IOT Based Smart Energy Meter for Efficient Energy Utilization in Smart Grid
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4 authors, including:
Sadhan Gope
National Institute of Technology, Agartala
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All content following this page was uploaded by Shivam Kumar on 16 August 2021.
Abstract— Efficient energy utilization plays a very vital role for controllability and efficiency [4]. It provides real time
the development of smart grid in power system. So, proper consumption information providing energy consumption
monitoring and controlling of energy consumption is a chief control [5]. Whenever the maximum load demand of
priority of the smart grid. The existing energy meter system has customers crosses its peak value, the supply of electricity for
many problems associated to it and one of the key problem is
the customers will be disconnected with the help of smart
there is no full duplex communication. To solve this problem, a
smart energy meter is proposed based on Internet of Things energy meter [6]. In ideal environment with normal work load
(IoT). The proposed smart energy meter controls and calculates condition, the life span of the smart meter is about 5 to 6 years
the energy consumption using ESP 8266 12E, a Wi-Fi module [7- 8]. But in reality smart energy meter suffers environmental
and uploads it to the cloud from where the consumer or producer issues and decreases its life span with abnormal consumption
can view the reading. Therefore, energy analyzation by the of energy [9]. The factors affecting lifespan of a smart meter
consumer becomes much easier and controllable. This system consists of life expectancy (LE), genetics (GE), environment
also helps in detecting power theft. Thus, this smart meter helps factors (EF), change over time (CT) and limited longevity
in home automation using IoT and enabling wireless (LL) [10].
communication which is a great step towards Digital India.
IoT based energy meter system mainly consists of three
Index Terms— IoT, ESP 8266 12E, smart energy meter. major parts i.e. Controller, Wi-Fi and Theft detection part.
Whenever there is any fault or theft, the theft detection sensor
senses the error and circuit response according to the
information it receives. The controller plays a major role in the
The internet of things (IoT) is a network of connected smart system making sure all the components are working fine.
devices enabling to transfer data. The ‘thing’ in IoT could be a Therefore, IoT can improve the performance and efficiency
person with a heart monitor or an automobile with built-in- of the smart grid mostly in the three phases. Firstly, it increases
sensors, i.e. objects that have been assigned an IP address and the reliability and durability. Secondly, it focuses on
have the ability to collect and transfer data over a network enablement i.e. collection and analyzation of data to manage
without manual assistance or intervention. The embedded active devices within the smart grid. Lastly, controlling can be
technology in the objects helps them to interact with internal done by analyzing the result obtained from the second phase
states or the external environment, which in turn affects the which helps the grid department to make fine decision for
decisions taken. future upliftment.
With rapid growth and development, energy crisis has The energy meter available till now can only control and
become a very big issue. An applicable system has to be made monitor the energy consumption of customers. Smart energy
in order to analyze and control power consumption. The meter developed using power line communication (PLC) helps
existing system is error prone, labor and time consuming [1]. in power loss [11]. Several system using Arduino as well as
The values that we get from the existing system are not precise microcontroller have been developed though the efficiency to
and accurate though it may be digital type but it is always measure power consumption drastically increased but due to
necessary that a concern person from the power department cost effective it may not be considered as the suitable one. The
should visit the consumer house in order to note down the data consumer cannot have a good and accurate track of the energy
and error can get introduced at each and every step. Therefore, consumption on a more interval basis .The conventional meter
the remedy for this solution is smart energy meter. has some of the common errors like [12]
The smart grid plays a great role in our present society. • Time consuming.
Tens of millions of the people’s daily life will be degraded
• Chance of theft.
dramatically because of the unstable and unreliable power grid
• Error while taking the information and extra
[2]. Smart meter is a reliable status real time monitoring,
human involvement.
automatic collection of information, user interaction and
power control device [3]. It provides a two way flow of • Consumer cannot have daily update of his/her
information between consumers and suppliers providing better usage.
978-1-5386-4769-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
Thus, we proposed a smart system which enables the consumer or AC current. In this system it is used in order to
as well as producer to monitor and control the energy measure the power theft.
consumption on more immediate basis. • Driver: - A relay driver is used in order to switch the
load connected to the system.ULN2003 is used here.
• Load: - A 100W bulbs are connected as loads to the
The proposed system is cost effective and compact, so, system.
installment becomes much easier. The result is uploaded at • Power supply: - A 230V ac power supply is given to
every interval into cloud space called “Thinksspeak” and the system in order to power the energy meter. Wi-Fi
monitoring can be done by consumer/customer as well as module power is supplied by 5 V DC.
supplier/ producer.
In this proposed system, an energy meter is connected to The Wi-Fi module is programmed using Arduino IDE software
ESP8266 12E via optocoupler. An OLED display is also in order to calculate the pulse from energy meter. It senses the
connected to the system. In the driver circuit, ULN2003 is used pulse via optocoupler and sent the data obtained to the cloud
to drive the relay in order to switch the loads. A current sensor using ESP 8266 12E.The LED blinks 3200 times for 1 unit.
is also equipped to determine the power theft. Fig. 1 shows the The blinking of LED is calculated for consumed power in units
functional block diagram of the proposed smart monitoring along with the cost of the units. The monitoring is done in
system. every interval. The system also provides a power theft feature
which is done using the current sensor connected to the system.
Thus, the system doesn’t involve human providing less human
OLED error.
To analysis the proposed energy monitoring system, the system
Energy WiFi Driver LOAD is practically implement in the lab. The details practical
Meter Module implementations are explained below:
Initially the system is not connected to the main supply i.e the
system is in OFF condition. Fig. 2 shows the hardware
Current Power implementation without connecting the main supply. After
Sensor Supply verifying all the hardware connection, supply is given to that
hardware system. Fig .3 illustrates that the system is in ON
condition. As soon as the Wi-Fi module is connected to the
Fig. 1: Functional block diagram of smart meter. server the relay trips and the load energies.
The main functional unit of this system is discussed hereafter.
• WiFi module: - ESP 8266 12E is used here which is a
programmable module with 80 MHz Microcontroller.
As the module doesn’t have separate USB port, we
need to use an external USB to Serial adapter such as
our FT232R Serial to UART Board to develop code
using this module.
• OLED Display: - 0.96 inch OLED display is used
here which doesn’t need backlight. The display can
self-illuminate high resolution.
• Energy meter: - The analog meter used here is of
3200imp/kwh. An optocoupler senses the led Fig.2: System in OFF condition.
calibrated from the energy meter and sends its output
to ESP 8266 12E.
• Optocoupler: It consists of an LED that produces
infra-red light and a semiconductor photo-sensitive
device that is used to detect the emitted infra-red
beam. Optocoupler 4N35 is used here in order to
sense the Cal impulse from the energy meter.
• Current Sensor: - ACS712 current sensor gives
precise current measurement for both AC and DC
signals. These are good sensors for metering and
measuring overall power consumption of systems.
The ACS712 current sensor measures up to 5A of DC Fig.3: System in ON condition.
978-1-5386-4769-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
Fig. 4 demonstrates that the Wi-Fi module is trying to connect
to the available server. If there is any server available near to
that system, it gets connected. Fig .5 here Wi-Fi module
connects to the server and the system is now ready to take the
978-1-5386-4769-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The result obtained has been uploaded to an open IoT platform
“ThingSpeak” which help us to store, collect, analyze data
from arduino and other supporting hardware. Initially, no
information is transferred to the cloud via ESP 8266 12E (Wi-
Fi Module) as the load is not energies to the system. After
connecting the load, information is transferred to the cloud
using Wi-Fi module. Fig. 8 shows the initial data transferred to
the cloud with connection of load
This paper provides wireless meter reading system that can
monitor and analyze the data at every interval providing
accurate results with less error. Some of the advantages of
this smart system are: -
• Energy conservation.
• Lots of time and power saving from power
• Automatic control of energy meter.
• To make consumer keep the track of energy meter.
• Power theft detection.
Fig. 9: Energy consumption pattern for first load set
To verify the system, experimental result is obtained for Some of the disadvantages are:-
various load connection of the system at a particular time. Fig. • Sometime the system takes time to upload the data
9 and fig. 10 respectively shows the energy reading for depending on the Internet Speed and Module baud
different loads connection of a system at a particular time. rate.
Here, we kept the system ON for a while in order to obtain the
results. . Fig. 11 shows the theft data consumed by the system. The IoT concept can also be implemented in various
working environment such as home automation, automatic
water level detector and traffic control system etc.
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