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Heliyon 7 (2021) e06995

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Research article

In-service training and teaching resource proficiency amongst Chemistry

teachers: the mediating role of teacher collaboration
Jimmi Copriady a, Hutkemri Zulnaidi b, *, Masnaini Alimin a, Sri Wilda Albeta a
Department of Chemistry Education Program, Faculty of Education, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, University Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Keywords: This study aims to determine the level of collaboration, in-service training and teaching resource proficiency
Chemistry teachers amongst Chemistry teachers by investigating the intermediary role of collaboration for training and teaching
Teacher collaboration resources competency. A total of 184 Chemistry teachers in Riau, Indonesia, have participated in the survey.
Mediating role
Using AMOS and SPSS 25.0 software to analyse the research data, we find a high level of collaboration, training
Teaching resource proficiency
and teaching resource proficiency amongst Chemistry teachers. Male teachers have higher proficiency level on all
aspects than female teachers. The MANOVA test results show a significant difference in teacher resource com-
petency based on gender. Male teachers are significantly more proficient than their female counterparts. How-
ever, they do not significantly differ in terms of collaboration and in-service training. The structural equation
modelling test results show that collaboration has a significant role in Chemistry teachers’ involvement in training
and teaching resources. These research findings encourage relevant parties to design effective collaborations
amongst Chemistry teachers. They also offer new insights for Chemistry teachers to keep on mastering teaching
resources nationally and internationally.

1. Introduction A teacher's education is a critical aspect to enhance his knowledge

(Sexton, 2015). Ball, Thames and Phelps (2008) stated that knowing his
The education system in Indonesia is always under close observations lessons is a basic competence for a teacher to master. In other words, a
by many stakeholders and relevant parties. Although teacher reform is teacher should master the curriculum contents comprehensively and
one of the government's educational goals, Allena et al. (2018) argued focus on the most critical aspects. A superior Chemistry teacher can
that it is an ambitious goal because the government only implemented explain and provide detailed information by using various teaching aids.
the Teacher and Lecturer Law in 2005. Educational reformation is Murtaza et al. (2012) viewed a good teacher as one who is not only kind
necessary because teaching and learning are processes that affect one's and committed but also honest with his profession and can fulfil his task
future. A solid foundation of education is a benchmark to measure and enthusiastically. However, studies on teachers' subject mastery and
predict the progress of a country. Hence, teachers should have uplifting mastery learning remain limited, especially in testing and identifying
activities to enhance and expand their knowledge acquisition and skills. knowledge contents (Ball et al., 2008). A review by Allena et al. (2018)
A competent teacher can influence his school quality and students' showed that Indonesian teaching environment has limited resources in
knowledge and experiences (Jussim and Harber, 2005). He should local contexts. They added that this situation resulted in frustration
participate in professional communities via accessible communication amongst Indonesian teachers as they felt a sense of powerlessness in their
networks to share information related to school subjects and education. local contexts. The training and laboratories provided for them failed to
He should have great attitudes and dedication in performing his duties address these matters and remained inadequate. Young and novice
and administering beneficial activities for students. Liu and Tsai (2017) teachers also reported the adverse influence of senior teachers in schools
argued that reforming education should be executed to encourage school and a poor connection between curriculum design and pedagogical re-
teachers to be innovative in their teaching strategies and improving their quirements expressed in an overloaded curriculum (Allena et al., 2018).
teaching quality. Vangrieken et al. (2015) regarded teacher collaboration as a critical
aspect because effective collaboration encourages task interdependence,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Zulnaidi).
Received 8 October 2020; Received in revised form 29 December 2020; Accepted 29 April 2021
2405-8440/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J. Copriady et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06995

facilitating networking. Effective collaboration and discussions would collaboration. Teacher collaboration focuses on conversation and idea
enhance the socio-cognitive abilities of teachers (Liliane and Colete, (Hargreaves & O'Connor, 2017). Mora-Ruano et al. (2018) provided
2009). Collaborative activities, such as between experienced and novice another definition used exclusively at the teacher level. Teacher collab-
teachers, can be a platform for a roundtable discussion on personal oration involves relational trust, school administration and coordination
representations, beliefs, theories, conceptions and teaching practices. Liu and the exchange of ideas and materials between teachers, which play a
and Tsai (2017) added that collaborative experiences would provide a central role in having authority.
valuable reference for teachers. A collaborative design deals with matters Teachers should help their students to engage all of their senses
of concern, as expressed in the saying: ‘It is never a process that begins during the learning process (Muijs and Reynolds, 2010). Being conscious
from scratch, but to design is always to redesign’ (Voogt et al., 2015). of the subject or lesson materials would help them understand and
Following this assumption, Fulton and Britton (2011) studied a group of appreciate their lesson. Things keep changing every day, and therefore
Math and Science teachers by engaging them in discussions about their everybody needs to continue learning new things (Tovey and Lawlor,
subjects. They found significant improvements amongst the teachers, 2008). Even as professionals, teachers still have limitations and are
who exhibited an understanding of their subjects, eagerness to teach and inadequate in mastering the whole Chemistry knowledge. Mastering the
resourcefulness. However, no existing evidence supports the contribution subject matter is not easy, as one needs to improve his proficiency,
of collaboration to teacher training or its efficiency as a teaching escalate his knowledge and learn diverse skills continuously. Teachers
resource. Collaboration activities amongst teachers still suffer from the should participate in enrichment activities through communication net-
problem of uncoordinated processes. The discussion between teachers works to develop good communication skills and attitudes. Copriady
also tends to focus on superficial issues, including sharing of general (2014) stated that teachers are generally great agents of educational
experiences. development and innovations. They should continue to develop their
knowledge and skills through networking and mutual sharing of aca-
2. Research background demic resources.
A Chemistry teacher can only explain his teaching materials well if he
Chemistry teachers have difficulties and constraints in mastering masters his subject. A well-versed teacher can explain the lessons clearly
their subject matters. They suffer from efficiency and productivity to the students and be flexible with his teaching strategies. Hence, a
problems due to the quality of their academic services, particularly in teacher needs to master the subject that he is teaching. A teacher with
terms of teaching methods, media and library services. Some chemistry low proficiency will dampen the quality of his teaching, which can only
teachers also experience academic restraints. For example, the interac- improve by mastering the teaching materials. Moreover, the subject that
tion between academic staff and students, in general, only applies in the a teacher chooses to master is extremely important (Ültay, 2017). Suyono
classroom (Abdullah et al., 2014; Liu and Tsai, 2017). Despite these and Hariyanto (2011) stated that learning materials must serve the
challenges, teachers need to master and be proficient in their subjects. learning objectives and students' need. The learning materials should be
Hence, the administration should provide continuous and sustainable relevant to the environment and ethical ideologies. They have to be
efforts to encourage Chemistry teachers to improve their proficiency well-organised and systematically logical and designed using a stand-
level and develop their knowledge and Chemistry skills. Davis and Simmt ardised book. The government and private sectors held several pro-
(2006) argued that one could attain knowledge by using different con- grammes, including in-service training on various aspects related to
cepts. Activities, such as establishing a communication network amongst teaching resources proficiency and laboratory management, to enhance
Chemistry teachers as a community, can be a great avenue for teachers to teachers’ professionalism. These training and programmes are conducted
share and compare information related to their subject matters. Those professionally by experts and lecturers. Yet, challenges and constraints
who can participate in a communication network can improve their vi- still exist. Schools and higher learning institutions should establish a
sions and share their knowledge about Chemistry. Horn et al. (2017) good relationship and cooperation to address these issues. This link and
stated that considerable collaboration amongst teachers has relation to understanding can provide opportunities to form solid platforms for
their conversation concept and the role of division of responsibilities engagement in various training programmes and experiments (Suyanto,
(Runhaar et al., 2014). The professional communities can continuously 2013).
allow teachers to participate in educational forums, such as seminars and Studies showed that teacher teamwork community has a positive
panel discussions. effect on student outcome (Louis et al., 2010; Egodaeatte et al., 2011). De
Through a continuous series of training, teachers can improve their Jong et al. (2019) found that collaboration offers an opportunity for
teaching quality. Fulton and Britton (2011) found that teachers who teacher learning depending on the context. Darling-Hammond et al.
participated in workgroup conversation about the subject they teach (2017) reported that teacher collaboration structure could improve stu-
understood better and felt more prepared to teach their subjects than dent outcome through problem-solving and learning together. Thus,
those who did not participate. Their participation also helps them build collaboration is a significant predictor to student outcomes (Reeves et al.,
an online academic community to enhance their teaching and learning 2017). Teachers can employ different collaborative activities to enhance
abilities and the quality of their subjects. Teachers can improve their the effectiveness of teaching and learning behaviour.
learning, knowledge, impression and faith when they participate in
learning activities (Opfer and Pedder, 2011). They can also share their 3. Research focus
valuable experiences in mastering Chemistry teaching materials, espe-
cially about using the right methodology, such as experiments in the Scholars investigated the advantages of teacher collaboration, such as
laboratory. Truijen et al. (2013) defined collaborative work as an ability professionalism development (Puchner and Taylor, 2006), improved
of a team to work successfully or the capability of a community to work learning strategies and cooperation between teachers and administrators,
together. in understanding pedagogy to enhance teaching comprehension (Lau,
As a complex task, the definition of teacher collaboration lacks con- 2013). Burke (2013) and Egodawatte et al. (2011) described several
sistency. Woodland et al. (2013) argued that teacher collaboration is positive outcomes of professional collaboration, especially in the devel-
inconsistent and often theoretical. Moreover, teacher community lacks a opment of professional knowledge. Pawan and Ortloff (2011) concluded
clear definition and is difficult to assess (Vangrieken et al., 2013). that teachers could produce more activities if they work collaboratively.
Teacher community is a group of socially interdependent teachers who However, an organised collaboration for teachers remains impossible
participate in discussions, knowledge building and domain and goal with various challenges. The common hurdles are time constraint and
sharing (Brouwer et al., 2012). Vangrieken et al. (2015) stated that personal beliefs in sharing their resources (Doppenberg, Bakx, & den
teachers could share knowledge and furnish collegial support through Brok, 2012; Ning et al., 2015).

J. Copriady et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06995

Pawan and Ortloff (2011) stated that inadequate procedures could survey questionnaire as the research instrument. Sudman (1976) claimed
provide less influence on teacher collaboration. Vangrieken et al. (2015) that each major group or subgroup in the sample should have a minimum
even showed some negative outturns of teacher collaboration. The noble of 100 participants. This study received approval from the Pekanbaru
initial ideas of collaboration backfired when it turned into a competition City Education Office and the University of Riau. We provided the survey
amongst teachers, and the programmes increased their workloads, questionnaire to the school principals and the lecturers at the university.
thereby causing other conflicts. They helped distribute the questionnaire amongst chemistry teachers
Following the above discussion, further research on collaboration, who have to continue postgraduate programmes to the University in
training and teaching resource proficiency amongst Chemistry teachers is Riau, Indonesia. For ethical purposes, we also included a note in the
relevant. Scholars should further explore the influences of collaboration questionnaire that the answers from the study sample will remain
on efficient training, which can help teachers be proficient in providing confidential and be used only for research purposes.
teaching resources. They should also consider gender differences to
obtain various perceptions of teachers’ needs based on gender. Thus, the 4.3. Research instrument and procedures
current study aims to answer the following research questions:
We adapted the items for measuring collaboration from Copriady et al.
1. What are the levels of collaboration, in-service training and teaching (2018). We used a five-item scale (i.e 1. Strongly Disagree; 2. Disagree; 3.
resource proficiency amongst Chemistry teachers? Neutral; 4. Agree and 5. Strongly Agree). These items were about collabo-
2. Do teacher collaboration, training and proficiency have significant rating with other teachers from other schools and communicating with
differences based on gender? colleagues to solve problems related to students. We designed 30 items to
3. What are the effects of collaboration as a mediator in the relationship measure collaboration (See Table 1). We also adapted the elements for
between training and teaching resource proficiency? measuring in-service training and proficiency from Copriady et al. (2018).
We used a five-item scale (i.e 1. Strongly Disagree; 2. Disagree; 3. Neutral; 4.
4. Methods Agree and 5. Strongly Agree). We designed 35 items to measure in-service
training focusing on training organised by the school and the ministry,
4.1. Research design which improves understanding and literature review on academic writings
in accordance with the Information Communication Technology (ICT) (See
In this study, we surveyed Chemistry teachers in Riau, Indonesia. We Table 2). We designed 32 items to measure proficiency focusing on teaching
designed a questionnaire to evaluate their perspectives on collaboration, aids and materials, lesson materials and subject matter (See Table 3). We
in-service training and teaching resource proficiency. Following Creswell used a three-item scale (i.e 1. Disagree; 2. Neutral; 3. Agree). Before
(2014), we employed a quantitative method because a ‘numeric assigning the instruments to the samples, the researchers constructed the
description of trends, attitudes or opinions of a population can be ob- instruments used to evaluate these variables and consulted with experts to
tained by studying a sample of that population’. A survey is a method to verify the instruments. According to Gay and Airasian (2003), conduct a
collect sample information by using a questionnaire that allows the re- questionnaire validity test to strengthen language use and improve clarity
spondents to answer independently (Chua, 2006). We used a question- and project content. All three experts who participated in this study agreed
naire in this study to collect data on teacher collaboration, in-service that the instrument is suitable for measuring variables. We conducted a pilot
training and teaching resource proficiency. A questionnaire is the most study amongst 60 Chemistry teachers before the actual study. We inten-
effective instrument for attitude studies when collecting data from a large tionally selected initial respondents who had similar characteristics to the
group of respondents on a limited timeframe (Wiersma, 2000). A ques- actual respondents to measure the reliability of the instrument. In this study,
tionnaire allows people to express their responses freely. It also enables a Cronbach's alpha value in between 0.70 and 0.73. Hair et al. (2010)
researchers to adjust the diversity of expressions and obtain consistent stipulated the value of 0.70 is acceptable. This high-reliability value implied
responses through standard questions. We considered this research that each item was feasible for the actual study.
design suitable for this study because it could easily generalise the results
from the samples to the entire population (Chua, 2016). 4.4. Data analysis

4.2. Participants We used SPSS 25 and AMOS 23 software for data analysis. We con-
ducted descriptive statistics using SPSS software to determine the levels
The population was essentially the target from which the researchers of collaboration, training and teaching resource proficiency amongst
selected the sample from; it comprises the totality of individuals (ele- Chemistry teachers. We also carried out a MANOVA test to identify any
ments) about which the research is concerned (Ary et al., 2014). The contrasting condition on teacher training, collaboration and teaching
sample was essentially the population targeted; researchers limit their resource proficiency amongst the respondents based on gender. MAN-
study sample to a manageable size considering various parameters, such OVA's analysis results can determine the homogeneity or differences of
as the statistical technique used in data analysis, framework/model of the variances when a research situation involves many dependent variables
study, time, and financial constraint. In this study, 184 Chemistry (Pallant, 2007). We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to asso-
teachers in Riau, Indonesia, participated in the survey. All respondents ciate the function of collaboration in assisting training and teaching
had attended the subject teacher forum (MGMP) in 2019, which is resource proficiency amongst Chemistry teachers. We referred to Dearing
organized every month for all teachers in every district in Riau Province, and Hamilton (2006) for the intermediary analysis in this study. We also
Indonesia. The forum discussed the foundation of collaborative learning conducted chi-square test to assess the null hypotheses with some other
for teachers and knowledge mastery in the field of chemistry. The measurements, including comparative fit index (CFI), the goodness-of-fit
questionnaires were distributed to all attendees to respond for 30 min index (GFI) and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). We
upon completing the forum. The distributed questionnaires received a conducted these tests to determine the reliability value of the research
return of 184 as several questionnaires were dropped due to incomplete model. Researchers should conduct at least one type of compatibility
data. Hence, only completed questionnaires were analyzed to answer the index tests from the category of absolute fit index (e.g. Chisq, GFI and
research questions of this study. Amongst them, 50 teachers were males, RMSEA), incremental fit index (e.g. AGFI, CFI and TLI) and parsimonious
and the remaining 134 were female. We randomly selected the partici- fit (Chisq/df; Awang, 2012). We performed a bootstrapping procedure by
pants using the sample size table proposed by Krejcie and Morgan implementing a bias-corrected percentile method (Guan, 2003) to anal-
(1970). Patton (1990) argued that no rules exist in determining sample yse indirect effects. A maximum likelihood bootstrapping procedure
size. However, the large sample size is preferable when research uses a applies for research with a bootstrap sample of 1000 and a bias correction

J. Copriady et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06995

Table 1. Teacher collaboration. Table 2. In-service training.

No Item No Item
1 I am committed to make interschools collaboration successful 1 Training materials are useful for me as a teacher to implement learning
2 I am good at ICT to carry out collaborative networks with other schools improvements

3 I am not competent in using ICT to establish relationships with others. 2 Training materials support me in carrying out my duties

4 I have expertise in improving student achievement after joining collaborative 3 Training aids and materials can be used to enhance knowledge and can be applied
networks. in my school

5 I lack the commitment to implement collaborative network with other schools 4 The learning method used by the tutor during training can be applied at my
6 I am very involved in activities or programs organized by the school
5 The trainings that I have attended can improve my students' understanding of the
7 I will cooperate and involve truthfully in collaborative programs with other
material I delivered during learning activities
6 The training that I have received can improve my students' learning outcomes
8 I have good relationships and interactions with others
7 The training that I have received can enhance my students' motivation to
9 Expert teachers have to share their thoughts and knowledge on various interschool
participate in learning activities at school
excellent programs
8 The training I have received can increase students active participation in learning
10 I do not want to share ideas and knowledge with other teachers.
activities at school
11 Collaborative culture is less applied in organizations
9 The outcomes of my training are innovations in learning activities at my school.
12 Educational collaboration is only available in certain schools
10 The trainings that I have attended can contribute ideas to improve the quality of
13 Information websites are unavailable to provide guidelines for interschool education in my school
collaborative programs
11 Curriculum training can accommodate the targeted aspects of the training
14 I share ideas on the web through the use of ICT as a way to improve student
12 Curriculum training can develop a comfortable and conducive learning
atmosphere for participants
15 I often provide detail explanation on work instructions to colleagues
13 My self-confidence has improved after completed my curriculum training.
16 I like to share my opinions when I am in a meeting
14 Training is an effort to improve teachers' skills
17 I have the opportunity to enhance my knowledge in excellent programs through
15 I am active in participating in various trainings to improve my understanding on
collaboration with other schools.
18 I have the opportunity to improve my work performance in excellent programs
16 Job specific skills are improved due to regular training.
through collaboration with other schools
17 The ability to cooperate with other teachers improved after attended a training
19 A module or a manual on how to conduct collaborative programs should be made
18 Trainings on academic writing helped me to generate more ideas to carry out an
20 Group discussions can help me improve the quality of learning
action research.
21 I often ask other experienced teachers whenever I have problems with students in
19 Trainings on academic writing helped me to compile instructional materials/
the learning process
learning module.
22 I often have communication problems with other teachers
20 I can optimize the use of ICT better, after participated in ICT training
23 I like to share my learning problems with other teachers
21 ICT-based training using chemical software (Chemsketch, isisdraw, etc.) helps me
24 I prefer to solve my learning problems on my own to design teaching materials.
25 I like to solve my learning problems with my colleagues 22 ICT-based training provides new knowledge to communicate with other chemistry
26 I like to discuss with several teachers to solve any learning problems teachers.
27 I feel that meetings with other chemistry teachers are not very interesting. 23 ICT-based training enriches me with knowledge on how to access educational
materials online.
28 Appropriate facilities and conducive infrastructure can assist teachers in
implementing collaborative programs 24 ICT-based training helps me to get the latest knowledge on teaching materials at
29 Interschool Collaborative programs are expensive
25 ICT based training helps me to get more ideas to conduct classroom action
30 Schools provide ICT to facilitate the success of collaborative networks
26 ICT based training helps me to acquire the latest teaching methods and strategies.
confidence interval of 95% (Mohamad et al., 2018). The bootstrapping 27 Laboratory training helps me to plan appropriate practicum guides according to
procedure in the AMOS programme is fit to manage non-normal data the curriculum.
(Byrne, 2013). 28 Laboratory training helps me to design practical work procedures for each
5. Results 29 Laboratory training helps me to create work safety procedures in the laboratory
30 Laboratory training helps me to create task sheets/handbook based on the
5.1. Levels of teacher collaboration, teacher training and teaching resource textbooks
proficiency 31 Laboratory training helps me to determine the suitable tools and materials to be
used in a practicum.
Table 4 shows the mean value and standard deviation to explain the 32 Laboratory training is only for teachers who teach practicums.
connection between the variables in this study. The descriptive analysis 33 Laboratory training makes it easier for me to carry out a practicum.
results showed that the level of in-service training was high (mean ¼ 34 Laboratory training makes it easier for me to arrange practicum tools.
3.98), and the level for teacher collaboration and teaching resource 35 Laboratory training makes it easier for me to understand the working principles of
proficiency was moderate (mean ¼ 3.51 and 2.49, respectively). The laboratory equipment.
Pearson correlation of the studied variables showed a positive correlation
in the range of 0.38–0.52 with a moderate strength of relationships.
between the male and female Chemistry teachers. This study satisfied all
5.2. Differences in teacher collaboration, in-service training and teaching the required conditions for carrying out the MANOVA test before the
resource proficiency based on gender actual test. The Box’M test results showed no significant var-
iant–covariant amongst the dependent variables for all independent
We conducted a MANOVA test to differentiate the state of teacher variable levels, with F values ¼ 2.22 and sig ¼ 0.039 (p > 0.001). Thus,
collaboration, in-service training and teaching resource proficiency the variant–covariant dependent variables were homogeneous across the

J. Copriady et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06995

showed no significant difference between the male and female teachers

Table 3. Proficiency. in terms of teacher collaboration, training and teaching resource
No Item competencies.
1 I can relate subject matters with the current development Table 5 shows no significant differences in teacher collaboration (F ¼
2 I convey the subject matter well
0.68 and sig ¼ 0.41, p > 0.05) and in-service training (F ¼ 0.68 and sig ¼
3 I always prepare the teaching aids and materials prior to the lesson
0.41, p > 0.05) based on gender. The eta-squared values for teacher
collaboration (0.01) and in-service training (0.01) showed a small effect
4 I prepare continual teaching materials.
of differences (Cohen, 1988). By contrast, a significant difference was
5 I use appropriate lesson materials based on the learning objectives.
evident in teaching resource proficiency (F ¼ 6.23 and sig ¼ 0.01, p <
6 Lesson materials should be relevant with the development of knowledge
0.05) based on gender. The eta-squared value of gender difference in
7 The lesson materials should include factual matters
teaching resource proficiency was also small (0.03). In terms of mean
8 The lesson materials should include conceptual matters
values, male teachers (mean ¼ 2.54) had a higher proficiency level than
9 The fruit juice industry adds polyphenols to avoid oxidation
female teachers (mean ¼ 2.46).
10 When sliced, red onions will release volatile compounds
11 The presence of CO in the human body reduces the ability of the blood to bind
5.3. Mediating effects of teacher collaboration on training and teaching
resource proficiency
12 Buffer solution is used to maintain pH at a certain value in various chemical
applications, one of which is the bicarbonate buffer system which regulates PH in
the blood. Figure 1 shows the standardised coefficient for the final model.
13 Nylon is an example of the end result of condensation polymerization Overall, the model was good (x2/df ¼ 1.18, p < 0.001; CFI ¼ 0.99; GFI ¼
14 Enzymes are catalysts. 0.99; RMSEA ¼ 0.04). The effect of in-service training on teaching
15 Proust's law states that the mass element that makes up a compound is always
resource proficiency was significant (β ¼ 0.17, p < 0.001). In-service
constant in composition. training had a positive effect on collaboration (β ¼ 0.31, p < 0.001).
16 The saponification reaction is an oil/fat hydrolysis reaction using strong acids. Collaboration as a mediator also showed a significant positive impression
17 The catalyst serves to increase the activation energy on teaching resource proficiency (β ¼ 0.021, p < 0.001). These findings
18 Ketones can be oxidized to carboxylic acids provided evidence that teacher collaboration significantly influences
19 The atoms of the metal element release their valence electrons to form ionþx
their participation in professional training, which influences improved
20 Polyatomic symmetry molecules that have a central atom without lone pair
teaching resource proficiency amongst the Chemistry teachers.
electrons are always polar.
21 All strong electrolyte solutions are ionizable and have an ionization degree of 0 <α 6. Discussion
22 In an exothermic reaction, the products have a more stable energy than the The results show that in-service training amongst Chemistry teachers
reactants, because the energy of the products is lower than the reactants. is at a high level. However, teacher collaboration and teaching resource
23 The anode of the Galvanic cell is positively charged because the anode attracts the proficiency are at a moderate level. In general, the Chemistry teachers
anion from the solution while the cathode is negative. who participated in the survey have attended relevant professional
24 In an absorption process, a substance (material or energy) is distributed to other training, which suits their needs and has assisted them in their tasks. This
substances. While in adsorption, the interaction occurs only at the surface level of
finding implies that the ministry has provided training that is relevant to
the same substance.
the teachers. It also confirms several claims on the significance of self-
25 C5H12 is definitely a Pentane compound
development through continuous education. Mangkuprawira (2004)
26 I have to teach students the atomic structure first before introducing the
hydrocarbon compound material
described in-service training as a process of providing updated infor-
mation, skills and attitudes for employees to improve their skills and
27 I have to teach students the structure of atoms and hydrocarbon compounds prior
to chemical bonding material. empower them to perform their responsibilities effectively. From the
28 Students must master stoichiometric material before I teach solutions. aspect of collaboration, teachers need help from other teachers to solve
29 Atomic structure material is a prerequisite for mastering stoichiometry
their problems and overcome challenges. Sharing of expertise through
30 Students must master stoichiometric material before I teach solution equilibrium.
face-to-face meetings or via technology can guide other teachers to adapt
with current progress and trends by focusing on the advancement of
31 I have to teach stoichiometry before teaching reaction rate material
knowledge in various aspects. It also encourages teachers to expand their
32 Stoichiometry material is a prerequisite for mastering electrochemistry
knowledge continuously and find the latest resources. The results also
reveal that the Chemistry teachers still need to improve their teaching
resource proficiency. Many Chemistry teachers have not yet fully
independent variables. On the basis of the above conditions, we con- mastered their teaching materials. The effectiveness of teachers' devel-
ducted a MANOVA test to determine the differences in teacher collabo- opment training activities has a connection to the quality of teaching
ration, training and resource proficiency. The Wilk's Lambda test results supervision and assessment (Guskey and Sparks, 1996). Guskey (1990)
revealed the value ¼ 0.97, F (1, 182) ¼ 2.07 and sig ¼ 0.106 (p > 0.05). suggested that any new plan for the development of teachers’ profes-
The eta-squared test results showed a value of 0.03, implying a small or sionalism should focus on strengthening them by evaluating the existing
minor effect of differences (Cohen, 1988). Overall, the test results in-service training.
The different proficiency level between male and female teachers is
notable. Male teachers are more proficient than female teachers in
Table 4. Mean, standard deviation and the relationship amongst variables. teaching resources. This situation illustrates that male teachers have
Variable 1 2 3 mastered their materials, so they have more motivation to conduct lab-
1 Teacher collaboration 1
oratory experiments before they start teaching. This statement is in line
with Yusrizal et al. (2011), who argued that the outcome of a teacher's
2 Training 0.52 1
work has an association with his motivation. Teachers should have
3 Proficiency 0.37 0.41 1
self-motivation to develop their potential and produce satisfactory out-
Mean 3.51 3.98 2.49
comes in their work. This study proves that male teachers engage more in
Standard deviation 0.21 0.35 0.20
mastering their Chemistry teaching materials. Thornton and Morony
Internal consistency 0.70 0.93 0.71
(2005) stated that the standard of teaching comprehensively describes

J. Copriady et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06995

Table 5. MANOVA on the differences in teacher collaboration, in-service training and teaching resource proficiency based on gender.

Variables Gender N Mean Standard deviation F P ŋ2

Collaboration Male 50 3.53 0.18 0.68 0.41 0.01
Female 134 3.51 0.21
Training Male 50 4.02 0.38 0.68 0.41 0.01
Female 134 3.97 0.34
Proficiency Male 50 2.54 0.18 6.23 0.01 0.03
Female 134 2.46 0.20

the whole process of improving the teaching profession throughout the teachers from other schools as well as collaboration with certain
service. Hussin (2003) added that educators should equip themselves organizations.
with the latest knowledge in line with the rapid and various changes in The SEM test results indicate collaboration is a significant mediator
the field of education, including the use of new terminologies and the for the relationship between training and teaching resource proficiency
application of the latest teaching and learning methods. Wise (2004) amongst Chemistry teachers. The results of this study reveal that teacher
reported that 91% of teachers with good content knowledge have suc- collaboration has 21% change effect on the link between training with
cessfully passed their examinations. teacher proficiency. This indicates that training alone is insufficient to
The SEM test results indicate that training on teacher proficiency improve teacher proficiency. Therefore, the shortcomings of the orga-
despite a low percentage of contributions at only 17%. Conclusion can be nized training can be overcome by teacher collaboration. Teacher
made that the training organized for the teachers is relevant yet inade- collaboration enables teachers to share ideas and knowledge, to solve
quate to enhance teacher proficiency. With regard to the content of the teaching and learning problems, to assist teachers who are incompetent
training, it is found that there are several areas which need to be in ICT and to create groups of expert teachers to establish programs that
improvised including learning improvement, preparation of teaching can further enhance teacher proficiency (Mora-Ruano et al., 2018). In
aids and materials, innovation in learning activities, ideas for action fact, perceptions on teacher collaboration are higher than training. This
research and skills in practicum tools. These aspects should be the main means that teachers are positive towards collaborative efforts as a mean
concern as there are the major areas of teacher proficiency and skills in to improve their proficiency. Gudmundsdottir (1990) argued that not all
teaching and learning, as well as the main task for an educator. Chemistry teachers are aware of everything, and some of them follow their interests
teachers who have gained extra knowledge and experience from a and wants regarding their subject matters. Nevertheless, collaboration
training would have more opportunities to integrate the knowledge and with fellow teachers or referring to experts brings a positive influence on
experience in their teaching and learning. This is due to the fact that they teaching resources proficiency amongst Chemistry teachers.
have the ability to relate lesson materials with the current development Some evidence was found on the practice of collaboration in
in accordance with students needs and also in integrating lesson mate- mastering ICT, involvement in programs organized by the school, sharing
rials in daily life (Lau, 2013). However, supports from the school in terms ideas on the web and explaining work instructions to colleagues. Thus,
of providing the facilities needed by the teacher are also important. this study manages to show the existence of collaboration among
Regrettably, the teachers who have received training do not show a chemistry teachers. Therefore, further actions must be taken by the
significant effect in mastering and integrating such knowledge in their school to facilitate and provide a way for teachers to strengthen and
teaching and learning process. Results have found that teacher profi- widen their collaborative programs with other schools or with relevant
ciency is still at a moderate level. This indicates a slight effect of training organizations. The results provide implications to the Ministry of Edu-
towards Chemistry teachers. Hence, with regard to the lack of proficiency cation to increase teacher collaboration, in-service training and teaching
among the Chemistry teachers, it is paramount to take extra efforts to resource proficiency, especially amongst female teachers. The results
improve the teachers’ proficiency levels. Among them is to provide better show that female teachers have lower collaboration, in-service training
content that is appropriate to the needs of current teachers and provide and teaching resources proficiency than male teachers. Efforts to
facilities for the teachers to facilitate the integration of knowledge in the emphasize these three aspects, such as providing training that considers
teaching and learning process. In addition, teacher collaboration should the current needs of chemistry teachers, are relevant. The ministry should
also be considered as it is a significant platform for teachers to improve also consider fostering cooperation and training aspects to improve
their proficiency (Vangrieken et al., 2015). This revelation is deduced teacher proficiency. In this context, this study proves that training and
from the results of this study which confirm that teacher collaboration collaboration in improving chemistry teacher proficiency. On behalf of
acts as a mediator between training and teacher proficiency. Another teachers, through the results, we expect them to engage in various pro-
conclusion can be made that teacher proficiency can be improved grammes provided by the ministry and have confidence and motivation
through collaborations among teachers in the same school or with to improve their quality as professional teachers.


031*** 021**

Training Proficiency

Note: *** significant value at 0.001.

Figure 1. Collaboration as a mediator between teacher training and teaching resource proficiency.

J. Copriady et al. Heliyon 7 (2021) e06995

This study highlights the significance of professional development Data availability statement
and networking amongst teachers. Teachers should collaborate and
maintain good communication with their colleagues and share their Data will be made available on request.
knowledge. This effort can be a stepping stone to enhance teacher pro-
ficiency, particularly in mastering their teaching materials. Schools also Declaration of interests statement
need to provide adequate facilities for teachers, including the availability
of technology, laboratories and chemicals required in Chemistry teach- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
ing. This kind of support can ease the formation of a professional learning
community. It encourages teachers to discuss with experts freely or Additional information
explore their abilities in a conducive environment. Authorities should
maintain and enhance in-service teacher training because of its direct No additional information is available for this paper.
influence on teaching resource proficiency. They should conduct
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