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Moving Charges and Magnetism

• In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted noticed that a current in a straight wire causes a deflection in a nearby magnetic
compass needle.

• Oersted found that the needle's alignment is tangential to an imaginary circle with the wire as its center and
perpendicular to the wire's plane.

• Reversing the current direction reverses the orientation of the needle.

• Iron filings around the wire arrange themselves in concentric circles.

• Oersted concluded that moving charges or currents produce a magnetic field.

• In 1864, James Maxwell unified the laws of electricity and magnetism and realized that light was electromagnetic

• In the 19th century, radio waves were discovered by Hertz and produced by J.C.Bose and G.Marconi.

• Scientific and technological progress in the 20th century is due to increased understanding of electromagnetism.

• In this chapter, the magnetic field's effects on moving charged particles and the production of magnetic fields by
currents will be explored.

• The convention for depicting a current or field emerging or going into the plane of the paper is a dot or a cross,

• Figures 4.1(a) and 4.1(b) correspond to the two situations mentioned.

• Hans Christian Oersted was a Danish physicist and chemist who made these discoveries.

• Magnetism and the laws governing it will be further explored in subsequent chapters.

Introduction to Magnetic Fields and Lorentz Force

• The compass needle suffers a deflection when placed near a wire carrying an electric current, providing evidence
of a connection between electric and magnetic phenomena.

• The electric field E, produced by a charge Q, interacts with another charge q, resulting in a force given by F = qE.

• Faraday and Maxwell emphasized the concept of a field, which conveys energy and momentum and can vary with

• Hendrik Antoon Lorentz investigated the relationship between electricity, magnetism, and mechanics, and
postulated the existence of electric charges in atoms.

• Lorentz derived the transformation equations that describe the force on an electric charge due to the electric and
magnetic fields, known as the Lorentz force.

Magnetic Force and Its Features

• The force due to the electric field has been studied thoroughly so far.

• The interaction with the magnetic field reveals the following features: (i) The force depends on the charge of the
particle (q), velocity (v), and magnetic field (B). The force on a negative charge is opposite to that of a positive
charge. (ii) The magnetic force, q[v × B], is determined by the vector product of velocity and magnetic field. The
force becomes zero when velocity and magnetic field are parallel or anti-parallel. The force acts in a sideways
direction perpendicular to both velocity and magnetic field. (iii) The magnetic force is zero when the charge is not
moving (as |v| = 0). Only a moving charge experiences the magnetic force.

• The magnetic force equation, F = q[v × B] = qvBsinθnˆ, defines the direction and magnitude of the force acting on
a charged particle. The unit of the magnetic field is determined by taking q, F, and v as unity in the equation.

• The magnitude of the magnetic field, B, is determined by the right-hand rule. The unit of B is Tesla (T) or Newton
second / (coulomb meter).

• There is also a smaller unit called gauss (10■■ tesla) frequently used. Earth's magnetic field is approximately 3.6
× 10■■ T.

• Table 4.1 presents the order of magnitudes of magnetic fields in various physical situations.

• The analysis of the force due to the magnetic field can be extended to a straight rod carrying current.

Electromagnetism and Permittivity/Permeability Concepts

• The equation F = [(nqv)lA] × B = [jAl] × Bd relates current density j, current I, and external magnetic field B to the
Lorentz force F on a straight rod. The current I is not a vector.

• For a wire with an arbitrary shape, the force is calculated by summing the forces on each linear strip dl and
converting the summation to an integral.

• Gravitational force, electrostatic force, and electromagnetic force have different characteristics. While G is a
universal constant, the permittivity ε and permeability µ depend on the medium.

• Electric permittivity ε describes how an electric field affects and is affected by a medium, while magnetic
permeability µ measures the extent to which a magnetic field can penetrate matter.

• The product εµ is related to the speed of electromagnetic radiation in the medium through εµ = 1/v^2.

• Example 4.1 involves a straight wire with mass, length, current, and a uniform horizontal magnetic field. The
magnitude of the magnetic field is determined by the equation F = IlB.

Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field

• Mid-air suspension is balanced by the force due to gravity and the equation m g = I lB can be used to calculate
the force. (0.2×9.8)
• The magnetic field in the earth is approximately 4.1x10^-5 T and is ignored in the calculations.

• The Lorentz force for an electron moving in a magnetic field along the positive x-axis is along -z axis, while for a
proton, it is along +z axis.

• In the case of a charge moving in a magnetic field, the magnetic force is perpendicular to the velocity of the
particle, so no work is done and no change in velocity is produced.

• For a charged particle moving perpendicular to the magnetic field, the force produces circular motion, and for a
particle with a component of velocity along the magnetic field, it produces helical motion.

• The radius of the circular path can be calculated using the equation r = m v / qB. The bigger the momentum, the
larger is the radius and the circle described by the charged particle.

Helical Motion of Charged Particles and Its Application in Aurora Borealis

• If ω is the angular frequency, then v = ω r. ω = 2π ν = q B/ m [4.6(a)], which is independent of the velocity or


• The time taken for one revolution is T = 2π/ω ≡ 1/ν.

• The distance moved along the magnetic field in one rotation is called pitch p. p = v T = 2πm v / q B [4.6(b)].

• The radius of the circular component of motion is called the radius of the helix.

• In polar regions, a natural phenomenon known as the Aurora Borealis can be explained by the helical motion of
charged particles in a magnetic field.

• The helically moving particle is trapped and guided to move around the magnetic field line, resulting in a helix

• The Lorentz force is normal to the velocity of each point, so the field does not work on the particle and the
magnitude of velocity remains the same.

Motion in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields

• During a solarflare, electrons and protons are ejected from the sun and get trapped in the earth's magnetic field,
causing the density of charges to increase near the poles. This leads to the phenomenon known as Aurora Borealis
in physics.

• A charge moving with velocity in the presence of electric and magnetic fields experiences a force given by Eq.
(4.3). When the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and to the velocity of the particle, the
force becomes F = q(E -vB). The particle will move undeflected if the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic
forces are equal.

• The crossed E and B fields act as a velocity selector, allowing particles with speed E/B to pass undeflected. J.J.
Thomson utilized this method in 1897 to measure the charge to mass ratio of an electron.

• The cyclotron, invented in 1934, accelerates charged particles or ions to high energies by utilizing both electric
and magnetic fields. The frequency of revolution of a charged particle in a magnetic field is independent of its
energy. The particles move inside two semicircular metal containers, called dees, while being acted upon by the
electric field alternating in tune with the circular motion.

Operation and Applications of Cyclotrons

• The cyclotron accelerates particles using an electric field and a magnetic field.

• As the acceleration increases, the energy of the particles also increases.

• The radius of the particle's circular path increases as its energy increases, creating a spiral path.

• The assembly is evacuated to minimize collisions between ions and air molecules.

• Positive ions are released at the center of the cyclotron and move in a semi-circular path.

• The frequency of the applied voltage is adjusted to reverse the polarity of the dees in the same time it takes the
ions to complete half of a revolution.

• The ions are repeatedly accelerated across the dees until they have enough energy to have a radius
approximately equal to the dees.

• The ions are then deflected by a magnetic field and leave the system via an exit slit.

• The cyclotron is used to bombard nuclei with energetic particles to study nuclear reactions, implant ions into
solids, modify properties of materials, and produce radioactive substances for diagnosis and treatment.

• The oscillator frequency of a cyclotron is 10 MHz, and the operating magnetic field for accelerating protons needs
to be calculated.

Kinetic Energy of Proton Beam and Accelerators in India

• The kinetic energy of the proton beam produced by the accelerator is calculated using the equation E = ½ mv^2,
where m = 1.67 × 10–27 kg.

• The final velocity of protons is calculated using the equation v = r × 2π ν, where r = 0.6 m.

• India has a long history of accelerator-based research, starting with the creation of a 37" Cyclotron in 1953.

• Various types of accelerators, such as Cockroft-Walton and Van de Graaff, were established in different institutes
across India in the 1960s.

• In the 1970s and 1980s, further advancements were made with the construction of Variable Energy Cyclotron,
Tandem Pelletron, and Tandetron accelerators.

• The Department of Atomic Energy has also developed electron accelerators and is considering Accelerator Driven
Systems for future power generation.

• According to Biot-Savart's law, the magnitude of the magnetic field dB is proportional to the current I, the
element length |dl|, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r. The direction of the field is
perpendicular to the plane containing dl and r. (source: Figure 4.9)
• The magnitude of the field dB is given by dB = 0 [4.11(b)] 4π r2. (source: Equation [4.11 (a)])

• The proportionality constant µ0 is the permeability of free space and has a value of 10^(-7) Tm/A. (source:
Equation [4.11(c)])

• The Biot-Savart law for the magnetic field has similarities and differences with Coulomb's law for the electrostatic
field. (source: points (i) - (iv))

• There is a relation between the permittivity of free space ε, permeability of free space µ, and the speed of light c in
vacuum. (source: relation between ε, µ, and c)

Calculation of Magnetic Field due to a Circular Loop

• The Biot-Savart law is used to calculate the magnetic field due to a circular loop.

• The magnetic field is evaluated by summing up the effect of infinitesimal current elements (I dl) along the axis of
the loop.

• The magnitude of the magnetic field dB is given by the Biot-Savart law (µ I dl × r / 4π r^3).

• The direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane formed by the current element and the
displacement vector from the element to the axial point.

• The net contribution along the x-direction is obtained by integrating dB = dB cos θ over the loop.

• The magnetic field at the axial point P due to the entire circular loop is given by B = µ I R^2 / (4π (x^2 +

Magnetic Field and Ampere's Circuital Law

• The magnetic field at the center of a circular loop is zero when x=0. (4.15)

• Magnetic field lines due to a circular wire form closed loops. (4.12)

• The right-hand thumb rule determines the direction of the magnetic field. (4.12)

• Example 4.6 explains the magnetic field due to a straight wire bent into a semi-circular arc. (4.13)

• The contribution of the semicircle to the magnetic field is half that of a circular loop. (4.6)

• The magnitude and direction of the magnetic field change if the semicircular arc is bent in the opposite way. (4.6)

• Example 4.7 calculates the magnetic field at the center of a tightly wound coil. (4.7)

• Ampere's circuital law relates the magnetic field to the current passing through an open surface with a boundary.

Ampere's Law and the Magnetic Field

• Ampere's law states that the integral of the magnetic field around a closed loop is equal to µ times the total current
passing through the surface.

• The right-hand rule is used to determine the direction of the current when applying Ampere's law.

• There are simplified versions of Ampere's law for different cases, such as when the magnetic field is tangential to
the loop or when it vanishes.

• Ampere's law can be used to evaluate the magnetic field in systems with symmetry, like a straight infinite
current-carrying wire.

• Andre Marie Ampere was a French physicist and mathematician who founded the science of electrodynamics
through his experiments.

Ampere's Contributions to Magnetism and the Right-Hand Rule

• Ampere originated the concept of magnetic fields, which start from positive charges and end at negative charges.

• Ampere forgot an invitation to dine with Emperor Napoleon and provided a theoretical justification for Oersted's

• The magnetic field due to an infinite straight wire is not infinite, but only blows up when we come close to the wire.

• Ampere's law is not new in content from Biot-Savart law and both relate the magnetic field and the current.

• Ampere's law and Gauss's law relate a physical quantity on the periphery to the source in the interior.

• The right-hand rule helps determine the direction of the magnetic field due to a long wire.

• Ampere's law holds for steady currents.

• The magnetic field in the region r < a and r > a can be calculated using Ampere's law.

• The direction and magnitude of the magnetic field are determined by the right-hand rule.

Ampere's Law and the Solenoid

• Ampere's circuital law can be readily applied if a text possesses the required symmetry. However, it may not
always facilitate the evaluation of the magnetic field in every case.

• The circular loop discussed in Section 4.6 is an example where Ampere's circuital law cannot be applied to extract
a simple expression for the magnetic field at the center of the loop.

• There are situations of high symmetry where Ampere's law can be conveniently applied, such as in the case of
the solenoid and the toroid.

• The solenoid and the toroid are pieces of equipment that generate magnetic fields.

• The solenoid is a long wire wound in the form of a helix, with each turn acting as a circular loop. The net magnetic
field is the vector sum of the fields due to all the turns.
• Enamelled wires are used for winding the solenoid to insulate the turns from each other.

• The magnetic field lines for a finite solenoid show that the field between neighboring turns vanishes.

• The magnetic field at the interior mid-point of a solenoid is uniform, strong, and along the axis of the solenoid.

• The magnetic field at the exterior mid-point of a solenoid is weak and along the axis of the solenoid with no
perpendicular or normal component.

• As the solenoid is made longer, it appears like a long cylindrical metal sheet, with the field outside approaching
zero and the field inside becoming everywhere parallel to the axis.

Magnetic Fields in Toroids and Solenoids

• The relevant length of the Amperian loop in a solenoid is determined by the field length B.

• Total number of turns in a solenoid is nh, where n is the number of turns per unit length and h is the length of the
Amperian loop.

• The current in the solenoid is given by I(n h).

• The direction of the field is determined by the right-hand rule.

• A soft iron core can be inserted in the solenoid to increase the magnetic field.

• The toroid is a circular ring with a large number of closely wound turns.

• The magnetic field inside the toroid is constant in magnitude.

• The magnetic field in the open space inside and exterior to the toroid is zero.

• The magnetic field at any point inside the toroid is zero.

• By employing Ampere's law, we find that the magnetic field at any point outside the toroid is also zero.

• The results for the magnetic field in a toroid and a solenoid are compared.

Notes on Magnetic Confinement and Solenoids

• The formula for the number of turns N in a toroid is given by N = 2πrn.

• The magnetic field B in a solenoid can be calculated using the formula B = µnI.

• In an ideal toroid, the coils are circular, but in reality, they form a helix and have an external magnetic field.

• Charged particles in a non-uniform magnetic field will follow helical orbits.

• Two solenoids can act as a mirror or reflector, creating a magnetic container for charged particles.
• Magnetic containers, such as toroids, are used in fusion experiments to confine high energy plasma.

• The ITER collaboration in France aims to achieve controlled fusion using toroids.

• The magnitude of the magnetic field inside a solenoid can be calculated using the formula B = µnI.

Magnetic Forces between Parallel Current-Carrying Conductors

• In the period 1820-25, Ampere studied the magnetic force between current-carrying conductors and its
dependence on various factors such as magnitude of current, shape and size of conductors, and distance between

• Figure 4.20 depicts two parallel conductors, a and b, carrying steady currents I and I respectively, separated by a
distance d. Both conductors produce the same magnetic field B at all points along conductor b.

• The conductor b carrying current I experiences a sideways force, labeled as F, towards conductor a. The
magnitude of this force is given by Eq. (4.23).

• The force on conductor a due to conductor b is equal in magnitude but directed towards conductor b.

• Parallel currents attract each other, while oppositely directed currents repel each other.

• The force per unit length is represented as f and is defined by Eq. (4.25). It is used to define the ampere (A), one
of the SI base units.

• The ampere is the value of steady current that, when maintained in two parallel conductors placed one meter
apart in a vacuum, produces a force of 2 × 10–7 newtons per meter of length on each conductor.

• To measure this force, the current balance instrument is used, eliminating the effect of the earth's magnetic field
and using multiturn coils.

The SI unit of charge and attraction between parallel currents

• The SI unit of charge, the coulomb, can be defined in terms of the ampere as the quantity of charge that flows
through a conductor in 1 second when a steady current of 1A is set up.

• Newton's third law may not hold for forces between charges and/or conductors in time-dependent situations with
electromagnetic fields.

• Magnetic effects are generally smaller than electric effects, making it difficult to demonstrate attraction or
repulsion between currents.

• The force between currents is small, with a force per meter of about 5 × 10–4 N for a 5A current at a separation of

• By using a soft spring and mercury, the displacement of a wire due to parallel currents can be made observable.

• The process involves connecting a constant current supply to the spring, dipping the other terminal in mercury,
and observing the cyclic movement of the spring.
• Precautions should be taken to avoid inhaling poisonous mercury vapors.

Force per Unit Length on a Long Straight Conductor

• The force per unit length on a long straight conductor carrying a steady current of 1A is given by F = Il × B sinθ,
where F is the force, I is the current, l is the length, B is the magnetic field, and θ is the angle between the current
and the magnetic field.

• When the current is flowing from east to west, the force per unit length is 3 × 10–5 N m–1.

• The force per unit length is larger than the standard value of 2 × 10–7 N m–1, necessitating the elimination of the
earth's magnetic field.

• When the current is flowing from south to north, there is no force on the conductor.

Torque and Equilibrium of a Current Loop

• The torque on a current loop is less when the plane of the loop is along the magnetic field compared to when it is
not collinear.

• The torque on the loop can be expressed as a vector product of the magnetic moment of the coil and the
magnetic field.

• The dimensions of the magnetic moment are [A][L^2] and its unit is Am^2.

• The torque vanishes when the magnetic moment is either parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic field.

• When the magnetic moment and the magnetic field are parallel, the equilibrium is stable. When they are
antiparallel, the equilibrium is unstable.

• The torque also explains why a small magnet aligns itself with the external magnetic field.

• The torque expression for a loop with N turns is the same, but the magnetic moment becomes NIA.

• A 100 turn circular coil with a radius of 10 cm and a current of 3.2 A has a magnetic moment.

• The coil rotates 90º under the influence of a 2T magnetic field.

• The torque on the coil in the initial position is 0, as the angle is 0.

• The magnetic moment of the coil is given by m = NIA = 10 A m2

• The torque on the coil in the final position is 20 N m.

• The angular speed acquired by the coil when it has rotated by 90º is not given in the text.

Magnetic Dipole Moment and Circulating Currents

• The magnetic field of a planar current loop is given by B = µIR^2/(2x^3), where x is the distance along the axis
from the center of the loop. (R2)
• The magnetic moment of the loop, m, is defined as IA and has a magnitude of m = IA. (R2)

• The expression for the magnetic field of a planar current loop is similar to that of an electric dipole's electric field.

• The field for a magnetic dipole at a point on its axis is given by µmB ■ 0. (R2)

• A planar current loop behaves like a magnetic dipole at large distances and is subject to torque like a magnetic
needle. (R2)

• According to Ampere, all magnetism is due to circulating currents, but magnetic monopoles have not been
observed. (R2)

• Elementary particles like electrons and protons also have an intrinsic magnetic moment, not accounted for by
circulating currents. (R2)

• The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom proposes that the electron revolves around a positively charged nucleus,
similar to a planet orbiting the sun. (R2)

• The electron of charge (-e) performs uniform circular motion around a stationary heavy nucleus of charge
+Ze, resulting in a current I.

• The time period of revolution, T, is equal to 2πr/v, where r is the orbital radius of the electron and v is the orbital

• The uniform circular motion of the electron constitutes a current, which creates a magnetic moment denoted by µ.

• The direction of the magnetic moment is into the plane of the paper.

• The magnitude of the magnetic moment is given by µ = Iπr² = evr/2.

• The angular momentum of the electron about the nucleus is expressed as l = -2ml, where m is the electron mass.

• The gyromagnetic ratio, µ/el²me, is a constant with a value of 8.8 × 10¹■ C/kg for an electron.

• The existence of atomic magnetic moments confirms Ampere's hypothesis and explains the magnetic properties
of materials.

• The Bohr quantization condition states that the angular momentum assumes discrete values nh/2π, where n is a
natural number and h is Planck's constant.

• Using the Bohr model, the dipole moment can be calculated as µ = hl/(4πm).

• For n = 1, the dipole moment is equal to 9.27 × 10■²■ Am², known as the Bohr magneton.

• The electron also has an intrinsic magnetic moment called the spin magnetic moment, which has the same
numerical value as the orbital magnetic moment.
The Principle of the Moving Coil Galvanometer and its Usage

• The electron is an elementary particle and does not spin around an axis like a top or the Earth, but it possesses
an intrinsic magnetic moment that explains the microscopic roots of magnetism in certain materials.

• The moving coil galvanometer (MCG) is a device used to measure currents and voltages in circuits.

• The MCG consists of a coil with many turns that can rotate around a fixed axis in a radial magnetic field generated
by a cylindrical soft iron core.

• When a current flows through the coil, a torque acts on it, causing it to rotate.

• The torque is balanced by a counter torque from a spring attached to the coil, resulting in a steady angular
deflection indicated by a pointer on a scale.

• The galvanometer can be used as a detector to check if a current is flowing in a circuit, but it cannot be used as
an ammeter to measure the value of the current due to its sensitivity and large resistance.

• To overcome this, a small shunt resistance is connected in parallel with the galvanometer to allow most of the
current to pass through it.

Measurement of Current and Voltage with Galvanometer

• The resistance of the galvanometer arrangement is used to measure the value of current or voltage.

• The effect of introducing the measuring instrument is small if the resistance (r) is small compared to the rest of the
circuit (R).

• The current sensitivity of the galvanometer is defined as the deflection per unit current.

• Increasing the number of turns (N) increases the sensitivity of the galvanometer.

• The galvanometer can also be used as a voltmeter by connecting it in parallel with the circuit section.

• A large resistance (R) is connected in series with the galvanometer to keep the disturbance due to the measuring
device below one percent.

• Increasing the sensitivity of current may not necessarily increase the sensitivity of voltage.

• The circuit example involves measuring the current using a galvanometer with different resistances.

Magnetism and Currents

• The Lorentz force on a charge q in the presence of magnetic and electric fields is given by F = q (v × B + E),
where B and E are the magnetic and electric fields respectively.

• A straight conductor carrying current I experiences a force F = I l × B in a uniform magnetic field B.

• A charge q in a uniform magnetic field B executes uniform circular motion with frequency ν = qB/(2πm).
• The magnetic field due to an element dl carrying current I at a distance r is given by dB = µI(dl × r)/(4πr^2).

• The magnetic field due to a circular coil of radius R at an axial distance x is B = µIR^2/(2√(x^2 + R^2)).

• Ampere's law states that the line integral of the magnetic field B along a closed loop C is equal to µI, where I is the
current enclosed by the loop.

• The magnetic field at a distance R from a long straight wire carrying current I is B = µI/(2πR).

• The magnetic field inside a long solenoid carrying current I is B = µnI, where n is the number of turns per unit

• Parallel currents attract and anti-parallel currents repel.

• A planar loop with current I and area A has a magnetic moment m = IA.

Physics and Magnetism

• In a loop, the direction of the magnetic field is given by the right-hand thumb rule.

• When a loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field, the force and torque on it are zero.

• In a moving coil galvanometer, the torque is balanced by a counter-torque due to a spring.

• The magnetic moment of an electron moving around the nucleus is given by the formula µ = l^2m.

• A moving coil galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter or a voltmeter by introducing resistances.

• Permeability of free space, magnetic field, magnetic moment, and torsion constant are important quantities in

• Electrostatic field lines originate from positive charges, while magnetic field lines form closed loops.

• The Lorentz force includes both electric and magnetic forces, and the resolution of this paradox implies a link
between electricity and magnetism.

• Ampere's Circuital law is derived from the Biot-Savart law. (Note: The notes have been generated in chronological
order of the information as presented in the text.)

Magnetic Fields and Forces

• A horizontal power line carrying 90 A creates a magnetic field 1.5 m below the line.

• A wire carrying 8 A at a 30º angle to a 0.15 T magnetic field experiences a magnetic force.

• A wire carrying 10 A placed inside a solenoid with a 0.27 T magnetic field experiences magnetic force.

• Two parallel wires carrying currents of 8 A and 5 A have a force between them.

• A solenoid with specific dimensions and current has a magnetic field magnitude estimate near its center.
• A square coil with specific characteristics in a magnetic field experiences torque.

• Two moving coil meters have different current and voltage sensitivities.

• An electron shot into a uniform magnetic field with specific characteristics moves in a circle.

• The frequency of revolution of the electron in its circular orbit is determined.

• The counter torque needed to prevent a coil from turning is calculated.

• The shape of a coil does not affect the answer if it encloses the same area. Additional Exercises:

• Two concentric circular coils have different radii and lie in the same vertical plane.

Magnetic Fields and Coils

• Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16 A; coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18 A. The net
magnetic field at the center is given by the magnitude and direction of the coils.

• Design specifics for a solenoid that produces a uniform magnetic field of 100 G in a region of 10 cm linear
dimension and a 10^-3 m^2 cross-section area.

• The formula for the magnetic field produced by a circular coil with radius R and N turns carrying current I.

• The field on the axis between two parallel co-axial circular coils of equal radius and number of turns carrying equal
currents in the same direction at a distance R.

• The magnetic field inside and outside a toroid with a core of inner radius 25 cm and outer radius 26 cm, around
which 3500 turns of wire are wound.

• Answering questions about the initial velocity of a charged particle in a chamber with a non-uniform magnetic field,
the trajectory of an electron in a uniform magnetic field, and the direction of a magnetic field needed to prevent
deflection of an electron in the presence of a uniform electrostatic field.

• Determining the trajectory of an electron accelerated through a potential difference of 2.0 kV in a region with a
uniform magnetic field of 0.15 T when the field is transverse to its initial velocity or makes an angle of 30º.

Magnetic Fields and Forces

• The setup of Helmholtz coils in a small region produces a uniform magnetic field with a magnitude of 0.75 T.

• A uniform electrostatic field is also present in the same region, perpendicular to the coils.

• Charged particles, accelerated through 15 kV, pass through the region without deflection.

• The electrostatic field has a magnitude of 9.0 × 10–5 V m–1.

• The composition of the beam is uncertain and not unique.

• A current of 5.0 A flows through a straight horizontal conducting rod suspended by vertical wires.

• To achieve zero tension in the wires, a magnetic field normal to the conductor must be established.

• Reversing the current direction while keeping the magnetic field the same leads to a total tension in the wires.

• The length of the wires is 70 cm and they are 1.5 cm apart.

• The wires carrying a current of 300 A experience force per unit length.

• The force between the wires is either attractive or repulsive.

• A wire carrying a current of 7.0 A passes through a cylindrical region with a magnetic field of 1.5 T.

• If the wire intersects the axis, there is a force on the wire.

• Turning the wire from N-S to northeast-northwest direction causes a force on the wire.

• Lowering the wire from the axis by 6.0 cm in the N-S direction results in a force.

• A uniform magnetic field of 3000 G is established along the positive z-direction.

• A rectangular loop carrying a current of 12 A is placed in the magnetic field.

• The torque and force on the loop depend on its orientation.

• The equilibrium of the loop is stable in one case.

• A circular coil with 20 turns and radius 10 cm is in a magnetic field of 0.10 T.

• The current in the coil is 5.0 A.

• The total torque, force, and average force on each electron in the coil are determined.

• A solenoid with 300 turns and dimensions of 60 cm length and 4.0 cm radius is used.

• A 2.0 cm wire of mass 2.5 g is placed inside the solenoid.

• Both the wire and the solenoid axis are in the horizontal plane.

Usage of Galvanometer and Solenoid in Electrical Circuit

• A wire is connected through two leads parallel to the axis of the solenoid to an external battery.

• The external battery supplies a current of 6.0 A in the wire.

• The solenoid needs to support the weight of the wire and find the value of current in the windings.

• The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2.

• A galvanometer coil has a resistance of 12 Ω.

• The galvanometer shows full scale deflection for a current of 3 mA.

• How to convert the galvanometer into a voltmeter with a range of 0 to 18 V?

• A galvanometer coil has a resistance of 15 Ω.

• The galvanometer shows full scale deflection for a current of 4 mA.

• How to convert the galvanometer into an ammeter with a range of 0 to 6 A?

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