Karkila GM
Karkila GM
Karkila GM
Verdict Amount Domain Result Use these tables for setting a scene or advancing the plot:
Scene Complication: When setting a scene (Map event, entering new named location(Settlement, signi cant
1 - (Hinder Sparse Physical, 1 Four Rolls + -4 Spill place)), roll on this table.
Plot) Appearance Altered Scene: Roll a d8. On a 5+ the scene is altered. Roll on this table.
2 Four Rolls + -3 Spill
2 No, and Surprisingly Worldly, Pacing Moves: When the action slows down, or you think, “what now?”, roll on this table.
Lacking Grounded 3 Four Rolls + -2 Spill Failure Moves: When a skill check results in a “- (Hinder plot)”, roll on this table.
3 No Less than Connection, 4 Four Rolls + -1 Spill Set the Scene GM Moves
Expected Harmony 5 Extremely Unlikely (Four Rolls) Scene Complication Altered Scene Pacing Moves Failure Moves
4 No, but About Mental, 6 Very Unlikely (Three Rolls) 1 Hostile forces oppose you A major scene detail is Foreshadow trouble Cause harm
Average Operation enhanced
7-8 Unlikely (Two Rolls)
5 Yes, but About Spiritual, 2 An obstacle blocks your A major scene detail is Reveal a New Detail Put Someone in a
Average Abstract 9-12 Average (One Roll) way worsened Spot
6 Yes More than Personal, 13-14 Likely (Two Rolls) 3 It would suck if… The environment is di erent An NPC Takes Action O er a Choice
Expected Desire
15 Very Likely (Three Rolls) 4 An NPC acts suddenly Unexpected NPC’s are Advance a Threat Advance a Threat
7 Yes, and Surprisingly Meaning, present
More Emotion 16 Extremely Likely (Four Rolls)
17 Four Rolls + 1 Spill 5 All is not as it seems Add a Pacing Move Advance a Plot Reveal an
8 + (Advance Abundant Dual, Twin Unwelcome Truth
Plot) 18 Four Rolls + 2 Spill
6 Things actially go as Add a Random Event Add a Random Event Foreshadow
Random Event 19 Four Rolls + 3 Spill planned to the scene Trouble
What happens Action Focus 20 Four Rolls + 4 Spill 7 (Domain + Detail) Block Add a Failure Move Gain a (Detail + Topic) Take a (Detail +
Advantage Topic) Focus
Involving Topic Focus
8 Roll Double Roll Double Roll Double Roll Double
Map Generator
Though you should attempt to stick to questions that can be
answered through the Advance Oracle, in a situation where this When starting out in a new biome, de ne a common, uncommon, and rare terrain, then roll a Terrain for the square you
is not possible, use the focuses below to answer your question. start in, in addition to the squares north, east, south, and west of your position (cardinal squares). Once those rolls are
Select one focus that best suits the question and roll for the noted on the map, roll Contents for the square you are in and your cardinal squares. Whenever you move a square, roll
answer. If the answer from one focus is not enough, roll on a Terrain and Contents for any squares to your cardinal squares that do not have a set Terrain on the map. After your
second table. Write the answers down and continue rolling until cardinal Terrains and Contents are set, roll an Event for your current square. When you begin a new game, roll a d4 for
your question is answered. Do your best to use as few focuses the season, spring being 1, summer 2, fall 3, and winter 4. Change the weather after a long period of time has passed
as possible and let your imagination form connections in the or a signi cant event happens in the story. Which weather type in the list is selected by rolling a d8 and a d20 to nd if
established story. the rst (odds) or second (evens) choice is active. When entering a new square, roll for weather and for an event.
1 Decieve Unique The PC(s) 1 Same as current Nothing Notable Notable Structure None Same
2 Seek Small Current Need 2 Same as current Nothing Notable Dangerous Hazard None Same
3 Oppose Large Allies 3 Same as current Nothing Notable A Settlement None Same
4 Communicate Old Community 4 Common Terrain Nothing Notable Strange Natural Feature None Same/Clear weather
5 Move New History 5 Common Terrain Nothing Notable New Region None Clear weather/Windy
6 Harm Mundane Future Plans 6 Uncommon Terrain Nothing Notable Dungeon Entrance None Hot/Cold Weather
7 Create Simple Enemies 7 Rare Terrain Roll a Feature It should not be here… Random Event, Set Cloudy/Precipitation
(Roll again) the Scene
8 Reveal Complex Knowledge
8 Unusual Terrain Roll a Feature Roll Double Random Event, Set Storm/Exotic weather
9 Command Unsavory Rumors the Scene
7 Gnome Merchant Travel Unusual 4 Escort or Deliver to Safety Local inhabitants Support of an ally Unexpected NPC’s are
Clothing Piece present
8 Breaker Speciallist Protect Unusual Out t 5 Restore something broken Enemy horde or Advance a plot arc Add a Pacing Move
9 Orc Entertainer Encish Unusual
Self Equipment 6 Save an Ally in Peril A new villan A unique item of power Add a Random Event
10 Goblin Adherent Avenge Unusual 7 Return an item to its previous A recurring villan Introduction to a powerful Add a Failure Move
Equipment location/owner ally or group
11 (Odd) Leader Ful l Duty Unusual Tool 8 Roll Double Roll Double Roll Double Roll Double