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Lab1 PAR

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PAR Laboratory Assignment

Lab 1: Experimental setup and tools

Mario Acosta, Eduard Ayguadé, Rosa M. Badia (Q2), Jesús Labarta,

Josep Ramón Herrero, Daniel Jiménez-González, Pedro J. Martı́nez-Ferrer (Q2),
Jordi Tubella, and Gladys Utrera

Fall 2024–2025

1 Experimental setup 7
1.1 Accessing the boada cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Node architecture and memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Execution modes: interactive vs. queued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Serial compilation and execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 Compilation and execution of OpenMP programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6 Strong vs. weak scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.7 Discussion at the laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2 Systematically analysing task decompositions with Tareador 15

2.1 Tareador API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Brief Tareador hands-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Disabling Tareador objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4 Exploring new task decompositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 Discussion at the laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3 Understanding the execution of OpenMP programs 21

3.1 Discovering Modelfactors: overall analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.1.1 Modelfactors tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.1.2 Discussion at the laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Discovering Paraver: execution trace analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.1 Paraver timelines: navigation and basic concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2.2 Paraver profiles: summarising information in the trace . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.3 Paraver flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.4 Paraver hints for implicit and explicit tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.5 Paraver configuration files for implicit and explicit tasks . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2.6 Final thoughts on Paraver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3 Example 3DFFT: Parallel Improvements and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.1 Reducing the parallelisation overheads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.2 Discussion at the laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.3 Improving φ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.4 Discussion at the laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

A Accessing the boada cluster 33

B Modelfactors 35
B.1 Modelfactors script mfLite.py: extracting information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
B.2 Computing the Modelfactors metrics for OpenMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

C Visualising implicit tasks in Paraver 37

C.1 Hint OpenMP/parallel construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
C.2 Hint OpenMP/implicit tasks in parallel constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
C.3 Hint OpenMP/implicit tasks duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
C.4 Hint #pragma omp single . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
C.5 More hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

D Visualising explicit tasks in Paraver 39

D.1 Hint OpenMP tasking/explicit tasks task created and executed . . . . . . . 39

D.2 Hint OpenMP taskloop/in taskloop construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
D.3 Hint OpenMP tasking/explicit tasks duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
D.4 More hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Note. Each chapter in this document corresponds to a laboratory session (2 hours).


At the end of this laboratory you should be able to:

1. Discover the architecture of a node in our cluster environment and understand its main
2. Compile and execute sequential and OpenMP parallel codes in our cluster environment.
3. Use Tareador, an automatic tool to build the task dependency graph (TDG) for a parallel
decomposition strategy.
4. Use Modelfactors, an automatic tool that reports the overall performance analysis for your
parallel implementation in OpenMP.
5. Use Paraver, a graphical tool to perform a detailed analysis of the execution traces generated
for your parallel OpenMP implementation.
6. Apply a parallelisation/optimisation methodology based on the use of the aforementioned
(a) Define a parallelisation strategy and analyse its potential parallelism using Tareador.
(b) Once you have found the appropriate strategy you will:
i. Implement an OpenMP parallel version of your code following the parallelization
strategy discovered with Tareador.
ii. Perform the overall scalability analysis of your parallel implementation, looking
at the parallel fraction (phi), load balancing and parallelisation overheads, using
iii. Perform a detailed analysis of some execution traces using Paraver to better under-
stand the factors that limit the performance/scalability of your parallel implementa-
iv. Modify the parallel implementation if necessary and repeat the steps above.

Chapter 1

Experimental setup

The objective of this laboratory session is to familiarise yourself with the hardware and software
environments that you will be using during this semester to carry out all the laboratory assignments
in PAR.

1.1 Accessing the boada cluster

From a local Linux terminal you can access boada, a multiprocessor server located at the Departa-
ment d’Arquitectura de Computadors (DAC). However, to be able to access the boada server from
a computer outside the UPC you will need to use a UPC VPN connection. To connect to boada
you need to establish a connection using the secure shell (SSH) command:
ssh -X [email protected]
being ???? the user number assigned to you. The option -X is necessary to forward the X11
commands opening remote graphical windows in your local desktop.
We recommend you to change the password of your account by typing:
ssh -t [email protected] passwd
After entering the old password correctly twice, you will be asked to enter a new password also
twice. Annex A explains how to access boada from your personal computer.
Once you log in to boada, you will find yourself in any of the interactive nodes, i.e. boada-6 to
boada-8, where you can execute interactive jobs and from where you can submit execution jobs
to other nodes of the machine. In fact, boada is composed of several nodes (named boada-1 to
boada-15), equipped with different processor generations, as shown in Table 1.1:

Table 1.1: Nodes of the boada cluster.

Node name Processor generation Interactive Partition
boada-1 to 4 Intel Xeon E5645 No execution2
boada-6 to 8 Intel Xeon E5-2609 v4 Yes interactive
boada-9 Intel Xeon E5-1620 v4 + Nvidia K40c No CUDA9
boada-10 Intel Xeon Silver 4314 + 4x Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 No CUDA
boada-11 to 14 Intel Xeon Silver 4210R No execution
boada-15 Intel Xeon Silver 4210R + ASUS AI CRL-G116U-P3DF No iacard

In this course you are going to use nodes boada-6 to boada-8 interactively and nodes boada-11
to boada-14 through the execution partition, as explained in subsequent sections.
All the nodes have access to a shared network attached storage (NAS) disk. You can access it
cd /scratch/nas/1/par????

which corresponds to your home directory (also referred to as ~/).
All the necessary files to carry out each laboratory assignment will be posted in
For today’s session, copy the file lab1.tar.gz from that location into your home directory:
cp /scratch/nas/1/par0/sessions/lab1.tar.gz ~/
and, from your home directory, uncompress it with this command line:
tar -zxvf lab1.tar.gz
Finally, in order to set up all the environment variables, you have to process the environment.bash
file now available in your home directory with:
source ~/environment.bash
Note that you must load this environment every time you log in to boada. Alternatively, you can
add this command into your .bashrc so that the environment will be automatically load every
time you access the cluster. You can achieve this by executing the following command from your
home directory:
echo ''source ~/environment.bash'' >> .bashrc
In case you need to transfer files from boada to your local machine (laptop or desktop in
laboratory room), or viceversa, you have to use the secure copy scp command. For example, if you
type the following command:
scp [email protected]:lab1/pi/pi_seq.c .
in your local machine you be copying the source file pi seq.c located in directory lab1/pi
of your home directory in boada to the current directory, represented with the ".", in the local
machine, with the same name.
In some cases, you will need to add -O option to be able to run scp:
scp -O [email protected]:lab1/pi/pi_seq.c .
due to diferent versions of the scp protocol.

1.2 Node architecture and memory

We propose you to investigate the architecture of the available nodes in boada. Execute the following
sbatch submit-arch.sh
within the lab1/arch directory.
The sbatch command above enqueues the submit-arch.sh script that executes the lscpu and
lstopo commands to retrieve information about the hardware in one of the execution nodes (i.e.,
from boada-11 to boada-14), thereby generating three files:
ˆ lscpu-boada-??,
ˆ lstopo-boada-??,
ˆ map-boada-??.fig,
where ?? may be 11, 12, 13, or 14, referring to one of the execution nodes of boada. You can
execute the command
xfig map-boada-??.fig
to visualise the output file and export to a different format (PDF or JPG, for example) using File
→ Export in order to keep this information. In the boada Linux distribution you can use xpdf
to open pdf files and display to visualise graphics files. You can also use the "fig2dev -L pdf

map.fig map.pdf" command to convert from .fig to .pdf; look for alternative output graphic
languages by typing "man fig2dev".
Alternatively, remember that you can also take screenshots by pressing the dedicated Prtsc
keyboard button.
The three generated files will help you to figure out:
ˆ the number of sockets, cores per socket, and threads per core in a specific node;
ˆ the amount of main memory in a specific node, and each NUMA node;
ˆ the cache memory hierarchy (i.e., L1, L2, and L3), private or shared to each core/socket.
We suggest you to fill in Table 1.2 that will help you understand some performance degradation
that may occur when increasing the number of threads in future exercises.

Table 1.2: Architecture and memory hierarchy characteristics of any of the boada execution nodes
boada-11 to boada-14.
Characteristic Value
Number of sockets per node
Number of cores per socket
Number of threads per core
Maximum core frequency
L1-I cache size (per-core)
L1-D cache size (per-core)
L2 cache size (per-core)
Last-level cache size (per-socket)
Main memory size (per socket)
Main memory size (per node)

1.3 Execution modes: interactive vs. queued

There are two ways to execute your programs in boada:
Interactively. Using any of the login nodes, from boada-6 to boada-8, all of them limited to a
maximum of 2 cores for parallel executions.
Via a queuing system. Using one of the execution nodes, from boada-11 to boada-14.
Interactive executions start immediately and do share resources with interative programs run by
other users logged in to the system, thereby not ensuring representative timing results. In addition
to this, the login nodes have a different architecture and memory hierarchy than the execution
nodes. The corresponding interactive scripts are executed with the command (where ??? refers to
a name):
You must use the second option for running programs that require several processors in a node,
ensuring that your job is executed in isolation and therefore reporting reliable performance results.
These executions do not overload the interactive/login nodes. Note also that queued scripts start
as soon as an execution node is available. The corresponding execution scripts must be submitted
as a SLURM job:
sbatch ./submit-???.sh
After submitting your job, you can run the command
to ask the system about the job status within the global queue (together with other users’ jobs).
You can check only the jobs associated with your account by typing the -u flag and your user

squeue -u par????
Finally, you can cancel a previously submitted job via
scancel <jobid>
where <jobid> refers to the job identifier. Every submitted execution generates two additional
files that share the same script name followed by .e and .o together with the job identifier. Such
files contain the messages sent to the standard error and output streams, respectively, which we
encourage you to check.

1.4 Serial compilation and execution

The pi seq.c code inside the lab1/pi directory computes the value of pi (π) by numerically
integrating the equation 1/(1 + x2 ) within the interval [0, 1]. The exact integral equals π/4 and
hence we use 4/(1 + x2 ) as depicted in Fig. 1.1. The integral is numerically approximated by the
sum of N rectangles, being more accurate as this number increases.
Mathematically, we know that:

∫ (1+x )
2 dx = π

We can approximate the integral as a sum

F(x) = 4.0/(1+x2)

of rectangles:


∑ F(x )Δx ≈π

Where each rectangle has width Δx and

x 1.0
0.0 height F(xi) at the middle of interval i.

Figure 1.1: Computation of pi (π).

Code 1 shows a simplified version of the pi seq.c code. The variable num steps defines the
number of rectangles, whose area is computed at each iteration of the loop.

static long int num_steps = 100000;

void main () {
double x, pi, sum = 0.0, step = 1.0/(double) num_steps;
for(long int i = 0; i < num_steps; ++i) {
x = (i + 0.5)*step;
sum += 4.0/(1.0 + x*x);
pi = step*sum;

Code 1: Computation of π.

Figure 1.2 shows the compilation and execution flow for a sequential program. Program
compilation and binary generation is done with a Makefile that declares multiple targets with
specific rules. This course uses icx (Intel’s oneAPI C compiler) to generate the binary files.
Now lets compile pi seq.c using the Makefile and execute the binary generated interactively
and through the queueing system:
1. Open the Makefile file and identify the target employed to compile the sequential code.
Observe how the compiler is invoked.
2. Interactively execute the generated binary file using the command:
./run-seq.sh <name> <iterations>

Sequential Executable code
source code

Execute Out

.c compile Exec

Execute .o, .e

Makefile Shell scripts

Figure 1.2: Compilation and execution flow for sequential programs.

with the corresponding executable name and a fixed number of iterations equal to 109 .
The execution returns the user and system CPU time, the elapsed execution time, and the
percentage of CPU used.
3. Look at the source code and identify the function invocations and data structures used to
measure the execution time.
4. Submit the execution script to the queuing system via:
sbatch submit-seq.sh <name> <iterations>
with similar arguments: the binary name and 109 iterations. Use the squeue command to
check your job.
5. Open the generated standard output and error files time-pi seq-boada-??, where ?? refers
to the node where the execution took place.
Take a closer look at the run-seq.sh and submit-seq.sh scripts to understand how the binaries
are executed.

1.5 Compilation and execution of OpenMP programs

OpenMP is the standard model for parallel programming using shared-memory. It allows to express
parallelism in the C programming language. This section explains how to compile and execute
parallel programs with OpenMP.

Parallel Executable code

source code

Execute Out
enable flag

.c compile Exec

Execute .o, .e
omp submit-xxxx.sh

Makefile Shell scripts

Figure 1.3: Compilation and execution flow for parallel programs using OpenMP.

Figure 1.3 shows the compilation and execution flow for an OpenMP program. The main
difference with respect to Fig. 1.2 is that now the Makefile includes the appropriate compilation
flag that enables OpenMP.
We propose you to carry out the following steps:
1. Open the parallelised code pi omp.c and figure out what the new added lines of code do.

2. Open the Makefile and identify the target associated with the OpenMP code compilation
(the only difference is the -qopenmp compilation flag).
3. Take a look at the script to learn how to specify the number of threads to OpenMP.
4. Interactively execute the OpenMP code with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 20 threads using 109 iterations:
./run-omp.sh <name> <iterations> <threads>
5. What is the time command telling you about the user and system CPU time, the elapsed
time, and the percentage of CPU used?
6. Submit the execution script to the queuing system via:
sbatch submit-omp.sh <name> <iterations> <threads>
specifying the name of OpenMP binary, 109 iterations, and an increasing number of threads:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 20. Look at all the generated files time-pi omp-¿¿-boada-??, being ¿¿
the number of threads and ?? the execution node.
We suggest you to fill in Table 1.3 to compare the differences between interactive and queued

Table 1.3: Interactive vs. queued execution times.

Number Interactive timing information Queued timing information
of threads user system elapsed % CPU user system elapsed % CPU

1.6 Strong vs. weak scalability

This section explores the scalability of the parallel version implemented in pi seq.c for an increasing
number of threads. It is measured as the ratio between the sequential and the parallel execution
times. This ratio is often referred to as the speedup.
Two scalability scenarios are considered:
Strong. The number of threads increases while the problem size is kept fixed; that is, the
parallelisation is employed to reduce the execution time of the program.
Weak. The problem size is proportional to the number of threads; that is, the parallelisation is
employed to increase the problem size for which de program is executed.
We provide two scripts that analyse the scalability of pi seq.c. They execute the parallel code
using np NMIN=1 to np NMAX=20 threads. The problem size is set to 109 and 108 for strong and
weak scalability scenarios, respectively. For the latter, the problem size grows proportionally to
the number of threads, as previously explained. Finally, each script generates a plot showing the
parallel execution time and the speedup.
We ask you to follow the next steps:
1. Submit the strong scalability script (no arguments are required):
sbatch submit-strong-omp.sh
and watch the state of your submission via the squeue command.
2. Convert the generated Postcript file to PDF via the ps2pdf command and visualise it with
the xpdf command (replace ??? by the corresponding name):

ps2pdf pi_omp-???.ps
xpdf pi_omp-???.pdf
and observe how the execution time and speedup varies with the number of threads.
3. Set np NMAX=40 within submit-strong-omp.sh and repeat the previous steps. Can you
explain the behaviour observed in the scalability plot?
4. Submit the weak scalability script (no arguments required):
sbatch submit-weak-omp.sh
and observe how the parallel efficiency varies with the number of threads.
Remember to take screenshots by pressing the dedicated Prtsc keyboard button.

1.7 Discussion at the laboratory

These questions are to be discussed during or at the end of the laboratory with your professor:
Do you observe any major differences between interactive and queued executions in Table 1.3?
Look at the weak and strong scalability plots generated and reason about the obtained performances.

Chapter 2

Systematically analysing task

decompositions with Tareador

In this laboratory session, you will learn how to use Tareador, a tool that analyses the potential
parallelism that can be obtained when a given task decomposition strategy is applied to your
sequential code. This way the programmer simply needs to identify which are the tasks in that
strategy that wants to evaluate.
These are the main features of Tareador and Tareador GUI:
ˆ Tareador traces the execution of the program based on the specification of potential tasks to
be run in parallel;
ˆ Tareador records all static/dynamic data allocations and memory accesses in order to build
the task dependency graph (TDG);
ˆ Tareador GUI uses Tareador output information to simulate the parallel execution of the
tasks on a certain number of processors in order to estimate the potential speedup.

Sequential Instrumented Hidden

source code executable code tareador files

Tareador .c
tareador … GUI

.c compile Exec Execute

Out Parallel
source code

Makefile run-tareador.sh

Figure 2.1: Compilation and execution flow for Tareador.

Figure 2.1 shows the compilation and execution flow for Tareador, starting from the taskified
source code.

2.1 Tareador API

The Tareador application programmer interface (API) allows to specify code regions to be considered
as potential tasks:

/* Code region to be a potential task */

where the string NameOfTask identifies that task in the graph produced by Tareador. In order to
enable the analysis with Tareador, the programmer must invoke:

/* Main program */

at the beginning and at the end of the program, respectively.

From now onwards you will use a program that computes the fast Fourier transform (FFT)
of an input dataset in three directions (x, y, and z), producing an output dataset that can be
validated for correctness. We ask you to follow the next steps:
1. Go into the lab1/3dfft directory, open the 3dfft tar.c source code and identify the calls
to the Tareador API; try to understand the tasks that have been initially defined.
2. Open the Makefile to understand how the source code is compiled and linked to produce
the executable.
3. Generate the executable by running:
make 3dfft_tar
4. Execute the binary generated with:
./run-tareador.sh 3dfft_tar
Note that, due to the instrumentation overhead, the execution time may be several orders of
magnitude higher than that of the original sequential code.
5. A window with a warning message will appear, just click on the Ok button to continue with
the instrumented execution.

2.2 Brief Tareador hands-on

Now you will go through some of the different options that Tareador offers to analyse the potential
of task decomposition strategies.

Figure 2.2: Task dependency graph (TDG) for the initial task decomposition expressed in
3dftt tar.c.

The execution of the run tareador.sh script opens a new window in which the TDG is visualised
(see Figure 2.2):

ˆ each node of the graph represents a task: different shapes and colours are used to identify
task instances generated from the same task definition and each one is labeled with a task
instance number;
ˆ each node contains the number of instructions that the task instance has executed, as an
indication of the task granularity;
ˆ the size of the node also reflects in some way this granularity.
You can zoom in and out to see the names of the tasks (the same that were provided in the
source code) and the information reported for each node.

Figure 2.3: Variables provoking data dependencies between tasks for a specific or all edges: real
dependency tab.

Edges in the graph represent dependencies between task instances. Different colours/patterns
are used to represent different types of dependencies: e.g., blue colour for data dependencies and
green/yellow for control dependencies. Moreover, Tareador allows you to analyse the variables
whose access provokes data dependencies between a pair of nodes. Try the following:
1. Move the mouse over an edge. e.g., the edge going from the red task (init complex grid)
to the yellow task (ffts1 and transpositions).
2. Right click with the mouse and select Dataview → edge. This will open a window similar
to the one shown in Fig. 2.3.
3. In the Real dependency tab, you can see the variable that causes that dependency (the
access to the array in fftw).
4. Alternatively, right click on a task (e.g., ffts1 and transpositions) and select Dataview
→ Edges-in. This will open a window similar to the previous one.
5. You can do the same for the edges going out of a task by selecting Dataview → Edges-out
when clicking on top of a task.
For each node you can also analyse the variables that are accessed during the execution of the
associated task. For example, with the mouse on node ffts1 and transpositions, carry out the
following steps:
1. Right click with the mouse and select Dataview → node. You can select either the Task
view tab or the Data view tab in that window, as shown in Fig. 2.4.
2. In the Task view tab you can see the variables that are:
ˆ read (i.e., with a load memory access) in green colour in the window, as in this case
variable p1d;
ˆ written (i.e., with a store memory access) in blue colour in the window;
ˆ both read and written (i.e., intersection) in orange, as it is the case for in fftw.
3. For each variable in the list you have its name and its storage:

Figure 2.4: Variables provoking data dependencies between tasks for a specific or all edges: dataview
and taskview tabs.

ˆ G for global;
ˆ H for the heap or dynamically allocated data;
ˆ S for the stack or function local variables;
and additional information (size and allocation) is obtained by placing the mouse on the
4. In the Data view tab you can see for each variable (selected in the chooser) the kind of access
(store, load or both, using the same colors) that are performed by the task.
5. Finally, you can save the TDG by clicking on the Save results button in the main Tareador
6. Alternatively, you can simply take a screenshot by pressing the Prtsc keyboard button.

Figure 2.5: Paraver trace of the simulated execution with 4 processors, full view and after zooming
into the initial part of the trace.

You can also simulate the execution of the task graph in an ideal machine with a certain number
of processors by clicking on View Simulation in the main window of Tareador. This will open
a Paraver window similar to Fig. 2.5 showing the timeline for the simulated execution with the
following characteristics:
ˆ each horizontal line shows the task(s) executed by each processor (CPU1.x, with x={1,2,3,4});
ˆ colours represent different tasks and match those of the TDG;
ˆ the number on the lower-right corner of the window indicates the simulated execution time
(in time units, assuming that each instruction takes one time unit) for the parallel execution;
ˆ yellow lines show task dependencies (and task creations).

You can zoom in the initial part of the timeline by pressing the left button of your mouse
and selecting the zone you want to zoom. You can undo the zooms done by clicking Undo zoom
or Fit time scale on top of the timeline windows of Paraver. You can save the timeline for
the simulated parallel execution by clicking Save → Save image on top of the timeline Paraver
window; alternatively, you can make a screenshot.

2.3 Disabling Tareador objects

Although not useful for this code, you can disable the analysis of certain variables in the program
using the following functions of the Tareador API:

/* Code region with memory accesses to variable name_var */

With this mechanism you remove all the dependencies caused by the selected variable in a
specific code region. For example, if you disable the analysis of the variable in fftw, then you will
observe that in the new TDG the tasks init complex grid and ffts1 and transpositions are
executed in parallel.

2.4 Exploring new task decompositions

Once you are familiar with the basic features in Tareador , and motivated by the reduced parallelism
obtained in the initial task decomposition (named v0 from now on), you will proceed refining the
initial tasks with the objective of discovering more parallelism. You will incrementally generate five
new finer–grained task decomposition (named v1, v2, v3, v4 and v5) as described in the following
bullets. For each tasks decomposition compute T1 , T∞ and the potential parallelism (T1 ÷ T∞ )
from the task dependence graph generated by Tareador , assuming that each instruction takes one
time unit to execute. Note that T∞ can be approximated with a simulation using the maximum
number of processors. We advise you to save and compare all the TDGs and fill in Table 2.1.
Now it is time to refine the original tasks defined in the FFT benchmark with the objective
of exploiting more parallelism. You will incrementally generate five additional fine-grained task
decompositions (v1, v2, v3, v4, and v5) as described below:
v1. REPLACE 1 the task named ffts1 and transpositions with a sequence of fine-grained tasks,
one for each function invocation inside it.
v2. Starting from v1, replace the definition of tasks associated to function invocations ffts1 planes
with fine-grained tasks defined inside the function body and associated to individual iterations
of the k loop, as shown below:

void ffts1_planes(fftwf_plan p1d, fftwf_complex in_fftw[][N][N]) {

int j, k;
for (k=0; k<N; k++) {
for (j=0; j<N; j++)
(fftwf_complex *)in_fftw[k][j][0],
(fftwf_complex *)in_fftw[k][j][0]);

For this version pay special attention to the data dependencies that appear in the TDG:
analyze the Edges-in for one of the transposition tasks and make sure that you understand
what is reported by Tareador.
1 Herein the word “replace” actually means: firstly, remove the original task definitions; and secondly, add the

new task definitions.

v3. Starting from v2, replace the definition of tasks associated to function invocations transpose xy
planes and transpose zx planes with fine-grained tasks inside the corresponding body func-
tions and associated to individual iterations of the k loop, as you did in v2 for ffts1 planes.
Try to understand what is causing data dependencies.
v4. Starting from v3, replace the definition of the task for the init complex grid function with
fine-grained tasks inside the body function. For this version, simulate the parallel execution
for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 processors, drawing a graph or table showing the potential strong
scalability. What is limiting the scalability of v4?
v5. Create a new version to explore an even finer granularity. Take into consideration that, due
to the large number of tasks, Tareador may take a while to compute and draw the TDG.
Once more, simulate the parallel execution for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 128 (i.e., ∞) processors.
According to the new results, is it worth going to this granularity level?

Table 2.1: Parallelism for each version of 3dfft tar.c.

Version T1 T∞ Parallelism (T1 ÷ T∞ )

2.5 Discussion at the laboratory

These questions are to be discussed during and/or at the end of your laboratory session with your
ˆ What is the worst and best parallel strategy according to Table 2.1?
ˆ Which are the main differences between them?
ˆ In a real-world scenario, is the best strategy the one that you would have expected to have
the best performance?

Chapter 3

Understanding the execution of

OpenMP programs

This chapter presents a methodology to analyze and improve the performance of your parallel
implementation with OpenMP. It is based upon the following three steps that you can repeat until
being satisfied with the performance:

1. Use of Modelfactors in order to analyse the overall performance and scalability, the actual
parallel fraction (φ) of the task implementation, and its efficiency based on load balancing
and overheads.

2. Use of Paraver in order to analyse the traces generated from the parallel execution that will
help you to diagnose the performance inefficiencies previously reported by Modelfactors.

3. If necessary, modification of the current parallel implementation based on the previous

diagnosis and repetition of the process.

Parallel Executable code Temporary files Trace files

source code

OpenMP .pcf
enable flag .row
.mpit mpi2prv Paraver
.c compile Exec execute
.o .e
omp Extrae Extrae
lib lib omp

Makefile Shell scripts

Figure 3.1: Compilation and execution flow for obtaining traces.

The steps described above are based on the generation of traces from the instrumented execution
of a parallel program. Figure 3.1 shows the complete compilation and execution flow that needs to
be taken in order to generate such traces. The environment is mainly composed of:

Extrae. It transparently instruments the execution of OpenMP binaries, collecting information

about the status of each thread and different events related with the execution of the parallel
program.1 After the program execution, a trace composed of three files (with extensions .row,
.pcf, and more importantly .prv) is generated containing all the information collected at
execution time.

Paraver. It visualises the trace and analyses the execution of the program.
1 Extrae also collects the values of hardware counters that report the information about the processor activity and

memory accesses.

When using Modelfactors, the execution of the Extrae instrumented program is repeated for an
increasing number of processors, generating traces for each of them. Next, Modelfactors analyses
all of them in order to generate the reports.

3.1 Discovering Modelfactors: overall analysis

mfLite.py is a Python program that invokes the analysis with modelfactors, generating and
analysing a collection of execution traces generated by Extrae for different number of proces-
sors. In order to generate the collection of execution traces we provide you with a script
(submit-strong-extrae.sh), which also runs mfLite.py to generate the strong scaling analy-
sis of your parallel implementation. More information about mfLite.py can be found in Annex B.1.
We will firstly focus on the information reported in the generated text file modelfactors.out.
This output consists of three different tables. Each row starts with a short description of its content.
From left to right, the correponding values for each metric are shown for an increasing number of
Another script that executes in the background generates a PDF, modelfactor-tables.pdf,
gathering the aforementioned three tables and their captions. You should include both the tables
and their captions in all your reports.

3.1.1 Modelfactors tables

Table 3.1: Analysis done on Thu Jul 28 07:54:35 AM CEST 2024, par0.
Overview of whole program execution metrics
Number of Processors 1 2 4
Elapsed time (sec) 1.27 0.72 0.41
Speedup 1.00 1.76 3.11
Efficiency 1.00 0.88 0.78

Each table targets a different metric. Starting with the first one (see Table 3.1 obtained from a
parallel program executed on up to 4 processors), Modelfactors provides a summary of the overall
program execution metrics for an increasing number of p threads:
ˆ elapsed parallel execution time Tp , measured in seconds;
ˆ speedup, calculated as Sp = T1 ÷ Tp ;
ˆ efficiency, calculated as Ep = Sp ÷ p.
With this information you can figure out the scalability of your code. If the reported results
seem unsatisfactory, you can go to the next table to better understand the reasons.

Table 3.2: Analysis done on Thu Jul 28 07:54:35 AM CEST 2024, par0.
Overview of the efficiency metrics in parallel fraction, φ = 99.94
Global efficiency 99.97% 87.95% 77.95%
Parallelisation strategy efficiency 99.97% 99.50% 95.91%
Load balancing 100.00% 99.60% 96.60%
In execution efficiency 99.97% 99.91% 99.28%
Scalability for computation tasks 100.00% 88.38% 81.27%
IPC scalability 100.00% 89.43% 85.12%
Instruction scalability 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Frequency scalability 100.00% 98.83% 95.48%

The second table of Modelfactors (e.g., Table 3.2) provides a deep dive into the efficiency metric,
but only for the parallel fraction, denoted by φ, of the program, that is, the part of the program
that it currently parallelised. This is a good metric to understand whether the inefficiencies come
from a large serial part in your program that has not yet been parallelised or cannot be further

optimised. Note that there are two metrics, namely the “parallelization strategy efficiency” and the
“scalability for computation tasks”, whose product form the “global efficiency” of the program.
The parallelisation strategy efficiency is calculated as the product of the “load balancing” and
the “in execution efficiency”. The former reflects the ratio between the average useful code executed
by the threads and the maximum useful code executed by any of them, while the latter shows the
lack of overheads due to work generation and synchronisation in the critical path of the execution.
The higher and closer to 100% these two values are, the better. With these two metrics it can be
often inferred what to do next with regard to the analysis and optimisation of the code.
The scalability for computation tasks is related to how the processors are actually executing the
computation tasks, in terms of the total number of useful instructions executed, number of useful
instructions executed per cycle (IPC) of operation, and the frequency (number of cycles useful of
operation per second). As with the previous metric, it is calculated as the product of these three
variables. The value of these metrics for p threads is relative to 1 thread and, once more, the closer
to 100% these values are, the better. Note that lower values are to be expected for specific cases in
which there are plenty of synchronization overheads.

Table 3.3: Analysis done on Thu Jul 28 07:54:35 AM CEST 2024, par0.
Statistics about explicit tasks in parallel fraction
Number of explicit tasks executed (total) 16.0 32.0 64.0
LB (number of explicit tasks executed) 1.0 1.0 1.0
LB (time executing explicit tasks) 1.0 1.0 0.98
Time per explicit task (average us) 79070.36 44729.83 24320.53
Overhead per explicit task (synch %) 0.0 0.47 4.23
Overhead per explicit task (sched %) 0.02 0.02 0.02
Number of taskwait/taskgroup (total) 8.0 8.0 8.0

Finally, the third Modelfactors table (see Table 3.3) completes the report. If the code contains
explicit tasks, then details about them will be provided in this table. Otherwise, information
about implicit tasks will be reported. These metrics can be very helpful to detect issues related to
overheads caused by synchronizations or an excessive number of tasks created. LB stands for load
You can find more details on how to calculate the metrics of Tables 3.2–3.3 in Annex B.2.

Example 3DFFT: Obtaining parallelisation metrics using Modelfactors

Overall Analysis
A programmer has provided an OpenMP implementation for the FFT code similar to version 3
that you explored in the previous laboratory session. We ask you to carry out the following steps:
1. Go into the lab1/3dfft directory.
2. Open the 3dfft omp.c file in that directory and look for the lines containing OpenMP
(a) With #pragma omp parallel (line 49) we are simply defining a parallel region, that is,
a region of code to be executed by a number of threads (processors); each thread will
execute the body of the parallel construct in a replicated way: implicit task.
(b) With #pragma omp single (line 50) we are indicating that only one of the threads in the
parallel region will continue with the execution of the body of the single construct. The
other threads will remain idle waiting at the end of the single construct for additional
tasks to be executed. Note that the thread that entered the single region will encounter
#pragma omp taskloop (line 53), indicating that:
i. The for loop that follows will be divided in a number of so-called explicit tasks, each
one to be executed by any of the idle threads.
ii. When the thread that entered the single region finishes with the generation of all
the tasks in the taskloop, it will also participate in the execution of the explicit

tasks that it created.
iii. When all the explicit tasks are executed, the parallel region will be finished
returning to a serial execution until a new parallel region is found, if any in the code.
In your program, three parallel regions are initially defined.2
3. Compile 3dfft omp.c using the appropriate entry in the Makefile:
make 3dfft_omp
4. Submit the execution of the submit-strong-extrae.sh script indicating the name of the
binary program 3dfft omp:
sbatch submit-strong-extrae 3dfft_omp
This may take up to several minutes as the script traces the execution with 1, 4, 8, 12, 16,
and 20 threads and also performs the analysis with Modelfactors.
5. Monitor the status of your submitted job in the queue:
watch squeue
to check whether it has finished (press Ctrl-C keys to stop the command).
6. After the completion of the job, check that the directory 3dftt omp-strong-extrae exists,
and inside it, the modelfactor-tables.pdf or its equivalent text version modelfactors.out.
7. Open the PDF via the following command:
xpdf modelfactor-tables.pdf
Before continuing, make sure to rename the 3dfft omp-strong-extrae directory before running
a new Modelfactors analysis in order to avoid data deletion (since the same directory name will
be reused). Furthermore, beware of the limited disk quota assigned to your account and consider
deleting old traces once they are not longer necessary to prepare your laboratory deliverables.

3.1.2 Discussion at the laboratory

Based on the metrics reported by Modelfactors, it is time to think about the following questions:
ˆ What is the information that you can see in the tables generated by Modelfactors? How can
you use it?
ˆ Is the scalability appropriate?
ˆ Is the overhead due to synchronisation negligible?
ˆ Does this overhead affect the execution time per explicit task?
ˆ Which is the parallel fraction, i.e. value of φ, for this version of the program?
ˆ Is the efficiency of the parallel regions appropriate?
ˆ Which factor is negatively influencing the most?

3.2 Discovering Paraver: execution trace analysis

Table 3.4: Results of the Paraver execution analysis on three versions of the FFT benchmark.
Version φ ideal S12 T1 T12 real S12
Initial version in 3dfft omp.c
New version with reduced parallelisation overheads
Final version with improved φ

2 There is a fourth parallel region that will be activated later.

Let’s dive into the parallel execution of the application by visualizing one of the execution traces
generated by modelfactors. In this guided tour you will learn the basic features of Paraver , the
graphical browser of the traces generated by Extrae. For your informantion, in Atenea (Paraver
package section) we have prepared three packages (for Linux, Windows and Mac) of Paraver
software so that you can locally install Paraver binaries on your computer to analyze the traces
generated. This is usually faster than remotely open the GUI of Paraver when you are outside the
UPC campus.
We suggest you to keep the information of parallel fraction value (found in the second table
of Modelfactors) and capture the Paraver timeline(s) window(s) in order to make appropriate
comparisons between the three proposed versions of the FFT benchmark:
ˆ initial,
ˆ reduced overhead,
ˆ improved parallel fraction,
using the timeline window and profile of thread states. We will ask you to fill in Table 3.4.

3.2.1 Paraver timelines: navigation and basic concepts

We ask you to follow the next steps:

Figure 3.2: Paraver’s main control window, timeline, and 2D analyzer windows.

1. Launch Paraver by typing wxparaver on the command line, which will open the so-called
“main control window”, shown in Fig. 3.2 (left).
2. Load the trace corresponding to 12 processors from the main menu, by selecting File → Load
Trace..., and navigate through the directory structure until you find the trace file (.prv)
generated from the instrumented execution of the 3dfft omp binary during the execution of
the Modelfactors tool (they should be inside the directory 3dfft omp-strong-extrae).
3. Once the file is loaded, click on the box New single timeline window (top left icon in the
main window).
4. A new window, similar to the one shown in Fig. 3.2 (top-right), appears showing a timeline
where the horizontal axis represents time (advancing from left to right) and with the state
(encoded in colour) of each thread (vertical axis) in the parallel program.
5. While moving the mouse over the window, a textual description of the meaning of each colour
is shown (at the bottom of the same window):
ˆ light blue (idle),
ˆ dark blue (running),

ˆ red (synchronisation),
ˆ white (not created),
ˆ yellow (scheduling and fork-join),
ˆ . . .,
ˆ note that the meaning of each color is specific to each window.
6. Right-click at any point inside the window and select Info Panel and then the Colors tab
to see the colouring table for the window.
7. Double click with the left button of your mouse on any point in the red or yellow areas in the
timeline. This action will activate the What/Where tab of the info panel, showing in textual
form information at the selected point in the trace (thread and time where you have clicked,
thread state at this point and how long the time interval with that state is).
8. With Right Button → Info Panel in the trace window you can decide to show or hide this
It is interesting to see how the OpenMP parallel execution model is visualised:
ˆ Firstly, a master thread executes the sequential part of the program (dark blue with all the
other threads not yet created, shown in white) until the parallel region is reached.
ˆ At that moment, threads are created and the already mentioned explicit tasks are created
and executed, synchronising when necessary.
ˆ Once the parallel region is finished, only the master continues its execution (dark blue) with
all other threads remaining idle (light blue).

Zooming in/out timelines

In order to go deep in the understanding of how a particular program is being executed in parallel,
you need to learn how to zoom in the trace. Before that, it is worth mentioning that a single pixel
of the window does represent a time interval where the thread may change its state multiple times.
Since Paraver can only use a single colour to paint each pixel, it has to choose one to summarise
those states. Therefore, do not get fooled by the colours shown and do not extract premature
conclusions such as:
It seems that this thread is only synchronising and not running useful code since it is
all time in red,
None of the threads inside the parallel region seem to be running useful code.
The current timeline window shows the execution from time “zero” to the “total execution time”
(shown on the right bottom in nanoseconds). You can zoom in the trace, selecting areas that you
want to further view in detail, and zoom out to go to lower levels of detail in the trace:
1. Click with the left button of the mouse to select the starting time of the zoomed view, drag
the mouse over the area of interest, and release the mouse to select the end time of the zoomed
2. Undo Zoom and Redo Zoom commands are available on the right button menu. You can do
and undo several levels of zooming.
3. Fit time scale can be used to return to the initial view of the complete execution.
Now that you know how to zoom in and out, take some additional time to go deeper in
understanding how the fork–join model in OpenMP works:
1. Zoom into the beginning of the first parallel region (yellow part that is setting up the threads
and giving them work to do).

2. You can observe the dark blue bursts representing the execution of tasks and the red bursts
in between representing synchronisations, with less frequent yellow bursts indicating when
tasks are being generated.
3. Play a little bit more zooming in and out to observe how threads transition between states.

3.2.2 Paraver profiles: summarising information in the trace

Paraver also offers hints to ease the analysis of the traces generated by Extrae. These hints are
grouped in different categories and are available from the main menu. One of them is the hint
OpenMP/thread state profile, which pops up a table similar to the one shown in Fig. 3.2 (bottom-
right), with one row per thread and one column per thread state (Running, Synchronization,
Scheduling and Fork/Join, . . .).
Within the thread state profile, each cell value shows the percentage of time spent by a thread in
a specific state. Observe that all threads, excluding the first one, spent some time in Not created
state and that the percentage spent in Synchronization is significant compared to Running. The
later means that the thread utilisation is low for this initial version of the code.
To see a different statistic in the histogram change the Statistic selector in the Window
properties panel placed in the main window of Paraver. You can have a look at the following
Time. It shows the total time spent on each state, per thread.
# instances. It counts the number of times each state occurs.
Average duration. It shows the average time a thread is in each state.

3.2.3 Paraver flags

Flags provide information about the parallel execution and have two properties: type and value.
The type is used to encode the kind of event while the value gives a specific value to the event:
1. Right-click with your mouse on the window, and select the View → Event Flags checkbox.
Flags signal the entry and exit points of different OpenMP events (e.g., start/end of parallel
region, function executed by explicit tasks, . . .).
2. Click on one of the flags and enable the Event checkbox on the What/where tab of the Info
3. Sometimes you need to click several times to select the pixel where the flag is painted (or
click the Prev./Next checkbox to show the information around the selected pixel).
Flags are also useful to differentiate different bursts in what may look like a simple burst in the
timeline. Once more, for the purpose of this guided tour, we will be using Paraver hints to extract
and process the information in these flags.

Example 3DFFT: Obtaining further parallelisation details with Paraver

Detailed Analysis
For the trace you have loaded in the previous section:
1. Open the Paraver hint User funtions which identifies when the different functions in the
program are executed. Note that each function is represented with a different colour.
2. It is possible to align two different timelines by making them display the exact same threads
and time span. To practise this, just take the initial state timeline window showing the
parallel activity and the last window with the user functions. Right-click inside one of the
two windows (the source or reference window) and select Copy;
3. Right-click on the target window and select Paste → Default (or, separately, Paste →
Size and Paste → Time).

4. Both windows will then have the same size and represent different views (metrics) for the
same part of the trace. If you put one above the other there is a one-to-one correspondence
between points in vertical.
5. You can also synchronise different windows by adding them to the same group. For example,
select Synchronise → 1 after a right-click with your mouse on the initial state timeline
window showing the parallel activity.
6. Repeat this with the hint User functions timeline window.
7. Once synchronised, they will continue aligned after zooming, undoing or redoing zoom. With
the two windows synchronised it is easy to correlate the duration of tasks with the implicit
task they belong to, allowing you to observe if parallel regions take the same time and if there
is some work imbalance among threads in any of them.
8. You can always unsynchronise a window by unselecting Synchronise after a right-click with
your mouse on the timeline window. Note that you can create new groups of synchronised
windows at your convenience.
9. Open the hint Useful/Instantaneous parallelism to see the number of threads executing
tasks in parallel. In order to figure out the existing parallelism at any moment of the execution
trace, you can double-click with your mouse and the information panel will show you the
instantaneous parallelism at that moment (a value of 1 means no parallelism at all).
There are two key factors that influence the overall scalability and final performance. Looking
at the two timelines windows we can see that:
ˆ there is one function that is not parallelised;
ˆ there is a predominant thread state along the entire timeline window.
The second factor seems to have a greater influence because there is a strong scalability problem,
that is, a slowdown from twelve or more threads, due to the number of tasks and synchronisations
in the program.

3.2.4 Paraver hints for implicit and explicit tasks

To better understand from where this inefficiency comes from, we can use the following two Paraver
hints to analyse the tasks that are created in our program:
1. Open the hint OpenMP/implicit tasks duration to show the duration of the implicit tasks
executed by threads in the parallel regions.
2. A gradient coloured timeline shows the semantics of the window, painting each pixel in the
window with a colour, from light green (low duration) to dark blue (high duration).
3. By moving the mouse arrow on top of the bursts Paraver will tell you their duration.
4. By clicking in one of the burst you can also get this information, but the gradient coloured
window gives you a more global picture of the duration within the same parallel region and
across different ones.
5. Now open the hint OpenMP tasking/explicit tasks duration to visualise the gradient
coloured timeline showing the duration of the tasks executed by the different threads.
6. You should be able to observe the task granularities generated in the different taskloop
constructs and see, for example, if the explicit tasks generated from the same taskloop have
the same duration or not.
We can also use the following two hints that produce histograms with the duration of the
implicit and explicit tasks:
1. Open the Paraver hint OpenMP/Histogram of Implicit task duration.
2. A window pops up, showing with a colour gradient the distribution of the different implicit
tasks duration. You can see the histogram of different implicit task executed for each thread.

3. Open the Paraver hint OpenMP tasking/Histogram of explicit execution task duration.

4. Another window pops up, showing with a colour gradient the distribution of the different
explicit tasks duration. You can see the histogram of different explicit task executed for each

There are other hints for both implicit and explicit tasks that you can see in Annexes C–D.

3.2.5 Paraver configuration files for implicit and explicit tasks

To facilitate the use of Paraver, you can employ the following configuration files that automate the
process of opening several hints and synchronise different timelines:

1. Close and reopen Paraver and load the trace corresonding to 12 threads.

2. Click on File → Load configuration...

3. Go to the very top of the directory list, look for your lab directory, and click on lab1/3dfft/

4. Load one of the two configuration files avalaible (*.cfg) corresponding to either implicit or
explicit tasks.

5. Verify that all the timelines are already synchronised.

6. Make sure that the timelines do cover the entire execution time by clicking on Fit time

Note that a single configuration file can be used to automatically load several hints and
synchronise the corresponding timelines and profiles. In this particular case, the following Paraver
windows were loaded:

Thread states. You will see different states: (a) running, (b) not created, (c) schedule and
fork/join, (d) synchronization, and (e) idle.

Parallel constructs. The parallel region limits are shown on thread 0.

Worksharing constructs. The single region is only shown on the thread executing the single

Implicit/Explicit task function creation (line and file). The thread executing the single re-
gion creates all the tasks in the taskloop. If you move the mouse over any of these regions,
you will see the line and file where the taskloop (task) is created.

Implicit/Explicit task function execution (line and file). Any thread can execute a task
created in the taskloop. If you move the mouse over such a region, you will see the first line
and file where each task starts.

Implicit/Explicit tasks executed duration. If you move the mouse over any of these regions,
you will see the execution time (granularity) of each task.

From the previous hints and configurations, and more specifically the histograms and timeline
windows of the explicit task duration, it can be inferred that the fine granularity employed in this
parallel implementation may not be adequate.

3.2.6 Final thoughts on Paraver

The information gathered in this section constitutes a very short introduction to Paraver and you
will get to know better this visualisation aid along the next laboratory sessions.

Annexes C–D summarise the most important Paraver hints to be used with implicit and
explicit tasks, respectively. We strongly recommend you to try them out now by using the trace
corresponding to the initial version of the FFT problem executed with twelve threads.

3.3 Example 3DFFT: Parallel Improvements and Analysis
3.3.1 Reducing the parallelisation overheads
Code Optimization
We ask you to coarsen the current task granularity of the FFT problem. This should reduce
the parallelisation overheads and, as a consequence, have some positive impact in the overall
performance. In order to achieve this:
1. Comment the innermost taskloop inside each parallel region.
2. Uncomment the outermost taskloop inside each parallel region.

Overall Analysis with Modelfactor

Now, it is good to see the impact of the new optimization in the overall performance.
1. Recompile and submit for execution the submit-strong-extrae.sh script, obtaining the
new values for all the previous metrics using modelfactors.
2. Compare the modelfactors results to the previous ones. Can you see any improvement in the
speedup? Is there still slowdown for 12 or more threads?
Now that the overhead problem seems to have been solved, why do you think you cannot achieve
better speedup for twelve or more threads? Try to compute the maximum speedup using the
current parallel fraction (from the second table generated by Modelfactors). Is this value limiting
the maximum speedup that we can achieve?

Detailed analysis with Paraver

The analysis described below will help you to understand the overall improvement of the code:
1. Load the newly generated trace in Paraver (3dfft omp-12-boada-??-cutter.prv), where
?? is the number of the node your program has been executed.
2. Click on the New single timeline window box (top left icon in the main window).
3. Load the trace corresponding to the initial version generated also with 12 threads. This trace
should be located in another directory that you previously backup!
4. Make sure that both traces, i.e. initial and reduced overhead versions, use the same temporal
5. Capture the Paraver timeline(s) window(s). The screenshot must show the comparison of the
two versions, as well as the impact on the overall execution time. Remember to explain your
conclusions briefly.
6. Obtain the histogram with the duration of different implicit and explicit tasks. You can either
use the hints or the configuration files.
7. Open the hint User funtions for the reduced overhead version in order to identify where
and when the different functions in the program are being executed.
8. Remember to rename/backup the 3dfft omp-strong-extrae directory containing all the
traces to avoid loosing data on future Modelfactors analysis.

3.3.2 Discussion at the laboratory

At this point, you should be able to answer each of the following questions:
ˆ Do you think that using a very fine granurality is always the best parallel strategy? Why?
Have another look at the third table generated by Modelfactors for the two versions.
ˆ Was the synchronisation overhead constant or a function of the number of threads?
ˆ How did you solve the overhead problem of the initial, fine-grained granularity strategy?

3.3.3 Improving φ
Code Optimization
Note that the function init complex grid has not yet been parallelised and its execution time is
limiting the overall performance of the FFT program. We propose you another optimisation based
on your previous analysis with both Modelfactors and Paraver:
1. Open the 3dfft omp.c file.
2. Uncomment the pragmas that will allow the parallel execution of the code inside function
init complex grid.
3. At this point, only uncomment the outer loop taskloop together with parallel and single.

Overall Analysis with Modelfactor

Recompile and submit for execution the submit-strong-extrae.sh script, obtaining the new
values for all the previous metrics using modelfactors.

Detailed analysis with Paraver

The final steps described below allow for a final comparison between the three parallel versions of
the code:
1. Load the newly generated trace in Paraver (3dfft omp-12-boada-??-cutter.prv), where
?? is the number of the node your program has been run.
2. Click on the New single timeline window box (top left icon in the main window).
3. Perform the same steps for the two previous traces (initial and reduced overhead versions)
executed with 12 threads.
4. Capture the three traces simultaneously, for example, by placing the corresponding timelines
on top of each other.
5. In order to see the net effect of the optimisations (i.e., the reduction of the execution time),
click Copy in the timeline window of the initial version and Paste → Time in the timeline
windows of the newer versions.
6. You can also open the hint Useful/Instantaneous parallelism to compare the behaviour
of the three parallel implementations.

3.3.4 Discussion at the laboratory

At this point, you can answer the following questions:
ˆ Once the overhead problem was solved, what was limiting the performance of the parallel
ˆ Compare the parallel fraction of the three versions: initial, reduced overhead, and improved
parallel fraction.

Appendix A

Accessing the boada cluster

You can access boada from your laptop, booted with Linux, macOS or Windows, if a secure shell
client is installed. However, to be able to access the boada server from a computer outside the UPC
you will need to use a UPC VPN connection.
On Windows you need both putty for secure shell:
and xming for X11:
alternatively, you can use MobaXterm which integrates both secure shell and X11:
On macOS you need XQuartz and the option -Y:
ssh -Y [email protected]
where ???? refers to your user number.

Appendix B


B.1 Modelfactors script mfLite.py: extracting information

The script mfLite.py extracts information from Extrae traces:
Execution time . Also known as runtime and
In useful state . It is used to compute different duration metrics such as useful avg, useful max,
and useful tot.
On the other hand, two basic hardware counters, i.e. PAPI TOT CYC and PAPI TOT INS, are used
to extract two raw metrics:
ˆ useful ins: number of instructions executed while in useful state and
ˆ useful cycles: number of execution cycles while in useful state.
This tool evaluates the metrics only inside parallel regions, what is called the parallel fraction

B.2 Computing the Modelfactors metrics for OpenMP

The metrics reported in the second and third tables of Modelfactors are computed only for the
parallel fraction (φ) of the program, according to Amdahl’s law. The parallel fraction may contain
multiple parallel regions.
With p being the number of processors, the efficiency of the parallel fraction of a program is
given by:
ef f (p) = parallel ef f (p) × comp scal(p),
ˆ parallel ef f (p) is the “parallelisation strategy efficiency” from the second table of Modelfactors
and exposes the inefficiencies in the task decomposition strategy;
ˆ comp scal(p) is the “scalability for computation tasks” from the same table and characterises
the inefficiencies associated with computation tasks.
The variable parallel ef f (p) is proportional to two factors:
ˆ LB ef f , the “load balancing” from the second table of Modelfactors;
ˆ in exec ef f , the “in execution efficiency” from the same table;
where the first factor exposes the load balancing

avg(usef uli )
LB ef f = ,
max(usef uli )

while the second factor highlights when threads spend time executing useful code

max(usef uli )
in exec ef f = ,
being t the total execution time for the parallel fraction and usef uli the time that thread i executes
useful code. Finally, parallel ef f (p) can be computed as follows:

i=0 (usef uli )
Σp−1 usef uli p max(usef uli )
parallel ef f (p) = i=0 = .
p×t max(usef uli ) t

The scalability for computation tasks can also be expressed as usef ul(1) ÷ usef ul(p), where
usef ul(p) is the total time all threads execute useful code in the parallel fraction, i.e. Σp−1
i=0 usef uli .
In particular, usef ul(p) is equal to inst(p) × CP I(p) ÷ f req(p) where:
ˆ inst(p) is the total number of instructions executed in useful code;
ˆ CP I(p) = cycles(p)÷inst(p) is the average number of cycles needed to execute one instruction,
being cycles the total number of cycles spent in useful code;
ˆ f req(p) = cycles(p) ÷ usef ul(p) is the average frequency of the processors while executing
useful code.
In order words, we can compute the scalability for computation tasks as:

IP C(p) inst(1) f req(p)

comp scal(p) = ,
IP C(1) inst(p) f req(1)

which corresponds to IP C scal(p) × inst scal(p) × f req scal(p) and is precisely the product of the
three rows (“IPC scalability”, “instruction scalability” and “frequency scalability”) of the second
table of Modelfactors. Take into consideration that:
ˆ an instruction scalability smaller than unity means that the parallel program needs more
instructions than the sequential code;
ˆ an IPC smaller than unity means that the IPC for p threads is worse than its sequential
ˆ a frequency scalability smaller than unity means that, when using p threads, the frequency
The third table of Modelfactors focuses on the information associated with explicit tasks. In
particular, it exposes different factors that affect the overall load balance and overheads due to
explicit tasks. The factors “LB (number of explicit tasks executed)” and “LB (time executing
explicit tasks)” show the load imbalance and execution time related to the number of explicit tasks,
There should be a good correlation between the load balance information (execution time due to
useful code) shown in the second table and the load balance information (explicit tasks) in the third
table. On the other hand, the percentage of overhead due to the synchronisation and scheduling
can be a good indicator of scalability problems of a given parallel strategy, usually related to the
number of tasks and their granularity.

Appendix C

Visualising implicit tasks in


C.1 Hint OpenMP/parallel construct

It identifies when parallel constructs are executed. For this window, red means when the master
thread enters into a parallel region.

Observe that in this trace only one thread encounters the parallel region and that there are
9 parallel regions executed (as delimited by the flags): two of these nine regions are fake parallel
regions intentionally introduced to delimit the start and the end of the main program.

C.2 Hint OpenMP/implicit tasks in parallel constructs

It identifies the functions that encapsulate the code regions that each thread executes when a
parallel region is found and what we have called the implicit task associated to the parallel region.
All threads contribute to the execution of the parallel region that was encountered by a single
thread. The semantics for this window associates different colours to visualise different implicit
tasks. The textual information shows the line number in the source file associated to the parallel

You can check the line number in the original source code to see which one of the three parallel
regions identified in the code is executed. Can we know how much time it takes for a thread to
execute these implicit tasks?

C.3 Hint OpenMP/implicit tasks duration

It shows the duration of the implicit tasks executed by threads inside parallel regions. A gradient
coloured timeline is used to show the semantics of the window, painting each pixel in the window
with a colour, from light green (low value for the duration) to dark blue (high value for the duration).
Moving the mouse arrow on top of the bursts Paraver shows their duration interval. Clicking
in one of the burst also reveals this information but the gradient coloured window gives a more
global picture of the parallel region duration in the same parallel region and across different parallel

C.4 Hint #pragma omp single

For each parallel region, it shows the thread that remains active as it enters the single region.
For the remaining threads, there is a very short green bar at the beginning to check if the single
region has already been taken by someone.

C.5 More hints
There are other hints in the Paraver menu gathered in Tables C.1–C.2 associated with timelines
and histograms, respectively.

Table C.1: Paraver hints for implicit tasks that generate timelines.
Paraver hint Timeline content
Parallel constructs When a parallel construct is executed
Implicit tasks The implicit task each thread executes in a parallel region
Implicit tasks duration The duration of the implicit task executed in a parallel region
Worksharing constructs When threads are in worksharings (in this course, only single)
In barrier syncrhonisation When threads are in a barrier synchronisation
In critical syncrhonisation When threads are in/out/entering/exiting critical synchronisations

Table C.2: Paraver hints for implicit tasks that generate histograms.
Paraver hint Histogram content
Thread state profile Thread states (useful, scheduling, synchronisation, . . .)
In critical syncrhonisation profile Different phases a thread goes on when synchronising
in a critical construct
Implicit tasks profile Implicit tasks
Histogram Implicit tasks duration Durations of implicit tasks

Appendix D

Visualising explicit tasks in


Remember that these explicit tasks are created via the task or taskloop constructs present in a
parallel program.

D.1 Hint OpenMP tasking/explicit tasks task created and executed

It visualises explicit tasks, and more specifically, when they are created and when they are executed.
Synchronise the two windows that just opened and do a bit of zooming in order to see the
tasks in the different parallel regions (flags are here useful to delimit each tasks generated by the
taskloop construct). Observe that each burst provides information about the line number in the
source code where the tasks are defined. By opening the source code, you can verify that each task
is associated to a particular taskloop construct.

D.2 Hint OpenMP taskloop/in taskloop construction

It visualises the taskloop constructs where the tasks belong to.
Synchronise the new window with the previous two windows in order to see when the thread
executing the taskloop construct waits for the termination of all the tasks that have been generated.
Note that, while this threads awaits, it also contributes with the execution of the generated tasks.

D.3 Hint OpenMP tasking/explicit tasks duration

It visualises the gradient coloured timeline showing the duration of the tasks executed by the
different threads.
You should be able to identify the task granularities generated in the different taskloop
constructs and observe, for instance, whether the explicit tasks generated from the same taskloop
have all the same duration or not.

D.4 More hints

There are other hints in the Paraver menu gathered in Tables D.1–D.2 associated with timelines
and histograms, respectively.

Table D.1: Paraver hints for explicit tasks that generate timelines.
Paraver hint Timeline content
Tasking/Explicit tasks function created and executed When explicit tasks are created and executed
(file name and line number)
Tasking/Explicit tasks executed duration Duration of explicit task functions executed
Taskloop/In taskloop constructs When the taskloop construct is executed
Tasking/In taskwait constructs When a taskwait construct is executed
Tasking/In taskgroup constructs When a task is starting or waiting in a taskgroup

Table D.2: Paraver hints for explicit tasks that generate histograms.
Paraver hint Histogram content
Tasking/Profile of explicit tasks creation and execution Task creations and executions
Tasking/Histogram of explicit tasks execution duration Durations of the explicit tasks executed


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