Q2 21ST Lesson6

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AND THE WORLD What do we want in a literary adaptation?

QUARTER 2 LECTURE Thailand According to Watts (2020) in the article
entitled “What do we want in a literary adaptation?”,
CHAPTER 6: ASSESSMENT OF A CREATIVE ADAPTATION there is complexity and difficulty to commit as regards
OF A LITERARY TEXT to determining: What makes a good adaptation? Which
matters more: the quality of the film itself, or how
It can be said that people in today’s generation “accurate” it is to the book it’s based on? Literary text
have earned almost limitless access in global and literary adaptation are different art forms such as in
communication, thanks to technology advancement and the case for instance between novels and films. Instead,
freedom of expression. We are able to express our she noticed four different types or “levels” of
rights and opinions whether in politics, entertainment adaptation. Each has varying degrees of adherence to
or business industry. We use literary works, film their source material.
adaptations, online posts or other effective means to 1. The “Museum” adaptation. This type is
represent what we believe in and to send our message concerned with preserving every possible detail
across. Over time, we learned that communication of the book exactly how it exists in the book,
definition is not only limited to verbal and written but to just transferred to the film as a medium.
all forms that best signify expression. Innovation indeed 2. The Artful adaptation. It is concerned with
has gotten us this far. finding balance between being true to its own
With our growing community and the need of as a work of art. Accordingly, it is like a
genuine communication, it is our responsibility to conversation between the book and audience.
educate ourselves with how to convey our thoughts, Rather than preserving every detail like a
determine what should and should not be said, museum, an Artful Adaptation finds the
considering the scope, provision of adequate essential elements of the book and interprets
information and the choice of words that make it. them in ways that meaningful for the audience.
Whether it is a self or peer evaluation, it is 3. The Loose Adaptation. This type is concerned
important to note that we can fully help improve one about keeping a few elements or some
another if we know how to communicate our thoughts semblance of the premise of the book it’s based
with good intention in mind. on, but then more or less does its own thing
“We become the best version of ourselves with them. Often, this type of adaptation is
when we learn to listen to what we have to hear.” This discussed in negative terms, as if its lack of
is what people conclude when nothing seems to work exact similarity to its source material is
after countless trials and unable to reach wise decisions. somehow a failure.
We begin to ponder deeply, open our mind to things we 4. The Transformative Adaptation. This type of
never once considered hearing and realize that some of adaptation seeks to highlight the timelessness
them actually make sense. We finally give in to learning and universality of their source works’ messages
even from negative feedbacks or nasty situations. We and themes.
make certain adjustments and do tasks more
accurately. In literature, we assess written works through
We embrace both positive and negative and literary criticism. Literary criticism means the study and
mold ourselves along the way. This is the lesson we wish analysis of literature. This study helps identify on what
you have reflected on the first activity. Expectation vs perspective a critique focuses on. Some may have
reality concept tells us that we have mentally built-in looked at a piece from its moral perspective or values.
criteria to immediately make judgment or assessment. Or one wants to bring its economic and political issues
This standard helps us identify what is good and bad, in limelight. Literary criticism categorizes literary works
desirable or undesirable. People use this ability to make according to their genres, making it easier for readers to
good judgments and produce what humanity has so far comprehend and interpret a work in different
created. viewpoints.
Some types of literary criticisms used are:
1. Mythological criticism. A type of criticism that mentioned in the previous module, literature is now
uses archetypes or symbols through viewed in a larger scope, including both scholarly and
mythological creatures and occurrences drawn ordinary written works. Through the use of the above-
from culture, history and life. mentioned standard and other tools for assessment, we
2. Sociological criticism. This is used to analyze the are able to improve and modify literature in the same
cultural, economic and political context of a genre or another medium. This is called literary
literary work. adaptation. It is the process of translating a creative
3. Biographical criticism. From the term itself, this work from one medium to another or getting the juices
method of analysis aims to determine the from it and crafting a new version or story.
original theme of a certain piece from the Examples of adaptation are films, stage play,
author’s life. This requires the reader to be and podcast which require the use of multimedia,
familiar with the author’s biographical technology and other creative innovations. In
information. By doing so, the reader can keep education, teachers use these creative adaptations to
track of his analysis to be in context. stimulate students’ interest and promote effective
4. Psychoanalytic criticism. This emphasizes to get learning.
information about the subconscious desire or You may tend to assess an adaptation through
state of mind of the author based on the theme its storyline and the characters’ portrayal. Or that you
of the work. based the production on its magnificent props and
5. Formalist criticism. A type of criticism that characters’ portrayal. Others also tend to judge the
analyzes the work itself, and does not claim any quality of adaptation on whether it has highlighted the
underlying political, sociological or general idea from the original work or made some
psychological concerns exist in the context. changes or unexpected turn of events. From this, we
learn that every one of us has followed a certain
Literary criticisms guide readers to divide the criterion of our own.
comprehensive themes of a literary piece into sections, One helpful way to assess creative adaptation
and be able to focus on their point of interest. The value of a literary text and limits discourse over the subject is
of a written work has also long been assessed through by choosing one out of the following theoretical
seven literary standards developed by the writer approaches:
William J. Long: • Translation theory. Evaluates the faithfulness of
1. Universality. Literature appeals to everyone adaptation to the original piece. The criticism
regardless of culture, time and race. revolves around the adaptation’s adherence to
2. Artistry. It possesses beauty or aesthetic appeal. the character, setting, themes and any other
3. Intellectual Value. It activates the use of critical highlights that make up the literary text. Users
thinking or logical skills, reaching to a realization of this paradigm would admire such producers
of fundamental truths. who stick to the context.
4. Suggestiveness. It reveals the underlying •
messages of archetypes to real events or life
5. Spiritual Value. It aims to motivate and inspire
from the values presented.
6. Permanence. It draws out the time factor:
Timeliness, occurring at a particular time and Pluralist theory. Focuses on the effectivity of the
timelessness, endures throughout time. adaptation to convey the ‘spirit’ of the original
7. Style. It depicts how man sees life through text. The advocates of this theory put much
manner of construction and conveyance of significance to the retention of what the text
ideas in the context. makes them feel and therefore should be
preserved without the need of modification in
This serves as criteria that separate a particular the mood and tone.
literary text from the rest. However, as what was • Transformation theory. A theory that sees a
written work and its adaptation different. The
producer of the adaptation has made significant feedback, writing a review, being the judge for a class
alteration whether for artistic, uniqueness or competition are good opportunities to develop your
experimental purposes. The differences made judgment skills.
will serve as the basis for evaluation. Self and peer assessment aim to increase your
sense of autonomy and responsibility. It hones your
Alternatively, Aristotelian theory, also known creative and higher order thinking skills. It will help you
as neo-classical or neo-Aristotelian, does not put become more active as an assessor rather than
emphasis on the fidelity or sameness of adaptation to passively wait on your teacher for evaluation. Most
the original text. It rather focuses on the relationship importantly, it will develop your reflection on your own
between the adaptation and its audience, using the execution and judgment.
subject, purpose and context as basis for evaluation. Take a close look at the advantages and
This theory is the one used when giving assessment disadvantages of self and peer assessment.
prior to presentation or production. Peer assessment. Students individually assess
Considering these approaches, you will be able one another based on their level of contribution or
to make your assessment right into the core. You will participation in the group. The average of the marks
state your opinion or judgment and rationalize it using given by each member is usually the overall group
the presentation itself. score.
Here are some guidelines to help you write a Advantages
coherent and logical assessment.  Develops involvement and sense of
1. Read, watch or listen to the work with full responsibility.
attention into details. Repeat if necessary or  Develops judgment skills.
possible. The initial step is where you all get the  Provides more relevant feedback to improve
impression and confirm its strengths and performance.
weaknesses. Take note of important details. Disadvantages
2. State your judgments. Present your general  Marks given might not be reliable as affected by
judgments that you made from observation and pressure from peers.
interpretation.  Have tendency to mark everyone high scores to
3. Explain your criteria to support your judgment. save the group.
Remember to use the scenes in the  Hesitant to judge their peers.
presentation as evidences. Use the criteria or
standards that you set to support your Self-assessment. Judging own contribution
judgment. using an established criterion.
4. Compare and contrast. Use other excellent Advantages
adaptation or presentation of the same genre to  Develops involvement and sense of
offer suggestions. responsibility.
 Develops judgment skills.
Aside from writing assessment, you can also  Allows to compare and reflect own and peer’s
create your rubric perfect for evaluating presentations. contributions.
Rubric is a scoring guide used to evaluate a Disadvantages
performance. It has three parts namely: performance  Self-assessment might be perceived as
criteria, rating scale and indicators. unreliable.
You can use either of the assessment especially  Might overlook one’s good point or bad point.
in class presentations. Say, you have made random ***END***
reflection after your performance--that is an
assessment. Or your teacher provided you criteria or
asked you to make a quick verbal evaluation in your
peer’s work is also an example of assessment. Any
output could be improved if you will be constantly
involved in the assessment process. Giving short

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