10.3934 Dsfe.2022011
10.3934 Dsfe.2022011
10.3934 Dsfe.2022011
DOI: 10.3934/DSFE.2022011
Received: 07 June 2022
Revised: 09 July 2022
Accepted: 16 July 2022
Published: 29 July 2022
Hana Demma Wube*, Sintayehu Zekarias Esubalew, Firesew Fayiso Weldesellasie and Taye
Girma Debelee
Abstract: Text-based chatbots are implemented in the financial sector to enhance the relationship
between the customer and services provided by the sector, and also to address external challenges and
customer requirements. The chatbot technology in the financial sector serves to examine customers’
frequently asked questions and the representation of the process using machine learning. In light of
this, this study presents a comprehensive systematic literature review of articles focused on text-based
chatbots in the financial sector. It describes the understanding of chatbots in the financial sector in
terms of implementation, adoption intention, attitude toward use and acceptance; it also describes how
people experience chatbots, specifically in terms of perception, expectation and trust, as well as how
they are engaging and emotionally motivated; management of the security and privacy vulnerabilities
of the chatbots; and identifies the potential strategies that can hinder the efficient, successful evolution
of chatbots in the financial sector. Finally, the main findings regarding the use of text chatbots in the
financial sector are presented; additionally, the open issues in current research are highlighted and a
number of research opportunities that can be pursued in the future are suggested.
1. Introduction
In an earlier era, people interacted with the computer by using a command line or graphical user
interface. But, as technology continues to advance in line with the latest trends and requirements, this
type of interaction is also modernizing, which has given rise to tremendous advances such as artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning and natural language processing. Currently, among the various
types of communication, speech and text forms are the main forms of communication between people
and computers, and they take place through web-based information applications that play a vital role
in communication between people. Given this evolving technology, a chatbot is an advanced
technology that has been designed to answer user queries (Mondal, 2018).
Chatbot applications can provide a variety of effective interpersonal interactions and the ability
to learn through interactive methods and easy-to-use interfaces; they can even be used as a personal
consultation tool (Muniasamy and Alasiry, 2020; Poncette et al., 2020; Yamada et al., 2015). The most
significant advantage of a chatbot is that it can reach a wide audience through a messaging system and
automated custom messages (Ahmad et al., 2018). In addition, as the popularity of mobile technology
grows, the absence of time and place restrictions, as well as the expansion of interactive teaching
methods, open up the space for the use of chatbots (Zhou et al., 2020).
In this sense, chatbots are increasingly being used in the financial sector, which generates a huge
amount of data, such as customer data, financial product logs and transaction data that can be used to
support decision-making, along with external data via social media data and data from websites due to
the routine actions and the limited number of repetitive tasks, which can increase speed and reduce
cost. Finacle Connect lists the top 10 technologies for the financial industries, including blockchain
for banking, the creation of cloud-based business technologies and the use of AI (Al Nasseri et al., 2015).
Research on chatbots in the financial sector is mainly focused on the study of specific
conversational and technical aspects (e.g., chatbot–user interaction and algorithms for learning and
development of chatbots) (Ciechanowski et al., 2017; Go et al., 2019), security aspects related to
chatbot deployment (Lai et al., 2018), customers’ conversation determining factors related to deploying
chatbots (e.g., acceptance, customer satisfaction, trust) (Chung et al., 2020; van den Broeck et al.,
2019), customers’ and company perceptions (Araujo, 2018), thoughts and experiences of managers in
the field of chatbots (Jang et al., 2021), customer engagement and support (Thompson, 2018),
psychological factors (e.g., affective, behavioral and cognitive user experience) (Rodríguez et al., 2019)
and emotional factors (Huang et al., 2021).
As per our literature review, the research gap regarding chatbot technology appears to be more in
the form of a profound understanding of the conversation determining factors and technical challenges,
in addition to a detailed description of the influential factors for effective implementation. Therefore,
this article is intended to systematically review literature related to chatbots in the financial sector, to
categorically highlight the main determinants of conversational and technical issues that have been
addressed to date, as well as contained in the indexed database, in order contribute to the existing
literature and help the financial sector to obtain a profound understanding of chatbots. Moreover, in
addition to providing a reliable and up-to-date overview, it is also intended to serve as a one-stop
repository for financial sectors and researchers interested in using chatbots, as well as provide insight
into future research directions.
The remaining sections of the paper structured as follows: Section 2 presents published articles
related to the proposed work; Section 3 presents the methodology for conducting the systematic
literature review; Section 4 presents the synthesis of the data obtained from the current reviewed
articles; Section 5 provides a summary and discussion of the results of the current study; Section 6
presents the conclusions and suggested topics for further research.
2. Related work
This study was designed to review literature related to text-based chatbots in the broad field of
the financial sector. We have focused on 1) whether and why people accept chatbot technology, 2) how
trust, engagement and satisfaction may impact user experience and 3) the influence of safety and
security on the development of chatbots; this was achieved by conducting a systematic literature
review from a conversational and technical perspective. In this case, the literature review can help to
meet the aforementioned needs by synthesizing existing knowledge discoveries and identifying key
areas for further research. Further, the literature review can provide a useful summary of current
knowledge in the area of research and allows us to identify potential knowledge gaps that may indicate
potential research directions (Aznoli and Navimipour, 2017). Some of the recent publications related
to our proposed study, with their contributions and limitations, are presented in Table 1.
Although some of these works have reviewed the chatbot implementations and determining
factors in enterprise and business contexts no study has explored the literature to evaluate how the
determining factors are considered for chatbots applied in financial sector domains. Therefore, this
article covers identifying, describing and synthesizing topics concerning chatbots in the financial sector
and provides profound information that can be used as a guideline for researchers and financial institutions.
3. Methodology
A comprehensive systematic methodological review of the literature on the topic has been carried
out on the basis of a two-step approach. Each step consists of several actions. In the first step, relevant
keywords, synonyms and search strings were identified to search for relevant articles on the topic; then,
relevant databases of journal articles were identified. Then, we collected research articles on chatbots
from the selected databases. These activities were focused on gathering information about the topic.
The next step involved article screening and analysis of the retrieved articles by categorizing the
articles into subcategories based on five aspects of chatbots: understanding chatbot technology in the
financial sector, experience with chatbots, emotional experience and expressions, the security of
chatbots and chatbot development. A detailed description of the adopted methodology is shown in
Figure 1. In the following sections, the detail descriptions of some of the steps are given.
Information gathering
• Specific search query
Relevant data sources
• Inclusion / exclusion criteria
Collection of articles found for all
specified search queries
Article Selection
Definition of the final sample using
inclusion/exclusion criteria
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the steps followed during the literature review.
Searching strings and database identification. We used five electronic databases to identify
relevant articles on text-based chatbots related to the financial sector. These were Science Direct,
SpringerLink, Google Scholar, IEEEX plore and MDPI. The articles were collected from October to
January of 2022 and limited to full-text, peer-reviewed journal articles and/or articles from
international conference main proceedings written in English. These databases provide a good
assortment of peer-reviewed articles in many fields. In addition, the methodology for collecting
information is described as follows. Two keywords were obtained by decomposing the research
questions to “chatbot” and “financial sector”. It is important to mention that the first part of the query
relates to the notion of chatbots and included synonyms that could point to text-based conversational
agents. The second part refers, instead, to the aspects of the financial sector; particularly, they combine
general and more specific terms that may capture a wide range of topics that may be relevant for
exploring the financial sector with text-based chatbots. The list of search terms was compiled after
several iterations and refinements; it is presented as follows. Synonyms were created for “chatbot” that
correspond to the following terms: “chat bot”, “chatterbot” and “virtual assistant”. Also, the following
terms were used for the keyword “financial sector”: “financial services”, “financial technology”,
“banking”, “insurance” and “e-commerce”. In addition, the keyword “security” was added to include
the security aspects. Search strings were generated by using logical operators as follows: “OR” for
synonyms and “AND” to combine keywords. Algorithm 1, which was used for article searching with
search strings, is presented below. In this regard, the inclusion and exclusion criteria presented in
Algorithm 1 were applied to refine the paper search.
After the search keywords were identified, the initial search resulted in a total of 283 papers being
retrieved via the aforementioned technique: 62 via Google Scholar, 64 via IEEEXplore, 24 via Science
Direct, 110 via SpringerLink and 23 via MDPI. It is important to mention that we have limited the
retrieved articles to a publishing time between 2016 and 2021 to keep the number of articles to a
manageable number for the synthesis of data. After the first round of screening, article titles and
abstracts were further checked based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria presented in Table 2. At
this stage, 283 articles were included. The titles and abstracts of the 283 articles were screened against
the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the review. Then, the full texts of the articles that were considered
Data Science in Finance and Economics Volume 2, Issue 3, 209–236.
to be eligible were further evaluated to determine inclusion. At this phase, we identified 48 articles to
be included in our collection; three additional papers were found by examining the reference lists of
the articles included in our study. In the final step, we collected 51 articles to be included in the review.
Further, the detailed article selection procedure is presented in Figure 2.
IC4: The studies should be written in English. EC4: Studies that were published earlier than 2016.
IC5: Published between 2016 and 2021.
IC6: Journals in which the papers were published must be
either Scopus or Web of Science indexed.
Figure 2. Block diagram of database searches and paper screening procedure method.
4. Synthesis of data
In this section, the following main categories of text-based chatbots in the financial sector are
outlined to raise the discussion points based on the final dataset of 51 articles in the literature review,
which are as follows: 1) understanding chatbot technology in the financial sector, 2) interaction with
chatbots, 3) emotional experience and expressions, 4) security in chatbots and 5) chatbot development.
The data from our findings following the literature review have been synthesized in such a way that
summaries of articles related to the topic and the sub-topics that make up the topic are presented in a
table; additionally, the main findings underlying the topic are discussed.
Of all of the 51 articles, 19 articles contributed to these themes. Also, four sub-themes were
identified within the current theme and related to the notion of understanding chatbot technology,
particularly in terms of implementation, adoption intention, attitude toward using chatbots and
acceptance. Each of the sub-themes is described in detail in the following subsections.
4.1.1. Implementation
Text-based chatbots are used in various financial sectors, such as banking, insurance and e-
commerce services, to improve the existing quality of customer service, user satisfaction, human
productivity and workload, etc. In our collection, articles related to implementation are presented in
Table 3. Suhel et al. (2020) revealed that implementing chatbots in banking and financial sectors can
increase the quality of user service, productivity and proportion of satisfied users, as well as reduce
human workload. Also, Illescas-Manzano et al. (2021) reported that implementing chatbots can help
clients living in remote areas receive proper service and bring modernity, efficiency and intimacy.
Gondaliya et al. (2020) studied the various factors influencing risks, including the type of service and
its pricing plans, infrastructure, quality level and number of users prior to chatbot implementation.
Allal-Chérif et al. (2021 pointed out that chatbots can solve complex customer problems that were
previously unsolvable. Hwang and Kim (2021) reported that chatbot services for existing products
have a positive impact on banks’ net income. Stoeckli et al. (2020) presented a new perspective on
how to balance emerging digital technologies, such as chatbots, with traditional systems, the
relationship between agility and flexibility and control and stability, exploration with use and
flexibility with discipline. Nayak et al. (2021) showed that health insurers are pursuing new
technological opportunities to improve innovative products, backed by a strong knowledge base.
Chatbots can help with process automation, decision-making, information gathering vendor integration,
performance monitoring, resource management, contracting and administration. In conclusion, this
study highlights the key benefits of implementing chatbots in the financial sector, such as improved
decision-making, customer service, productivity, efficiency, resource management, etc. Moreover,
important influential factors have been identified that can serve as a guideline for the future
implementation of chatbots. Further, detailed descriptions of the articles included in the current theme
are presented in Table 3.
Adoption intention refers to the adoption process of text-based chatbots in the financial sector,
driven by factors such as the surrounding conditions, leading to positive outcomes. Regarding our
collection, the articles related to adoption intention are shown in Table 4. Abdulquadri et al. (2021)
reported that chatbots in the Nigerian banking system were branded with female gender identification
and are less responsive beyond their pre-defined purposes. It was also reported that the chatbots work
in the English language, and that there are no chatbots working in the local language. Jang et al. (2021)
suggested the three main barriers to chatbot adoption in the Korean financial sector: organizational
factors, management factors and technological factors. Kumar et al. (2021) discussed the outcome of
the adoption of AI technologies such as chatbots from the manager’s perspective in terms of customers,
developers, firms and regulators. Adam et al. (2021 reported that, while cost and time savings
opportunities have led to the widespread adoption of chatbots, they still often fall short of customer
expectations, which could lead to users being less likely to fulfill requests made by the chatbot.
Rodríguez et al. (2019) revealed that “relative advantage” and “Information systems infrastructure”
are the most important ambivalent socio-technical factors for adoption and dissemination. Regarding
chatbot technology in Germany, Følstad and Taylor (2021) discussed how chatbots can predict and
respond to the intentions reflected in user messages for most user queries. Quah and Chua (2019)
provided a gauge of the user adoption of chatbots and discussed whether a chatbot can provide better
value-added services than bank employees in the Singapore banking sector. To summarize, the articles
included in our collection emphasize that the adoption intention for a chatbot is highly dependent on
language, value-added, managerial, organizational and technological factors; a summary of the
literature is presented in Table 4.
The attitude toward using a chatbot can be seen as a user's willingness to use and interact with
chatbots in the financial sector. Regarding our collection, the articles related to attitudes toward using
a chatbot are depicted in Table 5. Kasilingam (2020) revealed that parameters such as perceived ease
of use, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, price consciousness, personal innovativeness and
perceived risk significantly influences the attitude toward chatbots. Additionally, trust, attitude and
personal innovativeness directly influence the intention to use. Sowa et al. (2021) reported on an
increasingly positive attitude toward chatbots in intellectual work, but also significant fears associated
with full automation, including among the younger and tech-savvy generation. Alt et al. (2021)
reported that perceived compatibility and perceived usefulness are the determining factors for
predicting customer intentions to use a banking chatbot. In summary, this study pointed out that the
perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, price consciousness, personal
innovativeness, perceived risk, trust, personal innovativeness, automation and perceived compatibility
are the determining factors of the attitude toward using chatbots.
4.1.4. Acceptance
This sub-theme focuses on acceptability, which refers to the perceived judgment and attitude
toward technology that will be implemented in the future (Distler et al., 2018). Basically, a study of
acceptability is often related to a study of the motivation of users to use a particular technology artifact
in order to accept the technology or maintain its use over time; this is because people must be motivated
(Fessl et al., 2011). Thusi and Maduku (2020) reported that customer support helplines are the
determinants of chatbot acceptance in mobile banking. Brachten et al. (2021) indicated that the intrinsic
motivation of employees has a strong positive impact on acceptance, while extrinsic influences have
less impact. In conclusion, the customer support helpline and awareness play important roles in the
acceptance of chatbots in the financial sector. A summary of the literature is presented in Table 6.
The results for this theme reflect the research on user perceptions related to using chatbots, as
well as user satisfaction, trust and the quality of the user experience. This theme has three sub-themes
related to perception, expectation, satisfaction, trust and engagement.
In our collection, four papers were examined with the aim of understanding and investigating user
perceptions, expectations and satisfaction when interacting with a chatbot. In general, the reviewed
articles attempted to identify the factors that can influence user perception and satisfaction, as well as
the relationship between user expectations and resulting level of satisfaction. The articles related to the
current sub-theme are shown in Table 7. Brüggemeier and Lalone (2022) reported that the privacy of
conversations has a positive effect on users’ perceptions of privacy and security. Chung et al. (2020)
pointed out that customer satisfaction with luxury brand e-service retailers requires perceptions of
having received quality communication. It was also pointed out that chatbots can improve customer
satisfaction, communication between the company and customer and shopping experiences. Kushwaha
et al. (2021) reported that customer satisfaction is significantly influenced by factors such as
information system success (customer satisfaction and service quality), trust (transparency, privacy
and trust), innovation (predictability and innovation), system characteristics (time distortion, visual
appearance and engagement rate), customer design (challenge, skill and ability) and perceived risk
(sensory appeal and brand credibility). Eren (2021) confirmed that customer expectations,
confirmation of customer expectations, perceived trust, perceived performance and corporate
reputation are determining factors for customer satisfaction. It was also found that perceptions of
chatbot usage has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, and that productivity efficiency plays a
crucial role in customer satisfaction. In summary, this study highlights that user expectations influence
the actual perception of chatbots during interaction, which can affect overall user satisfaction. Further,
user privacy, performance and trust appear to be the significant factors affecting customer satisfaction,
and user expectations are focused on the shortcomings of the chatbot technology.
4.2.2. Trust
Trust can be viewed as a cognitive assessment (Mayer and Davis, 1999) that depends on
subjective moods and satisfaction of the psychological needs for security (Frison et al., 2019).
Regarding our collection, the articles related to trust are depicted in Table 8. Hildebrand and Bergner
(2021) pointed out that increased effective trust not only influences the perception of the firm (in terms
of generating goodwill or a more positive adaptation experience). Toader et al. (2020) studied the
impact of social presence and chatbot errors on digital marketing trust. In addition, the perceptions of
social presence and competence have been demonstrated to play a critical role in the development of
strong trusting feelings. Lee et al. (2021) reported that cryptocurrency chatbots pose challenges for
users and developers. Rodríguez et al. (2019) reported that trust has a significant positive impact on
users’ willingness to interact with a chatbot system. It was also reported that privacy concerns have a
significant negative impact on the credibility of insurance chatbots. Nordheim et al. (2019) reported
that perceived experience, responsiveness, user-related factors, such as inclination, and environment-
related factors, such as brand perception, are important for user trust in customer-service chatbots.
Nguyen et al. (2021) indicated that information quality, system quality, service quality and
confirmation of expectations had significant effects on three drivers of continuance intention in
different ways. From this, it can be concluded that trust is an important factor in the willingness of
users to interact with a chatbot system to serve customers in the financial sector.
4.2.3. Engagement
Engagement refers to the quality of the user experience, which describes the phenomena
associated with technology (Attfield et al., 2011). Moreover, engagement is seen as an affective,
behavioral, and cognitive association between a computer and user (Goethe et al., 2019; Lukoff, 2018);
engagement seems to indicate subjective experiences in the form of absorption, engagement and
pleasure (Boyle et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2017). Engaging applications are supposed to keep users’
attention over the long term by encouraging them to spend time with the applications (Debeauvais,
2016; Doherty et al., 2018). Regarding our collection, the articles related to engagement with chatbots
in the financial sector are presented in Table 9. Bajdor (2021) pointed out that experience and time
experience in online shopping requires both the satisfaction levels and ratings. Lo Presti et al. (2021)
found that digital assistants can change the context of online shopping by increasing the perception of
hedonic values. It was also found that decision-making time can be shortened by increasing the
utilitarian perception of the value of utilitarian and hedonic products. Cheng and Jiang (2021 showed
that chatbot marketing efforts have a significant direct impact on the quality of communication with
chatbot agents and indirectly affect customer–brand relationships and customer feedback. Hsu et al.
(2021) demonstrated a methodology to understand the complexity of customer feedback and provided
insight into e-commerce managerial services for chatbots. Zhang and Watson (2020) identified
emergent trends for each of the five macro factors in the marketing ecosystem. Li et al. (2019)
developed a model that is more efficient than the existing Ubuntu Dialogue, e-commerce and Douban
Conversation Corpuses. Finally, it can be concluded that analyzing customer engagement across
multiple channels can help the financial sector to provide some personalized offerings.
Here, we discuss the articles related to emotions, as shown in Table 10, which are a fundamental
aspect of human-machine interaction; particularly, any interface that ignores the user’s emotional state
or does not display the corresponding emotions can be perceived as cold, socially incompetent,
unreliable and incompetent (Brave, 2007). In our collection, three articles highlight the importance of
emotion in human interaction with a chatbot. For instance, Go and Sundar (2019) presented the
influence of psychological, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes associated with agents of online e-
commerce online chatbots; they noted that the influence of message interactivity and agent
performance would be different. Rajaobelina et al. (2021) studied the influence of customer service
and support, accessibility, perceived security/privacy and design on the emotions experienced by
banking customers when using chatbots. Huang et al. (2021) reported that cognitive and emotional
aspects influence the growth of users’ positive attitudes toward chatbots in financial technology, which,
in turn, positively influences the intention to continue working overtime. In summary, it can be
concluded that positive emotions that arise during a conversation with a chatbot can be an indicator of
the success of interaction; negative emotions that lead to miscommunication must be eliminated.
This theme deals with the articles presented in Table 11, which were related to security patterns,
as well as those custom strategies that could potentially fix the security and privacy vulnerabilities of
chatbots in the financial sector. Lai et al. (2018) analyzed e-commerce security strategies and integrated
AI security principles to plan a chatbot security control procedure (CSCP); they reported that a bank
chatbot with a CSCP can reduce security risk and, in particular, protect customer data security and
personal privacy data. Bhuiyan et al. (2020) integrated chatbots into blockchain technology to improve
Chatbot development in the financial sector refers to a set of activities devoted to the process of
designing, creating and deploying chatbots that can improve efficiency and potentially solve specific
problems in the sector. The articles related to chatbot development that were included in our collection
are presented in Table 12. Li et al. (2021) explored efficient deep-context modeling to study the various
strategies related to response selection for retrieval-based chatbots for e-commerce; they also provided
an in-depth comparison. Ciechanowski et al. (2017) pointed out that honesty, transparency,
predictability, benevolence and control need to be considered for chatbot development in business or
commercial environments. Weerabahu et al. (2019) proposed a chatbot system for the Sri Lankan
banking sector that has the ability to retrieve questions, identify meaning, display knowledge bases
and answer customer queries. Nuruzzaman and Hussain (2020) proposed a dialogue-based chatbot
called IntelliBot that uses several strategies to generate a response. Banu and Patil (2020) developed a
fast, accurate, secure and high-performance chatbot for web applications that responds to a user request
within seconds and authenticates the user. Virkar et al. (2019) introduced an approach designed to
improve the efficiency of a chatbot or artificial conversational entity that can be used in various
commercial and banking sectors. Khan (2020) developed an e-commerce sales chatbot that provides
customer support and increases sales by offerig cheaper and more satisfying customer service. Khan
& Rabbani (2020) proposed an interactive AI-based chatbot for the Islamic finance and banking sector;
it allows users to communicate with a robot. Tran and Luong (2020) employed a deep neural network
to study the useful features of the intent implied by user utterances, consequently extracting useful
contexts. In conclusion, chatbot development has been approached from different perspectives to fill
research gaps related to efficiency, customization, ease of use and customer satisfaction.
Khan Natural language• Web-based natural• The developed system can• The study used a
(2020) understanding language training, improve customer limited number of
micro service-based relationships, which can lead datasets.
text classification, to more sales and make
entities extraction and customer service cheaper and
request to specific more satisfying.
controller framework.
Khan &Natural language processing• IBM Watson• Developed a chatbot for• The developed bot
Rabbani technique framework Islamic financial institutions cannot solve numerical
(2020) that can understand complex issues related to
sentence structure and respond Islamic financial
to direct and non-ambiguous institutions.
responses to the users.
Tran &Identification of the intent• Convolutional neural• When detecting intent, their• The study was carried
Luon g implied by Vietnamese networks and bi-Long system achieved the best out only to extract
(2020) language user utterances and short-term memory for statistical (F-measure) score of deeper semantic
parsing of the content to detecting intent; using 82.32%. Further, when features.
extract useful contexts by Keras libraries to extracting context, the
performing experimentation extract context. proposed method yielded
promising F-measures ranging
from 78% to 91% depending
on the types of context.
5. Discussion
The present article highlights the characteristics of empirical studies on chatbots in the context of
the financial sector. From acceptability and user interaction to engagement, satisfaction, customer
service, security, customer and company perception, trust and implementation of a chatbot that, these
factors allow the financial sector to transform their activity and operations. However, the financial
sector faces several challenges that can obstruct the successful adoption and implementation of chatbot
technologies. These range from potential employee skill, user know-how about chatbots, adaptability,
privacy breach concerns, restrictive implementation costs and intention to use. Interestingly, most of
the peer-reviewed articles in our collection were published quite recently, i.e., since 2016. This shows
that chatbots have been supporting the financial sector for the past few years, and it signals a growing
interest in this technology in academia. Regarding our collection, the reviewed articles quantified user
interactions with chatbots through surveys and experimental research based on specific hypotheses.
The review also reveals a lack of research focused solely on chatbot development, which can be useful
for gaining in-depth information on chatbots. Further, based our findings, we hereafter emphasize an
overview of research characteristics such as the publication sources, research design, study domains,
publication year and paper indexing; we also summarize the context or types of chatbots used in the
financial sector; finally, we recommend future research directions.
In this section, we present the publication sources for selected article datasets in the current
analysis. The publication sources for the reviewed papers were Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, Science
Direct, SpringerLink and MDPI. The distribution of the articles in each publication source is shown in
Table 13. According to the review, a total of 35% (N=18) of papers were published in Science Direct.
It can be concluded that Science Direct is the most common source of the articles reviewed.
This section presents the research design methodologies used by the chatbots in the financial
sector. Table 14 presents a closer view of the research designs used in these financial sector chatbots.
Among them, there were 23 (45%) using survey methods (qualitative and quantitative), followed by
10 (19.6%) using mixed methods, nine (17.6%) using experimental methods and nine (17.6%)
performing a case study. It can be seen that most of the researchers used a survey research method to
study the issues related to financial sector chatbots and answered the research questions through the
collection and analysis of quantitative data. In addition, we note that, even though various chatbots
have been developed, this technology is not mature and there are still gaps in the application and study
of chatbots in the financial sectors.
This section discusses the distribution of the selected articles used in the current study by year of
publication, as presented in Figure 2. It can be observed in the figure that the selected articles fall
within the range of 2018 to 2021 in all of the databases, indicating that financial chatbot studies are
trending. It can also be seen that the majority of reviewed articles from Science Direct were published
in 2021 (N=9), followed by MDPI (N=5) and SpringerLink (N=4).
In this section, the most frequent application domains of chatbots in the financial sector are
presented and discussed. The classification of selected articles by the application domains are
presented in Figure 3. From the figure, it can be seen that 19 (37.25%) of the 51 articles were devoted
to research that can be applied in the general financial sector, followed by e-commerce, banking, and
insurance. The higher percentage of e-commerce applications compared to insurance and banking is
due to the widespread adoption of online commerce platforms in recent years.
Articles included in the current analysis were indexed in both Web of Science and Scopus,
showing that our systematic literature review covers the most influential and accessible articles from
the scientific community and the financial sector.
This section presents and highlights the general context of the articles reviewed in our collection,
considering the identified five main themes. In general, the reviewed articles in our collection highlight
theoretical research questions and provide theoretical knowledge about how people interact with
chatbots in the financial sector. A significant number of articles cover theoretical perspectives that have
been developed as general theories for chatbot integration into financial technology. This review shows
that there is significant interest in evaluating a chatbot’s design in terms of its user experience. However,
this also suggests that there is a limited amount of research related to the design and development of
chatbots in the literature, and that there are relatively few articles that seriously address these issues.
In particular, there is a lack of studies related to the speech interface domain e.g., Abdulquadri et al.
(2021). The lack of development design research shows that there is still no clear understanding of
what pressing design problems need to be addressed for chatbots in the financial sector. In doing so,
the financial sector must find design research methods that work better with chatbots, which is a
technology that relies heavily on written text and therefore requires consideration of different
languages. It is not enough to discuss a chatbot in the financial sector in terms of its usefulness,
effectiveness and ability to satisfy, attract and engage people. There may be times that improving the
user experience might not be worthwhile, or when encouraging chatbot sympathy might be
questionable. Thus, a systematic literature review provides a broader understanding of various
conversational and technical aspects of chatbots in the financial sector, which suggests the usefulness
and implementation of chatbots. We argue that this area offers many unexplored but fruitful areas for
further research. We invite researchers to use the proposed research topics as a guide for developing
and empirically testing assumptions and hypotheses, while others may wish to consider developing a theory.
5.3. Limitation
In general, the articles included in this study focused primarily on the conversational aspects of
chatbot usage in the financial sector. Further research could be done to include articles on technical
aspects. Moreover, only journal articles and conference proceedings were considered in the current
analysis. Future reviews can be done by including research published in posters, workshops and
supplementary materials. Finally, the current research only includes chatbot communication via written
language. Future reviews may compare the current findings in greater depth with those of other reviews
with speech interfaces.
6. Conclusions
In this study, a literature review of relevant works focused on the subject was carried out and the
current state-of-the-art technology was highlighted in terms of their implementation, adoption
intention, attitudes toward using chatbots, acceptance, perception, expectation, satisfaction, trust,
engagement, emotional experience and expressions, security and chatbot development. Further, the
study indicates the limitations, current challenges and several lines of future research that could be
interesting to explore for the financial sector. Finally, some important findings from the literature
review are presented below:
• The current study highlights the key benefits of implementing chatbots in the financial sector,
such as improved decision-making, customer service, productivity, efficiency, resource
management and more. Significant influential factors have also been identified when
implementing a chatbot.
• The study also highlights that user expectation influences the actual perception of chatbots
during interaction, which can affect overall user satisfaction. The users privacy, performance
and trust appear to be the significant factors affecting customer satisfaction; additionally, user
expectations are focused on the shortcomings of the chatbot technology.
• It was shown that chatbot adoption intention is highly dependent on language, value-added,
managerial, organizational and technological factors.
• It was pointed out that the perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness,
price consciousness, personal innovativeness, perceived risk, trust, personal innovativeness,
automation and perceived compatibility are the determining factors for attitude toward using chatbot.
• It was revealed that analyzing customer engagement across multiple channels can help the
financial sector to provide some personalized offerings.
• It was also noted that the security and privacy vulnerabilities of chatbots in the financial sector
should be considered and analyzed before deployment.
7. Future works
The current work briefly discussed topics related to text-based chatbots in the financial sector,
such as the understanding of chatbots, their implementation, their adoption intention, attitude toward
use, acceptance, trust, engagement and security and privacy vulnerabilities, based on existing literature.
In the future, the described topics related to text-based chatbots can be studied empirically in detail to
determine the extent to which they influence the implementation and development of chatbots in the
financial sector.
Conflict of interest
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