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Name:____________________________________ Date:__________

INSTRUCTIONS: Encircle the letter of your answer. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1, The hardest stage to be recognize individual 8. This refers to a system tend to act in a way to
needs is which of the following maintain balance between the system and it's
A. Self-actualize C. Safety & Security environment?
B. Love and Belonging D. Self-esteem A. Homeostasis C. Feedback
B. Input D. Output
2, If a person does not feel accepted or loved, they
have not reach which of the following level of 9. In General System's theory when a client
Maslows Hieararchy of needs? Interacts with the environment this refers which of
A. Phsyiologic C. Love & Belonging the following?
B. Safety and Security D. Self-Actualization A. Homeostatis C. Feedback
B. Input D. Output
3. Self-Actualization refers to which of the
following? 10. Client's interaction of the environment, includes
A. When people realize it’s all about me reaction from the following domain EXCEPT:
B. When people have a lot of friends A. Diagnosis C. Behavior
C. When motivation to develop to one’s full B. Beliefs D. Diet
potential as a human being
D. When people are intimate with the relationship 11. This refers to which of the following client's
health status for returning to the environment:
4. Defined by Pender as all activities directed A. Homeostatis C. Feedback
toward increasing the level of well being and B. Input D. Output
self actualization.
A. Health prevention 12. The process of which output is returned to the
D. Health promotion
A. Homeostatis C. Feedback
C. Health teaching B. Input D. Output
D. Self actualization
5. The proponent of General System Theory is 13. The assumptions of Ludwig's General System
which of the following persons? Theory are the following EXCEPT:
A. Lawrence Kohlberg A. Systems are goal directed
B. Erik Erikson B. System is more than the sum of its parts
C. Harry Stack Sullivan C. A system is changing
D. Ludwing Von Bertalanffy D. Identification of methods were change is occur
6. The theory of Ludwing Bartalanffy explains 14. The proponent of Change theory is which of the
about which of the following? following?
A. Individuals need to accomplish to a particular A. Lawrence Kohlberg
task B. Harry Stack Sullivan
B. The relationship between the parts of the whole C. Kurt Lewin
how they work together. D. Ludwing Von Bertalanffy
C. Change involves modification or alteration
D. All of the Above 15. They facilitate change because they push the
patient in a desired direction, known as which of the
7. Is a multi dimensional model developed by following?
PENDER that describes the nature of persons A. Driving Forces C. Restraining Forces
as they interact within the environment to B. Freezing D. Unfreezing
pursue health
A. Ecologic Model 16. They hinder change because the push the
B. Health Belief Model patient in the opposite direction:
C. Health Promotion Model A. Driving Forces C. Restraining Forces
D. Health Prevention Model B. Freezing D. Unfreezing
17. The following refers to a state of being where D. Patricia Benner
driving forces equal restraining forces, which 25. Human Becoming Theory was developed by:
means no occurrence or change: A. Lydia E. Hall
A. Driving Forces C. Restraining Forces B. Neuman
B. Equilibrium D. Unfreezing C. D. Orem
D. Rosemary Parse
18. In what stage of change theory refers to the
shift of behavior towards healthy lifestyle 26. Kohlberg's theory of moral development
A. Freezing C. Unfreezing includes following stages, except:
B. Movement D. Restraining Forces A. Obedience and Punishment Orientation
B. Individualism and Exchange
19. According to Locsin’s technological C. Good Interpersonal Relationships
competence as caring in nursing is a four-phased D. Maintaining the Social Order
process. E. Primary circular reactions
Which of the following refers to the person
involved in understanding the patients as 27. During the _________________ stage, one's
participants rather than objects of their care? ability to cope with demands is challenged and
A. Knowing either competence or inferiority are the outcomes.
B. Implementing and Evaluating A. Infancy
C. Designing B. Early childhood
D. Verifying knowledge C. Pre-School
D. School Age
20. The nurse and the patient who mutually plans
care of activities is referred to as: 28. Erik Erikson's theory states that if a person
A. Knowing does not resolve a conflict within a stage, they will
B. Implementing and Evaluating not acquire the life stage virtue, but will be able to
C. Designing move on to the next stage of development.
D. Verifying knowledge True or False?
A. True
21. The conservation principle that purports to B. False
promoting healing: 29. ________ vs. __________ is the conflict faced
A. Conservation of Energy during middle adulthood.
B. Conservation of Structural Integrity A. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
C. Conservation of personal integrity B. Identity vs. Role Confusion
D. Conservation of Social Integrity C. Integrity vs. Despair
D. Generativity vs. Stagnation
22. According to Maslow, lower needs must be met
before higher needs will: 30. “Good Boy, Good Girl Orientation is what Level
A. Be distinguished from one's personality of Moral Development according to Kohlberg?
B. Seek higher forms of existence A. Preconventional
C. Motivate behavior to the next need B. Conventional
D. Develop properly C. Post Conventional
d. Non Conventional
23. Transcultural Model of Nursing was proposed
A. Joyce Travelbee
B. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
C. Madeleine Leininger
D. Ida Jean Orlando

24. Deliberative Nursing Process Theory was

explained by:
A. Hildegard Peplau
B. Dorothea Orem
C. Ida Jean Orlando

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