• Having considered the basic laws and techniques commonly used in
calculating magnetic field B due to current-carrying elements, • We are prepared to study the force a magnetic field exerts on charged particles, current elements, and Loops. • Furthermore, we will consider magnetic fields in material media, as opposed to the magnetic fields in vacuum or free space examined in the previous chapter. The results of the preceding chapter need only some modification to account for the presence of materials in a magnetic field. Further discussions will cover inductors, inductances, magnetic energy, and magnetic circuits. • FORCES DUE TO MAGNETIC FIELDS • There are at least three ways in which force due to magnetic fields can be experienced. The force can be experienced either (a) due to a moving charged particle in a B field, (b) on a current element in an external B field, (c) between two current elements A. Force on a Charged Particle
• From the electric force Fe on a stationary or moving electric charge
Q in an electric field is given by Coulomb's experimental law and is related to the electric field intensity E as • Fe = QE • This shows that if Q is positive, Fe and E have the same direction. • A magnetic field can exert force only on a moving charge. • From experiments, it is found that the magnetic force Fm experienced by a charge Q moving with a velocity u in a magnetic field B is • Fm = Qu X B • For a moving charge Q in the presence of both electric and magnetic fields, • The total force on the charge is given by;
• This is known as the Lorentz force equation.It relates mechanical force
to electrical force. • If the mass of the charged particle moving in E and B fields is m, by Newton’s second law of motion. • The solution to this equation is important in determining the motion of charged particles in • E and B fields. We should bear in mind that in such fields, energy transfer can be only by • means of the electric field. • A summary on the force exerted on a charged particle is given • in Table below. B. Force on a Current Element • To determine the force on a current element Idl of a current-carrying conductor due to the magnetic field B, • This shows that an elemental charge dQ moving with velocity u (thereby producing convection • current element dQ u) is equivalent to a conduction current element Idl. • Thus the force on a current element Idl in a magnetic field B is found by merely replacing • Qu by Idl; that is; • dF = Idl X B • If the current I. is through a closed path L or circuit, the force on the circuit is given by; • The magnetic field B is defined as the force per unit current element. C. Force between Two Current Elements MAGNETIC TORQUE AND MOMENT
• The torque T (or mechanical moment of force) on the loop is
the vector product of the force F and the moment arm r. • T = r X F and its units are Newton-meters (N • m). • Let us apply this to a rectangular loop of length L and width w placed in a uniform • magnetic field B as shown in Figure 8.5(a). From this figure, we notice that dI is parallel to • B along sides 12 and 34 of the loop and no force is exerted on those sides. Thus MAGNETIZATION IN MATERIALS
• The magnetization M’’ (in amperes/meter) is the magnetic
dipole moment per unit volume. CLASSIFICATION OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS • Go and path through; 1. Properties of typical magnetized materials i.e ferro, para, and di- magnetic materials 2. Study B-H curve of typical magnetic materials.
(Graduate Studies in Mathematics) Lan Wen - Differentiable Dynamical Systems - An Introduction To Structural Stability and Hyperbolicity (2016, American Mathematical Society)