Patna o M
Patna o M
Patna o M
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Formula Rt=[ 1+(r/100)]^t x (Base year O&M cost) t= 10 Years After 5 Years of O&M, Proposal is of next 5 years
Total House connection in scheme = HC 641 Nos 3205
Refer Deptt. Compendium Published in Year May, 2001 (Page 204) Year of Sanction 2018 Therefore, t will be 5+5 = 10 Years
(A) Honorarium of pump operator
1 nos for 365 days per year for 15 nos 12.00 4000.00 240000.00
1 240000.00
(B) Infrastructure Maintenance
Formula 2 (With 5 years interval and constant component wise annual variable component wise depreciation rate:
Masonary chamber per year 198,150.00 0.00 198150.00 1.00% 2.00 1981.50 2415.44 Pump House 2415.44
Distrubution Line per year 3,187,176.25 0.00 3187176.25 0.25% 2.00 7967.94 9712.88 Distrubution Line 9712.88
Chlorination/WTP per year 125,000.00 0.00 125000.00 0.50% 2.50 625.00 800.05 Chlorination/WTP 800.05
Steel Staging per year 2,256,000.00 0.00 2256000.00 0.50% 1.50 11280.00 13090.90 Steel Staging 13090.90
House Connection per year 1,028,354.27 0.00 1028354.27 1.00% 5.00 10283.54 16750.81 House Connection 16750.81
Sub Total 32137.98 42770.07 42770.07 Civil work
Pump Motor per year 468,015.00 0.00 468015.00 2.50% 5.00 11700.38 19058.68 Pump Motor 19058.68