Gaetano mathematical20modelling20of20the20IVGTT
Gaetano mathematical20modelling20of20the20IVGTT
Gaetano mathematical20modelling20of20the20IVGTT
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2 authors, including:
Andrea De Gaetano
Italian National Research Council and Óbuda University
All content following this page was uploaded by Andrea De Gaetano on 05 June 2014.
Corresponding author.
Mathematical modelling of IVGTT 137
1. Introduction
In Eq. (3), only the positive part of the term [G(t)!p ] is taken, i.e.
when G (t ) is greater than p the value is taken to be [G(t)!p ],
otherwise the value is zero. Also in Eq. (3), the multiplication by t is
introduced by the authors to express, as a "rst approximation, the
hypothesis that the e!ect of circulating hyperglycemia on the rate of
pancreatic secretion of insulin is proportional both to the hyper-
glycemia attained and to the time elapsed from the glucose stimulus
[28]. Multiplying by t in this way introduces the necessity of establish-
ing an origin for time, e!ectively binding this model to the IVGTT
experimental procedure.
Parameters p , p , p , p , p and p are usually referred to in the
literature as G , S , c, h, n and I respectively, while the insulin
sensitivity index S is computed as p /p .
dI (t) b R
"!b I (t)# G (s) ds, I (0)"I #b b , (5)
dt b t!b @
t [min] is time;
G [mg/dl] is the glucose plasma concentration;
G [mg/dl] is the basal (preinjection) plasma glucose concentration;
I [pM] is the insulin plasma concentration;
I [pM] is the basal (preinjection) insulin plasma concentration;
b [mg/dl] is the theoretical increase in plasma concentration over
basal glucose concentration at time zero after instantaneous ad-
ministration and redistribution of the I.V. glucose bolus;
b [min\] is the spontaneous glucose "rst order disappearance rate
b [min\] is the apparent "rst-order disappearance rate constant for
b [pM/(mg/dl)] is the "rst-phase insulin concentration increase per
(mg/dl) increase in the concentration of glucose at time zero due to
the injected bolus;
b [min\ pM\] is the constant amount of insulin-dependent
glucose disappearance rate constant per pM of plasma insulin
142 A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
3. Results
The proofs of all the statements contained in this section are reported
in the Appendix.
Recall that in the minimal model p is the target glycemia which the
pancreatic secretion of insulin attempts to attain (i.e. above which the
pancreas is assumed to secrete the glycemia-lowering hormone insu-
lin), whereas G is the measured baseline glycemia, which results from
the equilibrium between the pancreatic action to lower glycemia down
to p and the endogenous (liver) glucose production which tends to
raise glycemia. In general, G may be greater than p , and this is in fact
the case in [19] where the program to estimate the parameters of the
minimal model is described: in the reported series G "92 mg/dl,
p "89.5 mg/dl.
Proposition I.1 refers to the case in which glycemia G (t) returns to
basal G after the metabolization of the glucose bolus.
Proposition I.1. Suppose G 'p , lim sup G (t)'p . ¹hen
@ R
lim sup X (t)"R.
Proposition I.2 refers to the case in which glycemia tends to drop
below the pancreatic target level p :
Proposition I.2. Suppose lim sup G(t)(p ; then G 6p .
R @
Remark I.3. Proposition I.1 shows the model to exhibit a pathologic
behavior if lim sup G(t)'p . Proposition I.2 shows that if
lim sup G(t)(p , then necessarily G 6p , contrary to what ob-
R @
served. The two propositions above leave open the possibility that the
upper limit of glycemia, as t increases, exactly equals p . The analysis
of this boundary case is not easy: however, either one of the two
above cases would be produced for arbitrarily small changes in the p
parameter. In fact, more can be proven, i.e.:
144 A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
Proposition I.4. For any value p (G the system does not admit an
It can be shown that the dynamical model admits one and only one
equilibrium point with positive concentrations, (G , I ).
@ @
Proposition II.3. ¹he solutions +G (t), I (t), are positive and bounded.
4. Discussion
Table 1. Dynamical model results: anthropometric characteristics and dynamical model parameter values found for each experimental subject, together with their
sample mean, standard deviation, standard error and coe$cient of variation. BW is body weight, LBM is lean body mass, FBM is fat mass, bas. gluc. is basal blood
glucose, bas. insul. is basal plasma insulin, R is the (unweighted data) coe$cient of determination.
1 m 35 172 72 56 16 69 71.3 170 0.0226 0.0437 2.57 3.80E-08 20 0.045 1.56 0.865
2 f 28 155 45 36.2 8.8 79 51.7 241 0.0509 0.2062 3.55 1.29E-07 14 0.135 4.02 0.955
3 f 25 162 61 48.4 12.6 74 29.4 208 0.0309 0.1817 2.96 6.99E-07 12 0.072 2.29 0.931
4 m 32 169 68 53.5 14.5 80 56.6 355 0.0084 0.1039 4.25 7.55E-05 8 0.073 1.01 0.985
5 m 23 179 65 55 10 74 45 216 0.0273 0.0275 2.77 1.10E-07 5 0.017 2.02 0.869
6 f 27 162 65 44.5 20.5 88 68.6 209 0.0002 0.0422 1.64 1.09E-04 23 0.033 0.68 0.953
7 m 25 170 66 53 13 87 37.9 311 0.0001 0.2196 0.64 3.73E-04 23 0.096 1.24 0.957
8 f 34 158 64 42.4 21.6 78 55.8 217 0.0565 0.0438 4.39 5.70E-06 19 0.031 4.43 0.99
9 m 42 172 78 61.2 16.8 70 43.8 156 0.0135 0.2972 5.92 3.51E-08 11 0.186 0.94 0.93
10 f 55 169 67 47.4 19.6 67 37.7 184 0.0159 0.0965 2.51 8.72E-08 14 0.054 1.07 0.862
Mean 32.6 166.8 65.1 49.8 15.3 76.6 49.8 226.7 0.0226 0.1262 3.12 5.64E-05 14.9 0.074 1.93 0.93
s.d. 9.8 7.3 8.5 7.4 4.4 7.2 13.6 62.1 0.0194 0.0938 1.49 1.18E-04 6.2 0.052 1.31 0.048
s.e. 3.1 2.3 2.7 2.3 1.4 2.3 4.3 19.6 0.0061 0.0297 0.47 3.73E-05 2 0.017 0.41 0.015
c.v. (%) 9.5 1.4 4.1 4.7 9 3 8.6 8.7 27.1 23.5 15.1 66.1 13.1 22.4 21.5 1.6
A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
Mathematical modelling of IVGTT 147
b b b b b b
b 1.000
b !0.233 1.000
b 0.044 !0.110 1.000
b !0.213 0.398 0.290 1.000
b 0.594 !0.571 0.237 !0.628 1.000
b !0.062 !0.168 !0.081 !0.532 0.519 1.000
Fig. 1. Blood glucose (data: blank squares; model: continuous line) and plasma insulin
(data: solid diamonds; model: dashed line) time courses for subject 8. Both glucose and
insulin decays seem grossly exponential.
Fig. 2. Blood glucose (data: blank squares; model: continuous line) and plasma insulin
(data: solid diamonds; model: dashed line) time courses for subject 6. While glucose
seems grossly exponentially decaying, the insulin time course shows appreciable
changes in decay rate, but no secondary peak.
Fig. 3. Blood glucose (data: blank squares; model: continuous line) and plasma insulin
(data: solid diamonds; model: dashed line) time courses for subject 7. To an evident
secondary peak in insulin plasma concentration, there corresponds a parallel variation
in blood glucose decay rate.
In the applied use of the minimal model, the feeling that the most
important piece of information is the S index may lead physicians to
"t only the "rst part of the minimal model (Eqs. 1, 2), disregarding
the second part (Eq. 3), using insulin as the &&"xed'' input data [18]:
using the minimal model in this way avoids formal problems due to
Mathematical modelling of IVGTT 149
Appendix: Proofs
I(t)!I "p e\NR#p e\N R\S [G(u)!p ]>udu;
solving Eq. (2) and substituting we get
X(t)" e\N R\S p [I (u)!I ] du,
X (t)"p p e\NR eN\NS du
#p p e\N R\S e\N S\Q [G(s)!p ]>sds du.
Now, we have two possible cases, p "p , or p 9p .
Introduce the auxiliary function z, de"ned as
t, if p "p
z(t)" eN\NS du" eN\NR!1
p !p
, if p 9 p
and, changing the order of integration in the double integral at right
hand-side above we obtain
X (t)"p p e\NR z (t)#p p e\NR\Q z (t!s) [G(s)!p ]> sds.
Mathematical modelling of IVGTT 153
Now, since X (t)#p '0 for all su$ciently large t, the derivative of
G is bounded superiorly, and under the assumptions made, +t ,L1,
t PR, h'0, ¹'0 U ∀ n 3 -, G (s)7p #h for t 6s6t #¹.
For t 6s6t #¹, both the "rst term and the factors of the
integrand above are positive quantities. Now, z (t)71, and we get
t #¹
X (t #¹)7p p t h e\N RL>2\Q ds,
L L t
X (t #¹)7p p t h eNQ ds
X (t #¹ ) PR, as nPR.
Proposition I.2. Suppose lim sup G(t)(p ; then G 6p .
R @
Proof. Suppose G 'p . By Eq. (3),
dI (t)
lim sup G(t)(p N "!p [I (t)!I ] N I (t)PI
dt @ @
NX(t) P0NG (t)PG : contradiction.
Proposition I.4. For any value p (G the system does not admit an
Proof. Letting dG/dt"dX/dt"dI/dt"0 we can easily see that the
only possible equilibrium state is (G , 0, I ). We claim that for p (G
@ @ @
this is not an equilibrium state, hence that there is no equilibrium. If
there were an equilibrium at (G , 0, I ), Eq. (3) would give
@ @
dI/dt"p (G !p )'0, a contradiction.
Proposition I.5. If the subject is considered to be at steady state before
the glucose bolus, then G must be lesser than or equal to p .
Proof. Suppose we consider the subject's glucose-insulin system in the
steady state condition preceding the glucose bolus. Then all derivatives
in Equations (1), (2) and (3) are zero, t"0\, i.e. can be considered
arbitrarily small preceding the bolus, and X"0 from the initial condi-
tion of Eq. (2). It follows from Eq. (2) that I(0\)"I and from Eq. (1)
that G(0\)"G , as expected. Therefore Eq. (3) would imply that
G 6p .
Proposition I.6. ¸et p '0, p "G , G(0)'G . Assume I(0)'I . ¹hen
@ @ @
¹'0 U G(t)'G ∀t(¹, G (¹ )"G , and G (t)(G ∀ t'¹.
@ @ @
154 A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
Proof. We will "rst establish the fact that G (t)PG as tPR. This is
clear if G (¹ )(G for some ¹, since if G (t)(G after some time,
@ @
eventually I (t)PI and X (t)P0, so that G (t)PG . However, assum-
@ @
ing G (t)'G ∀ t'0, since from proposition (I.0) lim sup G(t)6
@ R
G , then lim G(t)"G .
@ R @
Suppose now that G (t)'G ∀ t'0: we want to show that we
reach a contradiction, in which case the theorem is proved.
Let us study again the above integral. Since R X(s) G(s) ds is
bounded (following from Eq. (1) by formal integration and using
R X(s) G(s) ds(G (0)!G (t)6(G(0)!G ) e\NR ), then
G X (s) ds6 X (s) G(s) ds(#R,
which means that
X (s) ds(#R.
Integrating Eq. (2) we obtain
X(t)"X(t)!X(0)"!p X(s) ds#p (I (s)!I ) dsN
X (t)#p X(s) ds"p (I(s)!I ) ds,
but I (t)7I , and therefore the integral on the right is positive. Now,
lim inf X(t)"0, otherwise X would integrate to in"nity, so
+t ,P#R U X(t )P0 and
X(t )#p X(s) ds"p (I(s)!I ) ds,
L @
and as t PR we have
0#p X (s) ds"p (I (s)!I ) ds,
so that the integral on the right is "nite since that on the left is "nite.
Moreover, letting tPR in the equation
X(t)#p X(s) ds"p
(I(s)!I )ds,
we have that X (t )P0 (not only its lim inf does).
Mathematical modelling of IVGTT 155
6!p (G(t)!G ) N G(t)!G 6e\NR (G(0)!G ),
dt @ @ @
6!p [I(t)!I ]#d(t), with 06d(t)6C e\IR, 0(k(p .
dt @
"!p u!Xu!XG
dt @
"!p X#p v
"!p v#tu
u(t)"p u(s) ds# X(s) u(s) ds#G X (s) ds
156 A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
X(t)"p X (s) ds!p v(s) ds
v (t)"p v(s) ds# su (s) ds
We deduce some relations: from the second model equation we have
p X(s) ds"X(t)#p v (s) ds,
and since all terms on the right-hand side are positive,
X(s) ds 7 v (s) ds.
Similarly, from the third equation we get
p v (s) ds7 su (s) ds,
but since s7t, su (s)7t u (s), so
v (s) ds7 u(s) ds,
and incorporating the inequality above,
p t
X(s) ds 7 u(s) ds.
p p
From the "rst integrated model equation we get
u(t)7p u (s) ds#G X(s) ds,
and replacing for the integral of X
p t
u (t)7 p # G u (s) ds.
p p @
Now let
p G
w (t)" u(s) ds, a" @ .
p p
Mathematical modelling of IVGTT 157
w (t) R w(t) t
log 6! [p #as] ds or log 6! p t#a ,
w(0) w(0) 2
that is
! p t#a
w (t)6w (0) e 2
!p t! t
R a
!p t! t
u(s) ds6Ce 2 N u(s) ds6Ce 2 .
But u is a decreasing function (for su$ciently large t), hence
tu (2t)6 u(s) ds,
and therefore
1 !p t!a t
u (2t)6 Ce 2 .
Calling r"2t, h"a/2, and taking t'1 we can write u (r)6C e\FP,
so that we can see u decreases faster than exponentially. Therefore,
u(t)7G X(s) ds,
we have that
u (t)7G v(s) ds,
so that
v(s) dsP0
faster than exponential, i.e.,
v(s)ds6C e\FR.
158 A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
dv v(0)
7!p v (t)Nv(t)7e\NR v(0)N v(s) ds7 e\NR.
dt b
C e\NR6 v(s) ds6C e\FR :
Therefore it is not possible that G (t) remains above G for all times,
and at a "nite time the solution passes below G .
For completeness we also consider the case when G (p . We
notice that (G"G , X"0, I"I ) is an equilibrium point. If we start
@ @
from any initial data (G(0), 0, I (0)), we see that
7!p (I (t)!I )Nlim inf (I(t))7I Nlim inf X (t)70;
dt @ @
R> R>
6![p !e] G (t )#p G ; t7¹Nlimsup G(t)6G .
dt @ @
We conclude that there exists a ¹ such that
t5¹NG(t)6G #e(p N "!p (I (t )!I ), t7¹
@ dt @
p [G(0)!G ] t
I (t)!I 6 max I(0)!I , @ ,
@ @ p
so that
t 7 ,
p p [G(0)!G ] t
p # max I(0)!I , @
p @ p
which can be rewritten as
p \ p p [G(0)!G ] t \
t 7min p # (I(0)!I ) , p # @ .
p @ p p
Solving explicitly for t in the second lower bound, we obtain
p p
[G(0)!G ] t#p t !170.
p p @
160 A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
p \
t 7min p # (I(0)!I ) ,
p @
!p p p #(p p p#4p p p p [G (0)!G ]
@ .
2p p [G(0)!G ]
II.1) "!b G(t)!b I(t)G(t)#b ,
dI b
II.2) "!b I (t)# G(t#s) ds, I(0)"I #b b .
dt b !b @
The initial conditions translate physiologically into the requirement
that the subject be at his/her (presumably equilibrium) state (G , I ) for
@ @
at least b minutes prior to (and excluding) the bolus injection of the
glucose load. From this equilibrium state, the concentrations of glu-
cose and insulin are supposed to jump instantaneously to new values
determined by the amount of glucose administered and by the corre-
sponding "rst-phase pancreatic secretion of insulin.
Since we are dealing with a delayed di!erential equation, the state
of the system is properly de"ned by the present concentration of insulin
I (t), together with all present and past concentrations of glucose from
time (t!b ) to the present time t. The past concentrations of glucose
may be regarded as given by a piecewise continuous function c from
the speci"ed time interval [!b , 0] into the set of admissible glucose
values (the positive reals). We will employ the usual notation in the
domain of delay-di!erential equations [13], writing G (s)"G (t#s)
with !b 6s60.
Mathematical modelling of IVGTT 161
At equilibrium,
*"(G*, I*)2, 0"!b G*!b G* I*#b ,
0"!b I*#b G*.
We had assumed that (since the subject is assumed at equilibrium
before perturbation)
b "b G #b G I , b "b @ ,
@ @ @ G
b @ G*#b G*!(b G #b G I )"0
G @ @ @
and since we require G*70, then @.
There is then only one equilibrium point with positive concentra-
tions, *"(G , I ).
@ @
In order to show stability of the system around the equilibrium
point, we can follow one of two approaches: linearize the system
around the equilibrium point and study the real parts of the eigen-
values of the resulting linear system [13,15], or show convergence to
the equilibrium for every solution by majoring and minoring at in"n-
ity. While the "rst approach is the more usual one, it leads, in our case,
to a condition for stability in terms of the parameters on which it is not
easy to improve. We will instead demonstrate stability for any set of
parameter values following the second approach.
We need to establish beforehand boundedness of the solutions.
Proposition II.3. ¹he solutions +G(t), I(t), of M1 are positive and
Proof. By inspection of Eq. (II.2), since G , I and all b's are positive,
@ @
I (t) is positive for all times. Hence, by Eq. (II.1), G(t) is positive; further,
it cannot exceed max (G #b , b /b ). Hence G is bounded. Substitu-
ting the bound for G in the integral in Eq. (II.2), we can see that I (t)
cannot exceed max (I #b b , b b /(b b )), and is bounded.
Proposition II.4. ¹he time derivatives of the solutions are bounded.
Proof. Obvious from Proposition II.3 and the form of the derivatives
in Equations (4) and (5).
A key idea is the following:
162 A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
dG(t) R
6!b G (t)#b N G (t)6e\@R G(0)#b e\@R\Q ds
"e\@R G(0)# (1!e\@R),
so that
lim sup G(t) 6 .
R b
Mathematical modelling of IVGTT 163
Similarly, applying this inequality for t't , the second statement follows.
We note in particular that if G (0) 6 b /b , G (t)(b /b ∀ t'0.
Corollary II.10. G* (t)6 ∀t.
Proof. Immediate by Proposition II.9 and Lemma II.8.
Having thus obtained a majoring bound for G*, for every couple
(G*, I* ) in the u-limit set, we use it to obtain a majoring bound for I*:
b b
Let x" .
b b
Proposition II.11. I*(t)6x. Moreover, if for some t 70/I (t )6x and
G (t )6 , then I(t)(x ∀t't .
dI* b R b b
"!b I*(t)# G* (s) ds6!b I* (t)# b ∀ t 3 1.
dt b !b b b
Therefore, for arbitrary t 6t, knowing that I* is bounded,
R b b
I* (t)6e\@ R\R I* (t )# e\@R\Q ds,
I* (t)6e\@R\R I*(t )#x (1!e\@R\R).
Now let t P!R to obtain the "rst result. For the second statement,
use the maxima given in the inequality
I (t)6e\@R\R I(t )#x (1!e\@R\R)
obtained in the same way.
A majoring bound on I* for each (G*, I*) in the u-limit set allows
us to derive a minoring bound on G*:
Proposition II.12. G* (t)7 . Moreover, if for some t 70 and
b #b x
for all t't ,
G (t )7 and I(t)6x,
b #b x
then G(t)' ∀ t't .
b #b x
164 A. De Gaetano, O. Arino
"!b G* (t)!b G* (t) I* (t)#b
b b
Having minored G* we can now minor I*. Let p" .
bb #b b b
Proposition II.13. I*(t)7p . Moreover, if for some t 70
I (t )7b p and G (t )7b p
I (t)'b p ∀ t't .
dI* b R
"!b I*(t)# G* (s) ds
dt b t!b
dI* b
N 7!b I* (t)# b b p
dt b
and as for II.11 and for II.12, the stated inequality follows. The second
statement follows in the same fashion as II.11.
Having a lower bound for I*, we can "nd an upper bound for G*.
Let c" .
b #b b p
Proposition II.14. G*(t)6c. Moreover, if for some t 60 and
∀ t't G(t ) 6c and I (t)'b p, then G (t)(c ∀ t't .
Proof. dG*/dt"!b G* (t)!b I* (t ) G* (t)#b 6!(b #b b p)
G* (t)#b , and as for II.11, the "rst statement follows. The statement
follows in the same fashion as II.12.
Since h only has one positive "xed point, and since both +M , and
+m , converge to a "xed point of h, then there must be only one value
to which both +M , and +m , converge, hence they converge to the
same value. Since G* is bounded by the two sequences, it follows that
G* is constant, and all possible points in the u-limit set share the same
constant G component. Inserting this one value for G* (t) in the
original system, we obtain only one possible value for I*. We conclude
that the u-limit set consists exactly of one point. Since the equilibrium
point (G , I ) belongs to the u-limit set, it must be its only point.
@ @
Therefore, any solution to the original system converges to (G , I ).
@ @
Now, in order to demonstrate stability we need that solutions for
G and I remain within respective arbitrary intervals [G , G ], [I ,
I ], when starting from within suitable intervals contained in them.
But for each couple of intervals [G , G ], [I , I ], we can "nd
a couple of subintervals
b b
[m , M ], m , M
H H b H b H
for some j such that
b b
m 'G , M (G , m 'I , M (I ,
H b H b H
by repeated applications of statements II.11 through II.14, knowing
that the two sequences +M , and +m , converge to the same point.
H b H b
Once G (t ) 3 [m , M ] and I(t ) 3 [ b m , b M ] , the solution remains
within those intervals for every t't , again because of Propositions
II.11}II.14. Hence the system is stable and, because of global conver-
gence, asymptotically stable.
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