CST401 Artificial Intelligence, May 2024
CST401 Artificial Intelligence, May 2024
CST401 Artificial Intelligence, May 2024
: Name:
APJ AB Dur KAr,fftoFfEfiRld?881"* ,""" -gG:
Answer oII questions, each carries 3 mtrhs. Marks
I Explain the structure of an agent. (3)
2 Define artificial intelligence. (3)
3 Describe the difference between admissible heuristic and consistent heuristic (3)
with the help of an example.
4 List the differences between tree search algorithm and graph search algorithm. (3)
5 How can you use arc consistency to reduce domain size? Explain with an (3)
6 How do you formally define agame? (3)
7 Find a most general unifier for the set W: {P(a, x, f (g(y))), P(z,f (z), f (u))} (3)
8 Define horn clause and definite clause (3)
9 generalization?
What is overfitting and underfitting? How does it affect (3)
l0 How do you choose and evaluate the best hypothesis? (3)
Answer any onefull questionfrom each module, eoch corries 11 marhs.
Module I
I I a) Explain the various type of agents. (8)
b) Explain the task environment PEAS for the following agents (6)
a) Robots play soccer
b) Netflix on-line recommendation system
c) Expert system for medical diagnosis
12 a) Explain the various task environment types with examples. (8)
b) Llesign a rational vacuum cleaner agent. Describe a rational agent function for (6)
the case in which each movement costs one point.
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Module II
13 a) For the following figurg S is the start state, G is the goal state. Show the order in (e)
which nodes are explored, solution path and path cost for uniform cost search.
Give an algorithm for uniform cost search.
'I b) Explain the algorithm for depth limited search with an example. (5)
l4 a) For the following figure S is the start state and G is the goal state. Show the order (e)
in which nodes are explored, solution path and path cost for A* algorithm.
Explain the A* algorithm. [in case of tie use lexicographic order]
b) Explain th.e algorithm for iterative deepening search with an example. (5)
Module III
15 a) Explain Alpha-Beta Pruning. Perform alpha beta pruning on the minimax tree (e)
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b) Formulate the following problem as a CSP. Class scheduling: There is a fixed (5)
number of professors and classrooms, a list of classes to be offered, and a list of
possible time slots for clasqps. Each professor has a set of classes that he or she
can teach
16 a) Explain Back Tracking Search in CSPs with the help of an example. (7)
b) Explain Minimax algorithm. Use the Minimax algorithm to compute the (7)
minimax value at each node for the game tree below
Module [V
l7 a) Explain how backward chaining can be used for inference in First order Logic? (S)
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b) What is a quantifier in First Order Logic? Differentiate between the two types (6)
of quantifiers, giving examples for each.
l8 a) Considerthe following statements: (S)
a propositional logic statement to CNF. Convert (P
- Q) - (Q + R) + (P +
R) to CNF using these rules.
Module V
19 a) Explain Decision Tree Leaming Algorithm with the help ofan example. (8)
b) List and explain the different typ€s of learning. (6)
20 a) Explain Multivariate linear regression in detail. (8)
b) Explain, with the help of an example, how i4portant attributes are selected in a (6)
Decision Tree:
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