Travis 2020
Travis 2020
Travis 2020
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Observation of out-of-plane ambient noise on two vector sensor moorings in Lake Travis
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (October 2019)
Computer simulation of the role of torsional flexibility on mass and momentum transport for a series of
Institut für Chemie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle–Wittenberg, von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, D-06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Beringstr. 4+6,
D-53115 Bonn, Germany
Note: This paper is part of the JCP Special Topic on Classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations: Codes, Algorithms,
Force fields, and Applications.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]. URL:
TRAVIS (“Trajectory Analyzer and Visualizer”) is a program package for post-processing and analyzing trajectories from molecular dynamics
which specifically aims at providing as many trajectory analyses as image files, but rather input files for visualization programs such
possible within a unified program so that many scientists are hope- as VMD,2 xmgrace,8 Gnuplot,9 Povray,10 and Mathematica.11 By
fully no longer forced to develop their own in-house solutions to supplying these files to the corresponding programs, high-quality
analyze trajectories. There already exist several other software pack- images can be easily obtained without requiring much knowledge
ages for analyzing trajectories, e.g., the Visual Molecular Dynamics of the visualization program.
(VMD) program package2 or Python frameworks such as MDAnal-
ysis.3 However, by its huge number of available analyses and by A. Fast molecule recognition via domain
its interactive command-line user interface, TRAVIS is in a certain decomposition
sense unique. Since the release in 2011, the original TRAVIS article1
TRAVIS only reads atom labels, positions, and optionally
has already been cited more than 400 times by more than 800 differ-
velocities from the input trajectory; any topological information
ent co-authors (according to the journal homepage), and around 95%
(molecules, bonds, etc.) is ignored. Instead, a distance-based bond
of these publications actually used the software to produce results
detection is executed in one trajectory frame, and molecules are
in the manuscript. This gives us the impression that our code is
defined on the basis of the detected covalent bonds. A pair of atoms
somehow useful for the community.
is defined to be covalently bonded if its distance is smaller than
In this article, we want to highlight some of the recently added
the sum of the covalent radii of the two atom types (taken from
methods and features in TRAVIS. At the same time, we are going
the literature)12 multiplied with a constant to account for thermal
to shortly introduce some of the underlying algorithms that are
vibrations (by default 1.15, but can be chosen differently). To detect
typically invisible for users but are, of course, very important to
bonds, a straight-forward (“canonical”) approach of checking the
achieve the desired efficiency and accuracy of trajectory analyses.
distance of all pairs of atoms in the system is very inefficient, as its
This manuscript is structured as follows: After a discussion of gen-
computational time scales with O(n2 ). TRAVIS uses a more sophis-
eral features of TRAVIS in Sec. II, we will discuss specific features
ticated approach, which is based on a spatial domain decomposition.
from the fields of structural, dynamical, and spectroscopic analy-
Domain decompositions and similar approaches such as the linked
ses in Secs. III–V. In this context, structural analyses are defined as
list method13 are commonly used in computational chemistry (in
analyses that are invariant under any re-shuffling of the trajectory
particular, in parallelized force field molecular dynamics codes such as
frames, while dynamical analyses somehow depend on the ordering
LAMMPS5 and Gromacs14 ) but have rarely been applied to trajectory
of the frames. Of course, spectroscopic analyses are also dynamical
post-processing. First, the longest possible bond distance is deter-
a 17 nm cubic cell, the canonical approach takes almost 1 h for the which is, of course, not the case with multi-purpose compression
molecule recognition, while the implementation based on domain formats. The high compression efficiency is achieved by applying
decomposition only runs for 1 s. a sequence of methods, including multi-dimensional polynomial
After the molecule recognition, topological atom codes are extrapolation, Hilbert curve re-ordering, and canonical multi-table
assigned to the atoms by using Shelley’s extension15 of the Mor- Huffman encoding.7
gan algorithm.16 The algorithm guarantees to give identical codes to While our original aim was to compress volumetric data trajec-
topologically equivalent atoms and different codes otherwise. Atom tories, we noted that the same methodology is also able to losslessly
numbers are assigned by descending atom codes. As a by-product, compress standard position trajectories. When starting from a XYZ
TRAVIS maintains a list of topologically identical atoms, which is trajectory file with a frame interval of 0.5 fs, the BQB format reaches
helpful for many analyses. Furthermore, a full ring system detection a compression ratio of around 20:1 here. This is much more effi-
and refinement17 is carried out, as some of the analyses are well- cient than other existing trajectory formats such as DCD or Gromacs
suited for cyclic structures. Finally, all individual molecules with XTC14 while not sacrificing accuracy. More details can be found in
identical sets of atom codes are considered to be topologically equiv- Ref. 7.
alent and grouped together as molecule types. We would like to point The BQB format and the methods described above are imple-
out again that this full protocol only takes 1 s on one CPU core for a mented in TRAVIS, which can be used to compress or decompress
system with around 500 000 atoms and 40 000 molecules, as shown volumetric or position trajectories, or directly read and analyze such
in Table I. trajectories. Apart from that, there is also a stand-alone tool for
compressing and decompressing trajectories, called the “bqbtool.”
B. The BQB format—Lossless compression A library (“libbqb”) to add support for the BQB format to other pro-
of trajectories and volumetric data gram packages will be released soon. For more information, refer to
the website of the BQB format.18
In 2018, we developed and published an approach for a highly
efficient lossless compression of volumetric data trajectories7 and
introduced the BQB file format to store the compressed data (“loss-
less” indeed means that the input Gaussian Cube file is bit-wise repro- III. STRUCTURAL ANALYSES
duced). The methods in TRAVIS for computing vibrational spectra In this section, some structural analyses implemented in
(see below) require the total electron density on a grid along the tra- TRAVIS will be presented. As mentioned above, structural analyses
are more likely than expected from the individual bond length statis- a few of them, which are suitable to characterize lipid bi-layers that
tics, while cases where both bonds are either long or short are less we have been simulating.29 The first one is the tail vector tilting
likely—a clear correlation effect. analysis. If a lipid bi-layer is in the sol phase, the fatty acid tail
vectors are oriented in random directions and constantly fluctuat-
C. Structure factors ing. However, when the bi-layer undergoes a transition into the gel
FIG. 5. Linear Sankey diagram representing the hydrogen bonding topology of cellulose dissolved in a mixture of [EMIm][OAc] and water (left). Circular Sankey diagram
depicting the same dataset (right), both were created by TRAVIS. Numbers correspond to the average hydrogen bond count per donor/acceptor.
FIG. 6. Connection matrix analysis of cellulose dissolved in [EMIm][OAc].32 Rows represent hydrogen bond acceptors, and columns stand for hydrogen bond donors. The
color in each square represents both the intensity and distance of the first maximum in the corresponding RDF (for color scale, see the right-hand side).
G. Voronoi analysis oxygen atoms and the protic ring hydrogen atoms can be directly
seen, while some interaction between the hydrogen atoms of the
Despite being more than 110 years old now, the Voronoi tessel- aliphatic side chains is also visible. Such a neighborhood matrix
lation67 is still a fascinating mathematical formalism. When applied captures the full neighborhood relationship of the system in one
to a simulation cell with the atoms as Voronoi sites, in simple words, image and can therefore be considered a fingerprint of the liquid
it partitions the box into Voronoi cells belonging to each atom in structure.
a way that all points in space that are closer to a particular atom
than to any other atom will be assigned to that atom’s Voronoi H. Domain analysis
cell. TRAVIS uses the free Voro++ library68,69 (integrated in the
To study microheterogeneity and microphase separation in
TRAVIS source code so that it does not have to be provided exter-
complex liquid systems, we developed the Voronoi-based domain
nally) to perform a periodic radical Voronoi tessellation.70,71 From
analysis (DomA) in 2015.28 First, the atoms of the system are cat-
such a tessellation, many interesting properties can be derived. On
egorized into different classes. This can be, e.g., polar, non-polar,
the one hand, Voronoi cells can be directly visualized by a 3D ren-
side chain, aromatic, fluorinated, etc. Then, a radical Voronoi tes-
dering via Povray.10 On the other hand, one can create statistics
sellation of the simulation cell is performed using all atoms of the
on the Voronoi cells’ volumes, surface areas, isoperimetric quo-
system as Voronoi sites. The Voronoi cells of atoms from the same
tients (measures for the “sphericity” of a cell), and so on. It is also
class, which are neighbors, i.e., share a common Voronoi face, are
possible to monitor Voronoi surface coverage, i.e., which percent-
merged. This leads to domains of different sizes and shapes. A
age of the faces of a molecule’s Voronoi cell is shared with other
two-dimensional illustration of this concept is presented in Fig. 8,
molecules of a certain type. Both the visualization and the statis-
where the different fill colors represent the different atom classes
tics can be performed with TRAVIS, as already demonstrated in the
and the bold black lines correspond to the domain boundaries.
While in a perfectly homogeneous system, there will be many
Another interesting result from a Voronoi tessellation is a sim-
small domains, a certain degree of microheterogeneity will lead to
ple and unbiased neighborhood criterion: If the Voronoi cells of
a smaller number of larger domains because the atoms from the
two atoms share a common face, these two atoms are said to be
same class tend to form clusters. From performing this analysis in
neighbors. In contrast to other neighborhood criteria, e.g., based on
all trajectory frames and looking at the domain statistics (average
the first minimum of the RDF, this approach convinces through its
domain count, volume, surface area, isoperimetric quotient, etc.), one
FIG. 7. Neighborhood probability matrix from the Voronoi analysis. The color in
each square depicts the probability that the two atom types from the row/column FIG. 8. Schematic representation of the Voronoi-based domain analysis.28 Colors
share a common Voronoi face at a time in a simulation of [EMIm][OAc]. represent different classes of atoms. Domains are highlighted by bold black lines.
cavities in the pure liquid, which are suited to accommodate the is slow to compute so many unnecessary distances. A more opti-
solute. Therefore, it can be expected that the size, shape, and mobil- mized approach would first define a maximum observation range.
ity of void cavities play a crucial role in many fundamental processes All distances beyond this range are neglected. Then, it would uti-
of solvation and mass transport in fluid systems. lize a spatial domain decomposition, as explained for the molecule
With the aim to quantify this effect, we have implemented a recognition in Sec. II A, using the maximum observation range as
Voronoi-based void analysis in TRAVIS, where a set of spheres is minimal cube diameter. Now, for a particular water molecule, only
grown into the voids between the molecules in a simulation cell the ions within the central cube and the 26 surrounding cubes need
(see Fig. 9).79 In contrast to other algorithms,80,81 we enhance this to be considered for forming three-tuples with that water molecule,
by the definition of a void domain: The spheres are handled as excluding all the ions that would not fulfill the conditions anyway.
pseudo-atoms and the corresponding Voronoi cells are combined This leads to an implementation that essentially scales linearly with
(cf. the domain analysis). With the aid of the isoperimetric quo- system size.
tient and autocorrelation functions, information on the shape and We are currently working on an unified formulation for all such
mobility of the void space can be extracted. analyses, which we call the generalized tuple analysis (GenTup).
Based on a central particle, as many particles as required can be
J. Generalized tuple analysis involved in the analysis at the same time, i.e., iterating over n-tuples
of particles for any number n, which all have to be located within a
Most of the particle density histograms discussed above only
maximum observation range around the central particle (the maxi-
involve two molecules at a time. Any RDF is based on the distance
mum observation range can be chosen by the user). It will be possible
between two atoms. In CDFs, there can be more atoms involved (e.g.,
to use many different condition relations between the particles (dis-
when observing a distance and an angle, as shown in Fig. 2), but there
tances, angles, dihedral angles, triangle surface area, tetrahedron vol-
are still only two molecules involved at a time. One can easily think
ume, etc.). To the best of our knowledge, such a generalized analysis
of analyses that involve more than two molecules.
has not yet been published in the literature. Our implementation in
For example, let us consider a simulation of a concentrated
TRAVIS will be available in some months.
aqueous sodium chloride solution. We want to investigate how the
O–H bond length histogram depends on the distance from the H
atom to Cl− ions, but only under the condition that the oxygen
atom is not further than 250 pm away from a Na+ ion. This anal- In this section, some dynamical analyses contained in TRAVIS
A. Diffusion coefficients
A common quantity when studying dynamics of condensed
phase systems are diffusion coefficients. They can be determined
both experimentally and via simulation, and are therefore a valu-
able property for validating simulations. The diffusion coefficient D
of some molecule can be computed from the mean square displace-
ment (MSD) via the Einstein relation83
It reads criterion, it has shown to be effective to define a criterion for both the
∞ distance and angle (see the yellow rectangle in Fig. 2 for a reasonable
D= ⟨v(t) ⋅ v(t + τ)⟩t dτ, (4) hydrogen bond criterion). Then, an auxiliary function
1 if criteria fulfilled
where v(t) is the velocity vector of the considered particle at time βij (t) ∶= { (7)
0 otherwise
t and d again stands for the dimensionality of the system. In addi-
tion, the computation of velocity autocorrelation functions is imple- is defined, where βij (t) = 1 exactly when an aggregate between
mented in TRAVIS so that results from both approaches can be com- molecules i and j at time t is intact according to the chosen geometric
pared (they are typically not identical for finite-length trajectories, criterion. From this, the autocorrelation
and it is unclear which one is “better”).
1 N N
B. Reorientation dynamics c(τ) = 2 ∑ ∑ ∫ βij (t) ⋅ βij (t + τ) dt (8)
N i=1 j=1
Another very interesting dynamical property is the reorien-
tation dynamics of certain vectors in a simulation, also known as is computed. The lifetime T of the aggregate can then be obtained as
rotational relaxation time. It can directly be determined by certain twice the total integral of this autocorrelation function
NMR and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques and ∞
therefore offers a good opportunity for comparison between exper-
iment and simulation. Based on a trajectory, this quantity can easily T = 2 ⋅ ∫ c(τ) dτ. (9)
be expressed as an integral over the corresponding vector autocor- 0
relation function C(τ). For comparison with some experiments, it is The factor of 2 can be understood from the following simple con-
desirable to apply a Legendre polynomial Pn of order n to the vec- sideration: Imagine an aggregate that existed only once for a time
tor dot product in the correlation, then termed nth order correlation interval a. The corresponding correlation function c(τ) is then a
function Cn (τ) and nth order reorientation time T n . This leads to piecewise-linear function that runs through the two points c(0) = 1
the equations and c(a) = 0. The integral of this function will be a2 . A factor of 2 is
∞ required to retain the original lifetime of a.
u(t) ⋅ u(t + τ)
which gives the probability of finding a pair that was initially inter-
acting at time t = 0 as not interacting anymore, but still in a distance
at which an interaction would be possible at time t = τ. Finally,
the two functions c(t) and n(t) can be fitted on the simple kinetic
equation FIG. 11. Van Hove correlation function103 (i.e., RDF with lag time) for the O⋯H
distance in liquid water, computed by TRAVIS. The 2D Fourier transform of this
− ċ(t) = kd c(t) − kf n(t). (14) function corresponds to the dynamic structure factor S(q, ω).
distance between the two positions, and adding the result to a his- transforming the time series, taking the absolute square, and trans-
togram. It is interesting to take the positions of the two particles forming back,
from different trajectory frames with a “lag time” of τ between them. ∞ 2
If this is performed for different lag times and represented as a C(τ) = ∫ f (t) ⋅ f (t + τ) dt = F −1 ∣F( f (τ))∣ .
⎛ ⎞
contour plot with the histogram value on the horizontal axis and ⎝ ⎠
the lag time on the vertical axis, the result is called a van Hove
correlation function (VHCF).103 In Fig. 11, a van Hove correla- As the Fourier transform of a discrete dataset of length n can be effi-
tion function for the O⋯H distance in a simulation of liquid ciently computed by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) method that
water is presented. It can be seen that the standard RDF is repro- only scales with O(n ⋅ log n), this saves a lot of computational time.
duced at τ = 0, but the features in the RDF quickly are blurred Equation (15) is only a special case of the cross-correlation theorem
out for an increase in lag time. Van Hove correlation functions so that a similar approach can also be used to speed up the cal-
are particularly interesting because their two-dimensional Fourier culation of cross-correlation functions via FFT. TRAVIS computes
transform is the dynamic structure factor S(q, ω), which can be all autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions based on these
measured by neutron scattering experiments. This offers another approaches using the KISS FFT library108 (integrated in the TRAVIS
opportunity to directly compare experimental and computational source code).
results. 2. Window function and zero padding
When considering Fourier transforms of data, it is very impor-
V. SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSES tant to choose a suitable window function. There exists no Fourier
It is known since a long time that vibrational spectra can be transform without a window function—using no window function
computed from molecular dynamics simulations by time corre- means using a rectangular window, which is a very poor choice.
lation functions.104 This comes with several advantages over the Applying a window function simply means element-wise multipli-
widely used static–harmonic approach to spectra. Automatic con- cation of the discrete input data with the window function before
former sampling takes place during the MD simulation, the full Fourier transforming. By default, TRAVIS uses the Hann window
solvent effect can be included, realistic band shapes are directly function109 for computing spectra, which is given by
obtained, and even some anharmonic effects (such as temperature- πn
Wn = cos2 ( (16)
Due to the correction, high-quality spectra with accurate intensities time step Δt, it can be derived105 that the observed frequency ω̃ is
can be obtained even if the dipole moment only was computed every given by
4.0 fs.
1 1
4. Improved sampling via time reversibility ω̃ = arccos(1 − ω20 Δt 2 ). (21)
Δt 2
Similar to most other properties, vibrational spectra should be
Fortunately, the effect is rather small. When simulating an oscillator
invariant under reversal of the time direction: The trajectory with
with ω0 = 3000.0 cm−1 and Δt = 0.5 fs, the observed frequency is
reversed time samples the same thermodynamic ensemble as the for-
ω̃ = 2990.0 cm−1 , which is a deviation of around 0.3%. When com-
ward trajectory. As vibrational spectra are ensemble averages, they
puting spectra from a trajectory, the observed frequencies ω̃ are
cannot differ for these two cases. Consider the cross-correlations
given and the true frequencies ω0 are sought after. The inverse of
of two time series a(t) and b(t) along the trajectory. Let ã(t)
Eq. (21) can be easily written as
∶= a(T − t) and b̃(t) ∶= b(T − t) be the two time series of the tra-
jectory with reversed time, where T is the total trajectory length. We 2 − 2 cos(ω̃Δt)
find that ω0 = . (22)
⟨ã(t + τ) ⋅ b̃(t)⟩t = ∫ ã(t + τ) ⋅ b̃(t)dt By using Eq. (22), the frequency axis of the spectra can be corrected
for the frequency shift of the Verlet integrator. The correction is
= ∫ a(T − t − τ) ⋅ b(T − t)dt implemented in TRAVIS.
different diatomic molecules with harmonic bonds (black curve) is
ij = ∑ qn (3rn,i rn,j − ∥rn ∥2 δij ) shown together with the integrals over the bands (red curve). As the
integrals are all of similar magnitude, the system seems to be well-
− ∫ ρ(r)(3ri rj − ∥r∥2 δij ) d3 r, (24) equilibrated. Power spectra computed by TRAVIS already appeared
Mol many times in the literature.22,25,33,37,41,72,115–117
where qn and rn are the core charge and position of the nth atom
in the molecule, respectively, and δij is the Kronecker delta. We D. Bulk phase normal modes
have shown that the spectra obtained via Voronoi integration are
Based on an approach presented by Mathias et al.,118,119 we
very similar to those based on Wannier localization, but the prob-
implemented a bulk phase normal mode analysis in TRAVIS.115
lems with aromatic systems are no longer present.113 Furthermore,
By iteratively diagonalizing the matrix of all atomic velocity cross-
our integration algorithm is very fast (∼1 s per full frame on one
correlation functions, the power spectrum of the system is decom-
CPU core) so that a lot of computational time is saved when com-
posed into normal modes that are maximally localized in the fre-
pared to Wannier localization. Finally, also higher molecular mul-
quency space. To do so, a set of reference structures is required,
tipole moments such as the electric quadrupole moment (which
onto which the molecules in the trajectory are projected. Due to
is required to compute ROA spectra) can easily be obtained. The
this requirement, the approach works best for rigid molecules and
required volumetric electron densities along the trajectory can be
has severe limitations for flexible side chains longer than ethyl
stored in our highly efficient lossless compression format BQB7 (see
groups. In Fig. 13, an exemplary application of the normal mode
above). Therefore, we propose the Voronoi integration technique as
analysis is shown, where the individual C–H stretching motions of
a new standard method for obtaining molecular properties in bulk
[EMIm]+ cations are distinguished in bulk phase simulations of pure
phase systems.
[EMIm][OAc] and an [EMIm][OAc]/water mixture.115 There also
exist other articles in the literature where this feature of TRAVIS has
C. Power spectra been applied.37,120–122
The Fourier transform of the atomic velocity autocorrelation
function yields the power spectrum of a system, also known as
E. Infrared and Raman spectra
the vibrational density of states (VDOS). In contrast to the exper-
imentally accessible vibrational spectra, the power spectrum is not The infrared spectrum of a system can be computed as the
magnetic dipole moments mMol via the classical expression where vn is the velocity of the nth atom in the molecule. Based
on this approach, which is implemented in TRAVIS, we published
1 NMol 1 the first ab initio prediction of a bulk phase VCD spectrum in
mMol = 3
∑ qn (rn × vn ) − ∫ r × j(r) d r, (25) 2016.137
2 n=1 2
FIG. 14. Schematic approach to compute the electromagnetic moments for ROA spectra from standard BOMD simulations.138 Rows represent successive BOMD time steps.
Red font depicts quantities under an external electric field.
d Mol
AMol = AMol = Q , (27)
d Mol T
G′Mol = −(G′
Mol T
) = −( m ) (28)
In this article, we have presented some methods and analyses
that have recently been introduced to the TRAVIS program pack-
age while also giving a glimpse of some of the underlying algorithms
that are essential for efficiency and accuracy of these analyses. While
some functions in TRAVIS are known since decades, others are
very recent and have been implemented directly after having been
developed. For example, TRAVIS has been used to compute the
FIG. 15. Predicted Raman optical activity (ROA) spectrum138 of liquid first ab initio predictions in the literature of bulk vibrational cir-
(R)-propylene oxide (black) together with the experimental spectrum (red).140 This cular dichroism (VCD) spectra,137 bulk phase Raman optical activ-
was the first predicted bulk phase ROA spectrum in the literature. ity (ROA) spectra,138 and bulk phase resonance Raman spectra144
within the last years. Since the release in 2011, the original TRAVIS M. Kohagen, M. Brehm, J. Thar, W. Zhao, F. Müller-Plathe, and B. Kirchner,
article1 has already been cited more than 400 times now, and more “Performance of quantum chemically derived charges and persistence of ion
than 800 different co-authors contributed to these studies. As the cages in ionic liquids. A molecular dynamics simulations study of 1-n-butyl-3-
methylimidazolium bromide,” J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 693–702 (2011).
authors of TRAVIS, we promise that we will continue to include new 21
M. Brüssel, M. Brehm, T. Voigt, and B. Kirchner, “Ab initio molecular dynamics
methods and features into the code while at the same time main- simulations of a binary system of ionic liquids,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13,
taining old and existing functions and improving the quality of the 13617–13620 (2011).
documentation. 22
A. S. Pensado, M. Brehm, J. Thar, A. P. Seitsonen, and B. Kirchner, “Effect
of dispersion on the structure and dynamics of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-
methylimidazolium thiocyanate,” ChemPhysChem 13, 1845–1853 (2012).
M. Brehm, H. Weber, A. S. Pensado, A. Stark, and B. Kirchner, “Proton
We would like to thank all the TRAVIS users around the transfer and polarity changes in ionic liquid-water mixtures: A perspective on
hydrogen bonds from ab initio molecular dynamics at the example of 1-ethyl-
world for their trust (and sometimes, unfortunately, also patience). 3-methylimidazolium acetate-water mixtures—Part 1,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
M.B. acknowledges financial support from the DFG through Project 14, 5030–5044 (2012).
No. Br 5494/1-1. 24
M. Brehm, H. Weber, A. S. Pensado, A. Stark, and B. Kirchner, “Liquid
The data that support the findings of this study are available structure and cluster formation in ionic liquid/water mixtures—An extensive
from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. ab initio molecular dynamics study on 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate/water
mixtures—Part 2,” Z. Phys. Chem. 227, 177–204 (2013).
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F. L. Celso, Y. Yoshida, R. Lombardo, C. J. Jafta, L. Gontrani, A. Triolo, and
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