3 Minute Speech

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Title: The Adventure of Learning a New Language

Assalamualaikum and good morning. Hello, everyone! My name is …………….. and

I’m so happy to be here with all of you today! First, I want to say thank you for being
here. It means a lot to me! Learning a new language can be challenging, but it’s also
a lot of fun. We’re all here to learn together, and that makes us a great team!

Surah Al-Iqra (Surah Al-Alaq), Verses 1-5:

1. ‫ِاْق َر ِباْس ِم َر ِّبَك اَّلِذْي َخ َلَق‬
‫َل‬ ‫َل‬
2. ‫َخ َق اِاْلْنَس اَن ِم ْن َع ٍق‬
3. ‫ِاْق َر َوَر ُّبَك اَاْلْكَر ُم‬
‫ْل َل‬ ‫َّل‬ ‫َّل‬
4. ‫ا ِذْي َع َم ِبا َق ِم‬
5. ‫َعَّلَم اِاْلْنَس اَن َم ا َلْم َيْعَلْم‬

 "Read in the name of your Lord who created. Created man from a clinging
substance. Read, and your Lord is the most Generous—Who taught by the pen—
Taught man that which he knew not."
 This verse is notable as it was the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him), emphasizing the act of reading and acquiring knowledge as fundamental
to faith and practice

So, let’s get started! I hope you enjoy it!

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk to you about something exciting: learning a
new language! Isn’t it cool that we can talk to people from all over the world?

Imagine this: you’re on a trip to a different country. You see beautiful places, try
delicious food, and meet new friends. But wait! What if you can’t understand what
they’re saying? That’s where learning a new language comes in!

1. Why Learn a New Language?

o Learning a new language is like opening a magical door. It allows you
to discover new cultures, traditions, and stories. You can watch
movies, read books, and listen to music in another language. How
awesome is that?
2. Fun Ways to Learn!
o Learning doesn’t have to be boring. You can play games, sing songs,
or even watch cartoons in your new language! Have you ever tried
using apps or online games? They make learning fun and help you
3. Making Friends
o When you learn a new language, you can make friends from different
countries. You can share jokes, play together, and learn about each
other’s lives. It’s like having a superpower that helps you connect with
4. Boosting Your Brain
o Did you know that learning a new language is good for your brain? It
helps you think better and improves your memory. It’s like giving your
brain a workout!

So, if you’re learning a new language, remember: it’s an adventure! Embrace the
challenges, celebrate your progress, and most importantly, have fun!

Let’s keep exploring the world, one word at a time! Thank you!

The Loving Family

Aslkm and good morning, Hello, everyone! My name is ………………………………………, I’m excited to
talk to you about something really interesting. I hope you’re ready to join me on this

1. Surah Al-Isra (17:23-24):

‫َو َق َضى َر ُّب َك َأ َّلا َت ْع ُب ُدوا ِإ َّلا ِإ َّيا ُه َو ِبا ْل َوا ِل َد ْي ِن ِإ ْح َسا ًنا ۚ ِإ َّما َي ْب ُل َغ َّن ِعن َد َك ا ْل ِك َب َر َأ َح ُد ُه َما َأ ْو ِك َلا ُه َما َف َلا َت ُقل َّل ُه َما ُأ ٍّف َو َلا َت ْن َه ْر ُه َما َو ُقل َّل ُه َما َق ْوًلا َك ِري ًما‬
2.  ‫َو ا ْخ ِف ض َل ُه َم ا َج َن ا َح ا ل ُّذ ِّل ِم َن ا ل َّر ْح َم ِة َو ُق ل َّر ِّب ا ْر َح ْم ُه َم ا َك َم ا َر َّب َي ا ِن ي َص ِغ ي ًر ا‬
"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to
parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age
[while] with you, say not to them [so much as], 'uff,' and do not repel
them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of
humility out of mercy and say, 'My Lord, have mercy upon them as they
brought me up [when I was] small.'"

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk about something very special: family! Family is
one of the most important parts of our lives. They are the people who love us,
support us, and help us grow.
1.What is Family?
- Family can be many things. It’s not just about parents and siblings; it can also
include grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even close friends. Family is about love
and connection, no matter how it looks!
2. The Importance of Love
- Love in a family is like a warm blanket. It makes us feel safe and happy. When
we know that someone cares for us, we can be ourselves. Family members cheer us
on when we do well and comfort us when we are sad. Isn’t that wonderful?
3. Sharing Moments Together
- Families create special memories together. Think about the fun times you have—
like game nights, vacations, or even cooking together. These moments bring us
closer and make us feel like a team. Each laugh and story shared becomes a
treasure in our hearts.
4. Learning from Each Other
- Our families teach us important lessons. We learn values like kindness, respect,
and responsibility. They show us how to be good friends and community members.
By watching our family, we learn how to love and care for others too.
5. Facing Challenges Together
- Every family has challenges. Sometimes we disagree or face tough times. But
love helps us get through it. When we communicate and support each other, we
become stronger. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to ask for help and to talk
about our feelings.
So, let’s celebrate our families! Take a moment to think about the love and support
you receive. Remember to express your love back to them—say thank you, give
hugs, or simply spend time together.

Family is a treasure that we should cherish every day. Thank you for listening!

Tittle :The Importance of Rules

ASlkm wbr and good morning, Hello, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and today I’m excited to
talk about a topic that affects all of us: rules!

Now, I know what you might be thinking—rules can seem boring or even annoying at times. But
rules are actually really important! They help keep us safe, create fairness, and make our lives better
in many ways.

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:282):

‫َأ‬ ‫ْأ‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬
‫َيا ُّيَها اَّلِذيَن آَمُنوا ِإَذا َتَداَينُتم ِبَدْيٍن ِإَلى َج ٍل ُمَسًّمى َفاْكُتُبوُه ۗ َوْلَيْكُتب َبْيَنُكْم ِباْلَعْدِل ۚ َواَل َي َب َكاِتٌب ْن‬
‫َيْكُتَب َكَما َعَّلَمُه الَّلُه ۚ َفْلَيْكُتْب ۚ َوْلُيْمِلِل اَّلِذي َعَلْيِه اْلَح ُّق َوْلَيَّتِق الَّلَه َر َّبُه َواَل َيْبَخ ْس ِمْنُه َش ْيًئا ۗ َفِإن َكاَن‬
‫ْل‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َأ اَل‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َل ْل‬ ‫َّل‬
‫ا ِذي َع ْيِه ا َح ُّق َس ِفيًها ْو َضِعيًفا ْو َيْس َتِطيُع ْن ُيِمَّل ُهَو َف ُيْمِلْل َوِلُّيُه ِبا َعْدِل ۗ َواْس َتْش ِهُدوا َش ِهيَدْيِن‬
‫ِّك‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َل‬ ‫ُك‬ ‫َّل‬ ‫ُك‬
‫ِمن ِّر َج اِل ْم ۚ ِإن ْم َي وَنا َر ُج ْيِن َر ُج ٌل َواْمَر َتاِن ِّمَّمن َتْر َضْوَن ِمن الُّش َهَداِء ن َتِضَّل ِإْحَدٰىُهَما ُتَذ َر‬
‫َف‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َف‬
‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫ْأ‬ ‫ُأْل‬
‫ِإْحَدٰىُهَما ا ْخ َرٰى ۗ َواَل َي َب الُّش َهَداُء ِإَذا َما ُدُعوا ۗ َواَل َتْسَمُعوا ْن َتْكُتُبوُه َصِغيًر ا و َكِبيًر ا ِإَلى َجِلِه ۗ ٰذِلُكْم‬
‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬
‫ْقَس ُط ِعنَد الَّلِه َو ْقَوُم ِللَّش َهاَدِة َو ْدَنٰى اَّل َتْر َتاُبوا ِإاَّل ن َتُكوَن ِتَج اَر ًة َح اِضَر ًة ُتِديُر وَنَها َبْيَنُكْم َفَلْيَس َعَلْيُكْم‬
ۚ ‫ُجَناٌح َأاَّل َتْكُتُبوَها ۗ َوأْش ِهُدوا ِإَذا َتَبَاَيْعُتْم ۖ َواَل ُيَضٓاَّر َكاِتٌب َواَل َش ِهيٌد ۚ َوِإن َتْفَعُلوا َفِإَّنُه ُفُس وٌق ِبُكْم ۗ َواَّتُقوا الَّلَه‬
‫َوُيَعِّلُمُكُم الَّلُه ۗ َوالَّلُه ِبُكِّل َش ْي ٍء َعِليٌم‬
"O you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified term, write it
down. And let a scribe write [it] between you in justice. Let no scribe refuse to
write as Allah has taught him. So let him write and let the one who has the
obligation dictate. And let him fear Allah, his Lord, and not leave anything out of
it..."This verse emphasizes the importance of documentation, honesty, and
fairness in dealings, serving as a guideline for ethical behavior in financial

Throughout my speech, I’ll share some examples of rules we see every day, why they matter, and
how they can help us be the best we can be. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this too!

So, let’s dive in and explore the world of rules together! Thank you!

1. **What Are Rules?**

- Rules are guidelines that help us understand what is right and wrong. They keep us safe and help
us get along with each other. Think about traffic lights—without them, driving would be chaotic!

2. **Safety First**

- One of the most important reasons for rules is safety. At home, we have rules like not running
with scissors. In school, we have rules to keep us safe during activities. When we follow these rules,
we protect ourselves and our friends.

3. **Creating a Positive Environment**

- Rules help create a positive atmosphere. In class, we have rules about raising our hands to speak.
This way, everyone gets a chance to share their ideas. When we respect these rules, we can learn
better and support each other.
4. **Learning Responsibility**

- Following rules teaches us responsibility. When we have chores at home, we learn to take care of
our space. Completing our homework on time shows that we can manage our time well. These skills
are important as we grow up!

5. **Building Respect and Fairness**

- Rules also promote respect and fairness. Everyone should follow the same rules, no matter who
they are. This helps us treat each other equally and understand the importance of teamwork. When
we work together, we achieve great things!

In conclusion, rules are not just limits; they are guides that help us lead better lives. They keep us
safe, create a positive environment, and teach us valuable life skills. So, let’s remember to follow the
rules and encourage others to do the same. Together, we can make our school and community a
better place! Thank you for listening!


Aslkm and good morning, Hello, everyone! My name is ……………………, and I’m so happy
to be here with all of you today! First, I want to say thank you for being here. Today, I want to
talk to you about something very important: **healthy eating**! Eating healthy foods helps us grow
strong and stay active. Let’s learn how we can have a balanced diet!

### What is a Healthy Diet?

A **healthy diet** means eating a variety of foods that give our bodies the nutrients we need. This

1. **Fruits and Vegetables**: We should eat at least **five servings** of fruits and vegetables every
day. They are full of vitamins and minerals that help us stay healthy. Try to eat different colors—like
red apples, green broccoli, and orange carrots—to get all the good stuff!

2. **Grains**: Foods like bread, rice, and pasta are important too! Choose whole grains, like whole
wheat bread or brown rice, because they have more fiber. Fiber helps our tummies feel good!

3. **Proteins**: We need proteins to grow strong muscles. Good sources of protein include chicken,
fish, beans, and nuts. Eating fish like salmon is great for our brains!

4. **Dairy**: Milk, yogurt, and cheese are important for strong bones and teeth because they have
calcium. If you don’t drink milk, you can try almond milk or soy milk!

### Why is Healthy Eating Important?

Eating healthy foods helps us in many ways:

a- It gives us **energy** to play and learn.

b- It helps us **grow** taller and stronger.

c- It keeps our hearts and bodies healthy.

d- It helps us think clearly in school.

### Tips for Eating Healthy

Here are some fun tips to help you eat healthy:

- **Try New Foods**: Don’t be afraid to try new fruits or vegetables! You might find a new favorite!-
**Eat Together**: Eating meals with your family can make healthy eating more fun. You can talk
about your day while enjoying good food together.- **Healthy Snacks**: Instead of chips or candy,
choose snacks like fruits, yogurt, or whole-grain crackers.

Remember, eating healthy is not just about what we eat but also about enjoying our food! So let’s
fill our plates with colorful fruits and veggies, whole grains, proteins, and dairy. By making these
choices every day, we can all grow up healthy and strong!

Thank you for listening! Now let's all make a promise to eat healthier together!


Aslkm and good morning, Hello, everyone! My name is ……………………, ! Today, I want
to talk to you about something very special: **making friends**! Friends are important in our lives.
They make us happy, help us learn, and share fun experiences. Let’s explore how we can make
friends and why it’s so important!

1. **Support and Help**: Friends are there for us when we need help. If we’re feeling sad or
confused, a friend can cheer us up or help us understand something better. They can be our partners
in learning and growing.

2. **Fun and Laughter**: Friends make everything more fun! Whether we’re playing games, sharing
snacks, or just talking, having friends around brings joy and laughter into our lives.

3. **Learning About Others**: When we make friends, we learn about different cultures, interests,
and experiences. This helps us understand the world better and appreciate our differences!

### How to Make Friends

Now that we know why friends are important, let’s talk about how to make them!

1. **Be Friendly**: A smile can go a long way! When you see someone new, smile and say hello.
Being friendly makes others feel comfortable around you.

2. **Share Your Interests**: Talk about things you enjoy! If you love soccer, ask if anyone else likes it
too. Sharing your interests can help you find common ground with others.

3. **Ask Questions**: Show interest in others by asking questions. You can ask about their favorite
games, movies, or hobbies. This shows that you care and want to get to know them better.

4. **Join Activities**: Participating in clubs or team sports is a great way to meet new people.
Whether it’s art class, a sports team, or a school club, being part of a group helps you connect with
others who share your interests.

5. **Be Kind and Respectful**: Treat everyone with kindness and respect. If someone is shy or
different from you, be patient and include them in your activities. Everyone wants to feel accepted!

### How to Keep Friends

Making friends is just the beginning! Here are some tips on how to keep those friendships strong:

1. **Stay in Touch**: Make sure to spend time together regularly. You can play games, do
homework together, or just hang out during lunch.

2. **Be Supportive**: Be there for your friends when they need help or encouragement. Celebrate
their achievements and comfort them when they’re feeling down.

3. **Communicate Openly**: If there’s ever a problem or misunderstanding, talk about it openly.

Good communication helps friendships grow stronger.

In conclusion, making friends is an important part of life that brings joy and support into our days.
Remember to be friendly, share your interests, ask questions, and treat others with kindness.

Thank you for listening! Now let’s go out there and make some amazing friends!


Aslkm and good morning, Hello, everyone! My name is ……………………, ! Today, I want
to talk to you about something very important: **politeness**! Being polite is not just about using
nice words; it’s about showing respect and kindness to others. Let’s explore why politeness matters
and how we can practice it every day!Why is Politeness Important?

1. **Building Friendships**: When we are polite, we make others feel good. Saying "please" and
"thank you" can help us make friends. People enjoy being around those who treat them nicely.

2. **Creating a Happy Environment**: Politeness helps everyone feel comfortable. When we are
kind to each other, it makes our classrooms, homes, and communities happier places to be.

3. **Avoiding Conflicts**: Being polite can help prevent arguments. If we listen to others and speak
kindly, we can solve problems more easily. It shows that we care about what others think and feel.

How to Be Polite. Now that we know why politeness is important, let’s talk about some simple ways
to practice it!

1. **Use Kind Words**: Always remember to say "please" when you ask for something and "thank
you" when someone helps you. These small words can make a big difference!

2. **Listen Carefully**: When someone is talking, give them your full attention. Don’t interrupt!
Show that you are listening by nodding or saying things like "I see" or "That’s interesting."

3. **Respect Personal Space**: Everyone has their own personal space. Make sure to give people
enough room and avoid standing too close if they seem uncomfortable.

4. **Be Helpful**: If you see someone struggling with their backpack or homework, offer to help!
Acts of kindness show that you care about others.

5. **Apologize When Necessary**: If you accidentally hurt someone’s feelings or make a mistake,
say sorry! A sincere apology can mend relationships and show that you respect the other person.

### Practicing Politeness Every Day Here are some fun ways to practice politeness:

A- **Role-Playing**: With a friend or family member, act out different situations where you can
practice being polite. For example, pretend you’re at a restaurant or meeting someone new.

B- **Politeness Jar**: Create a jar where you put in a note every time you use polite words during
the week. At the end of the week, see how many notes you have!

C- **Compliment Others**: Give genuine compliments to your classmates or family members.

Saying something nice can brighten their day!

In conclusion, being polite is a powerful way to show respect and kindness to others. It helps us build
friendships, create happy environments, and avoid conflicts. So let’s remember to use kind words,
listen carefully, and be helpful every day!

Thank you for listening! Now let’s all practice being polite and make our world a nicer place!

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