Chapter 3

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This chapter presents the methodology of the research study. It discusses

the Research Design, Research Locale, Population and Sampling, Research

Instrument, Statistical Tools used and ethical considerations in conducting this


Research Design

The study will employ a descriptive quantitative research approach to

systematically examine the impact of social and emotional learning (SEL)

programs on student wellbeing among grade 12A students at Christian School of

Polomolok during the school year 2023 to 2024. This approach allows for the

collection and analysis of numerical data to assess the effectiveness of SEL

interventions and their association with student wellbeing outcomes.

(Manjunatha, 2019).

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Christian School of Polomolok. The school is

a privately-owned institution offering basic Education from elementary to Senior

High School. This institution is also dedicated to unleash the potential of its

students by providing affordable holistic education.

Figure 2. Maps of Christian school of Polomolok

Population and Sample

The study will utilize purposive sampling to select participants from the

grade 12A student population at Christian School of Polomolok. Purposive

sampling ensures that participants meet specific criteria relevant to the research

question, such as enrollment in the specified grade level during the designated

school year. The sample size will be determined based on statistical

considerations to ensure adequate power to detect meaningful effects. (Vicente

et al. 2017).

Table 1.
Distribution of Research Respondents
School Year Doesn't Total
Graduated Responded Percentage Respond Percentage Respondents

Total 100% 100%

Research Instrument

This study used an adopted and modified survey questionnaire from The questionnaire is composed of 5 Major Questions consisting

different branches.

Data Collection

In the conduct of this study, the following procedures were undertaken.

Participant Recruitment:

a. Obtain permission from school administrators to conduct the study at

Christian School of Polomolok.

b. Inform grade 12A students about the research study and seek their

voluntary participation.

c. Distribute informed consent forms to students and obtain consent from

those willing to participate.

Survey Administration:

a. Schedule designated time slots during school hours for survey


b. Administer the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Program Impact

Assessment Survey to grade 12A students in a classroom setting.

c. Provide clear instructions for completing the survey and ensure

confidentiality of responses.

d. Allow students sufficient time to complete the survey and address any

questions or concerns they may have.

Data Collection:

a. Collect completed surveys from grade 12A students.

b. Verify the accuracy and completeness of survey responses.

c. Compile survey data electronically or manually for analysis.

Accessing School Records:

a. Request access to relevant school records, such as academic

performance, attendance records, and disciplinary incidents, from school


b. Obtain necessary permissions and approvals to access and use school

records for research purposes.

c. Compile and organize school record data for analysis, ensuring

confidentiality and adherence to data protection regulations.

Program Documentation:

a. Review documentation related to the implementation of the SEL

program at Christian School of Polomolok.

b. Collect information on program components, curriculum materials,

implementation fidelity, and any other relevant program documentation.

c. Conduct interviews or discussions with program facilitators or school

staff to gather additional insights into the SEL program implementation and its

impact on student wellbeing.

Statistical Tool

Descriptive Statistics: Descriptive statistics, such as means, frequencies,

and percentages, will be calculated to summarize the demographic

characteristics of the sample and key variables of interest. To get the percentile

the frequency divided by total number of respondents multiplied by 100.

%=( )x 100

Where in:

% = the percentage

F = frequency

N = Total number of Respondents

100 = Constant value

Ethical Consideration

The study will adhere to ethical guidelines for research involving human

participants, including obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring

confidentiality and anonymity of data, and minimizing potential risks to

participants' well-being.

Overall, the research design will provide a systematic and rigorous

approach to examining the impact of social and emotional learning programs on

student wellbeing among grade 12A students at Christian School of Polomolok

during the school year 2023 to 2024.


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