Qa Therapeutic Modalities
Qa Therapeutic Modalities
Qa Therapeutic Modalities
1. What refers to the self-help and mutual help 7. Which among the following system embodies
social learning treatment model which utilizes the concepts of therapeutic community
the community as the primary therapeutic modality programs in the Philippines?
vehicle for behavioral and attitudinal change? A. Probation Law
A. Therapeutic Community Modality Program B. Parole System
B. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program C. Juvenile Justice Welfare Act
C. Self-directed Therapy Program D. Victim-Offender-Community Mediation
D. Individualized Treatment Program
8. The success of the therapeutic community
2. The therapeutic community modality program modality program can be tested through the
has five phases, the last one is to be in the __________.
community. What phase is this called? A. Acceptance of the community
A. Re-entry B. Reduction of crime rate
B. Aftercare C. Reduction of the rate of recidivism
C. Monitoring phase D. The decreasing number of jail personnel
D. Reintegration
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13. Which among the following is not one of the A. Within seven days
objectives of behavior management? B. After seven days
A. Use of various shaping tools C. Within a month
B. Institutionalization of shaping tools D. After a month
C. Understanding the essence of behavioral
management 21. Which among the following is one of the task-
D. Reintegration of residents into the oriented learning experiences?
community A. Composition of essay
B. Bans
14. What refers to the verbal correction regarding C. Announcements
an observed behavior of a TC member? D. Timekeeping
A. Admonition
B. Reprimand 22. What learning experience causes unpleasant
C. Scolding feelings, hence, it is avoided for it may evoke
D. Counseling behavioral change in the future?
A. Bans
15. Which diagram illustrates the hierarchy of B. Timekeeping
behavior shaping tools from the apex to the C. Cleaning
base? D. Announcements
A. General Meeting – dealt with – pull up –
talk to 23. Who has the authority of giving a learning
B. Talk to – pull-up – learning experience – experience?
expulsion A. Warden
C. Learning experience- dealt with – haircut – B. Big brother
pull up C. Senior resident
D. Expulsion – pull up – dealt with – talk to D. Disciplinary Board
16. What does the hierarchy of behavior shaping 24. Which among the following is not one of the
tools implicates? cardinal rules in BJMP TC?
A. It serves as a guide to determine what A. No violence
tools should be used for certain infractions B. No drugs
B. The higher the level of the shaping tools, C. No procrastination
the lesser should it be resorted. D. No stealing
C. It illustrates the severity of the infractions
committed by the resident. 25. What could be inferred from the introduction of
D. It illustrates the interventions that could be the therapeutic community modality program
used towards a resident. into the correctional systems in the Philippines?
A. Commitment to democracy
17. Talk to as a behavior shaping tool may be best B. Implementation of Mandela Rules
done through ____________. C. Compliance with United Nations
A. Communal discussion D. Understating the purpose of corrections
B. Friendly counseling
C. Disciplinary action 26. The purpose and justification of a sentence of
D. private conversation imprisonment or a similar measure deprivative
of liberty is ultimately to protect society against
18. What behavior shaping tool is intended for crime. Thus, the correctional system must
recidivists? assure that offenders will return to society as
A. Dealt with law-abiding and productive citizens. This is the
B. Pull up UNSMRTP concept of _______________.
C. Learning Experience A. Reintegration
D. Talk to B. Imprisonment
C. Rehabilitation
19. What do you think is being developed by D. Reformation
learning experience as behavior shaping tools?
A. Humanness
B. Self-esteem 27. Correctional Institutions should utilize all the
C. Accountability remedial, educational, moral, spiritual, and
D. Honesty other forces and forms of assistance that are
appropriate and available, and should seek to
20. Learning experience is lifted ______________. apply them according to the individual
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treatment needs of the prisoners the UNSMRTP D. Juvenile Delinquents
concept of _______?
A. Reintegration 34. The Bucor’s Therapeutic Community Center
B. Imprisonment stands with the principle _____________.
C. Rehabilitation A. Bilangguan man ay Paraiso sa patakaran
D. Reformation na makaDiyos at makatao.
B. A healthy environment creates a healthy
28. Imprisonment and other measures which result mind
in cutting off an offender from the outside C. A nation is judged by how it treats its
world are afflictive by the very fact of taking lowest citizens.
from the person the right to self-determination D. Walang sinuman ang nabubuhay para sa
by depriving him of his liberty. Therefore, the sarilu lamang.
prison system shall not aggravate the suffering
inherent in such a situation. This is the 35. At the BuCor, what refers to the treatment and
UNSMRTP concept of ___________? rehabilitation center located within a specific
A. Reintegration prison facility?
B. Imprisonment A. Therapeutic Community Center
C. Rehabilitation B. Therapeutic Modality Community
D. Reformation C. Reception and Diagnostics
D. Rehabilitation and Reformation Center
29. Replacing the term “prisoner” with Person
Deprived Of Liberty is under ___________. 36. What term is used against an offending
A. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules member of the TC family?
for Treatment Prisoners A. Offender
B. International Covenant on Civil and Political B. Respondent
Rights C. PDL
C. Bangkok Rules D. Violator
D. Beijing Rules
37. At the BJMP, members of the TC Family are
30. The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules termed as residents, while at the BuCor, it is
for Treatment Prisoners is also known as? _______.
A. Beijing Rules A. Receiver
B. Tokyo Rules B. PDL
C. Bangkok Rules C. Inmate
D. Nelson Mandela Rules D. Recipient
31. A country that does not conform to the prison 38. What refers to the violations of the House rules
rules set by the UN will be treated by other of the TC family?
united nation members as if such country is A. Violations
_________. B. Infractions
A. An ‘Axis Of Evil’ C. Misdemeanor
B. A Rogue State D. Disturbance
C. A Criminal
D. Observer State 39. Which among the following should be resorted
when someone has stolen another resident’s
32. What agency pioneered the adoption of belonging?
therapeutic modality in the treatment and A. Talk To
rehabilitation of national prisoners with drugs B. Dealt With
and drug abuse-related cases in the C. General Meeting
Philippines? D. Haircut
A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
B. Bureau of Corrections 40. When a resident has proven his incorrigibility,
C. Parole and Probation Administration non-cooperativeness, and arrogance displayed
D. Correctional Institution for Women by the frequent commission of serious
offenses, expulsion may be a resort. What
33. Who are the first recipients of therapeutic expulsion here means?
modality in the Philippine Correctional System? A. Release of resident
A. Probationers B. Exoneration from the violation
B. Parolees C. Transfer of facility
C. Drug offenders D. Ostracization and transportation
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D. Counselor
41. Which among the following is the intended 48. What makes the effectiveness of TCMP at the
outcome of rehabilitation of PDLs? jail uncertain to PDLs?
A. Restoration of right to liberty A. Insufficient funds and lack of facilities
B. Restoration of self-respect B. Unpredictable period of commitment of
C. Understanding accountability PDLs
D. Changing his behavior C. Incompetent personnel of the TCMP
D. An uncooperative and disengaging attitude
42. What refers to the act of bringing back an of PDL
inmate to a sense of justice so that he may live
in society without detriment to it?
A. Reformation 49. Sanctions of negative behavior in the TCMP are
B. Rehabilitation as much as possible lenient and have more
C. Reintegration emphasis on ______________.
D. Restoration A. the gravity of the violation
B. the Nature of the violation
43. According to Martinson, nothing works when it C. the sense of responsibility
comes to rehabilitation due to D. teaching and learning
A. Lack of community support 50. Residents in the re-entry phase are expected
B. Lack of funds to be ready to be released into society. Which
C. Improper implementation qualities do you expect the most from them?
D. Unresponsive programs A. Emphatic and sympathetic
B. Religious and community-oriented
44. In the Philippines, which among the following C. Adequate self-control and discipline
could be the primary reason why rehabilitation D. Remorseful and responsible
and reformation programs are ineffective in
jails/prisons? 51. At the jail, despite being in the re-entry phase,
A. Programs are poorly crafted, unresponsive, the resident may not yet be released. His
and were created without scientific basic release is still dependent on ____________
B. The approaches, methods, programs, rather than his response to the programs.
instruments, and facilities are outdated A. Their good conduct time allowance
C. Few staffs internally understand their B. Status and disposition of the case
concepts and accept their essence C. Discretion of the warden
D. Lack of research and consideration of the D. Length of imprisonment
needs and differences of PDLs
52. After the release of the resident of the TCMP to
45. What is the significance of the payment of civil the community, he shall be referred to
liability as one of the activities of TCMP on the ____________ for the continuance of the
part of the PDL? program.
A. It lessens his guilt and calms his A. Barangay Officials
conscience B. Family and Relatives
B. It restores his self-respect C. Probation authorities
C. It enhances his chances of reformation D. Court and DSWD
D. It instills him a sense of accountability
53. What could be the ultimate purpose of
46. What activity of TCMP may be less significant residents being “watchdogs” for their peers?
but it may provide some respite from suffering A. To report and resolve violations
and resentment, especially during the first B. To ascertain the implementation of rules
months of commitment? C. To promote equality and a sense of justice
A. Community services D. To correct erring members
B. Sports and physical fitness
C. Vocational and skills training 54. Which among the following popular life quotes
D. Religious activities may reflect the essence of TCMP?
A. No man is an island
47. Which among the following is the most B. Every society has the criminals that it
important component of the TCMP? deserves
A. Programs C. Crime does not pay
B. Big Brother D. Society prepares the crime, the criminal
C. Community commits it
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D. Dealt With
55. In the TCMP, the community serves as a
___________ force that motivates the 62. Which among the following should primarily
individual to achieve positive behavior change. guide the community in deciding what behavior
A. dynamic shaping tools should be given to a resident?
B. compelling A. Hierarchy of Behavior Shaping tools
C. deterrent B. Nature and gravity of the infraction
D. powerful C. Attitude and character of the violator
56. Which diagram illustrates the daily routine of D. Responsiveness of the behavior shaping
PDLs at the jail? tool
A. Pre-morning meeting—General Meeting—
Livelihood activities—Spiritual 63. Infractions such as attempt to escape from jail
Enhancement—Lights Off necessitates __________.
B. Pre-morning Meeting—Morning Meeting— A. General Meeting
Assignment to educational/vocational B. Talk to
programs—Spiritual Enhancement—Lights C. Learning Experience
Off D. Dealt With
C. Morning Meeting—Talk to—General
Meeting—Learning Experience—Lights Off 64. The TCMP at the jail recognizes that their
D. General Meeting—Learning Experience— residents are psychologically and emotionally
Educational/Vocation Programs— challenged. What school of thought shares the
Recreational Activities—Lights Off same thought with this belief?
A. Classical school of thought
57. A person who was subjected to either haircut B. Neo-classical school of thought
or a general meeting must be referred to the C. Positivist School of Thought
Disciplinary Board for a ____________. D. Biopsychosocial School of Thought
A. disciplinary action
B. summary hearing 65. What refers to the professional activity of
C. cancellation of visiting privileges helping individuals enhance or restore their
D. learning experience capacity for psychological, emotional, and
social functioning and creating an environment
58. Dealt with is a behavior shaping tool that is favorable for the attainment of those goals?
friendlier, while haircut is ________. A. Case Study
A. lenient B. Case Work
B. authoritative C. Counseling
C. unfriendly D. Dealt With
D. inhumane
66. The success of the TCMP significantly relies on
59. Rebecca noticed the untidiness of Pepita’s bed; the trust between the resident and the facility’s
hence, she called her attention privately. What staff. The staff should then be _____________
did Rebecca do? to earn the trust of the resident.
A. Prying A. Emphatic
B. Pull-up B. Sympathetic
C. Talk-To C. Respectful
D. Dealt With D. Enthusiastic
60. Pepita asked her peers during their morning 67. Earning the trust of the resident is important
meeting regarding their messy kitchen that but more so with maintaining it. Hence, the
was forgotten by someone to clean. What is staff should adhere to the ___________ of
Pepita doing? matters during counseling.
A. Prying A. Privacy
B. Pull-up B. Confidentiality
C. Talk-To C. Secrecy
D. Dealt With D. Promise
61. Which among the following behavior shaping 68. In the TCMP, which among the following best
tools promotes honesty? shows the counselor’s respect for the client?
A. Prying A. Offering advice
B. Pull-up B. Comforting the client
C. Talk-To C. Listening in silence
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D. Defending the client 75. Before the release of a jail resident to the
community, what shall be done as part of the
69. Which among the following circumstances TCMP?
warrants the breach of confidentiality of A. Orientation and Debriefing
matters discussed and undertaken during B. Pre-release interview
counseling? C. Medical checkup
A. Client expressed resentment of his actions D. Socialization
B. Client expressed plan to ask forgiveness
from the victim 76. Which among the following is not one of the
C. Client expressed plans of committing TCMP’s intellectual components?
suicide A. Concept of the day
D. Client acknowledges guilt and participation B. Seminars
to the offense C. Debates
D. Mind games
70. Which among the following could be a
reservation for TCMP’s Talk to as behavior 77. What refers to the activity that fuels the man
shaping tool? to reflect on his goodness as man?
A. Violator may feel unwanted at the A. Intellectuality
community B. Spirituality
B. Violator may think his peers are prying on C. Retreat
him D. Meditation
C. The indifferences between residents may
create trouble 78. Which among the following may best illustrate
D. The violator may feel offended and the concept of TC’s spirituality and intellectual
vengeful component?
A. Freudian psychoanalysis
71. What refers to a permanent group of peers B. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
and leaders that meet regularly while the C. Socrates' concept of Self
residents are in treatment? D. Aristotle’s principle of moderation
A. Subculture Group
B. Static Group 79. Which among the following could be the most
C. Therapeutic Community difficult challenge for the TCMP’s Spirituality?
D. Home Group A. Not everyone believes in the Supreme
Being and does not recognize the golden
72. Leila is a new resident at the jail and feels rule
uneasy and suspicious of her peers, especially B. Noisiness and unpleasantness of the
her bunkmate. Leila is recommended to bring environment at jail diminishes
up the matter during ______. opportunities for self-reflection
A. General Meeting C. Majority of criminals are non-believers,
B. Morning Meeting heartless, guiltless, and are suffering from
C. Peer confrontation personality disorders
D. Secrets D. Our society today promotes hedonism,
self-love, and materialism rather than self-
73. What group serves as a “safety valve” within actualization
the community that is usually high pressured
and structured? 80. Generally, how would you describe the TCMP
A. Encounter Groups of the BJMP?
B. Static Group A. Idealistic
C. Peer Confrontation Group B. Practical
D. Secrets C. Realistic
D. Feasible
74. After issues have been confronted, explored,
and resolved in the TC, what activity is 81. Which among the following seems to have not
encouraged to achieve closure and reaffirm been considered in crafting the BJMP’s TCMP?
relationships? A. Competency of staff and residents
A. Amicable Settlement B. Limited funds and lack of facilities
B. Monitoring C. PDLs’ individual and cultural differences
C. Socialization D. The real situation at the jail
D. Acquaintance party
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82. Which among the following phases of the B. six months
TCMP can be regarded as the most critical C. a year
one? D. three months
A. Orientation phase because it sets the
foundation of the PDL’s reformation 89. What refers to the specialized group of activity
B. Treatment phase because it determines discussing issues to manage temper?
responsiveness of the program A. Behavioral management
C. Pre -re-entry phase because it excites the B. Counseling
PDL’s nearly release hence aggressive C. Anger management
D. Aftercare because he is back to the D. Secrets
community where evil thrives
90. In TCMP, what is regarded as the general
83. How frequent should released residents from condition of the TC family as a whole, including
the jail are expected to report to an outreach incidences, positive and negative?
center? A. Behavior
A. Weekly B. Attitude
B. Twice a week C. Character
C. Monthly D. Personality
D. Twice a month
91. What refers to the time period of admitting,
84. What component of the TCMP has a greater denying before coming up with a decision?
impact on the life of the PDL after his release A. Consonance
for it will help him become independent and a B. Dissonance
functional citizen? C. Anomie
A. Behavior management D. Synomie
B. Emotional and Psychological
C. Intellectual and Spiritual 92. What refers to the lowest position in the TC
D. Vocational and Survival Skills hierarchy?
A. Coordinator
85. Which among the following is not a function of B. Counselor
a coordinator? C. General worker
A. Serves as liaison between a resident and D. Expediter
B. A role model 93. Which among the following is the number one
C. Responsible for reporting of job changes problem and challenge for released inmates
D. Responsible for managing the daily upon their re-entry?
function and activities of the community A. Lack of opportunities
B. Acceptance of the public
86. Which among the following is not one of the C. Financial incapacity
functions of the coordinator on duty? D. Culture shock
A. Conducts inspection in cells, kitchen and
other areas 94. Which among the following could help the
B. Responsible in execution of directives from public lessen their stigmatization towards
the chief expediter released inmates?
C. Delegates task to other coordinators A. Social media campaign featuring success
D. Must have direct link with staff on duty stories of reformed inmates
B. Creation of jobs and opportunities intended
87. Who among the following are oftentimes for released inmates
assigned as counselors? C. Include jail/prison visitation as part of the
A. Warden curriculum of students from high school to
B. Assistant Warden college
C. Custodial Officers D. Creating a community/association for
D. Technical Officers released inmates
88. Each resident is given the opportunity to 95. Safekeeping of PDLs does not only cover
choose and apply which job or position may be custodial component of the jail/prison but it
given to him as member of the community. also includes _________________.
The position given to him maybe change after A. Provision of their basic needs
_______. B. Incapacitating them from harming others
A. a month
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C. Cutting them from contacts to lawless
D. Ensuring their custody behind bars
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