Advent Celebration

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4714 Pilar, Sorsogon

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Advent means “coming” or “amival”. Advent also is a time of waiting. We wait expectantly and joyfully
for Christmas. The season gives us the opportunity to reflect on the way we live while waiting. During
advent season we not only remember Jesus’ first coming into our world at His birth, but we also
celebrate His daily coming into our hearts now and anticipate His future coming at the end of time.

Today, as we start our celebration of Advent, we have the blessing of the Advent Wreath.Then,

Light advent candle in thanksgiving to God for the revelation of Jesus Christ to us and to renew our
awareness that we are, in twenty-five short days to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. Who has
set us free?



Lord Jesus Christ, You are our Savior, the True Light that has come into our world. At the beginning of this
Advent season, we ask You to bless this Advent Wreath which we honor as a remembrance of Your first
coming at Bethlehem, your coming among us in grace, and your final coming in glory.

Strengthen our hearts with the example of your love that we may receive You with joy and gladness on
the day of our redemption when You will come to reign as Universal King forever and ever. Amen.


Father, all powerful Lord of Light, bless (+) our Advent Wreath with its candles. May our Advent be a time
of preparation. Help us reflect on the power of light to dispel darkness in our world and in our lives.
Touch our hearts with the warmth of your love. May the increasing light of these candles brighten our
minds and hearts to be steadfast in faith, joyful in hope and untiring in love, so that we are ready, again
to receive in true peace, Jesus, the Light of the World, our Lord and Savior.



(Then the Advent Wreath is sprinkled with Holy Water)


(The person assigned lights the first candle)

The first candle called the Prophets Candle is being lighted; this is to remind us of the Old

Testament prophecies about the Messiah.





Lord Jesus, You are the Light of the world, come that we may have life in its fullness.


Come and let Your light shine forth in our lives.

Response: Come and let Your light shine forth in our lives.


Lord, Jesus, You are the Flower from the root of Jesse, the sign of salvation for all.Lord Jesus, You were
heralded by all the prophets as the One who would save the people from their sins.

Response: Come and let Your light shine forth in our lives.



Father in heaven, our hearts desire the warmth of Your love and our minds are searching fol the light of
Your Son. Increase our longing for Christ our savior and increase our strength’of will for doing good that
the day of His coming may find us rejoicing in his presence where He lives and reigns with You in the Holy
spirit, one God forever and ever.



IX. Closing Song:



Advent is the first season of the liturgical year. It is intended to prepare the faithful for the solemnit)y of
Christmas, just as Lent prepares them for Easter. During advent season, we commemorate the
expectation of the people of israel and the whole of mankind for the coming of the Messiah, the
Universal savior promised by God through the prophets.

Advent then, is not so much to prepare Christmas lanters, send greetings and exchange gifts. All these
things are good, but not essential. They are meant to be a sign of a much deeper and more important
reality; our preparation to receive Christ in our lives, both as individual and as community Advent
therefore, is first and foremost as opportunity for us to renew our awareness that we stand in need of
salvation and that only Jesus Christ can bring us such salvation.

II. Opening song:

III. Opening Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You are our Savior, the True Light that has come into our world. At the beginning of this
Advent season, we ask You to bless this Advent Wreath which we honor as a remembrance of Your first
coming at Bethlehem, your coming among us in grace, and your final coming in glory.

Strengthen our hearts with the example of your love that we may receive You with joy and gladness on
the day of our redemption when You will come to reign as Universal King forever and ever. Amen

IV. Lighting of the candle on the Advent Wreath

(The person assigned lights the second Candle)

The second candie called the”Bethlehem’s Candle” is being lighted; this is to remind us of the place of

The birth’of the Messiah.

Reading of the Scripture passage and a Short Reflection

VI. Intercession:


Lord Jesus, You are the savior of israel, Emmanuel, the God who is with us.

Response: Come and lead us to share Your gift of peace.

Leader: Lord, Jesus. You are the One who fulfilled the promise of Micah that out of Bethlehem

Response: Come and lead us to share Your gift of peace.

Leader: Lord Jesus, You are the One who leads the faithful remnants of Israel to the futfliliment

Of the promise.

Response: Come and lead us to share Your gift of peace.

VII. Closing Prayer:

God of power and mercy, open our hearts in welcome. Remove the things that hinder us from receiving
Christ. May the darkness not blind us to the vision of wisdom which fills the minds of those who find
Him, Jesus Christ Your Son, who lives with You and the Holy Spirit as one God forever and ever.



Closing Song:



Today we celebrate the third week of Advent. It is also called: A JOYOUS DAY IN ADVENT Today, let us
rejoice for the Lord is near and he is in our midst. How can the Lord be near and in our midst at the same
time? Christ is in us, among us, because we are the members of His body. But he is also near because we
are expecting a new, more glorious manifestation. He is in our midst in the Holy mysteries. He is near
because the life of the Christian invites a continual revelation of Divine Wisdom and waiting of His
second coming. He is near in as much as we are still in the season of Advent preparation. He is in our
midst in as much as He daily comes to us in the Eucharist.

II. Opening Song:

II. Opening Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You are our savior, the True Light, who has come into our world. In this advent season,
we ask you to bless all who gather around this wreath, which we honor as a femembrance of Your first
coming at Bethlehem, Your coming now amongst us in grace, and Your final coming in glory. Fill us with
Your grace, hope and peace. Strengthen our hearts with the example of Your love that we may receive
You with joy and gladness on the day of our redemption, when You will come to reign as Universal King,
forever and ever.

IV. Lighting of the candle on the Advent Wreath

(The person assigned lights the third candle)

The third candle called the Shepherds’ Canale is being lighted. The rose color of the candle or ribbon
matches the color of the vestments of the day that has its theme the joy we share in the life of the Lord

V. Reading of the Scripture Passage and a Short reflection

VI. Intercession


Lord Jesus, You are the God Shepherd, who lays down His life for his sheep

Response: Come and lead us to the eternal life You promise


Lord, Jesus, You are the Good shepherd who knows His flock and calls each one by name.

Response: Come and lead us to the eternal life You promise.

Leader: Lord Jesus, You are the God Shepherd ready to search out and look for the lost sheep.

Response: Come and lead us to the eternal life You promise.


Closing Prayer:

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the whole world rejoices in hope in this time of the Savior’s coming.
Prepare our hearts for the joy of His presence with us and remove the blindness that hinders our seeing
Him as savior.’ As we prepare for the feast of Christmas, may we rejoice in His presence and come to the
eternal life with You and the

As One God forever and ever.

Holy spirit where you live and reign



XI. Closing Song



Welcome to the Fourth week of Advent Wreath Celebration.

This last Sunday before Christmas is not too soon to recognize that the Christmas we celebrates only the
beginning not only of the twelve days of Christmas which we celebrated in many lands,but lastly more
important of a whole new era in human history.

Opening Song:

Pening Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You are our savior, the True Light, who has come into our world. In this advent Season,
we ask you to bless all who gather around this wreath, which we honor as a remembrance of Your first
coming at Bethlehem, Your coming now amongst us in grace, and Your final coming in glory Fill us with
Your grace, hope and peace. Strengthen our hearts with the example of Your love that we may receive
You with joy and gladness on the day of our redemption, when You will come to reign as Universal King,
forever and ever.

IV: Lighting of the candle on the Advent Wreath

(The person assigned lights the third candle)

The fourth candle called the Angels’ Candle is being lighted. This is to remember the heralds of

Christ’s birth.

V. Reading of the Scripture Passage and a short reflection

VI. Intercession


Lord Jesus, the Angel Gabriel announced Your coming to the Virgin Mary Response: Come and lead us to
the heavenly joy with Your angels and saints.Leader:

Lord, Jesus, the angels sang at Your birth of the peace and given to all people who
Enjoy God’s favour.

Response: Come and lead us to the heavenly joy with Your angels


And saints

Lord Jesus, the angel came to strength You in the garden in Your time of need Response: Come and lead
us to the heavenly joy with Your angels and saints.

IX. Closing Prayer:

We rejoice in Your call to eternal peace that You made known by the message of an angel. As we prepare
to celebrate His birth, lead us through the fruits of suffering and

Death to the glory of His resurrection, for He lives and reigns with You in the Holy Spirit,

One God forever and ever.





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