Future Directions For Chatbot Research: An Interdisciplinary Research Agenda

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Computing (2021) 103:2915–2942



Future directions for chatbot research: an interdisciplinary

research agenda

Asbjørn Følstad1 · Theo Araujo2 · Effie Lai-Chong Law3 ·

Petter Bae Brandtzaeg1,4 · Symeon Papadopoulos5 · Lea Reis6 ·
Marcos Baez7 · Guy Laban8 · Patrick McAllister9 · Carolin Ischen2 ·
Rebecca Wald2 · Fabio Catania10 · Raphael Meyer von Wolff11 ·
Sebastian Hobert11 · Ewa Luger12

Received: 3 September 2020 / Accepted: 15 September 2021 / Published online: 19 October 2021
© The Author(s) 2021

Chatbots are increasingly becoming important gateways to digital services and infor-
mation—taken up within domains such as customer service, health, education, and
work support. However, there is only limited knowledge concerning the impact of
chatbots at the individual, group, and societal level. Furthermore, a number of chal-
lenges remain to be resolved before the potential of chatbots can be fully realized.
In response, chatbots have emerged as a substantial research area in recent years. To
help advance knowledge in this emerging research area, we propose a research agenda
in the form of future directions and challenges to be addressed by chatbot research.
This proposal consolidates years of discussions at the CONVERSATIONS workshop
series on chatbot research. Following a deliberative research analysis process among

B Asbjørn Følstad
[email protected]

1 SINTEF, Oslo, Norway

2 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3 Durham University, Durham, UK
4 University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
5 CERTH, Thessaloníki, Greece
6 University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany
7 Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
8 University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
9 Ulster University, Jordanstown campus, Newtownabbey, UK
10 Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
11 University of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany
12 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

2916 A. Følstad et al.

the workshop participants, we explore future directions within six topics of interest: (a)
users and implications, (b) user experience and design, (c) frameworks and platforms,
(d) chatbots for collaboration, (e) democratizing chatbots, and (f) ethics and privacy.
For each of these topics, we provide a brief overview of the state of the art, discuss
key research challenges, and suggest promising directions for future research. The six
topics are detailed with a 5-year perspective in mind and are to be considered items
of an interdisciplinary research agenda produced collaboratively by avid researchers
in the field.

Keywords Chatbots · Conversational agents · Dialogue systems · Future research


Mathematics Subject Classification 68-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey

articles) pertaining to computer science

1 Introduction

Chatbots are conversational agents providing access to information and services

through interaction in everyday language. While research on conversational agents
has been pursued for decades within fields such as social robotics, embodied conver-
sational agents, and dialogue systems, it is only recently that conversational agents
have become practical reality [77]. Key drivers of this development include advances
in artificial intelligence (AI) fields, such as natural language processing (NLP) and
natural language understanding (NLU), as well as the increased consumer uptake of
platforms conductive to conversational interaction [38].
Chatbots are currently taken up in application areas as diverse as customer service
[1], health [105], education [53], and office work [78]. There has lately been a marked
increase of interest in chatbot research within academia and industry, specifically from
2016 and onwards [86]. Recent research addresses, for example, chatbot use (e.g. 74],
interaction design (e.g. 57] and assessment (e.g. 63], as well as specific applications
(e.g. 96] and technological advances (e.g. 2].
The rapidly growing body of chatbot research has a marked interdisciplinary char-
acter—spanning fields such as informatics, management and marketing, media and
communication science, linguistics and philosophy, psychology and sociology, engi-
neering, design, and human-computer interaction. This broad emerging knowledge
base is valuable, but also implies that research of relevance to chatbots is currently
fragmented across disciplines and application domains. With a broad and rich range
of chatbot applications, it is imperative to understand why certain chatbot usages
are working (or not) by referencing in-depth theoretical frameworks. As the current
interdisciplinary wave of chatbot research is progressing, there is a need to define
overarching research directions for guidance, allowing new studies and initiatives to
systematically build on and benefit from existing work.
In this paper, we propose a research agenda which has been distilled through a series
of dedicated workshops on chatbot research—CONVERSATIONS—with intensive
discussions among researchers and practitioners actively working on chatbots. The

Future directions for chatbot research… 2917

research agenda has the overall aim to motivate and guide research to establish req-
uisite knowledge for fully realizing the potential of chatbots as a powerful means of
accessing information and services and for understanding the impact of chatbots at the
individual, group, and societal level. As the research on chatbots is rapidly evolving,
we hold that deriving a research agenda from collaborations and discussions among
avid researchers and practitioners, who keep abreast of the ongoing developments of
the area, is a more effective approach as compared, for example, with a mapping study
or systematic literature review. Furthermore, this collaborative approach enables us
to gain insights from different perspectives to address opportunities, challenges, and
perceived research needs within the field. The research agenda serves as a concise
research roadmap, offering links to pertinent studies for those readers who are inter-
ested in delving further into specific fields.
In the following, we first present relevant background on chatbot research before we
detail the need for a consolidation of future directions. We then present our approach
and proposed set of directions. Finally, we discuss our proposal and the way forward.

2 Background

2.1 Historical roots of chatbot research

The emerging chatbot research area has its historical roots in several research fields
addressing different aspects of conversational computer systems—the most prominent
of these with decades of research and efforts at industrial applications. Within the field
of dialogue systems [77], researchers have since the sixties and seventies worked on
text based [12] and later spoken [59] conversational user interface to support users
with specific tasks. Other streams of research preceding and relevant to current chatbot
research have addressed conversational interaction with physical social robots [15],
and embodied virtual agents [18]. There has also been a long-term research initiative
addressing computer systems for open-domain small talk [98], including the develop-
ment of the artificial intelligence markup language [111] used to power chatbots for
social chit-chat. Conversational computer systems have also had a long and, at times,
winding path through various commercial applications—particularly automated solu-
tions for customer service, sales and support [72], including interactive voice response
(IVR) systems for phone-based self service [23].
The recent substantial increase in chatbot research can be seen as a direct response
to the uptake of so-called virtual assistants by big tech companies, specifically the
inclusion of Siri as part of Apple operating system in 2011, Amazon’s promotion
of Alexa since 2014 and the conversational turn of Facebook, Microsoft and Google
in 2016 [25]. Piccolo et al. [86] concluded that chatbot research has followed in the
trail of the industrial uptake of conversational computer systems rather than being at
the driver seat. In consequence, the contribution of this burgeoning research area is as
much to understand the emerging application, uses, and implications of conversational
computing systems, as to improve on their technological underpinnings and methods
for design and development. Consequently, the chatbot research area has a broader
scope and disciplinary coverage than the fields at its historical roots.

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2.2 Clarification of terminology

As noted by McTear [77], research streams such as those of dialogue systems, embod-
ied conversational agents, and social robotics, are now converging in a common aim
for developing and improving on conversational user interfaces to computer systems.
However, there is still a wide variety of terms in use in reference to the object of this
converging research interest. Since the recent industrial uptake of conversational com-
puting systems, these have increasingly been referred to as chatbots within industry
and media [25] and also in research. To demarcate the research area driven by the
industrial uptake of conversational computer systems, and to signify the attention of
this area towards emerging patterns of use, as well as broader business and societal
implications, we refer to this area as chatbot research.
In line with this scoping of the research area, we understand chatbots as conver-
sational agents providing access to information and services through interaction in
everyday language—an understanding which is in line with the definitions by Føl-
stad and Brandtzaeg [39] and Hobert and Meyer von Wolff [54]. This use of the
term chatbot encompasses conversational agents for goal-oriented task completion,
informational purposes, entertainment, and social chatter. It also encompasses agents
supporting interactions through text, voice, or both. The use of the term is in reference
to the object of our research interest—current and future design, development, and
implications of information and services provided through conversational computer
systems—rather than in reference to a specific set of technologies or approaches.
In consequence, our use of the term chatbot is broader than what may be found
in other research streams. For example, some distinguish between voice-based and
text-based conversational agents, using the term chatbot to refer to the latter, (e.g.
Ashktorab et al. 6). Others distinguish between conversational agents for goal com-
pletion versus social chatter, referring only to the latter as chatbots (e.g. Jurafsky and
Martin 61). However, in consequence of the rapid evolvement both in technology, ser-
vices, and patterns of use, we find such attempts at principled scoping of the chatbot
term challenging. For example, there is often no clear distinction between social chat-
ter and goal-orientation in conversational agents—as seen by the importance of social
responses for customer service chatbots [114]. Likewise, the distinction between text
and voice is less than clear-cut as the same conversational agents may make use of
different modalities [97].

2.3 Enablers of current chatbots

Current chatbots are enabled by a large range of technologies and services [97] at
varied levels of sophistication. Dialogue management may be enabled through simple
rule-based approaches, statistical data-driven systems, or neural generative end-to-end
approaches [77], and many systems employ hybrid models [50]. Whereas early chat-
bots for social chit-chat may exemplify rule-based approaches (e.g., Weizenbaum 112)
current statistical data-driven systems—such as chatbots for customer service—have
user intents and corresponding chatbot responses identified on the basis of training
of machine learning models based on example user data [66]. Generative chatbots

Future directions for chatbot research… 2919

based on end-to-end approaches are currently a research topic of substantial interest.

A much-cited example is presented by Vinyals and Le [109]. More recently, Face-
book’s Blender [90] and Google’s Meena [2] have received substantial interest due to
their near-human open domain conversational capabilities.
A large number of general-purpose platforms and frameworks are available for chat-
bot delivery, such as Google’s DialogFlow,1 Microsoft Bot Framework,2 Pandorabots,3
and the open-source frameworks Rasa4 and Mycroft.5 The platforms range from so-
called low-code alternatives [26], where implementation and maintenance may be
conducted with limited or no software engineering skills, to frameworks serving as
basis for larger software development projects. Platforms and frameworks for chat-
bot delivery typically provide integrations with a range of communication channels,
including social media and chat, as well as websites and collaborative work support
systems. Hence, the same chatbot may reach users across their preferred channels.

2.4 Research communities

Chatbot research is currently evolving within and across a range of disciplines and has
a strong interdisciplinary character. Ground-breaking research has been presented in
fields as diverse as communication (e.g. Go and Sundar 42), health (e.g. Fitzpatrick
et al. 35), informatics (e.g. Adiwardana et al. 2), and business (e.g. Adam et al. 1). While
dedicated workshops and conferences of relevance to chatbot research are emerg-
ing—such as CUI,6 CONVERSATIONS,7 and CAIR8 —in addition to established
venues—such as SIGDIAL,9 IVA,10 IWSDS,11 and INTERSPEECH12 —research
findings are typically presented in a broad range of journals and conferences. Research
related to chatbots is also conducted in multiple communities with varying degrees
of exchange among them. These communities may not label their area of interest as
chatbot research but, for example, research addressing conversational agents [79],
dialogue systems [59] or social robotics [93]. The research objectives within these

1 DialogFlow, https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow.
2 Microsoft Bot Framework, https://dev.botframework.com/.
3 Pandorabots, https://home.pandorabots.com/.
4 Rasa, https://rasa.com/.
5 Mycroft, https://mycroft.ai/.
6 CUI 2021—Conversational User Interfaces, https://www.conversationaluserinterfaces.org/2021/.
7 CONVERSATIONS 2021—international workshop on chatbot research, https://conversations2021.
8 CAIR 2020—Conversational Approaches to Information Retrieval, https://sites.google.com/view/cair-
9 SIGDIAL—Special interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, https://www.sigdial.org/.
10 IVA 2021—21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, https://sites.google.com/
11 IWSDS 2021—12th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology, https://www.
12 INTERSPEECH 2021—The 21st Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Asso-
ciation, https://interspeech2021.org.

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communities may only be partially overlapping. However, we believe these commu-

nities likely will benefit from strengthening their collaboration and mutually inform
and support each other’s research.

3 Objective: to propose future research directions

While there is a rapidly expanding body of knowledge relevant to chatbot research,

rooted in long-standing research fields, current research and knowledge are fragmented
across disciplines, application areas, and communities. Such fragmentation is to be
expected in a rapidly expanding field. However, we are now at a point in time where
it is beneficial to stake out common directions for future research.
The identification of common research directions is not something that can be
achieved by individual researchers or single communities. Rather, it should be seen as a
collaborative and continuously evolving process across individuals and communities,
where adjustments are made on the basis of new insights and knowledge as it is
Our objective in presenting this work is therefore to provide a needed interdis-
ciplinary and collaborative basis to initiate and guide a broader discussion on the
key future research directions for chatbot research. As such, the work will provide
a broader perspective on research directions than what is provided, for example, in
current reviews on chatbots within specific domains (e.g. [105, 78]), specific aspects
of chatbot technology and design (e.g. [20, 86]), or user behaviour and experience
(e.g. [63, 119]).
Furthermore, we address perspectives and topics for chatbot research which may
be more broadly scoped than what may be found within, for example, the fields and
disciplines in which chatbot research has its roots. As such, we aim for the work to
provide a basis for chatbot research that is seem of value to research and practice alike,
and which also may serve to bridge relevant research currently embedded in distinct

4 Approach

The proposed future research directions are based on the collaborative work conducted
as part of the CONVERSATIONS workshops. CONVERSATIONS is an international
workshop series for chatbot research, where researchers, students, and practitioners
with interest in chatbots gather to present their work, discuss, and collaborate. The
first workshop in this series was organised in 2017 and it has since been a yearly event,
advancing from being arranged in conjunction with a research conference the two first
years to now being a 2-day stand-alone event. The most recent workshop in 2020
[41], arranged as a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, involved about 150
registered participants from more than 30 countries and 80 different organizations,
including more than 20 paper presentations. The participants represent disciplines
such as computer science, information systems, human–computer interaction, com-
munication studies, linguistics, psychology, marketing, and design.

Future directions for chatbot research… 2921

Throughout the CONVERSATIONS workshops, we have discussed chatbot

research challenges and how to address these. In the first CONVERSATIONS work-
shop (2017), approximately half of the overall 30 participants engaged in identifying
and clustering key research challenges of the field into overarching research topics. The
research challenges within these topics formed the basis for the call for papers to the
later CONVERSATIONS workshops (2018, 2019, 2020). At the third CONVERSA-
TIONS workshop (2019), the topics—updated throughout the workshop series—were
revisited through in-depth group discussions involving approximately half of the over-
all 50 workshop participants. The output from these group discussions forms the basis
for the presented research directions.
The deliberative process at the workshop series was key to identify and propose
research directions in a true interdisciplinary fashion. In the 2019 edition, workshop
participants were assigned to groups—each with the mandate to address one of six
topics: (a) user and communication studies, (b) user experience and design, (c) frame-
works and platforms, (d) chatbots for collaboration, (e) democratizing chatbots, and
(f) ethics and privacy. The group work was conducted in two sessions across the 2
days of the workshop. In the first session, each group carefully discussed the research
topic in a 5-year time frame, identifying (a) relevant state of the art, (b) key research
challenges, and (c) future directions. In the second session, the output of each group
was presented to the workshop plenary and discussed.
The collaborative process extended across the following year, taking into account
the contributions and discussions of the CONVERSATIONS 2020 workshop as well.
As a result, the proposed research directions reflect the interdisciplinary position of a
group of collaborating researchers within this emerging field.

5 Proposed future research directions

Through the CONVERSATIONS workshop series, six overarching topics for future
chatbot research have been identified. In the following, we detail each of these based
on the CONVERSATIONS output, with particular concern for the state of the art,
research challenges, and future research directions. An overview of the six topics and
associated future research directions is provided in Table 1.

5.1 Users and implications

Given the current evolving use and emerging use cases for chatbots, important
questions to ask concern chatbot users and their contexts of use. This includes inves-
tigating antecedents for chatbot use—namely individual characteristics, motivations
and boundary conditions for choosing, accepting or even preferring to interact with
conversational agents. Furthermore, it is necessary to explore and discuss implications
of chatbot use on individuals, groups, organizations and society at large.

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Table 1 Topics and proposed directions for future research on chatbots

Topics Proposed future research directions

1. Users and implications (a) Emerging chatbot user groups and

(b) Social implications of chatbots
2. Chatbot user experience and design (a) Design for improving chatbot user
(b) Modelling and evaluating chatbot user
3. Chatbot frameworks and platforms (a) Interpretation capabilities and context
(b) Emerging techniques for chatbot design and
4. Chatbots for collaboration (a) Modelling human-chatbot collaboration
(b) Empirical investigations of human-chatbot
5. Democratizing chatbots—chatbots for all (a) Chatbots for social good
(b) Inclusive design with and for diverse user
6. Ethics and privacy in chatbots (a) Understanding chatbot ethics and privacy
(b) Ethics by design

5.1.1 State of the art

Chatbot use is becoming commonplace. For example, in 2019, over 50 % of US

and German consumers were estimated to have used chatbots at least once—with
even higher numbers in the UK or France [88]. In consequence, chatbot researchers
currently have an unprecedented opportunity for real-world study of users [106], user
motivations [14], and implications at scale. In consequence, knowledge on chatbot use
has been gathered for a range of contexts—in the private sphere [87], at work [74],
and in public spaces [17].
A substantial body of research of relevance for chatbot use has been developed
within broad domains such as health [105], education [84], and business [8], as well
as more specific application domains such as polling [62], information search [73],
libraries [92], and museums [64]. Knowledge of relevance for understanding the impact
of chatbots on individual users may be found in studies of therapy chatbots (e.g. [35]),
relational agents (e.g. [10] and chatbots for social relationships [103]. Specifically, it
is of interest to note how such studies address implications of individual long-term
Because of this, we have substantial knowledge on potential and actual chatbot
users and implications for individuals across a wide variety of contexts, building upon
a rich stream of research dating back to the work of Weizenbaum [112]. Chatbot impact
on society has, however, not been comprehensively researched and only tentatively
been suggested in studies of chatbots for specific domains—as mentioned above. This

Future directions for chatbot research… 2923

may in part be due to the substantial impact on the level of organizations and society
is assumed to be seen in the future more so than the present.

5.1.2 Research challenges

While we have substantial knowledge on current chatbot users, important topics lack
sufficient coverage. Two warrant particular mention: (a) broader chatbot uses and user
groups and (b) implications of chatbot use, both detailed below.
For the broader chatbot uses and user groups, the rich literature needs to be con-
tinuously updated, especially when it comes to user motivations and behaviour of
emerging user groups. This includes knowledge on specific demographics, for exam-
ple, vulnerable users, such as children, elderly and users with special needs, as well
as user groups within particular application areas. Moreover, research still needs to
assess whether there are systematic differences in the adoption and usage of chatbots
driven by socio-demographic characteristics.
Implications of chatbot use entail a range of exciting research challenges, as knowl-
edge is needed on how the uptake of chatbots may impact groups, organizations,
businesses, and society at large. For example, as chatbots are taken up by different
sectors and industries, chatbots may transform service provision and work processes.
Another example is our need for knowledge on how the interaction patterns that
emerge between human users and chatbots may spill over to our interaction with
other people: Will the demanding communication style we learn to use for virtual
assistants, such as Alexa and Siri, impact our communication style with our partners
or collaborators? How will the companionship offered by social chatbots influence
users’ social lives and desires, and how chatbots may enter the social fabric of groups
or organizations?

5.1.3 Future research directions

Based on the current state of the art and identified research challenges, two future
research directions emerge as particularly promising in the area of chatbot user and
communication studies.
(a) Emerging chatbot user groups and behaviours. While there exists knowledge on
current chatbot user groups, this needs to be updated as technology, services,
and patterns of use evolve. Furthermore, there is a need to move from studies of
chatbot users in general to studies of chatbot users and behaviours for particular
demographics, domains, or contexts. We are beginning to see this for domains
such as health, education, and business, but given the uptake of chatbots in new
contexts and domains, this is an area of research which will be in continuous need
of update.
(b) Social implications of chatbots. The study of social implications of chatbots is
an area where we expect to see substantial research interest in the near future.
Knowledge of the social implications of chatbot use will be of importance to
guide also future development and design of chatbot services. Possibly, a string
of research on the broader social implications could be motivated from the broader

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discourse on implications of AI for labour and business (e.g. [37, 76]). It will be
beneficial to accommodate for research on unintended social consequences of
chatbots or how chatbots are shaped in response to its uptake in society.

5.2 Chatbot user experience and design

Chatbot user experience and design concerns how users perceive and respond to chat-
bots, and how chatbot layout, interaction mechanisms and conversational content may
be designed so as to manage these perceptions and responses. To gather insight into
users’ perceptions and responses, and how these are impacted by chatbot design, user-
centred evaluations of chatbots is necessary; that is, assessments of users’ perceptions
and responses to chatbots conducted through established methods.

5.2.1 State of the art

Chatbot user experience has been a key theme in recent research efforts, for voice-based
virtual agents [75] and text-based applications [4]. This has helped identify factors
contributing to positive or negative user experience [118] and has addressed specific
aspects such as trust [119], perceived social support [71], human likeness [4], and how
these aspects are impacted by chatbot design [42]. There is also a growing base of
research to inform design of chatbot interactions, whether this concerns conversational
design [6], personalization of chatbots [69], the use of interactive elements in chatbots
[57], or the use of social cues to indicate social status and capabilities [32]. Recently, a
number of textbooks (e.g. [48, 79, 97]) and industry guidelines (e.g. by Google13 and
Amazon14 ) have also been published on chatbot interaction design and conversational
design. Textual and acoustic properties of users’ dialogue input are gradually being
applied as outcomes in empirical research for studying engagement and experience
with conversational agents [52, 67]. Furthermore, there exists an extensive body of
research on emotion detection through speech (e.g. [95]) and non-verbal behaviour
[27] of high relevance to chatbot user experience and design.
There is also a grown body of knowledge on methods and measures for evaluat-
ing chatbot user experience. User-centred evaluation has been key to research within
several of the disciplines at the roots of current chatbot research, such as studies of
social presence in social robotics [82] and the use of user satisfaction measures in
evaluations of dialogue systems [28]. Evaluation in chatbot research is conducted by
instruments for users’ self reports of user experience [63], through user observation
and interviews [75] and analyses of chatbot interaction [66], and also by physiolog-
ical measurements [22]. A range of evaluation approaches are employed, including
experiments by self-administered online studies [5] or in the lab [22], observational
studies in the wild [64], and investigations of long-term interactions with established
services [73].

13 Google Conversation Design, https://designguidelines.withgoogle.com/conversation/.

14 Alexa Design Guide, https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/alexa-design/get-started.html.

Future directions for chatbot research… 2925

5.2.2 Research challenges

While there is a growing body of research available on chatbot user experience there
still is a lack of knowledge on how to leverage the findings from this research in
chatbot designs that consistently delight and engage users. Users still experience issues
in chatbot interaction, both in terms of pragmatic experiences—where chatbots fail
to understand or to help users achieve their intended goals [75]—and in terms of
hedonic experiences—where chatbots fail to engage users over time [117]. These
issues may in part be seen as due to the more general challenge of designing human-
AI interaction [116]. There are indeed indications that these challenges are being
mitigated, for example in the case of improvements in customer service chatbots [80]
and in the uptake of social chatbots such as Replika [103]. However, the strengthening
of chatbot user experiences remains a key research challenge.
Related to the challenge of strengthening chatbot user experience, is the challenge
of measuring and assessing chatbots in terms of user experience and from a more
holistic perspective to determine whether chatbots are actually beneficial. Relevant
aspects for this are, for instance, usefulness, efficiency and process support. While
there is a large number of studies on chatbot user experience available, there is a
lack of common definitions, metrics and validated scales for key aspects of chatbot
evaluations [63]. Furthermore, while a broad range of approaches are employed there
is a lack of commonly applied approaches to evaluation.

5.2.3 Future research directions

Future research should be directed at addressing the identified key research challenges.
Specifically, the following two directions are proposed.
(a) Design for improving chatbot user experience. Future research on chatbot user
experience needs to evolve from exploring and assessing aspects of user experi-
ence and effects of chatbot design elements, towards studying how this knowledge
may impact and improve chatbot user experience in industrial applications.
Specifically, to translate findings of theoretical interest to conclusions of practi-
cal impact on design. This is not to say that research to build theory on chatbot
user experience is not needed, but this research may need to take up also more
design-oriented objectives—so as to condense current research and knowledge to
guidelines that may directly inform conversational design or interaction design.
(b) Modelling and evaluating chatbot user experience. To advance future research
on chatbot user experience, there is also a need for convergence of chatbot user
experience models, measurements, and approaches to evaluation. While diver-
sity in definitions and operationalizations is to be expected in an emerging field
of research interest, there may now be the time for seeking agreement and con-
sistency in the use of terminology and definitions of user experience constructs,
and also to identify and apply standardized measurements (benchmarks) for these
constructs. While such convergence should not be done in a way that hampers the-
oretical advancement and method innovation, there is clearly a benefit in including
common measurements across studies so as to enable cross-study comparison and

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aggregation, and to be able to track progress over time. For this purpose, estab-
lished evaluation approaches from fields such as human-computer interaction or
the tradition of dialogue systems may be beneficial.

5.3 Chatbot frameworks and platforms

This area of chatbot research concerns the current and future frameworks and plat-
forms for chatbot development and delivery. That is, the technological underpinnings
of chatbot implementations such as solutions for natural language processing, data
extraction, storage, and access, as well as mechanisms to identify and adapt chatbot
interactions to context and user profile.

5.3.1 State of the art

The advances in chatbot frameworks and platforms are key enablers of the current
interest in chatbot applications. As noted in the background Sect. 6 myriad platforms
and frameworks are available to support design and development of chatbots. Key
advances include the application of supervised machine learning for classification
and information retrieval—enabling, for example, intent prediction and identifica-
tion of user sentiment [20], which are critical to support task-oriented conversations.
Furthermore, the use of generative approaches has seen substantial progress, where
end-to-end dialogue systems are applied to predict suitable responses to user input
based on models built from large conversational datasets [2, 109]. Finally, the intro-
duction of the Transformer [107] as a dominant and highly effective architecture for
natural language processing along with high-quality open-source libraries [113] have
lowered the barrier to entry and make it possible to build conversational models that
exhibit high generalization and coherence [90].
In this regard, large-scale generative models are becoming increasingly impactful,
enabling a wide range of tasks that can benefit chatbot development [36]. Models such
as GPT-3 [16] by OpenAI and BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers) [29] by Google leverage massive amounts of data and computational
power that would not be available to smaller players. Indeed, GTP-3 currently uses
175 billion parameters, and it is estimated to have cost 12 million US dollars to
train [36]. Thus, opening up these powerful models to the public has the potential
to accelerate chatbot development even further. It is important to note, however, that
criticism around large models has been growing lately [9], especially ethical concerns
regarding undesirable and often inscrutable societal biases percolating the models [9,
120], carbon footprint [9, 99], misuse and misinterpretation [9], privatization of AI
research [99], and even research opportunity costs [49].

5.3.2 Research challenges

While substantial advances have been made in chatbot frameworks and platforms, a
number of challenges remain. Specifically, we lack the needed technological underpin-
nings to support some key aspects of chatbot applications. We see four such challenges

Future directions for chatbot research… 2927

of particular importance. First, understanding user input remains difficult. While

machine learning approaches have strengthened both natural language understand-
ing and intent prediction, chatbot interaction is prone to conversational breakdowns
due to interpretation issues—in particular in everyday situations or in the wild [87].
Second, the challenge of modelling and adapting to the user and conversational context
is as important as ever. For example, as chatbots are being increasingly deployed in the
health domain, in possibly sensitive scenarios, it becomes of paramount importance
for chatbots to adapt the conversation to social, emotional and even the health literacy
aspects of users [60]. These were identified as key challenges already by Weizenbaum
[112] and have remained such ever since. Third, challenges remain in solutions for sup-
porting chatbot development and standardised testing for example in terms of studies
simulating production environments and approaches to improve chatbots more easily
in production. Last, as chatbots are becoming part of an ecosystem of software sys-
tems, supporting chatbot integration in this context is a new emerging challenge—for
example by facilitating conversational presentation of information and content also
intended for other use [7].

5.3.3 Future research directions

(a) Interpretation capabilities and context understanding. As in recent years, fur-

ther progress in the field of chatbots will depend on advances in natural
language understanding, which will remain a key area of research interest. To
enable progress in natural language understanding, more quality training data in
open repositories is needed. Also, new techniques supporting the involvement
of domain experts in content development, natural language processing, and
dialogue management—through low-code or end-user development approach-
es—may be relevant. Finally, the challenges of context and user understanding,
for sustained dialogue and adaptation of conversations, will remain critical aspects
of future research.
(b) Emerging techniques for chatbot design, development, and deployment. Future
research is needed to provide increases support for design, development and
deployment. The deployment of conversational interfaces on top of software-
enabled services is a promising direction for chatbot research and implementation
(e.g. [115])—enabling digital assistants’ access to information and services cur-
rently out of their reach, and rendering existing systems more accessible. In terms
of design, it is promising to see that general guidelines for human-AI interaction
are emerging [3] and more of these are needed. There is also a need for guide-
lines drawn from systematic comparative studies and to embed research-derived
guidelines into chatbot frameworks.

5.4 Chatbots for collaboration

The area of chatbots for collaboration concerns how we may understand and design
chatbots in the context of networks that comprise humans and intelligent agents, for
example for social networking, teamwork, or service provision. While the current

2928 A. Følstad et al.

research on chatbots typically addresses dyadic interactions between one chatbot and
one user, we foresee that chatbots in collaborative relations involving more people and
bots will become more prominent as chatbots mature further. In addition, we consider
that collaborative relations can be addressed to a chatbot’s relations with external
online services in the form of application programming interfaces (APIs) and other
artificial agents.

5.4.1 State of the art

Chatbots for collaboration concerns chatbots involved in interactions with humans and
possibly with other chatbots in networks larger than dyads. While not as prominent as
chatbots for simpler dyadic interaction, chatbots for collaboration have been developed
and implemented in a range of contexts and for various purposes, for example, to
support group processes in education [43], at work [11] and organizational settings
[104], as well as in gaming communities [96].
Types of collaboration with chatbots may include (a) one human collaborating with
one chatbot as an extension of human abilities, for example for analysis, gaming, as part
of a service-related inquiry, or as learning partner (e.g. [53]), (b) chatbots supporting
human collaboration, for example by taking notes, documenting, or task management
(e.g. [104]), and (c) chatbots collaborating with other services for example in multi-
agent models, networks of chatbots, or external web services (e.g. [108]).
Chatbots may be integrated into collaborative processes forming what Grudin and
Jacques [45] refer to as humbots, that is, human-chatbot teams which handle chal-
lenging service queries better than chatbots alone and more efficiently than humans
alone. The concept of humbots assumes a tiered approach to service provision where
the chatbots constitute an initial service contact point, and customers are escalated to
human helpers only if the chatbot is unable to help. Such human–chatbot teams draw
on the concept of human-in-the-loop [24] from the human factors literature, sensitiz-
ing system managers to the need for a collaborative setup allowing sufficient situation
awareness to the human part of the team to provide quality takeover if need be. In
health-care context, human-in-the-loop concepts for conversational agents supporting
hospital nurse teams has proved beneficial [13]. Likewise, the notion of escalation in
customer service chatbots is a practical application of the human-in-the-loop concept
for robust application of chatbots in consumer service provision [83].

5.4.2 Research challenges

There is an essential challenge in studying and designing chatbots for collaboration

due to the multifaceted character of such interaction, and the range of potential theoret-
ical perspectives to apply. For example, collaboration may be framed line with game
theory—where an agent can be either a collaborator or an opponent [56]—or follow
joint-intention theory where an agent is always aimed to work together with the user
[55, 68] or to establish a partnership [31]. When setting the concept of collaboration
within social settings, the agent may be considered a mediator of human actors rather

Future directions for chatbot research… 2929

than an established actor within the described social structure (e.g. [104]). Or collab-
oration is addressed as merely a technical feature when the agent is collaborating with
other artificial agents and external web services (e.g., [108]).
While a range of chatbots for collaboration have been developed, there is relatively
scarce research on the characteristics of collaboration with chatbots. That is, we lack
models or theories helping us to conceptualize collaboration involving intelligent con-
versational agents. While this problem of human–machine collaboration is addressed
in more generic terms, for example in actor-network theory [70], there is a lack of
models to characterize conversational collaboration involving agents. Related to the
challenge of conceptualizing chatbot collaboration, there is a need for research on the
different roles chatbots and humans should take in the human–chatbot collaboration,
and what the implications of these may be. Should for example, the relation be based on
assistance or mutual collaboration? Should chatbot participation be reactive or active?
Should the chatbot be submissive or take charge? And what would the implications
of these choices be?

5.4.3 Future research directions

Drawing on the above state of the art and research challenges, the following research
directions are found to be particularly promising.

(a) Modelling human–chatbot collaboration. Research is needed to conceptualize

and model different forms of human–chatbot collaboration, the roles the collab-
orative partners may take, and the potential implications these forms and roles
may have in the short and long term. Addressing this complex concept within
interactions with a novel technology like chatbots may benefit from inductive
approaches. Future research may build theory inspired by knowledge on collabo-
ration with humans and other artificial agents than chatbots—such as social robots
and embodied virtual agents. Accordingly, the concept of collaboration could be
conceptualized in line with chatbots’ unique embodiment features, paying par-
ticular attention to the possible roles of chatbots in collaboration and identifying
properties which express these.
(b) Empirical investigations of human–chatbot collaboration. When robust concepts
for human–chatbot collaboration are established, a range of exciting empirical
research is foreseen—for example involving experimental studies and case stud-
ies. As part of such research, it will be valuable to investigate incentive structures
in collaboration, instruments for measuring human–chatbot collaboration, task-
specific differences in outcomes, and levels of participant engagement and activity
across and within tasks. These may also be included as mediators, moderators
and covariates in complex behavioural models studying other concepts as out-
comes (e.g., customer satisfaction, user experience, or technology adaptation).
Thus, collaboration with chatbots could be situated not solely as an outcome or a
predictor, but also as an adaptive behaviour that has a substantial role in a variety
of settings and applications.

2930 A. Følstad et al.

5.5 Democratizing chatbots–chatbots for all

The topic of democratizing chatbots concerns how chatbots may be developed,

designed, and deployed to improve availability and accessibility to information and ser-
vices. Furthermore, how chatbots may be beneficial in bridging digital divides across
various user populations. By nature, democratizing chatbots is a topic of interest to
the human–computer Interaction community, but not limited to it. Any discussion
around democratizing chatbots has at least some overlap with larger debates concern-
ing the ethics of artificial intelligence—in particular for issues pertaining to fairness,
non-discrimination, and justice [47].

5.5.1 State of the art

By allowing simple natural language dialogues, chatbots are potentially a low-

threshold means to access information and services and may as such serve to bridge
digital divides and strengthen inclusion [14]. Chatbots have been suggested as acces-
sible interactive systems for visually impaired in need of an easily navigable user
interface [7], as conversational support for users with special needs [19], and to sup-
port youth to engage in societal issues [110]. Chatbots may improve access to health
care services (e.g. [105]) and support health-promoting behavior change (e.g. [85]),
and supplement educational programs [53].
Also relevant for the democratization of chatbots is also the relative lowering of
thresholds that chatbots may introduce to interactive systems development and design.
A number of current chatbot platforms are marketed under the promise of support-
ing chatbot design without need for coding skills [26]. Likewise, to involve domain
experts in dialogue design, platforms may include dashboards for low-code updates
of chatbot content and interaction design [66] or take up low-code approaches [89].
However, to our knowledge, there is a lack of research on the usability, accessibility,
and effectiveness of such platforms.
However, some studies highlighted critical aspects in using chatbots since they may
sustain and even strengthen existing biases in society. For example, a gender bias has
been identified in chatbot design [33], and voice-based conversational agents have
been shown to more easily interpret particular English dialects potentially reducing
their utility for users of specific areas [51], and also to be difficult to use for user
groups with speech impairments [19]. Although many major companies, research
institutions, and public sector organizations have issued ethical artificial intelligence
guidelines, recent work [58] has discovered substantial divergence in how these are
written and interpreted, highlighting the complexity of designing guidelines for sys-
tems with complex social impact. In this way, responsibility is placed on designers
and developers to cultivate awareness of these issues and how their approaches impact
the end-user instead of discussing shared ethical approaches and focusing on agent

Future directions for chatbot research… 2931

5.5.2 Research challenges

Recent studies suggest that while chatbots may indeed serve as a low-threshold inter-
face to information, services, and societal participation, they may also face challenges
regarding bias and inclusion. Besides, there is a lack of more systematic or structured
investigations of universal and inclusive design of chatbots. Inclusive and responsible
design of chatbots requires an understanding of various linguistic elements of conver-
sation and an awareness of broader social and contextual factors. For example, studies
are needed on barriers to onboarding and barriers to the use of chatbots. The aim of
using chatbots for strengthening democratization, reducing bias, and facilitating uni-
versal design has been included in the vision of chatbots for social good [40], which
may be a useful scope for addressing this set of challenges.
Furthermore, while available platforms and frameworks are promoted as low-
threshold means of chatbot design and development, there is a lack of knowledge
regarding how these are actually employed to democratize chatbot development and
design. Also, knowledge is needed on what challenges users with limited technol-
ogy skills meet when trying to use these platforms and frameworks, and how such
challenges may be overcome through changes, for example, in design and training of
machine learning models.

5.5.3 Future research directions

In light of the background and research challenges mentioned above, the following
broad directions of future research are identified.
(a) Chatbots for social good. To realize the potential of chatbots as vehicles for bridg-
ing digital divides and strengthening accessibility, availability, and affordability
of services and information, chatbots for social good may be leveraged as an
alternative perspective on chatbot research and design. In this perspective, sys-
tematic studies are needed to gain insight into current barriers in chatbot use how
these could be employed for social good. In this way, it will be possible to seek
to overcome the existing barriers with standardized solutions and follow user-
centered design processes focusing on user needs. Finally, research is needed on
the normative and ethical implications of the adoption of chatbots in particular
contexts, as also outlined in the next section.
(b) Inclusive design with and for diverse user groups. Parallel to the research direction
of chatbots for social good, we foresee research and development continuing the
work towards making the underlying platforms and frameworks for chatbot design
and development more easily applicable also for users without strong technical
skills. Here, we foresee studies of current opportunities and challenges faced by
chatbot creators, followed by development and design stages, aiming to follow up
or mitigate these. Removing the need for complex configuration and simplifying
or eliminating coding is probably the easiest way to serve the needs of the small
business and research groups—but also the needs of large enterprises that may
have domain experts creating chatbots. Furthermore, developing platforms that
facilitate the implementation of chatbots and recommend using best practices
during the design process will surely raise the quality level of the final products.

2932 A. Følstad et al.

5.6 Ethics and privacy in chatbots

The final research topic concerns ethical and privacy implications of chatbots. Specifi-
cally, how to reflect ethical and privacy concerns in the design of chatbots, recognising
the implications that different chatbot use cases and design choices may have for users’
trust in chatbots, and how we may identify and address unethical chatbot use.

5.6.1 State of the art

AI has recently been the objective of substantial interest from policy-making and reg-
ulatory bodies, as well as in discussions and reflections on ethics, privacy management
and trust [21]. This concern for ethics in AI is motivated by its disruptive character
and potential for changes in the job market and misuse by malevolent actors, as well
as issues pertaining to accountability and bias [58]. Ethical concerns arising from
the design and deployment of AI technology have motivated a number of initiatives
[47]—such as the Ethical Guidelines for Trustworthy AI by the European Commission
expert group on AI, and Microsoft’s FATE: Fairness, Accountability, Transparency,
and Ethics in AI—addressing issues including mitigating bias and discrimination in AI
systems and fairness in the use of AI systems [81]. Chatbots are a prominent AI-based
technology, and as such in principle addressed by the broader concern for ethics and
privacy in technology research in general and in AI-based technology in particular.
Nevertheless, as noted in a review of the chatbot literature, there has been an initial lack
of ethical discussion in chatbot research [102]—though noteworthy exceptions to this
exist, such as the exploration of ethical and social considerations for conversational
AI by Ruane et al. [91]. The ethical discussion in chatbot research may, however, be
gaining traction motivated, for example, by Bender et al.’s [9] critical overview of
ethical risks pertaining to large language models.
The interest and discussion concerning ethics and privacy in AI have been partic-
ularly impactful in Europe, where the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is
now used to govern privacy in technology-based systems and services. Furthermore,
based on the advice of a high-level expert group on AI, a European set of ethics
guidelines for trustworthy AI has been presented [30]. According to these guidelines,
it is of paramount importance for trustworthy AI to be aligned with (a) legal regu-
lations and (b) ethical principles and values, and also (c) be robust from a technical
perspective given its particular social context. From these principles, the European
Commission expert group has identified seven key requirements for ethical AI appli-
cations, including human agency and oversight, privacy and data governance, and
diversity, non-discrimination, and fairness. Finally, a proposed European set of reg-
ulations for AI, the AI Act, will help strengthen aspects of ethical concern in AI
systems, including legal requirements for human oversight, accuracy, robustness, and
security. Of particular relevance for chatbots is the proposed requirement for trans-
parency which will make it an obligation for service providers to ensure users are
aware when are interacting with machine agents and not human operators [94].

Future directions for chatbot research… 2933

5.6.2 Research challenges

Ethical and privacy challenges permeate the field of chatbot research, but specifically
where the context is sensitive or high-stakes or the users are marginalised or vulnerable;
for example, in designing chatbots for health and education, or in designing chatbots
to support asylum seekers or children. There is a large and growing body of ethical and
privacy knowledge to draw on, and an emerging set of guidelines and regulations on
ethics and privacy for digital systems in general, and AI-based systems in particular.
Nevertheless, we lack research and theorising around ethics and privacy specifically
for conversational user interfaces. This is problematic, as the conversational charac-
ter of chatbots may conceivably introduce a range of specific ethical problems, for
example the ethical implications of human-like and socially present chatbot interac-
tion, issues of consent, the privacy implications of third-party interactions and the
implications of emotional effect on children and vulnerable users. Research is needed
to better understand and address these, and other, emergent problems of ethics and

5.6.3 Future research directions

Drawing on the above, we accentuate the following two directions for future
research—though other directions could be possible and maybe equally relevant.

(a) Understanding chatbot ethics and privacy. Future research should facilitate
reflections on ethical implication of chatbots, for example through identification
of ethical and privacy issues in chatbot design and implementation—includ-
ing design intentions, practical mitigation of known issues and exploration of
unforeseen implications. These could be domain-specific issues, such as ethical
implications for research and education, media or marketing and commerce, but
these could also be general issues such as how interaction with chatbots may
motivate oversharing in users, helping spread misinformation and hate speech, or
induce potential negative consequences as a result of over-humanizing chatbots.
(b) Ethics by design. In parallel with work on chatbot ethics, there will be a need for
research on the pragmatic and material issues of how to honour ethical guide-
lines and principles in the design of chatbot technology and applications. With
reference to the principle of privacy by design, we refer to this as ethics by
design—where privacy is subsumed as one of several aspects to consider as part
of an ethics discussion and subsequent design challenge. Important challenges
may include research on how to avoid biases in chatbots, how to avoid chatbot
discrimination and redlining, and how to mitigate the ethical issues introduced
by the black-box approach to machine learning underpinning aspects of chatbot
functioning, as well as to avoid misuse and weaponization of chatbot technology.
A useful starting point for an exploration of ethics by design, could be to refine
the generic European expert group requirements for ethical AI [30] to the context
of conversational AI.

2934 A. Følstad et al.

6 Discussion

Drawing on the involvement of chatbot researchers and practitioners in the CONVER-

SATIONS workshops, we propose a set of future directions for chatbot research. The
directions are motivated by the current state of the art and identified research chal-
lenges and structured within six overarching topics. In the following, we discuss the
implementation of the future directions, our perspectives on chatbot application areas,
and how to continue the discussion and reflection started in this paper.

6.1 Implementing the future directions

Two of the identified research directions concern studies of users and implications, as
well as how to design for desirable chatbot use. As chatbots become more pervasive in
the coming years, and communication with non-human agents increasingly become
part of our daily routines, it becomes even more pressing to expand our knowledge
on the antecedents, contents and consequences of human–machine communication.
In doing so, this stream of research needs to explore the cognitive, affective and
behavioural dimensions of engagement with these agents, the extent to which there
are systematic differences between individuals, groups or contexts of use, and the
individual, group and societal implications of this phenomenon. Moreover, as the field
progresses, there is a growing need to consolidate the existing knowledge, updating
and extending overarching theoretical frameworks and models. Work within a wide
variety of disciplines can serve as an inspiration in that regard, such as the studies of
Sundar [100] on the psychology of human–agent interaction and Guzman and Lewis
[46] on human–machine communication.
This evolution in our understanding of conversational user experiences should be
accompanied with the proper support from platforms and frameworks. We can see the
support as increasingly creating abstractions that would facilitate the design, testing,
integration and development of chatbots, as it has historically happened with other
software artefacts. Current efforts are already moving in that direction, providing
development resources that promise anyone with enough motivation, regardless of
their background, to deliver human-like interactive experiences. While this has the
potential to bring substantial value to societies, empowering communities to develop
their own solutions, it can also bring unintended consequences, as we cannot expect
users of these platforms to have knowledge about complexities of modelling proper
Human-AI experiences [116]. On the other hand, abstractions can also hide underlying
information about machine learning models, AI decision-making, as well as latent bias
in the training data (e.g., [101]) that can translate into social biases (e.g., [120]).
Human–chatbot collaboration is foreseen as an increasingly important aspect of
chatbot research and applications. We hold that such collaboration will benefit from
being implemented while reflecting on human collaboration, and in line with relevant
empirical evidence of chatbot research—in line with reflections by Grudin and Jacques
[45]. Considering the meaningful value of collaboration for decision making and
productivity in professional and organizational settings, tasks assigned to chatbots in
these collaborative interactions can vary in complexity and involvement. Such tasks can

Future directions for chatbot research… 2935

be as simple as providing individual notifications, or as complicated as communicating

processed and analysed data to different stakeholders. Using chatbots for automating
these tasks should enrich group productivity and quality of work, promoting mutual
understanding and diversity of opinions. Research supporting such automation could
benefit from seeing this as a service design challenge, where the chatbot is seen as
one of multiple agents and user interfaces [14]. On a societal level, collaborative
networks of humans and chatbots may require new online safe spaces, with chatbots
demonstrating higher levels of involvement. These can moderate social interactions,
facilitating engagement, inclusivity and understanding within the parties involved.
This is in stark contrast to the current challenge of software agents or bots in social
networks, as for example seen in Twitter bots utilizing COVID-19 content to spread
political conspiracies [34], and the general trend of deploying bots in large scale for
political interference and influence [44].
Chatbots will both raise critical ethical challenges and hold implications for democ-
ratization of technology, and implementing research addressing these directions is
important. Chatbots permit users to interact through natural language, and conse-
quently are a potential low threshold means to access information and services and
promote inclusion. However, due to technological limitations and design choices, they
can be the means to perpetuate and even reinforce existing biases in society, exclude
or discriminate against some user groups (e.g. [33, 51]) and over-represent or enshrine
specific values. Future research will need to investigate and demonstrate democrati-
zation of chatbots in practice, where conversational technology is to be made easily
and widely accessible for various businesses and user groups across the globe so that
more people can benefit from conversational interaction. Moreover, as part of chatbot
democratization, it will be important to make their development process more accessi-
ble as well, without requiring chatbot developers to have in-depth software engineering
knowledge—as exemplified in using visual programming approaches such as Blockly
to chatbot development [89]. In this way, chatbots can be created by experts in the
domain where they will be used. This aspect is fundamental since chatbots are not
conventional technologies, but they are developing as agents operating in social con-
Taking a broader ethical perspective, key questions when implementing future
research on chatbots may include: What are the ethical implications of chatbots imi-
tating human beings? Whose (and which) values should guide design practice within
a global marketplace? What are the ethical implications of replacing humans with
chatbots as a means of support for purposes such as commerce, therapy, or social
interaction? How to facilitate chatbot support in decision making without risking or
compromising agreed ethical principles? Ethical reflections and discussion on chat-
bots and chatbot applications are already emerging (e.g. [65, 91]). We anticipate that
advances in the democratization of chatbots will increasingly inspire ethical discourse
that ties in with higher-level discussions about chatbot applications.

2936 A. Følstad et al.

6.2 Perspectives on chatbot application areas

The identified research topics and corresponding future research directions may guide
research so as to contribute to the fundamental understanding of the chatbot technology
and the corresponding user interaction and engagement. However, to generate added
value in specific application areas—such as customer service, health, education, office
work, and home applications—further reflections about the respective use cases are
needed. In particular, researchers need to analyse how chatbots may be leveraged
and taken up in different application areas, how knowledge and research may be
transferable across different application areas, and whether distinct research agenda
should be established.
Many aspects of the outlined on our future research agenda are valid for any appli-
cation area. For example, results concerning chatbot communication, user experience,
design, and technology are the basis for applying chatbots in specific application
areas. However, further analysis efforts are needed to understand the characteristics
of each application area in more detail. For instance, requirements in the health sector
concerning privacy aspects, ethics, and trust may be significantly more demanding
than similar requirements in other sectors as they might have severe impacts on the
users and concern highly sensitive personal information. In business contexts such as
corporate customer support scenarios, the potential impacts may be less severe, but
specific corporate regulations and norms need to be considered. In contrast to that, the
use of chatbots in personal settings, e.g. the use of chatbots for social relationship, is
often mainly driven by motivations for engagement and meaning-making. In contrast
to health and business contexts, personal benefits are often not measured in mone-
tary terms, but the main focus of personal usage is the improvement of daily life or
Regardless of differences among the diverse application areas in application-
oriented research, many research studies exist in specific domains that could possibly
be transferred to others. For instance, studies focusing on information provision in
business contexts can most likely be applied in the health sectors as well, e.g., pro-
vision of product information will likely be similar to explaining healthy nutrition.
However, to enable a transfer of research results across application areas, commonali-
ties and differences of the involved application areas need to be identified and assessed.
If the main characteristics of both are similar, transfer of the research results seems
viable. Based on such an analysis and comparison, a generalization of the research
across application areas seems possible. This procedure for future research on chatbot
application areas could lead to a substantial increase in the body of knowledge as
many research results from existing pilot studies and prototypes for specific applica-
tion areas exist and may be reused as the basis for transfer and generalization (i.e.,
general design guidelines) to further application areas.

6.3 Continuing the discussion and collaboration

The presented challenges may serve as a step in the direction of contributing to the
body of knowledge about chatbot usage and challenges, the frameworks and platforms

Future directions for chatbot research… 2937

underpinning chatbot applications, as well as needed future work on the broader impli-
cations of chatbots to work and society.
The proposed future research directions are intended as a response to the current
lack of coherence in the emerging field of chatbot research, which may in part be
observed by the broad range of journals and conferences in which findings from
chatbot research are presented, and also the lack of commonly agreed key constructs,
models, and measurement instruments. While this may be expected in an emerging
research area, future research will benefit from a greater degree of coherence and
cohesiveness in the field.
Nevertheless, there may be topics that have been omitted in the process leading up
to our proposition, and relevant state-of-the-art and current research challenges may
have been left out. Furthermore, as the field evolves, it is necessary to update the set of
topics and research directions regularly. In consequence, continued interdisciplinary
discussion and collaboration are needed to validate and refine the proposed set of
future research directions.
One limitation deserving particular mention concerns the context of this discussion.
The findings are based on discussions at the CONVERSATIONS workshop and mainly
involve researchers from European organizations. While we assume the proposed
directions hold broad international relevance and interest, it may be fruitful to test this
assumption through discussion in the field—a discussion which we hope this paper
will spur.
In further discussion and collaboration on chatbot research directions, care should
be taken to involve the broadest possible set of interests and perspectives. For example,
it will be beneficial to involve both researchers and practitioners, as well as the emerg-
ing and established set of research communities with an interest in conversational
computer systems, to make sure that different enabling technologies and knowledge
resources needed in future development and design of chatbots are represented. While
research on conversational systems and user interfaces has been conducted for decades,
chatbot research and design are still in its relative infancy. A consolidation of the field
is needed, and we hope the proposed research agenda, with its directions for future
research, may serve as a step towards such consolidation.
Funding Open access funding provided by SINTEF AS. Funding supporting the work conducted by the
first author was provided by Norges Forskningsråd (Grant No. 270940).

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence,
and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included
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2938 A. Følstad et al.

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