Never Stop Blowing Up Game System - Printer Friendly

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Based n

on Kidsidso
Bikes/Ks, wit h
B room ing
some lovons
The System

Starting the Game

Build your character by choosing:
• An Action Hero Name
• A Catchphrase
• 3 Abilities
You have 9 key skills. Rekha wants to hack into
difficult y the video store’s CCTV.
check Brennan tells her to roll
a DC3 Tech Check. Because
it’s the start of the game,
Rekha has a D4 in Tech: she
rolls and gets a 3. Rekha’s
hack is a SUCCESS! she’s in.

Each skill starts at a d4.

When an Action Hero wants to do something
totally sick, the GM tells them which of the 9 key
skills to roll from.

Blowing Up
Every time an Action Hero
gets the highest value on their
Ify wants to PARKOUR up
6 die, it BLOWS UP and that skill the side of the Eiffel Tower.
moves up to the next die type. that’s a Stunts Roll, dC9.
Ify’s Stunts Die is only a d4,
8 Roll that new die and add the but he gets a 4! He BLOWS UP,
results to the current check. taking that 4 and rolling a d6
as well. But WOAH!!!! Ify ALSO
gets a 6 on the d6?! Now Ify
If that new roll is also the has a 10 for the Stunts Check,
highest value, the skill AND gets to roll a d8. The d8
continues to BLOW UP. is only a 2, but that’s okay.
Ify has a 12 total, allowing
him to parkour up the Eiffel
20 Repeat this process until you Tower, and roll a d8 for
reach a d20. ALL future Stunts Checks.
Prepared Actions
When an Action Hero has time
to prepare for a skill check and
is not under stress, they can use
a prepared action. Instead of a 5
rolling a die, they take half the
die value for that stat.

Turbo Tokens
Izzy decides to fly a When an Action Hero fails a check they get a
helicopter TO THE MOON. Turbo Token, which can be spent one-to-one to
Brennan sets the DC at 16,
and asks Izzy to roll a Drive increase the value of a die roll.
Check. Izzy’s Drive is at a
d6, but she rolls a 5. Izzy If a die roll is increased to its highest value, it
has failed three checks, triggers a blow up as if the highest value had
though, so she has three been rolled. Spent Turbo Tokens are placed on a
Turbo Tokens. She spends Ally rolls a 5 on their Wits d6,
one to BLOW UP that 5, player-specific tray in front of the board. but doesn’t have any Turbo
making it a 6. She rolls a d8 Tokens. Rekha is locked in a
and gets a 6, so she spends box with Ally, so gives Ally
her last two Turbo Tokens 3 4 her two Turbo Tokens to
to BLOW UP AGAIN, adding a
+ = blow up Ally’s d6. Ally can
d10 to the roll. She rolls a now roll a d8 and succeed
3 on the d10, and with her on the check to remember
If both characters are in the same scene, players how to pick the lock, freeing
6 from the d6 and 8 from
the d8, that all adds up to
can spend Turbo Tokens for friends, but at 2x cost. them from imprisonment.
17. Izzy? IS ON THE MOON.

There are three injury levels.
Jacob is locked in hand-to- 1. Superficial 3. adrenalized
hand combat with a double Alex has a Severe Injury
agent. Brennan rolls a 16 Level from a couple of failed
on the double agent’s Brawl Tough Checks, but is still in
Check, and asks Jacob to it to win it, and jumps from
roll for Tough to oppose the Empire State Building to
the hit. On an 11 or higher, the Chrysler Building while
2. severe pursuing a bad guy. Brennan
Jacob gets off scot-free,
but he only gets a 3 on his asks them to roll a Stunts
Tough Check, and takes a When an Action Hero fails a Tough Check by 5 or Check, which they fail,
Superficial injury level. more, they take an Injury Level. giving them one Turbo Token.
Since they failed the Stunts
Check, Brennan asks them to
At Severe Injury, players must also roll a Tough Check to
spend double the amount of Turbo avoid injury. The difficulty
Tokens (i.e., 2 Turbo Tokens to is only 8, but Alex’s Tough is
Blow Up a 5 on a d6). still at a d4, and they roll
a 3. They have one Turbo
Token, but oh no! They’re at
At the Adrenalized injury level, the injured Severe, and have to spend
character receives 10 Turbo Tokens. Turbo Tokens two-to-one,
and can’t BLOW UP their
When an Adrenalized character fails Tough Die. They take the next
injury level, Adrenalized,
a Tough Check, they become either gaining TEN TURBO TOKENS!!
Incapacitated or Dead, depending Watch out though - one
on the attacker’s intention. more hit, and Alex is DEAD!!
At the end of each session, players may use
remaining Turbo Tokens to purchase extra abilities.
Individual abilities cost 2 Turbo Tokens.

Lower the DC of a Hot Check by 3 Recover one injury level at the end
Smokin’ Quick Healing
when making a first impression. of an encounter.
Lower the DC of a Sneak Check Turbo Tokens are worth double
Burglar by 3 when entering a protected Resilient when used to boost against an
location. attack that targets you.
Lower the DC of a Hot Check by 3 Increase your die type for one skill by
Connected Skilled
when searching for a helpful ally. 1 for the purposes of halving.
Gain 2 Turbo Tokens when you fail a Describe a pep talk you gave earlier to
check. Trainer spend Turbo Tokens for a friend, even
Lower the DC of a Sneak Check when you are not present.
Escape Artist by 3 when escaping restraints or Lower the DC of a Sneak Check by 3
imprisonment. when trying to avoid being seen.
Lower the DC of a Hot Check by Lower the DC of a Wits Check
Flashy 5 if it’s the first roll after you’ve Suspicious by 3 when trying to determine if
Blown Up. someone is lying to you.
Lower the DC of a Drive Check by 3 Lower the DC of a Tough Check by 3
Transporter Grit
to avoid pursuers. when resisting a Brawl Check.
Each time you succeed at a check, Spend a Turbo Token to force an
Inspiring an ally of your choice receives 1 Martial Artist enemy to resist your Brawl with
Turbo Token. Wits instead of Tough.
Your Turbo Tokens give friends +1 at Lower the DC of a Stunts Check by
a one-to-one rate. Leap of Faith 3 when making a jump that could
Spend 2 Turbo Tokens to reroll any injure you.
Once Per Episode check. Roll a Brawl Check to harmlessly
Neck Snapper
incapacitate any opponent.
Trained -1 to DCs for a Stat of your choice.
Lower the DC of a Tech Check by
Studied -3 to DCs for Stat of your choice. Hacker 3 when breaking into a computer
Replaces Trained database.
Mastery -5 to DCs for a Stat of your choice. Lower the DC of a Weapons Check
Replaces Studied
Duelist by 3 against someone wielding the
Use Brawl instead of Hot when same weapon.
intimidating an NPC. Lower the DC of a Wits Check by
Nerves of Spend a Turbo Token to treat a snap Interrogator 3 to draw information out of an
Steel decision as a Prepared Action. opponent.
Lower the DC of a Hot Check by 3 Lower the DC of a Tech Check by 3
By the Book Demolitions
when interacting with authority figures. when explosives are involved.
When attempting to conceal the When interacting with vehicles, use
Poker Face Hotwire
truth, use Tough instead of Hot. Drive instead of Tech.
Spend 2 Turbo Tokens to just Wild Card You are a Wild Card.
Prepared happen to have one commonplace
GM's Discretion
item with you. Spend a Turbo Token to locate
Trouble Maker and receive help from a criminal
Lower the DC of a check by 3 when GM's Discretion
Protector network.
defending your friends.
Spend a Turbo Token to ease a bad
situation with cash.
Group Suites
New ‘group suites’ of abilities are unlocked for
purchase once all players reach a higher die type
(i.e., one d6 from every player). Abilities from
group suites cost 10 turbo tokens for an individual,
or 18 for the entire group.

La Familia Unlocked at d6 Marauders Unlocked at d10

Tough Beating an opponent by more than
Roll Tough on someone else’s behalf.
Once Per Episode +10 10 means you defeat an additional
Spend tokens for other people at a opponent.
1:1 exchange rate. Gain a Turbo Token on any turn
Skill Die where you destroy an object.
Lend a teammate a skill die.
Once Per Episode Start a fire, short circuit electronics,
Firestarter or dissolve a structure as part of any
Criminal Conspiracy Unlocked at d6 action.
When in a new location, produce a The Ones Unlocked at d12
single useful item.
Tech Once per episode, add your Tech Max Roll Treat a Nat 1 as a max die roll.
Once Per Episode Die to a Sneak Die. Once Per Episode

Roll Hot in response to the first Reroll Reroll a failure with a different skill.
Hot attack of an encounter to dissuade Once Per Episode
an opponent. Turbo Tokens Accept a Nat 1 to gain half the Turbo
Once Per Episode Tokens of the die value.
Diesel Circus Unlocked at d8
Tactical Command Unlocked at d12
Injury Roll twice on the first roll after an
Advantage injury. Shared
Double Tokens Spend Turbo Tokens across scenes.
Doubles your amount of tokens. Once Per Episode
Reroll Reroll on a failure.
On a successful Drive Check, make
Drive Check Once Per Episode
another skill check.
Characters gain a Turbo Token at the
Token Gain
The Continentals Unlocked at d8 end of a scene where they have zero.
Turbo Tokens for Wits help increase Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good Unlocked at d20
the die type.
Track Restart that skill track, now rolling
Two succesful Hot Checks auto-
Restart a second die and taking the better
Hot Checks succeeds on stealing from an
On a Nat 20 result.
Lower the DC of a Weapons Checks Group
Melee Everybody else at the table graduates
using melee weapons. Explosion all of their lowest die type up by one.
On a Nat 20
Alpha Squad Unlocked at d10 GM
Become the GM for 60 seconds.
On a Nat 20
Group In a scene where everyone uses a
Explosion different skill, reduce the range to
Minimum 3 People blow up by 1.
Skill Add Two people roll the same skill and
Once Per Episode add the totals together.
Suit Up The group may “suit up” and each
Once Per Episode take 2 Turbo Tokens.

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