable placements and of possible grasps of the
movable object are given in the denition of the problem
(e.g., [12], [13]). Consequently, a part of the manipulation task decomposition is thus done by the user since the
initial knowledge provided with these nite sets has to contain the grasps, and the intermediate placements required
to solve the problem. In [14] the authors proposed a general manipulation planning approach capable of addressing
continuous sets for modeling, both the possible grasps and
the stable placements of the movable object. The nodes of

the manipulation graph (i.e., the places where the connections between the feasible transit and transfer paths have
to be searched) correspond to a set of sub-manifolds of
the composite conguration space, as opposed to discrete
congurations. Cambon et al. [15] proposed a specialized integration of a symbolic task planning and geometric
motion, and manipulation planning. They extended classical action planning formalism based on a STRIPS-like
description where manipulation planning problems in conguration space are introduced.
One of the most intuitive ways to acquire new task knowledge is to learn it from the human user via demonstration
and interaction. This approach to task learning is known
as Programming by Demonstration (PbD) [2]. It is one of
the most often used programming paradigms of two-arm
manipulation for humanoid robots [7]. PbD systems generally try to decompose the observed task execution of the
human demonstrator into a sequence of tasks that are performable by the robot. Typically, tasks are recorded from
human demonstrations, segmented, interpreted and stored
using some data representation. Several programming systems and approaches based on human demonstrations have
been proposed during the last years, e.g., [2], [3].
In [16] an architecture which uses primitive skills that combine to form a skill, which in turn form a complete task
is presented. Each primitive skill is selected by heuristic
selection out of many possible primitive skills, based on
the sensor signals. A neural network is used to detect the
change between the skills. Each primitive skill is executed
by a separate controller.

3. Manipulation Planning
Manipulation planning is a very challenging problem in
robotics research as it consists of a number of subproblems
that themselves are still open issues and subject to ongoing
research. Typical manipulation tasks accomplish relative
motions and/or dynamic interactions between various objects. Typically, manipulation planning involves motion and
grasp planning. The most eective robot motion planning
strategies today are built upon sampling-based techniques,
including the PRM [13] and Rapidly-exploring Randomized Trees [17], and their variants. Robot motion planning
can also be viewed as an optimization problem that aims
to minimize a given objective function [5], [11]. To solve
such a problem in ecient way appropriate tools have to be
used, e.g., [18]. Grasp planning is also an area of intensive
research [19].
Several basic components of manipulation task can be distinguished (Fig. 1).
Using intended subgoals as a criterion, three dierent
classes of manipulation tasks can be distinguished [20].
1. Transport operations: the simplest class of robot manipulation. This kind of task can be easily distinguishably by the change of the external state (pose)
of the manipulated object. Various types of transport

Wojciech Szynkiewicz

Fig. 1. Components of the manipulation task.

tasks such as pick-and-place or fetch-and-carry are

a component part of almost all manipulation operations. Accordingly, the trajectory of the manipulated
object has to be considered and modeled in transport
actions models.
2. Object handling: a more specialized class of manipulation tasks deals with changing the internal state of
objects without inuencing other objects (like opening doors, pushing a button, manipulating the Rubiks
cube, etc.). This class of tasks consists of every task
changing an internal state of an object without manipulating another object. In the object-handling tasks,
transition actions changing an internal state have to
be modeled. Moreover, the object models need to
incorporate an adequate description of their internal
3. Tool handling: the most typical characteristic for this
type of actions is the interaction between two objects,
usually a tool and a workpiece. Interaction is related
to the functional role of objects used or the correlation between the functional roles of all objects included in the manipulation, respectively. The object
model thus should contain a model of the possible interaction modalities or functional roles the object can
take. According to dierent modalities of interaction,
considering contacts, movements, etc., a diversity of
handling methods has to be modeled.

is a function to be performed. Manipulation Skill (MS) is

a pattern of activity which describes an ability that achieves
or maintains a particular goal. A manipulation skill can be
dened as an abstraction of a set of basic skills that follow
the same control strategy. Basic Skill (BS) is an action
that abstract a sensory-motor coupling such as skill motion
types (e.g., motion trajectory generators), concrete grasping
and releasing strategies, direct and inverse kinematics for
the specic robots, etc. The set of the BS serves as an
application programming interface. The task of the robot
can be represented by a set of parameterized manipulation
skills. Therefore the overall planning and control system
has a layered hierarchical structure as shown in Fig. 2. It
should be noted that hierarchy can exist at all layers. Task is
the highest level of abstraction, representing a semantically
meaningful task such a solving scrambled Rubiks cube.
The task consists of a sequence of MSs, which represent
subtasks, such as turning a single face of the Rubiks cube.
Skills consist of basic skills or primitive actions which are
the lowest level of control in the proposed architecture.
Each BS is implemented using a single low-level controller,
Control Program (CP) which is responsible for the control
of robot hardware.

We consider a manipulation task to be an activity involving

the composition and coordination of an existing set of manipulative skills in order to accomplish a given set of goals.
Two representations of robot manipulation skills/tasks can
be distinguished symbolic and non-symbolic.
3.1. Manipulation Skills
We make a crucial distinction between tasks, manipulation
skills and basic skills or primitive actions in this work. Task

Fig. 2. Planning and control three-layered structure.

Skill-Based Bimanual Manipulation Planning

To model MS we use a hybrid automaton. A hybrid automaton is a dynamical system that describes the evolution
in time of the valuations of a set of discrete and continuous
variables. A hybrid automaton H [21], [22] is a collection
H = (Q, X, f , Init, D, E, G, R), where
Q is a set of discrete states;
X = Rn is a nite set of continuous states;
f (, ) : Q X Rn is a vector eld;
Init Q X is a set of initial states;
Dom() : Q 2X is a domain;
E Q Q is a set of edges (events);
G() : E 2X is a guard condition;
R(, ) : E X 2X is a reset map (relation).
Each state of the automaton has its own low-level controllers and transitions to other states. The proper selection
of the set of manipulation skills is a critical step in our
approach. The following manipulation skills have been dened to solve the Rubiks cube problem: Localize, Reach,
Turn, Grasp, Release.
Localize robotic manipulation of an object requires that
this object must be detected and located rst. If vision is
used as the robots primary source of information about
the environment, the object of interest must be identied
in the image and subsequently localized in 3D space. Generally, in cluttered environments, detecting a certain object is not an easy problem. Recognition and localization of a known object in the image is based on matching its certain previously dened features such as: shapes,
sizes, colors, texture, etc. The choice of features and the
matching algorithm is arbitrary and it depends primarily
on the specication of the object and it will not be discussed here. This task becomes much more dicult if we
want not only to localize the object in the scene (2D localization), but also to nd its 3D pose (6D localization) in
relation to the camera frame or to the world frame. Typical
method used for 6D object localization is to calculate the
pose based on the correspondence between 3D model and
image coordinates from camera image. Most of the works
on grasping and manipulation planning have assumed the
existence of a database with 3D models of objects encountered in the robot surroundings and a 3D model of the robot
itself [2], [9].
Reach for reaching an object the Reach skill uses motion
planning to compute a collision-free trajectory for moving
the robot arm from its current pose to one that allows grasping of a specied object with a hand. If both arms are free,
then Reach can employ each of the arm to move to the
vicinity of the object. If one arm is currently grasping an
object, Reach can be used for the other arm to prepare for
grasping. Reach skill requires closed-loop execution to permit interaction with the environment. We utilize a position

based, end-eector open loop visual servo with stand-alone

camera to perform reaching operation [23].
Grasp this skill is used for grasping objects for manipulation. Grasps are a special subset of manipulation skills
that aimed at constraining the mobility of the object. Grasp
should allow to perform dierent types of grasps depending on the hand structure. The parameters of the Grasp
skill are: grasp type, grasp starting point, approaching direction, hand orientation. Grasp type determines the grasp
execution control, namely, the hand preshape posture, the
way the hand approaches the objects, the hand control strategy. For approaching the object, the hand is positioned at
point in the vicinity of the object. The approaching line is
determined by the grasp starting point and the approaching
Turn this skill is equivalent to Reach with an object or tool
grasped as the end-eector, rather than the hand. Given
an object grasped by the robot one hand or two hands,
Transfer skill utilize motion planning to move the robot to
conguration such that the object is at target pose. Transfer,
like Reach requires closed-loop execution.
Release this skill performs an action opposite to the
Grasp, it simply release the object in the current conguration.

4. An Example of Two-Handed
As an example of the task for two-handed manipulation we
chose the manipulation of Rubiks cube puzzle. We used
a Rubiks cube as an object to be identied, localized and
manipulated. Rubiks cube combinatorial puzzle was invented by Erno Rubik of Hungary in 1974. The standard
3 3 3 version of the Rubiks cube consists of 27 subcubes, or cubies, with dierent colored stickers on each of
the exposed sides of the sub-cubes. In its goal state each of
the six faces has its own color. The total state space for solving a scrambled Rubiks cube is sized at (381 8!) (2121
12!)/2 = 43, 252, 003, 274, 489, 856, 000 4.3 1019. Obviously, this number of states is prohibitively large for any
sort of a brute force search technique, which is why specialized algorithms are needed to solve the Rubiks cube
puzzle. However, the presentation of the algorithms for
recognizing and solving Rubiks cube are not discussed in
this paper, some information about these algorithms can be
found in [9].
In this particular case we are interested in a coordinated manipulation in which both hands are manipulating the same
object, thus creating a closed kinematic chain [5]. This
task was chosen as it closely resembles the tasks that service robots have to execute. The process of manipulation
of the Rubiks cube involves all aspects of visual serving
to the vicinity of the cube, alignment of robot arms with
the cube, grasping it with the grippers, and nally rotating
the adequate face of the cube. The last three actions are
repeated as many times as the number of moves is required
to solve the scrambled cube. Here, we assume that from the

Wojciech Szynkiewicz

high-level task planning system, i.e., Rubiks cube solver,

a sequence of the turns of the faces is obtained. The goal is
to plan a proper sequence of hand movements and grasping
actions for both arms.
4.1. Problem Formulation
The task of solving Rubiks cube needs several sensor-based
operations such as:
recognizing the cube in the image and localizing it
in the robot workspace Localize skill,
approaching the cube while avoiding collisions by
using visual information Reach,
grasping the cube using force/torque measurements
for stiness control and eye-in-hand and tactile sensors mounted in the jaws Grasp,
re-grasping the cube in order to identify the cubes
initial state Grasp Release sequence,
turning the faces of the cube while avoiding jamming using information from force/torque sensor for
implementing interaction control Grasp Turn
Release sequence performed n times, where n is the
number of moves required to solve the cube.
To support the programmer with task specication, object
frames and feature frames are introduced, as well as suitable local coordinates to express the relative pose between
these frames. Figure 3 presents the geometrical structure
of the two-arm manipulation system, and coordinate frames
Fi attached to the appropriate components of the system together with the distribution of sensors.

To describe the task for each hand two feature frames

Ffi , i = 1, 2 are introduced, as shown in Fig. 3. These frames
are used to plan manipulation skills such as approach trajectories for both hands, grasp and release operations, and
hand movements to turn the cube faces.
The 4 4 matrix ij T is a homogenous transformation matrix
j T SE(3) (where SE(3) is a special Euclidean group of
a rigid body motions in R3 [24]) is a linear operator used
in a mapping between the appropriate coordinate frames.
Matrix ij T may be interpreted as the representation of the
pose of the frame Fj w.r.t. frame Fi . Left-hand superscript
is omitted (i.e., j T ) when the reference frame is evident
from the context, e.g., it is the world frame Fw .
Pre-computed sequence of turns of the faces can be described in the Fo coordinate frame as a sequence of rotations about unit vectors x o , y o , z o of its axes:

R(uu, ) = Rot(uu, ),


where u = x o , y o or z o , and = 2 , , 2 or .
The desired grasp congurations w.r.t. coordinate frame Fo
are described by the following matrices:

o T

to grasp a single slice,

f2 T

to grasp two slices simultaneously.

Locations of the possible contact regions on the cube are

imposed by the specic shape of the gripper jaws. The
shape of each of the jaws of the gripper matches the form
of the corner of the cube. The cube is being grasped diagonally in such a way that either one or two layers are
immobilized, where the corner pieces of one layer dene
the diagonal.
Now, we have to plan such a sequence of admissible grasps
(of1 T, of2 T ) that enable each single turn of the face without
f2 T = o T f2 T
f1 T = o T f1 T ;
The conditions of grasp feasibility are as follows:
f1 T

= b1 T be11 T (qq1 ) eo1 T of1 T ;

f2 T

= b2 T be22 T (qq2 ) eo2 T of2 T,


or equivalently
= b1 T be11 T (qq1 ) eo1 T of2 T,
where bi T, i = 1, 2 is the homogenous transformation matrix from the world frame Fw to the robot base coordinate
frame Fbi . Matrix beii T (qqi ), i = 1, 2 represents direct kinematics of the robot arm i, and q i is the vector of joint
coordinates of the arm i.
In this case grasp stability conditions are of a geometric
nature and grasp synthesis is reduced to the choice of four
contact regions on the cube (two for each gripper) from the
given set of contacts and computing desired poses of both
grippers, i.e., e1 T and e2 T which guarantee rm grasps. In
fact, grasp synthesis comes down to the proper positioning of the grippers. Therefore grasp congurations can be
described in the operational space as well as in the joint
f1 T

Fig. 3.

Coordinate frames attached to the two-handed robotic

Coordinate frames Fei , i = 1, 2 are attached to the grippers

and sensor frames Fsi and Fci attached to the force sensors
and to the eye-in-hand cameras, respectively. Given the
view of the scene, the robot should be able to recognize
the cube and localize it in the robot workspace. As a result
of the visual localization, the position and orientation of
the object frame Fo attached to the cube with respect to
(w.r.t) world frame Fw is computed (as described earlier).

= b2 T be22 T (qq2 ) eo2 T of1 T ;

f2 T

Skill-Based Bimanual Manipulation Planning

When both grippers rmly hold the cube the closed kinematic chain is established. Now the motion planning problem is complicated by the need to maintain the closed loop
structure, described by the loop closure constraint.
q1 ) eo1 T ( ) bb1 T be22 T (qq2 ) eo2 T
e1 T (q



However, in our case, the motion of the closed chain linkage can be described in the Fo coordinate frame as a single rotation about its axes (i.e., the elementary turn of
the cubes face). For the frame Fo chosen as it is shown
in Fig. 3 these moves are rotations around its axes described in (1).
These moves can be easily transformed to the motions of
the grippers. However, due to kinematic calibration errors,
the two robot arms cannot be position controlled while executing the turns. This would cause excessive build-up of
force in a rigid closed kinematic chain due to small misalignments. Therefore at this stage the motions have to be
executed in position-force control mode.
4.2. Implementation of the Two-Handed Manipulation in
the MRROC++ Framework
The control system of the two-handed system equipped with
special end-eectors, each composed of an electric gripper and diverse sensors, was implemented by using the
MRROC++ 1 robot programming framework.
MRROC++ is a robot programming framework, thus it provides a library of software modules (i.e., classes, objects,
processes, threads and procedures) and design patterns according to which any multi-robot system controller can be
constructed. This set of ready made modules can be extended by the user by coding extra modules in C++ [9],
[23], [25]. MRROC++ based controllers have a hierarchic
structure composed of processes (Fig. 4) (some of them
consisting of threads) supervised by the QNX Neutrino real
time operating system. The underlying software is written
in C++.
From the point of view of the executed task MP is the
coordinator of all eectors present in the system. It is responsible for trajectory generation in multi-eector systems
where the eectors cooperate tightly as is the case in
the presented system. The manipulation planning system
contained in the MP transforms the solution obtained from
Rubiks cube solver into a proper sequence of manipulation skills. In the MRROC++ framework these skills are implemented as motion generators, which are used by the
Move instructions. Therefore the MP is responsible both
for producing the plan of the motions of the faces of the
cube and subsequently the trajectory generation for both
manipulators. This trajectory can be treated as a crude
reference trajectory for both arms. At a later stage this
trajectory is modied by taking into account the force
1 The name is derived from the fact that this programming framework
is the basis for the design of Multi-Robot Research-Oriented Controllers
and that the underlaying software is coded in C++.

Fig. 4. MRROC++ based controller for the two-arm system.

Each eector has two processes controlling it: Eector

Control Process ECP and Eector Driver Process EDP.
The rst one is responsible for the execution of the users
task dedicated to this eector (in our case the task is dened by the MP it is dened by the reference trajectory
that is to be executed by the manipulator), and the other one
for direct control of this eector. The EDP is responsible
for direct and inverse kinematics computations, as well as
for both position and force servo-control.
4.3. Experiments
The overall experimental setup consists of two 6 degree
of freedom (dof) modied IRp-6 robot arms, each with
a parallel jaw gripper Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Sensors used to locate and manipulate the Rubiks cube.


Wojciech Szynkiewicz

Fig. 6. Measured force and torque components while manipulating the Rubiks cube.

Each jaw was instrumented with tactile sensors which detect the presence of contacts with the grasped object. Moreover, each hand was equipped with a wrist-mounted sixaxis force-torque sensor, and an eye-in-hand miniature CCD
color camera [9]. Additionally, a global vision system with
xed-mount color camera and Digital Video Processor for
fast image acquisition and realtime processing of the incoming data was used.
During the task execution either pure position control or
positionforce control is used, depending on the current
task execution stage. Typically, these execution stages are
position controlled in which there in no simultaneous con60

tact between the two end-eectors and the cube, or between

one of the end-eectors and the cube held by the operator.
The stages, where such contact is present or expected to
occur, are positionforce controlled.
Cube grasping starts with one of the manipulators initiating
the closing of the gripper jaws to catch the cube already
held by the other manipulator or the operator. The manipulator currently holding the cube is commanded to keep the
current position, hence it is position controlled. Figure 6
presents the force and torque plots for three stages of manipulation for the second manipulator, which is currently

Skill-Based Bimanual Manipulation Planning

Force/torque (F/T) sensors provide information about the

magnitude and direction of the forces and torques that appear when the robot arms and the object are in contact.
Free motion can be observed in the rst phase (reaching
the object), this stage occurs when one of the manipulators is currently holding the cube and the second one is
approaching to gain a direct contact with the other side
of the cube. Then, after the contact, grasping phase begins. The visible oscillations occur due to arms and Rubiks cube compliance. Once the cube is grasped rmly
the torque stabilizes (Fig. 6). The rapid change in torque
appears when the rotation of the cube face is initiated
(turn phase), because initially the rotated face was jammed this can be seen from the plot. In the release phase
the gripper is opened, and the closed kinematic chain is

5. Conclusion
In this paper, a framework for the description of twoarm/hand manipulation task based on the denition of a priori specied manipulation skills was proposed. The whole
task was decomposed into a set of subtask each of which
is resolved by a set of manipulation skills. To manage
the task or environment variations the skills were parameterized. The parameters are generally related to the task
variations, such as: type of a motion, grasping rule, an
initial and nal points, etc. Rubiks cube solving problem
was used as a 3D manipulation task using two-arm robot
system with diverse sensors such as vision, force/torque,
tactile sensors. The manipulation task was implemented in
the MRROC++ framework.

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Wojciech Szynkiewicz

Wojciech Szynkiewicz received Ph.D. degree in Robotics

in 1996 from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).
He is an Assistant Professor
employed in the Institute of
Control and Computation Engineering of WUT. From 1999
to 2003, he was the Deputy
Director and Secretary to the
Scientic Council of the Research Center for Automation and Information-Decision


Technology-CATID. His research activities concentrate on

multi-robot/multi-agent systems, motion planning, autonomous mobile robots, robot controller structures, and
real-time and distributed systems. He works on sensorbased motion planning and control algorithms for multirobot systems, including service, personal and mobile
E-mail: [email protected]
Institute of Control and Computation Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology
Nowowiejska st 15/19
00665 Warsaw, Poland

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