CA (4th) May2022

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S.B. Roll. No……………………………………….

4 Exam/COMP/IT/CSE/3621/Jun'2022
Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75
Q1. Do as directed. 15x1=15
a. Static and _________ memory are two main types of RAM.
b. What do you mean by DMA?
c. Briefly discuss Instruction format.
d. Define Cache memory.
e. Define Gray code.
f. CISC stands for ____________.
g. LIFO stands for ____________
h. What is stack?
i. What do you mean by binary number system?
j. 2’s compliment of 1010 is ___________
k. A byte contains _______ bits.
l. Convert decimal (25) into binary.
m. Define BCD
o m
n. Define Parallel Processing.
o. What do you mean by ALU?
m .r c
p e
Q2. Attempt any six questions.
.r c
i. Differentiate between RISC & CISC.

p a

p e
ii. Discuss concept of memory hierarchy.
iii. Explain various components of CPU.

b r
iv. Define control word. Discuss it with an example.
v. Explain data transfer techniques in brief.

r p
vi. What is 2’s compliment? Explain with an example
vii. What is an interrupt? Explain basic types of interrupt.

viii. Write a short note on stack organization.

Q3. Attempt any three questions. 3x10=30
a. Define Addressing modes. Describe various addressing modes with an example.
b. Explain DMA controller with diagram in detail.
c. Explain general register organization with suitable diagram.
d. Describe concept of virtual memory using paging and segmentation.
e. Explain cache memory organization in detail.

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