IOT Unit1

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Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida

1st Private Autonomous Institute in Uttar Pradesh

School of Computer Science Engineering in Emerging Technologies

B. Tech. IoT rd3Sem

Unit: 1

Introduction of IoT and Design Principles

Mayank Deep Khare

Introduction to Internet of Things Assistant Professor
ACSIOT0303 Head

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 1

‡Course Objective
‡Objective of Topics
‡Course Outcomes
‡CO-PO Mapping
‡CO-PSO Mapping
Mayank Deep Khare
Head CSE(IoT) NISP Coordinator
Associate Dean MOOCs & Innovation Labs MIC Innovation Ambassador Internet of Things
Cloud Computing

Work Experience Education Publications

‡ NIET, Gr Noida From Jan 2016
‡Pursuing PhD NIT, Delhi Total: 24
to till date
‡ System Engineer SysnetGlobal ‡M Tech MMMUT, Gorakhpur International: 19
Technologies Private Limited, National: 5
Delhi (1 Year)

¾ Reviewer of Oxford University Press

for the book ofInternet of Things.
¾ DevelopedOnline happiness quotientfor feedback and PPTs and project management
( )
¾ Attended 30 + FDPs and STTPS, Coordinated International Conferences, Smart India Hackathon,
Toycathonat NIET campus
9/12/2022 Orientation Program 3
9/12/2022 4
IoT–Syllabusof Introduction to IoT
UNIT-I Introduction of IoT and Design Principles 8
Vision, Definition, Characteristicsof IoT, Componentsof the IoT, ConceptualFramework,Architectural
Framework, Technology behind IoT, M2M Communication, IoT/M2M systems layers and design
standardization,Difference between IoT and M2M, IoT Examples,Data enrichment and consolidation.
Introductionto IntegratedDevelopedEnvironments,ToolsandProgramming.

UNIT-II Hardware Components 6

Sensors, different types of Sensors, Transducer, Actuators, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Technology. Overview of IOT supported Hardware Computational platforms such as Arduino,
Raspberry pi, Node MCU and ARM cortex and its Architecture.

UNIT-III Programming Arduino and Raspberry Pi 10

Arduinoplatform boardsanatomy,ArduinoIDEcoding,usingemulator, usinglibraries,arithmetic addition
in ArduinoIDE,programmingthe Arduinofor IoT. Programmingwith NodeMCU,Introduction to Raspberry
PiBoard. Interfacingandprogrammingthe varioussensors,IO’s
etc with different platforms
9/12/2022 Orientation Program 5
Syllabus of Introduction to IoT

UNIT-IV Network & Communication Aspects in IoT 8

ApplicationProtocols: LayeredArchitectureof IoTProtocols,CommunicationTechnologies,Lowrange

protocols: BLE,ZigBee.Longrangeprotocols: LoRaandits programing.
Wirelesssensornetworks,Wirelessmediumaccessissues,Sensordeployment& Nodediscovery,Data
aggregation& Dissemination

UNIT-V IoT Applications 8

Smart metering, e-health, Smart city automation, Automotive applications, home automation,
communicatingdata with H/W units, mobiles,tablets, Designingof smart streetlights in smart city.
Ideationof Mini Project

9/12/2022 Orientation Program 6


Course Objective
Objective of Topics
Course Outcome
CO-PO-PSO Mapping
Prerequisite and Recap
Topic Mapping with Course Outcome
Introduction ofIoT
Vision and Definition
Conceptual Framework and Architectural view
Technology behindIoTand Sources of the

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 7

M2M Communication and IoT Examples
IoT/M2M systems layers and design standardization
Communication Technologies
Data enrichment and consolidation
Ease of designing and affordability
Video Link
Daily Quiz & MCQ
Weekly Assignment
Expected Question Bank For Exam
Previous Year Question Paper
9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 8
Course Objective

To study about introduction of IoT technology, Components, architecture,

network communications and applications protocols of IoT. Course also
aims at understanding various hardware for IoT, programming concepts
using Arduino and Raspberry Pi and study about applications of IoT

Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1

9/12/2022 9
Topic Objective

Topicsof Unit Objective

Introductionof IoT Toprovidebasicknowledgeof IoT

VisionandDefinition Toprovidefuture scopeof IOT

ConceptualFrameworkandArchitecturalview Describeworkingprocessof IoT

TechnologybehindIoTandSourcesof the IoT Describevarioustechnologiesusingin IoT

M2M CommunicationandIoTExamples Viewof real time applicationsof IoT

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 10

Topic Objective

Topicsof Unit Objective

IoT/M 2M systemslayersanddesignstandardization Describestepwiseprocessof IoT

CommunicationTechnologies Providebasicknowledgeof protocols

Dataenrichmentandconsolidation Describeview of IoTDatabase

Easeof designingandaffordability Provideview of IoTdesign

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 11

Course Outcome

CO 1 Recallvision, definition, conceptualframework, architectureof IoT and M2M K1


9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 12

Program Outcome

PO1. Engineering knowledge:

PO2. Problem analysis:
PO3. Design/development of solutions:
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems:
PO5. Modern tool usage:
PO6. The engineer and society:
PO7. Environment and sustainability:
PO8. Ethics:
PO9. Individual and teamwork
PO10. Communication
PO11. Project management and finance:
PO12. Life
-long learning:

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 13

CO-PO and PSO Mapping

PO1 0

PO1 1

PO1 2
PO 5

PO 6

PO 9




Sr. No Course Outcome

1 CO 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1

2 CO 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 2

3 CO 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2

4 CO 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1

5 CO 5 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 2

*3= High *2= Medium *1=Low

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 14
Subject Introduction

To study about introduction of IoT technology, Components,

architecture,network communicationsand applicationsprotocolsof IoT.
Course also aims at understanding various hardware for IoT,
programmingconceptsusingArduino and RaspberryPi and study about
applicationsof IoT

Video Link:

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 15

Subject Applications in branch

‰ Industry4.0
‰ SmartHealthcare
‰ SmartECommerce
‰ Smart Factory
‰ SmartAgriculture
‰ SmartCities

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 16


History of Internet

Basic of programming

Fundamental of Hardware

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Topic Mapping with Course Outcome

Topics of Unit Relative CO

Introductionof IoT CO1
VisionandDefinition CO1
ConceptualFrameworkandArchitecturalview CO1
TechnologybehindIoTandSourcesof the IoT CO1
M2M CommunicationandIoTExamples CO1
IoT/M 2M systemslayersanddesignstandardization CO1

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 18


‡TheInternet of Things(IoT) is the network of devicessuchas vehicles,and home

appliancesthat contain electronics,software, actuators and connectivity which
allowsthesethingsto connect,interact andexchangedata.[1]

‡Thedefinition of the Internet of thingshasevolveddue to convergenceof multiple

technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors and
embedded systems. Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor
networks, control systems,automation (includinghome and building automation),
andothersall contributeto enablingthe Internet of things. [1]

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Example of IoT (CO1)

Smart Appliances

Wearable Tech

Source :Prof. AyaskantaMishra, School of Electronics Engineering,
, Bhubaneswar, INDIA

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 20

Vision of IoT (CO1)

`Thingsbecomingintelligent smartandbehavingalive.

`Internet of things is a vision where things become‘Smart’

function like living entities by sensing, computing and
communicatingthrough embeddeddeviceswhich interact with
remote objects (Servers, clouds, applications) or persons
throughthe internet or near-Fieldcommunication(NFC)etc.[1]

Source :

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 21

Things (CO1)

‡ Thingsare objectsof the physicalworld (physicalthings)or of the information world (virtual

world) which are capableof being identified and integrated into communicationnetworks.
Thingshaveassociatedinformation,whichcanbe staticanddynamic.[2]

‡ Physicalthings exist in the physicalworld and are capableof being sensed,actuated and
connected. Examplesof physicalthingsincludethe surroundingenvironment,industrialrobots,

‡ Virtual things exist in the information world and are capableof being stored, processedand
accessed . Examplesof virtual thingsincludemultimediacontent andapplicationsoftware.[2]

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Definition of IoT

‡ The internet of things (IoT) is a computing concept that describesthe idea of everydayphysical
objectsbeingconnectedto the internet andbeingableto identify themselvesto other devices.[3]

‡ TheInternet of Things(IoT) is the network of physicalobjectsthat containembeddedtechnologyto

communicateandsenseor interact with their internal statesor the external environment.

‡ The Internet of Things(IoT) is a broad term for connecteddevicesthat communicatewith other

connecteddevicesvia embeddedsensorsand wirelessnetworks, mainly cellular and WiFi. These

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Any Time/Place/Thing

Source :

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Recap 1

TheInternet of Things(IoT) is the network of devices

such as vehicles, and home appliances that contain
electronics, software, actuators and connectivity which
allows these things to connect, interact and exchange

Things becoming intelligent smart and behaving alive.

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History of IoT (CO1)

In 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik,

The first telemetry system was rolled out in
and with it the Space Race. This has been
Chicago way back in 1912. It is said to have the entry of aerospace telemetry that
used telephone lines to monitor data from created the basis of our global satellite
power plants.[2] communications today.

1912 1930s 1957

Telemetry expanded to weather monitoring

in the 1930s, when a device known as a
radio stoned became widely used to
monitor weather conditions from balloons.

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History ofIoT

Broadadoption of M2M technology began in the

1980s with wired connections for SCADA
(supervisory control and data acquisition) on the In 1995, Siemens introduced the first
factory floor and in home and business security cellular module built for M2M.
systems. [2]

1980s 1990s 1995

In the 1990s, M2M began moving toward

wireless technologies. ADEMCO built their
own private radio network to address
intrusion and smoke detection because
budding cellular connectivity was too

Source : [1]
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History ofIoT

Source :

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Characteristics ofIoT(CO1)


Things Related Services

Dynamic Changes

Enormous Scale



Naming and Addressing

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Conceptual Framework(CO1)

‡ PhysicalObject+ Controller,SensorandActuators+ Internet = Internet of Things

Another IoTConceptualFramework:-

‡ Gather+ Consolidate+ Connect+ Collect+ Assemble+ Manageand Analyses= Internet of Things

connectedto CloudServices

Source : [1]
9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 30
Recap 2

The first telemetry system was rolled out in Chicago way back in 1912.

Broad adoption of M2M technology began in the 1980s with wired connections

Physical Object + Controller, Sensor and Actuators + Internet = Internet of

Things Networking Models

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IoT Architecture(CO1)

Source : [1]
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Conceptual Framework and Architectural view

‡ PhysicalObject + Controller, Sensorand Actuators + Internet =

Internet of Things

‡ Gather + Enrich + Stream + Manage + Acquire + organize and

Analyze= OracleIoTArchitecture

‡ Gather+ Consolidate+ Connect+ Collect+ Assemble+ Manageand

Analyze= IBM Architecturereferencemodel/Conceptualframework

Source : [3]
9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 33
Technology behindIoT(CO1)

‡ Hardware(Arduino, RaspberryPi, Intel Galileo,IntelEdison,ARMmBed)

‡ IDEfor developingsoftwareandfirmware andAPI’s .
‡ Protocols[RPLCoAPRESTful , HTTP,MQTT, XMPP(ExtensibleMessagingand Presence
‡ Communication(PowerlineEthernet,RFID,NFC, 6LowPAN,UWB,ZigBee,Bluetooh,
‡ NetworkBackbone(IPV4,IPV6,UDPand6LowPAN)
‡ Software(RIOT OS,ContikiOS,ThingsquareMist Fireware, EcilipsIoT)
‡ Internet work CloudPlatform /Data Centre(Thingworx, Azure,CISCOIoT, IBM Bluemix,
‡ MachinelearningalgorithmandSoftware(GROKfrom Numenta)

Source : "Internet of Things " , Raj

Kamal, Publs.: McGraw-Hill Education
9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 34
Technology behindIoT

‡ OnlinePlatform
‡ DevicesIdentificationIdentity Managementandtheir accessmanagement
‡ Dataaccruingaggregation

2.Major Componentsof IoTsystem

‡ PhysicalObject
‡ Hardware
‡ CommunicationModule
‡ Software

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Technology behind

3.DevelopmentTooland Opensourceframework for IoTimplementation

‡ EclipseIoT: Providesopensourceimplementationof standardssuchasMQTT,CoAP , OMALWM2M and tools

for workingwith lua servicesandframeworksthat enablean openInternet of things.

‡ Arduino: It provides a set of software that includes an IDE and the arduino programminglanguagefor
hardwarespecificationfor interactiveelectronicsthat cansenseandcontrol physicalworld.

‡ Kinoma Software Platform: Kinomacreate (Kit for prototyping) Kinomastudio developmentenvironment

and Kinomaplatform runtime are three different open sourceprojects. Kinomaconnectis freely availablefor

Source : [3]
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Technology behind

4.APIs and Device interfacing components:

Source : [3]
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Sources of the IoT (CO1)

‡ IoT Development Boards (Arduino Yun,Microdunio, Intel Gallileo, Intel Edison, Beagle Board,

‡ Roleof RFIDandIoTapplications

‡ WirelessSensorNetworks(WSN)


Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 38

Sources of theIoT

Source :

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M2M Communication (CO1)

‡ Machine to machine communication refers to the process of

communication of a physical object or device at machine with
others of same type, mostly for monitoring but also for control
‡ M2M is subsetof IoT.

Source :
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M2M Communication

Source :

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IoTExamples (CO1)

Best Real-World IoTExamples

Smart Home
Connected Cars
Industrial Internet
Smart Cities
IoTin Agriculture
Smart Retail
Energy Engagement
IoTin Healthcare
IoTin Poultry and Farming

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 42

IoT/M2M systems layers (CO1)

‡ The M2M ServiceLayer, a software layer between transport and applicationprotocol layers,will
provide data transport, security,device discoveryand device managementacrossa multitude of
verticaldomains,independentof communicationtechnologiesin the lower layers.

‡ Thislayershouldensuresemanticmodelingof things by providingcontext for the information that

“things”canprovide,or actuationsthey canperform.

‡ For e.g., while providing data from a temperature sensor for home automation, it should also
describeif it is the indoor temperatureof a room, or the temperatureof a fridge etc.


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Four-layer architecture ofIoT/M2M (CO1)

Source :

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Need of Design Standardization(CO1)

‡ TheNeedfor standardizationin the M2M serviceslayer

‡ To be able to standardize processesat the service layer as the market grows, a new
communicationprotocol,LightweightM2M or LWM2M, is beingintroduced.

‡ Thisstandardacts as a communicationsprotocol between LWM2M software clients embedded

on a rangeof M2M devicesandtheir M2M managementplatforms.

‡ Standardssuch as Lightweight M2M will be the key to unlock the real potential of M2M
communicationsand move towards the often-predicted prosperingmarket with immeasurable
compellingservicesoffered by billionsof devices.

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ITU-T IoTReference Model


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Communication Technologies (CO1)

‡ BestUsesof WirelessIoTCommunicationTechnology

‡ LPWANs . Low-PowerWide AreaNetworks(LPWANs)are a new phenomenonin IndustrialIoT

‡ Cellular(3G/4G/5G) Cellularnetworks offer reliable broadbandcommunicationfor voiceand
‡ ZigbeeandOther MeshProtocols
‡ Bluetooth andBluetoothLowEnergy
‡ Wi-Fi
‡ Near-FieldCommunication

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Near-Field Communication

Source :

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Near-Field Communication

Source :

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‡ Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagneticfields to automatically identify and

track tagsattachedto objects.

‡ RFIDtag consistsof a tiny radio transponder; a radio receiverandtransmitter.

‡ RFIDtagsare usedin manyindustries.

‡ RFIDtagscanbe attachedto cash,clothing,andpossessions,

or implantedin animalsandpeople.

‡ Themarketvalueis expectedto risefrom $12.08bn in 2020to US$16.23 billion by 2029.

Source :

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Source :http://trace

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Recap 4

Best Uses of Wireless IoT Communication


The Need for standardizationin the M2M services


Radio-frequency identification (RFID)

useselectromagneticfieldsto automaticallyidentify
andtrack tagsattachedto objects.

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Data Enrichment (CO1)

‡ Dataenrichmentis defined asmergingthird-party data from an externalauthoritative source

with an existingdatabaseof first-party customerdata.

‡ Whenthis collecteddata flows into a centraldata store, it often is ingestedinto the systemin

‡ Dataenrichmentmakesraw datamore useful.

‡ This is why data enrichment practicesare vital to marketing’s

long-term goal of delivering

Source [4]

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Recap 5

Bluetooth technology is a short

-range wireless
communications technology to replace the cables
connecting electronic devices.

The target ofZigbeeTechnology islow cost, low power,

battery operated wireless sensors.

Data enrichment is defined as merging third

-party data
from an external authoritative source with an existing
database of first
-party customer data.

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Data Consolidation(CO1)

‡ Data consolidationrefers to the collectionand integration of data from multiple sourcesinto a

singledestination. Duringthis process,different data sourcesare put together, or consolidated,
into a singledatastore.

‡ Data consolidation techniques reduce inefficiencies, like data duplication, costs related to
relianceon multiple databasesandmultiple datamanagementpoints.

‡ Why DataConsolidation?
Becausedata comesfrom a broad rangeof sources,consolidationallowsorganizationsto more
easilypresentdata,while alsofacilitatingeffectivedataanalysis.

Source :

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Ease of designing

‡ Designfor connecteddevicesfor IoTApplications, Servicesandbusinessprocesses

‡ Designerconsidersthe ease in designingthe devicesphysical,data link, adaption layer and


‡ Meansavailabilityof sensors,actuators,controllersandIoTdevices

‡ Lowin costandhardware

‡ Usepreferablyopensourcesoftwarecomponentsandprotocols

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Ease of designing

Device hardware should embed minimum of


Use ready solutions for ease in designing local

devices personal area network

Ensure the secure connectivity with the


Source : [5]
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Video Links,Youtube& NPTEL Video Links and Online
Courses Details


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Daily Quiz & MCQ 1

1 What is internet of things?

2 Define IoT use in real life.
1. Internet of Things(IoT) can be integrated with which of these
‡ a. Cloud-based storage and computing.
‡ b. Cyber Physical Systems.
‡ c. Big-data networks.
‡ d. All of these.

2 Which of the following is true?

‡ a. IoTis a subset of M2M
‡ b. M2M is a subset ofIoT
‡ c. IoTis a subset of CPS
‡ d. CPS is a subset of Web of Things

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 59

Daily Quiz & MCQ 2

1. Describesomeimportant feature of Iot

2. ElaborateIoTin your own term.

1 M2M is a term introducedby

‡ a. IoTserviceprovides
‡ b. Fogcomputingserviceproviders
‡ c. Telecommunicationserviceproviders
‡ d. Noneof these

2 Whichof the followingcompanycoinedthe term “Fog

‡ a. Apple
‡ b. Amazon
‡ c. CISCO
‡ d. Microsoft

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 60

Daily Quiz & MCQ 3

1. Describehistoryof Internet of things.

2. ExplainIOTComponents.Explainany2 in details.

1 Whichof the followingis a major concernin IPv4 addressing?

‡ a. Reliabledata transmission
‡ b. Onlyaddressing
‡ c. Providemulticastaddressing
‡ d. All of these

2 Machine-to-Machine(M2M) is designedfor
‡ a. isolatedsystemsusingproprietarysolutions
‡ b. crossplatform integration
‡ c. homeautomationonly
‡ d. noneof the above

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 61

Daily Quiz & MCQ 4

1. Definedataenrichmentandconsolidationin detail with example.

2. Explainthe visionof Iot. Justifyit with ant three examples.

1 Whichof the followingis/are the challenge(s)of human-centricsensing?

‡ a. Energyof devices
‡ b. Participantselection
‡ c. Privacyof users
‡ d. All the above

2 Whichof the followingis/are the challenge(s)of human-centricsensing?

‡ a. Energyof devices
‡ b. Participantselection
‡ c. Privacyof users
‡ d. All the above

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Weekly Assignment 1

‡ Q.1) Describethe IoT conceptualframework and also discussthe

frameworksuggestedby ITU.

‡ Q-2) Discussthe different platforms and integration tools used in


‡ Q-3)How do the CISCOreference model and Oracle reference

architecturecorrelatein an IoTarchitecture.

‡ Q-4) How does Bluetooth layer provide confidentiality and


‡ Q-5) Draw a conceptual framework showing communication of

messagesbetween the umbrella, Internet, web based weather

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 63

Weekly Assignment 2

‡ Q-1) DiscussM2M communicationsprocessin brief.

‡ Q-2) Elaborate IoT Systemslayers and standardizationin detail.

‡ Q-3) Explaindifferent type of sourcesof IoT.

‡ Q-4) Discussabout the conceptualframeworkin IoT.

‡ Q-5) Explainany3 technologiesbehindIoT.

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EndsemQuestion Paper Template

9/12/2022 Orientation Program 65

Old Question Papers

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Old Question Papers

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Old Question Papers

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Old Question Papers

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Expected Questions for University Exam

1. Givebrief overviewof IoT.

2. ExplainM2M communicationin your own view.
3. DefineInternet of Things. Explainthe applicationof IOT.
4. ExplainIOTComponents.Explainany2 in details.
5. Explainthe technologyof Internet of Things.
6. Explainenchantedobjectsin your own view.
7. Who is MakingInternet of Things?Justifyit.
8. Explaincalmandambienttechnology.
9. Explainthe advantages& disadvantagesof an IOT.
10. Define data enrichment and consolidation in detail with

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 70

Expected Questions for University Exam

1. Explainthe visionof Iot. Justifyit with ant three examples.

2. Describe communication technologies in IoT with any three
3. Explainease of designingand affordability in Internet of Thing
with anythree examples.
4. DescribeIoT/M 2M systemlayersand designstandardizationwith
proper diagram.
5. Definesourcesof Internet of Thing with any5 examples.

9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 71


We lookedat
‡ BasicIntroductionof Internet of Thingswith examples
‡ Visionof IoTanddifferent definition with scope
‡ ConceptualFrameworkand Architecturalview with IBM and Cisco
‡ TechnologybehindIoTandSourcesof the IoTwith various real life
‡ M2M CommunicationandIoTExamples
‡ IoT/M 2M systems layers and design standardization for better
future of IoTdevices.
‡ CommunicationTechnologies(Bluetooth,NFC,Zigbee)
‡ Dataenrichmentandconsolidationin IoTto improvedatastructure
‡ Ease of designing and affordability for better utilization of IoT
9/12/2022 Mayank Deep Khare Introduction to IoT Unit 1 72

‡ [1]: RajKamal“INTERNET OFTHINGS”, McGraw-Hill, 1STEdition,2016

‡ [2]: Olivier Hersent,DavidBoswarthick , Omar Elloumi“The Internet of
‡ [3]:JeevaJose,Internet of Things,KhannaPublicatiosn
‡ [4] : MichaelMiller “The Internet of Things”
by Pearson
‡ [5] ArshdeepBahga , Vijay Madisetti “Internet of Things(A hands on
approach)” 1STedition, VPIpublications, 2014
‡ [6]:https://en

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