Posterior – Portal vein, gastroduodenal artery, and bile-duct.
The vena cava is behind these.
Superior - Epiploic foramen and hepatic artery (horizontal
Inferior - Head of the pancreas
SECOND PART Anterior - Gall-bladder, transverse colon, and small gut Posterior - Rt. Renal vessels, the pelvis and surrounding areas of the rt.kidney Right - Hepatic flexure of the colon Left - Head of the pancreas. It is pierced about the middle by the bile and pancreatic ducts. THIRD PART Anterior - Superior mesenteric vessels, the root of the mesentery, the transverse colon and mesocolon Posterior - Inferior vena cava, aorta, gonadal vessels of both sides, the left sympathetic trunk, and the left psoas Superior - Head of the pancreas Inferior - Small gut FOURTH PART
Anterior- Transverse mesocolon, and transverse colon
Posterior - Left psoas major, left sympathetic trunk, left renal and testicular vessels and inferior mesenteric artery Superior - Pancreas Inferior - Jejunum Right - Aorta Left - Left Kidney and ureter ARTERIAL SUPPLY • Derived from coeliac trunk: Superior pancreaticoduodenal (branch of gastroduodenal which in turn is a branch of hepatic artery) • Derived from Superior mesenteric artery: Inferior pancreaticoduodenal • Additional supply from: Supraduodenal/ Right gastric/ Right gastroepiploic arteries Venous drainage • Splenic • Superior mesenteric • Some veins directly in to portal vein Lymphatic drainage • Pancreaticoduodenal nodes nodes Pyloric Hepatic Coeliac • Lower down: to preaortic lymph node around superior mesenteric artery • Nerve supply • Coeliac plexus- Gets sympathetic component from both greater splanchnic nerves & branches from both the vagus nerves Duodenal cap