ML + Lammps
ML + Lammps
ML + Lammps
Rohskopf et al. (2023). FitSNAP: Atomistic machine learning with LAMMPS. Journal of Open Source Software, 8 (84), 5118. 1
derived from known physical and chemical interaction models, i.e. covalent, metallic, ionic,
etc. By smoothly truncating these potentials at a suitable cutoff distance, the computational
cost scales linearly in the number of atoms in the system and is amenable to efficient parallel
algorithms available in MD codes such as LAMMPS (Thompson et al., 2022). As a result,
these empirical models can be used to simulate systems that are far beyond the reach of QM.
However, except for highly idealized structures, such as bulk crystals, these empirical models do
not provide reliable surrogates for QM, and are prone to exhibiting unphysical behaviors. In the
last decade, great progress has been made in constructing machine learning (ML) surrogates
for QM potential energy functions. Large datasets of small atomic configurations with energies
and forces evaluated using QM are used to train regression models that map local atomic
environments to atomic energies and forces. By implementing these ML potentials in LAMMPS
and running on large supercomputers, it is possible to simulate systems containing billions of
particles with QM accuracy (Nguyen-Cong et al., 2021). However, the lack of general tools
to facilitate this ML research limits widespread use and progress in the field. To address this
need, we have developed a software package called FitSNAP. FitSNAP provides a general set
of tools that can be used to train and test a wide range of atomistic simulation models.
Statement of need
FitSNAP is a Python package for constructing a wide variety of ML interatomic interaction
models that map local atomic environments to energies, forces, stress or other quantities
associated with atoms. This mapping is achieved by first calculating atomic environment
feature vectors (descriptors), and then using these to learn a regression model. There are
other high-quality atomistic ML software packages in this application space, such as DeepMD
(Wang et al., 2018), n2p2 (Singraber et al., 2019), pacemaker (Bochkarev et al., 2022),
NequIP (Batzner et al., 2022), Allegro (Musaelian et al., 2023), and GAP (Bartók et al.,
2010). All of these provide excellent capabilities for their particular class of ML potentials,
but lack the flexibility to accommodate a wide range of descriptors and regression models.
Other software packages like amp (Khorshidi & Peterson, 2016), TorchANI (Gao et al., 2020),
and ACEsuit (Ortner & Kermode, 2020) generalize the ML problem to models with multiple
kinds of descriptors and model forms. After constructing a ML potential, a critical test of its
viability is using it in large-scale production simulations. This ensures its stability and tests its
ability to predict properties and phenomena that it was not explicitly trained on, colloquially
referred to as extrapolation. To achieve this important step some of the aforementioned
software packages provide excellent support for their respective models in large-scale molecular
simulation packages like LAMMPS (Thompson et al., 2022).
A seamless interface with LAMMPS is where FitSNAP stands out; we use native components
of LAMMPS to calculate inputs to our ML models, ensuring full consistency between the
model produced in training and the model used in production MD simulations. In this regard
FitSNAP acts as a multi-scale link between quantum and classical methods; a model is trained
on fine-scale QM data and then seamlessly deployed in large-scale classical MD simulations
on high-performance computing platforms. By using the same LAMMPS code to compute
descriptors in both training and production simulations, we also reduce code duplication,
and increase the rate of innovation by eliminating barriers to deploying new descriptors and
models in large-scale simulations. While FitSNAP uses the Python interface to the LAMMPS
library, it is not tightly integrated with LAMMPS. This allows greater flexibility and speed in
development that would not be possible if it was fully integrated, given the much larger user
base and diversity of use cases that LAMMPS must support. FitSNAP is therefore free to
improve and grow independently of LAMMPS in the area of ML models, while at the same
time maintaining full consistency with LAMMPS data structures and descriptor calculations.
Our interface is achieved by using LAMMPS compute objects; these calculate quantities for a
single configurations of atoms, without performing MD. The compute objects calculate the
descriptors for our ML models, ensuring that descriptors used during training are identical to
the descriptors used in performance-optimized LAMMPS production simulations. This also
Rohskopf et al. (2023). FitSNAP: Atomistic machine learning with LAMMPS. Journal of Open Source Software, 8 (84), 5118. 2
allows performance improvements achieved in the LAMMPS production code to immediately
speed up the training process, rather than having to replicate the code improvements in the
training software. FitSNAP has already taken advantage of this intrinsic LAMMPS interface in
a number of publications that performed large-scale simulations with innovative ML atomistic
models (Cusentino et al., 2020, 2021; Nikolov et al., 2021, 2022; Wood & Thompson, 2018).
LAMMPS supports a rapidly growing and diverse set of descriptors and ML model forms(Zuo
et al., 2020). The interface ensures that all of these can be made accessible to FitSNAP
users, with a small amount of extra glue code. This flexibility is paramount for achieving a
general use ML potential software, since different descriptors and models are appropriate for
different materials physics, different accuracy requirements, and different performance needs
(Zuo et al., 2020). The modularity of FitSNAP components allows one to choose different
models combined with different descriptors; this rapid prototyping can help users find the best
atomistic ML model for their particular application.
Figure 1: FitSNAP components and flow of control. The typical workflow involves scraping configurations
of atoms which serve as training data; this is done in the Scraper class. Then we calculate ML features
(atomic environment descriptors) in the Calculator class. Next, the ML problem is solved in the Solver
class, which includes both linear and nonlinear models. This is followed by error analysis and/or model
deployment in LAMMPS.
To generally approach the atomistic ML problem, we abstract components required for scraping
data, calculating descriptors, and solving the optimization problem. The main software
components driving this flow of control are shown in Figure 1. Scraping of training data and
calculating atomic environment descriptors is parallelized over configurations of atoms with help
Rohskopf et al. (2023). FitSNAP: Atomistic machine learning with LAMMPS. Journal of Open Source Software, 8 (84), 5118. 3
from our ParallelTools class. This stores data such as atomic positions, and fitting targets
such as forces and energies, in shared memory arrays accessible to all processors on a compute
node. This is achieved using the Python mpi4py package, allowing both (1) calculation of
atomic environment descriptors in parallel across many configurations of atoms and (2) shared
storage of training data including atomic environment descriptors and fitting targets. The
latter point is vital for storing large amounts of data when using multiple processes on a single
node; without shared arrays the required memory can easily exceed that available on many-core
CPU platforms, since each processor would need to store all the data. The contents of these
shared arrays are then accessible to the FitSNAP components on all processors in a node,
throughout the rest of the workflow. The typical workflow begins with the Scraper class, which
also uses ParallelTools to collect training data in parallel.
The first step in the typical FitSNAP flow of control is a file I/O step to scrape the training
data, the configurations of atoms and their associated energies, forces, spins, charges, or
whatever fitting quantity; this is achieved with the Scraper class. Training data includes
basic structural information about the set of atoms such as Cartesian coordinates and DFT
simulation box vectors. Ground truth values used in the loss function during the regression step
are collected at this stage; this “scraping” occurs in parallel using MPI. Accepted file formats
currently include XYZ and JSON files, which are commonly used in the atomistic modelling
community. These files are stored in directories in a manner determined by the user, where
each directory can designate a FitSNAP data group; each group of configurations can receive
its own training/testing fractions and fitting target weights, offering flexibility in how different
configurations of atoms are weighted or tested during training. When scraping, the data is
stored in a FitSNAP data dictionary that houses positions of atoms and their associated fitting
quantities. While the typical flow of control involves first scraping training data from these files,
using FitSNAP in library mode allows one to bypass this step if the training data is collated
in some other manner, such as with the Atomistic Simulation Environment (ASE), stored in
RAM, and inserted into the FitSNAP data dictionary that houses training data. Nonetheless,
the FitSNAP data dictionary contains atomic positions that are then converted to atomic
environment descriptors in the Calculator class.
To transform this structural information into physically appropriate models, we employ the
Calculator class which provides permutation, translationally and rotationally invariant descrip-
tors. These descriptors can be calculated from their performant implementations in LAMMPS,
and then extracted via the LAMMPS Python/C API, which inserts descriptors into the shared
memory arrays of ParallelTools. For descriptors that are not implemented in LAMMPS, we
provide a Custom Calculator class that extracts periodic-boundary-transformed LAMMPS
positions which can be used to calculate custom coded descriptors in Python. This ensures
extensibility of different descriptors for describing atomic environments. Regardless of the
method of descriptor calculation, these calculations are parallelized via MPI over configurations
of atoms stored in the FitSNAP data dictionary. Currently we include Spectral Neighbor
Analysis Potential (SNAP) (Thompson et al., 2015) and Atomic Cluster Environment (ACE)
(Drautz, 2019) descriptors which are both calculated in LAMMPS.
After collating the necessary descriptors and their target fitting quantities, the Solver class can
either proceed to regression of the ML problem or evaluating the model. The connection between
descriptor calculation, which can happen in LAMMPS, and FitSNAP solvers is exemplified in
Figure 2 for a neural network potential inputting arbitrary atom-centered descriptors. In the
typical flow of control for fitting a potential, Solver creates a loss function measuring difference
between target and model fitting quantities such as energies and forces. This loss function
Rohskopf et al. (2023). FitSNAP: Atomistic machine learning with LAMMPS. Journal of Open Source Software, 8 (84), 5118. 4
is then minimized with a method depending on the choice of user input. For linear models,
solver types include singular value decomposition (SVD) or adaptive rectangular decomposition
(ARD). One advantage of linear models is the possibility to analytically determine uncertainties
in fitting coefficients with Bayesian statistics. FitSNAP therefore also includes uncertainty
quantification (UQ) solvers, which output model coefficient covariances for linear models.
Figure 2: LAMMPS-FitSNAP interface for calculating energies and forces with machine learned potentials,
illustrated here with a neural network potential that calculates atomic energies. Descriptor and descriptor
gradient calculations occur in LAMMPS, while model and model gradient calculations occur with
automatic differentiation (autodiff) frameworks in FitSNAP.
For nonlinear models, solver types include neural networks implemented in PyTorch or JAX.
The set of available solver type depends on the form of the ML regression model. To ensure
good computational performance when fitting nonlinear models to forces, we use a modified
form of iterated back-propagation (Smith et al., 2020) where forces are calculated as a first
back-propagation with respect to model inputs, but descriptor gradients are computed with their
performant implementations in LAMMPS. This requires matching or aligning between descriptor
gradients extracted from LAMMPS, and model gradients extracted from ML frameworks like
PyTorch or JAX. To achieve this, we routinely verify the correctness of our forces by comparing
them with finite difference estimates as a part of our continuous integration testing. Ultimately,
after optimizing the ML model with the Solver class, FitSNAP produces LAMMPS-ready files
which may be directly used as inputs to large-scale LAMMPS simulations.
The modularity of these components allows for different Calculator and Solver sub-classes,
allowing for a variety of different descriptor and model combinations. Any descriptor may
be programmed in the Calculator class, which can then be input to any ML model in the
Solver class to perform fitting. This flexibility can also extend to model architectures entirely
different to the commonly used atom-centered networks, such as pairwise networks (Jose et
al., 2012) which are also included in FitSNAP. These custom and less traditional architectures
are readily implemented using LAMMPS periodic-boundary-condition transformed positions.
Aside from flexibility in choosing or implementing various descriptors and models, we also
provide a library mode where a FitSNAP object can be created in any external Python script.
This allows users to access internal methods and break the usual sequential flow of control for
their specific applications. Some users for example may want to extract descriptors for a set
of configurations and perform statistical analysis on that data, access hyperparameters in an
external optimization tool, or even code an entirely new component not mentioned here. This
Python library also allows interface to custom workflow frameworks like pyiron (Janssen et
Rohskopf et al. (2023). FitSNAP: Atomistic machine learning with LAMMPS. Journal of Open Source Software, 8 (84), 5118. 5
al., 2019), allowing users to save, share, and modify their workflows for training and using
machine learned potentials. In all cases, the ability to program and use any descriptor or
model based on position data extracted from LAMMPS ensures utmost extensibility to future
atomic environment descriptors and models, while allowing users to enjoy connection to a
high-performance MD engine immediately after training potentials.
Funding Statement
This article has been authored by an employee of National Technology & Engineering Solutions
of Sandia, LLC under Contract No. DE-NA0003525 with the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE). The employee owns all right, title and interest in and to the article and is solely
responsible for its contents. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by
accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains
a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published
form of this article or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The DOE
will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with
the DOE Public Access Plan
This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions
that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S.
Department of Energy or the United States Government.
All authors acknowledge funding support from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion
Energy Sciences (OFES) under Field Work Proposal Number 20-023149 and the Exascale
Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration.
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