Glycogen Metabolism
Glycogen Metabolism
Glycogen Metabolism
Now let’s say it’s been a couple of hours since those Now a general rule of thumb is, glycogen synthase is
rice, and you decide to go for a run. active when it doesn’t have a phosphate, whereas
glycogen phosphorylase is active when it does have a
It turns out that glucagon tells the liver cells to break phosphate attached to it.
glycogen down into individual glucose molecules, and
epinephrine tells skeletal muscle cells to do the same. In So, in liver and skeletal muscle cells, insulin binds to a
both the liver and skeletal muscle cells, glycogen tyrosine kinase receptor on the cell surface, and that
breakdown begins with the branches. ultimately activates a protein phosphatase which goes
around removing phosphates from glycogen synthase,
1. An enzyme called GLYCOGEN PHOSPHORYLASE making it active, and from glycogen phosphorylase,
cleaves the alpha 1,4 bonds between individual making it inactive.
glucose residues and catalyzes the transfer of a
phosphate group to the freed glucose. The This promotes glycogen synthesis and decreases its’
result is that the enzyme releases one glucose- breakdown.
1-phosphate molecule at a time. It keeps on On the other hand, glucagon in the liver cells binds to
doing this until exactly 4 glucose molecules a G-protein coupled receptor on the cell surface, which
remain on the branch. activates adenylyl cyclase, which converts ATP to cyclic
2. Next, A DEBRANCHING ENZYME literally cuts AMP, or cAMP. cAMP then activates protein kinase A
off glycogen branches. It has a component which adds a phosphate to glycogen phosphorylase
called 4-alpha-glucanotransferase, which kinase, activating it.
transfers 3 out of the 4 glucose molecules off of
the branch and reattaches them to the linear Glycogen phosphorylase kinase adds a phosphate to
glycogen chain instead, extending it as a result. glycogen phosphorylase increasing its’ activity and
3. The same debranching enzyme has another promoting glycogen breakdown.
component known as alpha 1,6 glucosidase,
It also adds a phosphate to glycogen synthase,
which cleaves off the alpha 1, 6 glycosidic bond
decreasing its activity and therefore decreasing
and releases a free glucose.
glycogen synthesis.
4. So, for each glucose that’s removed via
phosphorolysis, there’s a glucose-1-phosphate
that gets liberated, and it’s converted to
glucose-6-phosphate by phosphoglucomutase.