More - Utopia-Their Occupations
More - Utopia-Their Occupations
More - Utopia-Their Occupations
Their Occupations
Agriculture, which Agriculture is that which is so universally understood
we now cast upon
among them that no person, either man or woman, is
a few contemptible
men, is shared ignorant of it; they are instructed in it from their child-
among all hood, partly by what they learn at school, and partly by
practice, they being led out often into the fields about
the town, where they not only see others at work but are
likewise exercised in it themselves.
Besides agriculture, which is so common to them
Trades that all, every man has some peculiar trade to which he
are learned for
applies himself; such as the manufacture of wool or flax,
necessity, not
luxury masonry, smith’s work, or carpenter’s work; for there is
no sort of trade that is in great esteem among them.
Similarity in Throughout the island they wear the same sort of
clothes, without any other distinction except what is
necessary to distinguish the two sexes and the married
and unmarried. The fashion never alters, and as it is
neither disagreeable nor uneasy, so it is suited to the
climate, and calculated both for their summers and
winters. Every family makes their own clothes.
No citizen lacks All among them, women as well as men, learn one
a trade
or other of the trades formerly mentioned. Women, for
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the most part, deal in wool and flax, which suit best
with their weakness, leaving the ruder trades to the
men. The same trade generally passes down from father
to son, inclinations often following descent: but if any Let each man learn
that art to which he
man’s genius lies another way he is, by adoption, trans-
is assigned by his
lated into a family that deals in the trade to which he nature
is inclined; and when that is to be done, care is taken,
not only by his father, but by the magistrate, that he
may be put to a discreet and good man: and if, after
a person has learned one trade, he desires to acquire
another, that is also allowed, and is managed in the
same manner as the former. When he has learned both,
he follows that which he likes best, unless the public
has more occasion for the other.
The chief, and almost the only, business of the
Syphogrants is to take care that no man may live idle, Idle men must be
driven from the
but that every one may follow his trade diligently; yet
they do not wear themselves out with perpetual toil
from morning to night, as if they were beasts of burden,
which as it is indeed a heavy slavery, so it is everywhere The toil of the
workers must be
the common course of life amongst all mechanics except
kept within reason
the Utopians: but they, dividing the day and night into
twenty-four hours, appoint six of these for work, three
of which are before dinner and three after; they then
sup, and at eight o’clock, counting from noon, go to bed
and sleep eight hours.
The rest of their time, besides that taken up in work,
eating, and sleeping, is left to every man’s discretion;
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The End of Book Two