HSN 630 - Tut - 1
HSN 630 - Tut - 1
HSN 630 - Tut - 1
ABSA Building,
1st Floor
Cnr Ontdekkers Rd & Crane
Postal Address:
P O Box 8210
Tutorial Letter 1
Contact Number:
Module: Health, Safety and Nutrition
HSN 630
© Copyright Edutel Higher Education Pty. Ltd. 2024
1. Welcome to this module
6. Assessment
7. Glossary
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Dear Student
I know that you are prepared to take on the challenges in your studies so far. As with the
previous modules, the same applies to the HSN module, namely that it involves part-time study
while working in a full-time job. You should be prepared for self-directed, individual, reflective
Considering that a dedicated teacher touches the lives and minds of many young learners,
remind yourself that is the purpose of your study and the Module, Health, Safety and Nutrition.
The module will be worth the while once you are a qualified ECD teacher, and the content of
the module will also be useful in the community.
It is also essential to visit Edutel Online regularly. If your time management skills are the key
to your studies, you will reach your career goals. Please know that Edutel and I are always
available to you, and we encourage you to contact us during office hours for any reason
regarding your studies. The best way to do this is by email.
I look forward to working with you! Your success is important to me.
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You will have to complete one compulsory assignment, consisting of Parts 1, 2 & 3 on Edutel
Online before or on the due dates on your Academic Calendar.
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This module has five themes. Before embarking on an in-depth study, we suggest you first get
an overall impression of what will be expected of you. Consider for a moment the name of the
module and become extremely curious. What will you learn, and how will that impact on you
as a person and in the Grade R learning environment? Get excited. You are on a learning curve.
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3.2.9 After the activity, you will find a self-evaluation (progress check) section. The
self-evaluation will help you determine if you should continue to the next chapter
or revisit what you have studied.
3.2.10 Usually, you will find some closing remarks that will introduce you to the topic of
the next theme.
Study Cycle 1
Register between 1 January and 30 June.
Examination in November of the same year.
Study cycle 2
• Register between 1 July and 31 December.
• Examination in June the following year.
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Structure of Diploma in Grade R Teaching
SAQA ID: 109561
PCM 630
510 ENG 510 620 ENG 520 630 ENG 530 HSN 610
(One Module) English First (One Module) English First (One Module) English First Health
Teaching and
Home Addi�onal Home Addi�onal Home Addi�onal Safety and
Learning in
Languages Language Languages Language Languages Language Nutri�on
Gr R
LCP 620
510 520 530 WI 530
LBK 510 Life Skills MAT 620
(One Module) (One Module) (One Module) EDL 630 School
Life Skills Crea�ve Teaching
Second Second Second Educa�on as based
Beginning Arts and and Learning
Addi�onal Addi�onal Addi�onal Profession Teaching
Knowledge LP Physical Mathema�cs
Languages Languages Languages Prac�ce
CIT 510
WIL 520
School based
Teaching Prac�ce
SAQA ID: 109561
Home Language (One Module) Home Language (One Module) Home Language (One Module)
EHL 510 English Home Language EHL 620 English Home Language EHL 630 English Home Language
AHL 510 Afrikaans Home Language AHL 620 Afrikaans Home Language AHL 630 Afrikaans Home Language
SHL 510 Sepedi Home Language SHL 620 Sepedi Home Language SHL 630 Sepedi Home Language
THL 510 Setswana Home Language First THL 620 Setswana Home Language THL 630 Setswana Home Language
XHL 510 isiXhosa Home Language XHL 620 isiXhosa Home Language XHL 630 isiXhosa Home Language
ZHL 510 isiZulu Home Language ZHL 620 isiZulu Home Language ZHL 630 isiZulu Home Language
ENG 510 English First Addi�onal Language ENG 520 English First Addi�onal Language ENG 530 English First Addi�onal Language
LBK 510 Life Skills Beginning Knowledge LCP 620 Life skills Crea�ve Arts and Physical ED LMM 630 Life Skills Music and Movement
MAT 510 Elementary Mathema�cs MAT 620 Teaching and Learning Mathema�cs EDP 610 Educa�onal Philosophies
CIT 510 Communica�on and ICT skills EPS 620 Educa�onal Psychology and Sociology PCM 620 Manage Teaching and Learning in Gr R
LSD 610 Learning Support and Diversity HSN 630 Health, Safety and Nutri�on EDL 630 Educa�on as a Profession
WIL 510 School- based Teaching Prac�ce WIL 520 School -based Teaching Prac�ce WIL 530 School -based Teaching Prac�ce
4.2 The purpose and learning content of this module
The purpose of this module falls within the context of the
Diploma in Grade R Teaching and the B.Ed. Degree in
Foundation Phase Teaching. It aims to develop and equip
persons who meet the admission requirements to become a
professionally trained teacher who demonstrates specific
pedagogically focused knowledge and skills appropriate for
ECD teaching in the South African context.
Health, Safety and Nutrition is an essential module of the Diploma in Grade R Teaching and
the B.Ed. Degree in Foundation Phase Teaching. In the Module, Health, Safety and Nutrition,
you will learn more about health in general, how to act preventively by applying the knowledge
learnt in the module or assist a learner with an injury within and outside the informal and formal
ECD learning environment and to identify possible childhood diseases and nutrition challenges.
According to Alabama Pathways, an education program promotes good health and nutrition and
provides a safe environment for learners. Basic health and safety management procedures
contribute to the prevention of childhood illness and communicable diseases. A
safe environment prevents and reduces injuries for young learners who are only beginning to
recognise dangerous situations. Good nutrition is essential to the physical and intellectual
development of the young learner. Meals and snacks are used to encourage good nutritional
eating habits.
The ECD teacher should also be aware that a learner develops holistically and that social,
emotional, physical, moral and intellectual development within the diversity of the environment
and cultures, forms an integral part of the young learner's development. The ECD learning
environment should be a safe, hygienic environment that includes activities and areas that are
appropriate for the learner's age, and at the same time stimulating full of fun and excitement.
Always remember that the young learner learns and develops through play.
The Diploma in Grade R Teaching and the B.Ed. Degree in Foundation Phase Teaching equips
trained teachers with the knowledge to identify the relevant signs of learners with health, safety,
and nutrition challenges, thereby enabling them to observe, identify, and support the learners
from an early age. The content of this module forms part of creative problem-solving abilities
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in the ECD learning environment and the community. This qualification also empowers teachers
working with young learners with the relevant knowledge and skills to support learners
Divide hours between various themes. A rule of thumb would be to check the total number of
pages in each theme to indicate how much time you should spend on each theme to complete
the module within the time frame you have decided on.
• Theme 1: 20 hours
• Theme 2: 40 hours
• Theme 3: 30 hours
• Theme 4: 20 hours
• Theme 5: 40 hours
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• Remember, in planning for all the activities, you should make provision for reading,
researching, studying, and completing your one compulsory assignment, consisting
of Parts 1, 2 & 3, on Edutel Online and submit it.
Lectures on the content of this module are available on Edutel Online. You can download it
and watch it in your own time. The lectures are also available on DVD or memory stick if you
prefer to order it from Edutel's offices. Please refer to the Administrative Booklet for more
information on multimedia lectures.
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6. Assessment
6.1 Learning outcomes and Assessment criteria
Each theme has several learning outcomes that you must perform
once the activities for that particular theme are completed. All written
content and activities are set according to the learning outcomes and
use a specific format. Ensure that you understand the module's
learning outcomes and assessment criteria and how it relates to each
theme in the Study Guide. The questions put to you in the compulsory
assignment will be structured in a way to test your understanding of the core content of the
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Theme Exit level outcomes Assessment criteria
and diseases, injuries and poison • Design a way to raise
poisonous plants. community awareness
plants • Know what communicable about diseases, injuries and
diseases are. poison plants.
• Name the notifiable diseases • Explain what
as stipulated in the public communicable diseases are.
health act. • Inform staff members o
notifiable diseases.
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Theme Exit level outcomes Assessment criteria
• Anticipating and preventing supervising learners and
potentially dangerous prevention of safety
situations. hazards.
• Demonstrates a developing • To minimise possible
awareness of the teacher's safety hazards on the ECD
role and responsibility in playground and in the
supervising learners and classroom.
preventing safety hazards.
• Identify the possible safety
hazards on your ECD
playground and in the
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• explain the knowledge and skills teachers need to teach learners to become healthy
learners and adults.
• analyse the role of health and safety in a ECD site.
• explain how the teacher will apply the content knowledge of health, safety and
nutrition in ECD.
• be able to differentiate between communicable diseases, injuries and health conditions.
• design a way to raise community awareness about diseases, injuries and poisonous
plants and hazardous environments.
• explain what communicable diseases are.
• inform staff members of notifiable diseases.
• explain what you will do to minimise the risks in the ECD learning environment.
• guide teachers and parents for what they may need to do to create a safer, more secure
learning environment (indoors and outdoors).
• explain how you will prepare for emergencies.
• be prepared for the role and responsibility in supervising learners and prevention of
safety hazards.
• understand the importance of healthy nutrition.
• plan and prepare nutritious food in the ECD environment.
There are several formative self-assessments for every theme in your Study Guide. These
assessments aim to guide you in understanding and applying the content. You are therefore
advised to ensure that you complete these activities as part of your learning time.
Your assessments will be made up out of the compulsory assessment consisting of Parts 1, 2
& 3 and the final examination. The assessment criteria for each theme indicate the knowledge
and skills that will be tested in the assignments and the examination. The assessment activities
contribute 30% and the examination contributes 70% to your final mark.
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6.2.2 One compulsory assignment, consisting of Parts 1, 2 & 3
The assignment measures the extent to which you have integrated the knowledge and skills
taught through the different modules that make up the programme you are registered for. It
also provides you with more opportunities to assess your knowledge and skills in each module
and will assist you in completing your studies.
The total marks for the assignment consisting of Parts 1, 2 & 3 will be converted to 100,
as explained. It will then be converted to the 30% weight of your promotion mark.
You will not be allowed to write the examination and complete the module if you do not
achieve a final mark of at least 40% for the assignment consisting of Parts 1, 2 & 3.
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Students often postpone doing an assignment and eventually put themselves under pressure,
doing a rush job.
Planning and organisation are the essentials.
Please study the Administrative Booklet for guidance on how to submit the formative
assessment activity via Edutel Online. Instructions are also explained in the video clip in
Edutel Online.
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6.4 Summative assessments
The examination forms the final part of your summative assessment. The exam will focus on
whether you have reached the defined outcomes of the module. The exam will be written on
Edutel Online or at the nearest accredited exam centre on the specific date communicated to
you. Information will be shared to you in time to enable you to make a choice on whether you
would prefer writing the exam online or at a centre.
Although we have two examination sessions a year, you cannot choose which examination
session you want to write. Your examination sessions are linked to the learning cycle that you
have enrolled for.
7. Promotion
The final promotion mark for this module is calculated in the following manner:
• The formative assessment activities contribute 30% towards the promotion mark of
the module as indicated above. This will be your year mark.
• The examination of the module contributes 70% towards the promotion mark of the
• The final promotion mark will be calculated by using
the formative assessment activities as well as the
examination mark.
• Students must achieve a sub-minimum of 40% in the
examination to pass a module.
• The overall pass mark for each module is 50%, provided that you achieved at least
40% in the examination.
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8. Glossary
• To become more ingenious in your studies and improve your vocabulary, start
building your vocabulary based on the module's content and as a source of quick
referencing. It will guide you in your career journey as well.
The successful completion of this module by achieving the highest marks possible will greatly
enhance your career as a professional teacher, leading our young
ones to a bright future in their
formal schooling years.
EMAIL: [email protected]
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